83 research outputs found

    The Role of Error Correction in Teaching and Learning of English from the Cognitive Load Perspective: A Case Study

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    In second language teaching and learning, making errors is inevitable as language learning requires a lot of cognitive effort and concentration on the part of learners. Understanding the types and frequencies of student errors is, therefore, an important issue for ESL and EFL teachers to determine how students can be helped to improve their skills through instruction. This case study focuses on the frequency and types of errors and aims to identify any possible relationship between learner-based errors and the perceived cognitive load of the student. Data was received through 36 essays written by an adult learner of English who received 104 hours of formal instruction. The instruction was designed pursuing Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), and corrective feedback was provided. At the end of each month, a subjective cognitive load scale was applied to identify the perceived cognitive load of the learner. Errors were regarded as indicators of the student’s developmental competence and were analyzed not as a failure but as a sign in reflecting the learner’s progress. The results revealed that an improvement in the writings of the learner can be observed when the perceived cognitive load of the learner is lowered in the second language learning process

    The utility of the consumer from the ancients to the classics

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    The concept of utility is, together with the one of cost, the most important one in economic theory; all economic theories – except for the one of the producer – consider utility in their substantiation. Utility appears involved in the subjective theory of value, in the theory of imputation, of decision, of welfare and of playing. Due to the signification it possesses, utility has been initially debated by philosophers, theologians, scientists, who have inevitably inserted ethic or religious elements in the definition of the concept. To a great extent, economic problems are also ethic problems and the contradictions and interferences between moral and economy or their interdependencies with other social sciences have been a reason of controversial debates, especially during the last decades. This study is first of all a theoretical one, presenting multiple aspects on the evolution of the utility paradigm in the economic theory – starting with Antiquity and finishing with the classics – also considering the progress generated by its development in the science of Economy.&nbsp

    Collaborative Technologies in Education

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    You may have noticed recently that many of websites now contain little graphical buttons with the word XML on them. For example:  or  or . When you click on the button, all you see is some jumbled text and computer code [for ex: unless you have a newer web browser or an aggregator]. What's this all about? It's an RSS feed, and it's changing the way people access the Internet. The first version, RSS 0.90, has appeared in 1999 and it was used for to update the news posted on the net. Currently used RSS version 2.0.11

    Treatment characterization and management of borderline ovarian tumors

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Borderline ovarian tumors (BOT) are malignant epithelial ovarian tumors with a very low incidence, therefore lacking sufficient clinical experience in diagnostics and treatment

    Immunohistochemical markers specific for primary cardiac tumors

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    Departament of Histology, cytology and embryology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Immunohistochemistry provides useful information in the study of tissues and cells, using antibodies to identify antigens of the examined tissue samples. In the last decades, special attention has been given to immunohistochemical markers, due to their specificity and high sensitivity in identifying the histological origin of tumors. This is useful in performing differential diagnosis and establishing the definitive diagnosis of cardiac tumors, which facilitates the determination of treatment tactics and the prognosis of pathology. Aim of the study. In this paper, we aim to analyze the literature and to make a synthesis of the immunohistochemistry particularities in the study of cardiac tumors, namely the identification of the immunohistochemical markers characteristic for each histological type of cardiac tumor. Materials and methods. We reviewed the pertinent literature by a selective PubMed search on the terms “cardiac tumor”, “immunohistochemistry”, “immunohistochemical markers”. We analyzed not only various scientific articles, but also specialty books by renowned authors. Conclusions. Each cardiac tumor has its immunohistochemical markers depending on the tissue from which it is formed. Knowing these markers facilitates identification of the studied tissue. Our review study revealed that unlike benign tumors, malignancies exhibit positivity for cell proliferation markers (Ki-67, PCNA). It is important to mention that the use of immunohistochemical markers of cardiac tumors allows performing differential diagnosis, the establishment of a definitive diagnosis, the right choice of treatment and the determination of the prognosis of the pathology

