42 research outputs found

    Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkonnas

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    Eesti Arst 2020; 99(2):12

    COVID-19-pandeemia mõju elundisiirdamistele

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    Eesti Arst 2021; 100(11):646–64

    Elundidoonorlus ja -siirdamine Eestis

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    Eesti Arst 2011; 90(5):213–21

    „Rohelise“ turundusstrateegia koostamine Ecoprindi näitel

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    Green marketing is not a well-known area in Estonia yet. Green or environmentallyfriendly products are offered only by a few enterprises; however, they should still use respective marketing communication. At the same time, suspicions of greenwash have occurred in some fields and, despite little experience, consumers are getting sceptical about green products. Hence, in green marketing it is very important to put particular emphasis on communication with target groups in order to ensure consumer confidence. The subject of green marketing has been studied in the University of Tartu by four students. Jürg Sameli (2003) dealt in his bachelor’s thesis with the promotion of green energy as an environmentally safe product. Another paper on green marketing titled Presuppositions of Development of Consumer Habits Based on Estonian Green Energy was prepared by Liina Karo (2004); in the same year Silvia Kübar prepared a bachelor’s thesis on advertisements referring to the natural environment titled Appealing to Nature and Environment in Advertisements. Present paper deals with similar topic as the bachelor’s thesis of Rasmus Pedanik (2007) titled Strategy of Green Marketing Based on the Product Green Print. Pedanik analyses the perception of the marketing communication of the Green Print by the customers of AS Triip. The author of the present paper focuses on the next stage in the analysis and development of the marketing communication of the enterprise providing environmentally safe printed products. The empirical part of the bachelor’s thesis is based on studies conducted during the last three years about the trademark Green Print, and on communication and marketing practices of AS Triip. The studies have been conducted within the subjects of the study programmes of the Department of Journalism and Communication and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The studies were prepared only by the author of the paper, or in cooperation with other students. The theoretical part of this paper is based on works of Donalt A. Fuller, theoretician of green marketing, on green marketing and communication thereof. Green marketing communication has two distinctive goals compared to the conventional approach: one of them is about educating the target groups on environment, and the other is aimed at ensuring the confidence in the organisation and the product. Therefore plays communication in marketing of green products a very important role. As the field of environment is a very specific one, complicated structures cannot be applied to green marketing communication; it is important to make sure that consumers are able to comprehend the information available. The bachelor’s thesis includes an analysis of communication strategies of the company based on the theory by Fuller; the author has proposed solutions considering this analysis and the real market situation. Ecoprint has taken over the main communication strategies of its predecessor AS Triip; however, in terms of concept the organisation has turned from a sales company into a production company, hence the old strategies are not efficient anymore. Besides, marketing communication of AS Triip was not very efficient or well-organised after all. The author in conclusion recommends creating a new mission and vision for this new printing company. The author has pointed out main aspects and core values, which the company’s new identity could rely on. In addition to thorough analysis of the present situation, the last part includes the priorities of the company’s activity, the action plan for green marketing strategy and possible solutions to the central issues at the moment. The paper will be put in practice and it will form a basis for planning the marketing communication strategy of the new company, Ecoprint.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2450621~S1*es

    Eelteismeliste suhtlusportaalide kasutamise praktikad Rate.ee näitel

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    Social networking site usage practices of pre-teens. Case-study of rate.ee Social networking site rate.ee, which will soon be aspiring 380 000 users mark, is the most used one throughout all age groups compared to sites alike. Its varied opportunities while expressing oneself, promoting communication, and also while expanding social network might be considered the phenomenon of the site. The current thesis paper explored, first and foremost, pre-teens’ social networking site usage, bringing forth main purposes, utilization habits, pre-teens’ experienced emotions and risks that became evident due to the usage of the site. The crucial theoretical part was based on a research made earlier among teenagers rather than among 10-12 year olds. Throughout the thesis paper, data gathered from 10 pre-teens was used. By means of studying the pre-teens’ interviews and observations, answers to four raised questions, which will enable to comprehend pre-teens’ social networking site usage, were found. All pre-teens used, first and foremost, social networking site rate.ee for communicative purposes, for keeping in touch with friends. Finding a girl/boyfriend and new friends, viewing and rating pictures, and, on a smaller scale, self portraying were given as arguments for creating an account as well. Family members: mother, brother/sister and also friends were contributing in the creation of an account, which provides us with evidence that rate.ee is popular among all age groups. Pre-teens, participating in the research, have been using social networking sites on an average of three years. The most popular activities, in addition to e-mails, were reading messages, viewing videos, gathering bonus points, taking tests and questionnaires, rating, playing games, and being part of clubs. Visual and textual updates on profiles were relatively scarce among all pre-teens. The most updates were present in personal statuses, as it is free of charge and does not require any creative approach. The least updates were made concerning pictures due to technical aspects, refusal from moderators, or due to lack of self-confidence because of one’s appearance. The pre-teens were brave enough to publish their personal data as well. Visual identity was chiefly created by using profile pictures, videos, and photo albums. The existence of the priced alternative, such as skin, played insignificant role among pre-teens and was used less. Pre-teens have positive as well as negative emotions while facing the rate.ee environment usage. Positive emotions were the result of viewing photos and videos, reading additional information, the presence of older generation in rate.ee, and also having chosen boyfriend/girlfriend on the site. Negative emotions were mostly caused by received comments referring to appearance which lowered self-esteem. Mood down graders were also activities in association with friends brought about by real life events and transferred into virtual world. Pre-teens come across with dangers in both worlds, in real and virtual. Both, active and less active users perceive dangers encompassed by rate.ee usage. Main hazards the pre-teens have come into contact with have been pedophilia and pornography. Pre-teens come across pictures containing pornography while rating photos. Pre-teens do realize the dangers in pornography and pedophilia, yet, majority of them do not see any harm in publishing their personal and contact data, resulting in having no fear of being taken criminal advantage of their personal and contact data. On the grounds of rate.ee, multiple researches, concerning social networking sites, are yet possible, for instance, an inquiry towards parents’ awareness might be made, whether they are familiar with their children’s activities on social networking sites, or a research into the motive and usage practices of people 40+ could be done. Afterwards a comparison, bringing forth differences and similarities with pre-teens might give interesting examples/results. Social networking sites have also been popular in finding dates, as boyd (2004) brought it out. Hence, a poll in Estonia could be made, in order to find out, how often have people found their partners and soul mates through social networking sites, and also find out if they have stayed together, how long it took time to find someone and whether they were content with the results.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2510727~S1*es

