47 research outputs found

    Time of Displacement as a Predictor of Re-employment

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    Previous studies addressing plant closures suggest that the reemployment of workers varies according to the economic cycle at the time of displacement. However, there are few studies on the selectivity of labor demand and reemployment in the long run. This study applied trajectory analyses in exploring the 7-year labor market attachment of workers displaced in plant closures in Finland during the recession in 1992, the boom in 1997, and slow economic growth in 2003. Results of the multinomial logistic regression analyses indicated that those displaced during the recession assumed the trajectory of strong employment significantly less commonly than those displaced under better economic conditions. Moreover, a significant interaction between age and year of displacement was found, whereas the gender, education-, and industryrelated risks turned out to be timeindependent. The study contributes to the sociological understanding of economic restructuring and how different times frame the individual’s opportunities to gain re-employment

    Are the Early Leavers the Lucky Ones?

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    According to previous studies, major workforce downsizings are commonly preceded by increased employee turnover due to ‘early leavers’. There is a common belief that early leavers are winners in terms of re-employment. This seven-year follow-up study based on register data from Finland questions if this is a valid finding in the Nordic context. We set the hypothesis that early leavers are not undisputed winners compared with those who leave during the actual downsizing. Trajectory and sequence analyses were used to test the hypothesis. Six employment trajectories were identified, ranging from permanently strong to permanently weak labor market attachment. Supporting the hypothesis, the early leavers assumed more commonly the weak and less commonly the strong employment trajectory. However, within the weak employment group, the early leavers and ultimately displaced workers were equal in terms of unemployment and retiring, as well as within the strong employment group in terms of income level

    Sustainable bioenergy cropping: growing reed canarygrass in acid suphate soils

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    The response of reed canary grass to water logging, acidity and dissolved metals will be studied in the field as well as in a controlled environment using large monoliths of undisturbed acid suphate soil taken into PVC tubes

    Työpaikan menetys työuran loppuvaiheessa: yli 45-vuotiaiden irtisanottujen työllisyysurat ja eläkkeelle siirtyminen

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yli 45-vuotiaana työpaikkansa menettäneiden kiinnittymistä työmarkkinoille ja työllisyysurien eriytymistä vuosina 2005–2012. Tutkimus tarjoaa uutta tietoa työpaikan menetyksen merkityksestä työuran loppupäässä uudelleen työllistymiselle ja eläkkeelle siirtymiselle

    Characteristics and costs of electric scooter injuries in Helsinki : a retrospective cohort study

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    Background and purpose The incidence of electric scooter (e-scooter) injuries has increased drastically in numerous countries after widespread availability of shared e-scooters. The economic impact on society from a broader perspective has not been studied. We aimed to estimate the incidence of e-scooter injuries, describe the injury patterns, and estimate the costs of e-scooter injuries. Patients and methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study including all e-scooter-related injuries presented in the three adult emergency departments in Helsinki in 2021. We collected the patient data from the university hospital information system. Injury severity was evaluated based on the Abbreviated Injury Score. The cost of the hospital treatment was analyzed based on our hospital district's service price listing. In addition, we recorded the total amount of sick leave days and estimated their economic impact. Results In total, 446 e-scooter injuries were identified and taken into the analysis (434 affecting riders and 12 non-riders). The median age of the patients was 26 (IQR 22-33), and 59% were male. 257 (58%) of the of the injuries were minor, whereas 155 (35%) were moderate, 30 (7%) serious, 3 (0.7%) severe, and one (0.2%) critical. Furthermore, 220 (49%) of the patients sustained head injuries. A major spike in accident incidence was seen during the weekend (Friday to Sunday) nights, accompanied by a proportional increase in patients with alcohol intoxication. Including both the costs of the hospital care and absence from work, the approximated total cost of e-scooter injuries was 1.7 million euros, with a median cost of a single accident being 1148 euros (IQR 399-4263 euro). Interpretation: Considerable number of the injuries are moderate, severe, or worse. Comprehensive preventive measures must be conducted to decrease the incidence of e-scooter injuries. The use of helmets should be strongly encouraged to prevent severe head injuries. The nighttime bans during weekends and speed limits on e-scooters appear to be justifiable.Peer reviewe