    Absorption mechanisms of soft pharmaceutical forms through the skin

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    Introduction. Ensuring optimal therapeutic action in a soft pharmaceutical form depends heavily on selecting the vehicle and penetration potentiators, substances that facilitate their penetration through the skin layers. Human skin functions as an efficient barrier and protector when in impact with the environment. In order for medicinal products to reach the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis or the systemic circulation, they must be penetrated in the first stage. Aim of the study. The study and the analysis of the factors that influence the absorption of topic medicamentary forms through the skin. Methods and materials. Bibliographic sources were analyzed using PubMed, Pharmatech, Pharmaceutical-technology and others. Results. Due to low permeability of the skin, only a small quantity of medicinal substances are truly absorbed, therefore only very active substances can have a general action after topic administration. The penetration of the medications in and through the skin can be realized in two ways:1. through pores – the walls of the hair follicles (transfollicular) and less through the sweat glands; 2. transepidermal – crossing epidermis. One of the factors that influence the penetration of medications administered topically is the excipient or its basis used in formulation of the medicinal product, thus influencing the bioavailability and the pharmacological actions of the pharmaceutical form. Since the skin is considered a lipid membrane, results that liposoluble substances can penetrate the skin. The absorption of fat is very reduced and the penetration is favored to liposoluble substances, stratum corneum can be capable to absorb amphiphilic substances that can get to vascularized zones of the skin. Hydrophilic medications can penetrate the skin only if hydration is produced to the skin. The hydration occurs after applying fat bases or hydrocarbons that prevent evaporation, but at the same time a rise of the temperature is produced and a skin maceration. At the basis of O/W type of emulsion the mechanism is different, because a fast water evaporation happens from the emulsive system, making the ointment layer to become porous and allow the water from the skin to evaporate. Hydrogels do not produce hydration, but if in the formula are humectants like glycerine, there is a risk of skin dehydration. In dermatological treatments it is intended for the medication to penetrate the skin, but does not get to blood flow, even though this fact cannot be controlled in all cases. Conclusion. A number of substances that increase medication absorption have been studied, which means temporary increase of skin’s permeability, nevertheless, there are some restrictions on using them due to skin irritation or toxicity

    Modeling and analyzing army air assault operations via simulation

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.It is very important to use combat simulations in personel training and as a scientific decision tool in developed countries. The use of simulation and analysis methodologies gives opportunity to the staff officers and the commanders to foresee the results of their plans and to take some precautions accordingly. Different combat scenarios can be tried without deploying the units to the combat area and getting losts, costs and risks. As one of the most complicated and decisive operation in the way to victory “Air assault operations” are high risk, high payoff operations, that, when properly planned and vigorously executed, allow commanders to take the initiative of the combat area. The use of Air Assault Operations Simulation Model (AAOSM) allows planners: (1) to build models of air assault operations early in the decision process and refine those models as their decision process evolve, (2) perform “Bottleneck analysis” of the preplanned operation using statistical procedures and take some precautions accordingly. (3) perform “Risk management” of the operation before conducting the real one. AAOSM is created by using ARENA 3.0 simulation program and SIMAN programming languauge.The outputs of the model is analysed using experimental design procedures and the significant factors that are significant to the outputs are analysed. Moreover, the best scenarios are evaluated in different weather and terrain conditions and different refuelling and maintenance configurations.Virlan, GökhanM.S

    Modeling and analyzing army air assault operations via simulation

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    It is very important to use combat simulation in personnel training and preparing them for different war scenarios. Simulation modeling and analysis methodologies gives an opportunity to staff officers and commanders to measure the effectiveness of their plans and take necessary precautions. In a simulated environment, different combat scenarios can be tried without actually deploying the units to the combat area and getting 'losts, costs, and risks'. As one of the most complicated and decisive operations on the road to victory, 'air assault operations' are high-risk, high-payoff operations that, when properly planned and vigorously executed, allow commanders to take the initiative in combat areas. In this study, we develop a simulation system called the Air Assault Operations Simulation Model (AAOSM) that allows planners to: (1) analyze air assault operations early in the decision process and refine those models as their decision process evolves, (2) perform 'bottleneck analysis' of the preplanned operations, and (3) perform 'risk management' of the operation before conducting the real operation. AAOSM is developed by using the ARENA simulation programming language. The outputs of the model are analyzed using statistical methods. The factors that have significant effect on air assault operations are identified. The possible scenarios are also evaluated for different weather and terrain conditions and for various refueling and maintenance configurations. © 2011 Simulation Councils Inc

    Literatura infantil como medio para la educación intercultural

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020En este trabajo se expone la importancia de la literatura infantil en la educación intercultural y generalmente en la educación. Particularmente se centra en los cuentos, como recurso didáctico que se puede emplear para educar interculturalmente en nuestras aulas de educación infantil. Por dicha razón en el presente trabajo se proponen una serie de actividades globalizadoras enfocadas a los más pequeños, para poder trabajar con ellos la educación intercultural, ya que hoy en día la diversidad de niños y niñas está inmersa en nuestra sociedad, por lo tanto, también lo está en las aulas de los colegios. Por eso, la educación se ha tenido que ir adaptando a las necesidades de este actual alumnado, poniendo en funcionamiento metodologías y planificaciones para alcanzar una mejor inclusión. Así pues, el objetivo de este trabajo final de grado es intervenir en la educación intercultural a través de la literatura infantil, utilizando el cuento como instrumento para educar, transmitir conocimientos y aprender a convivir todos juntos en esta sociedad pacíficamente