63 research outputs found

    Eläinlääkkeiden ympäristöriskien arviointi

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    Utvärdering av veterinärmedicinska läkemedels miljörisker

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    Eläinlääkkeiden ympäristöriskien arviointi

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    Luomuperunan laatu hallintaan : kasvua kulutukseen (SLUPElaatu)

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    Foodweb, a tool of food choice to fill the gap from awareness to real impact

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    “Foodplate” web application for healthy and environmentally-friendly eating

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    “FOODWEB – Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness”. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and is carried out by the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007–2013.Project web page: http://foodweb.ut.ee

    Identification of Depression and Screening for Work Disabilities among Long-Term Unemployed People

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    The study explores whether clinical screening targeted at work disabilities among long-term unemployed people reveals eligible individuals for a disability pension and the importance of depression in granting the disability pensions. A total of 364 participants of the screening project were considered as eligible to apply for disability pension. Among them, 188 were diagnosed as clinically depressed. They were classified into those with earlier depression diagnosis (n = 85), those whose depression had not been diagnosed earlier (n = 103), and those without diagnosed depression (n = 176). The association of this Depression identification pattern' with being granted a disability pension was explored by logistic regression analyses. Compared to those with earlier diagnosis, those whose depression had not been diagnosed earlier were granted disability pension more commonly (72% vs. 54% OR 2.2, p = 0.012). Corresponding figures of the undepressed were 73%, OR 2.3, p = 0.002. The adjustments did not affect the results. Clinical examination of the long-term unemployed people in terms of work disability seems to be worthwhile. In particular, the examination reveals new depression diagnoses, which contribute more to the award of disability pension than depression diagnosed earlier by regular health care. Novel ways to detect depression among the unemployed should be implemented in the health and employment services.Peer reviewe

    Lääkkeiden käytön ympäristövaikutukset

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    • Suurin osa ympäristön lääkejäämistä syntyy ihmisten käyttämistä ja jäteveteen eritetyistä lääkkeistä. • Ympäristöpitoisuuksia tai haittavaikutuksia on määritetty vain murto-osalle käytössä olevista lääkeaineista. • Euroopan lääkeviraston ympäristöriskinarviointia koskeva ohjeistus auttaa tunnistamaan ympäristön kannalta haitallisimmat lääkeaineet. • Myös Suomessa joidenkin lääkeaineiden ympäristöpitoisuudet ylittävät haittavaikutuksia aiheuttavan raja-arvon

    Ympäristöön päätyvien lääkeainejäämien aiheuttama riski pintavesille Suomessa

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    Lääkeaineriskit-taulukon ensimmäinen versio julkaistiin 27.11.2019. Taulukkoa päivitetään satunnaisesti, kun uutta aineistoa on saatavilla. Uusimman version päiväys on nähtävissä pdf-tiedoston oikeasta ylälaidasta

    A Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser patient with leiomyoma and dysplasia of neovagina: a case report

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    Background: Most patients with congenital uterus and vaginal aplasia (i.e., Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser [MRKH] syndrome) have rudimentary pelvic uterine structures that contain smooth muscle. Although leiomyomas and dysplasia of vaginal mucosa are relatively common in the general population, they are rare in MRKH patients. Data on the vulnerability of neovaginas to HPV-associated dysplasia are limited.Case presentation: A rare case of an MRKH patient with two gynaecological conditions detected during long-term gynaecological follow-up is presented. At the age of 21, the patient was treated for HPV-associated neovaginal dysplasia. At the age of 47, a pelvic leiomyoma was detected with transvaginal ultrasound and confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging.Conclusion: A Pap smear or human papillomavirus testing is indicated in sexually active MRKH women. Uterine rudiments contain smooth muscle, which facilitates the development of oestrogen-dependent diseases, such as leiomyomas and adenomyosis. Although magnetic resonance imaging is recommended in cases of a pelvic mass, easily attainable and cost-efficient transvaginal ultrasound offers high diagnostic accuracy in patients with a surgically created neovagina and is suitable for the patients' follow-up. Guidelines for the gynaecological follow-up of MRKH patients are warranted.</div