    Clone selection of woody ornamentals in Finland in 1988 2000

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    MTT:n (Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus) kantavalintakokeissa tutkittiin vuosina 1988-2000 yhteensä 128 pensaskantaa. Tutkitut kannat kuuluivat sukuihin Forsythia, Hydrangea, Lonicera, Philadelphus, Rosa, Spiraea, Syringa ja Viburnum. Kantavalintakokeet toteutettiin MTT:n viidellä koepaikalla. Kokeiden tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä kannat ovat kestävimpiä ja arvokkaimpia viherrakentamisen tarpeisiin. Kantojen arviointia varten tehtiin vuosittain havaintoja noin 30 kasvien ominaisuudesta. Niistä tärkeimpinä pidettiin talvenkestävyyttä, terveyttä ja koristearvoa. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin tilastollisia ja ei-tilastollisia menetelmiä. Näiden menetelmien yhdistäminen osoittautui toimivaksi menetelmäksi arvokkaimpien kantojen valitsemisessa. Tähän mennessä on nimetty 15 viljelyyn ja käyttöön suositeltavaa kantaa. Hortensialajikkeet Grandiflora , Praecox ja Mustila todettiin arvokkaiksi ja suositeltaviksi. Monet kuusamalajikkeet todettiin hyviksi koristepensaiksi eri tarkoituksiin, ja niille annettiin uudet lajikenimet. Myös kolme kuusamakantaa valittiin suositeltaviksi. Niistä rusokuusama Sanna soveltuu aidanteisiin, huntukuusama Dropmore on kaunis valkokukkainen pensas ja sirokuusama Sakura soveltuu puolestaan massaistutuksiin ja yksittäispensaaksi kauniin kasvutapansa vuoksi. Aito hovijasmike sai nimen Tuomas ja runsaskukkainen kestävä tähtijasmikeristeymä nimen Tähtisilmä . Suomalainen kestävä ja runsaasti kukkiva lumipalloheisi sai puolestaan nimen Pohjan Neito . Kolme arvokasta juhannusruusukantaa nimettiin suositeltaviksi. Niistä Plena on aito valko- ja kerrannaiskukkainen juhannusruusu, Juhannusmorsian ja suviruusu Poppius ovat puolestaan vaaleanpunakukkaisia. Suositeltavat pensasangervokannat ovat matala verhoangervo Lumikki , komea punakukkainen kuninkaanangervo Kruunu ja vaatimaton valkopajuangervo Allikko . Suositeltavien syreenien lista julkaistaan aikaisintaan vuonna 2003.128 clones of the genera Forsythia, Hydrangea, Lonicera, Philadelphus, Rosa, Spiraea, Syringa and Viburnum were cultivated in comparative field trials at five sites in Finland in 1988-1999. The aim was to find the hardiest and most valuable clones that could be recommended for landscape gardening. The evaluation was based on about 30 traits, which were recorded annually. Most attention was paid to winterhardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, and ornamental value. The data were analysed by both statistical and non-statistical methods. A combination of these proved to be a successful approach for selecting the clones with the highest value for production. To date, 15 clones have been selected as recommendable. The Hydrangea paniculata cultivars Grandiflora , Praecox and Mustila were found to be valuable and recommendable. Several Lonicera clones succeeded well and were re-named. Three clones were selected as suitable for various purposes: L. tatarica Sanna for hedges, L. x bella Dropmore as a white-flowered bush, and L. x bella Sakura for mass and single plantings due to its special growth habit. A true-to-type Philadelphus pubescens clone was renamed Tuomas , and an abundantly blossoming and hardy P. Lewisii hybrid was re-named Tähtisilmä . Finnish Viburnum opulus clones representing a hardy type with abundant blossoms were renamed Pohjan Neito . Three valuable Rosa pimpinellifolia clones were selected as recommendable : R.pimpinellifolia Plena , which has white double flowers, and the R.Pimpinellifolia hybrid Juhannusmorsian and Poppius have pink flowers. The Spiraea clones selected are Spiraea beauverdiana Lumikki , a low-growing bush with white flowers, S. x watsoniana Kruunu , which has with bright purple flowers, and S.alba Allikko , which has white flowers. The Syringa clones selected will not be released until 2003 at the earliest.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk

    Radiologisten tutkimusten luokittelulle on monta käyttötarkoitusta

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    On tärkeää, että koko maassa on käytössä yhteneväiset radiologiset nimikkeet ja koodisto. Kanta-arkiston käyttöönotto korostaa luokituksen merkitystä.Peer reviewe