    Põlvkondadevaheline suhtlus uue meedia kanalites

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    Intergenerational communication in new media environments The Internet users of today encompass members from various age-groups. In addition to young people, the increase in older generations using new media environments is notable. More often, in the context of a family we can see different generations using the same new media platforms. Family members using the same virtual environments can be compared to a real life situation, where they all live under the same roof. Similarly to communicating in domestic situations, the use of common online environments among various family members is a rising trend. While sharing these spaces, we can observe similar behavioral patterns: in both cases (domestic vs online) maintaining privacy is the first priority, but they also want to share instructions, confirm their behavioral patterns and communication preferences. When making use of new technology, family members need to learn how to share virtual spaces together and thus also how to shape their behavioral practices so that they would suit the others. The study aimed to find out the reasons and motivations family members from different generations have for making use of new media environments for family communication. The main results are presented in the article ”Who Introduced Granny to Facebook? Exploration of Everyday Family Interactions on Web-Based Communication Environments” written by Virge Tamme ja Andra Siibak (2012). In the article, we focused on the habits of three generations using the new media environments. We also looked at the causes that have directed different generations to use the new media and what the main preferences while choosing the channels in order to stay in contact with family members are. From a broader perspective, we discussed the shared practices of family members and gave an overview of the pressure and changes of behavioral practices caused by family members going online. The research gave an overview of the changes of intergenerational communication and how new technological possibilities have been introduced and rooted inside the family. Although the focus of the study is relatively novel, the small size of the study sample (N=13) does not allow us to make any generalizations about the findings. Nevertheless, the results of the study allow to indicate some main trends in the field of intergenerational communication in the new media environments. Our interviews indicate that the Internet and the new media environments play an enormous role in supporting and partly also re-establishing intergenerational communication. The desire to have an overview of what their loved ones have been up to and to feel the sense of belonging are the main reasons, why different generations have joined the new media environments. Hence, such mechanisms are often used, for instance, by families who live far from each other as the computer and Internet help to reduce the geographical distance and allow family members to communicate verbally, visually and through writing. Maintaining contact and being aware of what the members of younger generations are doing are particularly important for the older family members. The motivation of older generations to join the new environments comes from their grandchildren, who through their own computer use act as role models for their grandparents. Thus, they motivate older generations to practice and study how to use the new environments. Using similar online environments gives family members an opportunity to share their values, attitudes, and strengthen the ties between generations. This study indicates, however, that even family members living under the same roof use the new media, even for talking with loved ones sitting in the next room. Such behavior shows the excessive comfort and negative habits of family members caused by being accustomed to doing all operations on the Internet. Communication between family members in the new media environments refers to a decrease in traditional communication channels. Through that we can be sure that the new environments have a significant impact on the communication patterns inside the family. The results suggest that Skype, MSN and Facebook are the most popular for maintaining contact between family members. Rather than taking the opportunity to communicate face to face, our respondents confessed preferring to use text-based communication channels so they would be able to think while compiling the message. Verbal communication through Skype, for instance, is more popular among married couples who see Skype as an alternative to phone conversation because of work mobility. The main topics of conversation are daily interactions of family members, financial health, planning events and health issues. In addition, the study results showed that younger generations have different opinions about older generations going online. On the one hand, young people accept older generations in the new media environments, but on the other hand, there is resentment and misunderstanding. Due to the fact that older generations have found their way to the same social media channels, young people need to take a critical approach towards their postings. This has prompted them to use social steganography and different privacy settings. Despite that, parents see their own benefits while using the same new media platforms as their children. Through children’s postings, parents are able to understand their children’s thoughts much better. Using the same environments gives parents an opportunity for online mediation. Generational differences in the new media environments will come out mainly through the posting activity and content creation. While younger generations post pictures, thoughts, links and music, parents mainly post pictures and links. For example, for the grandparent generation it is uncomfortable to be active in new media, because the Internet is not the technology of their generation and therefore they have no courage to use it. Postings and content creation by younger generations often upset both parent and grandparent generations, since the spelling and phrases are incorrect. Despite intergenerational differences, all three generations see the huge potential that the new media environments have. We can say that using the new media inside the family is a positive trend, but thanks to the grandparent generations sense of mission to use and maintain a high presence of traditional communication, we can consider the new media environments to be alternative, but not the main communication channels, at least not for older generations.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2612113~S1*es

    Palvelualojen ammattiliiton maahanmuuttajajäsenet vuonna 2002 : kyselytutkimuksen raportti

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Palvelualojen ammattiliiton (PAM) maahanmuuttajataustaisten jäsenten määrä on lisääntynyt selvästi viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana. Tämän tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tehtävänä on selvittää keitä maahanmuuttajajäsenet ovat ja millaisia palvelutarpeita heillä on. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty postikyselyllä. Kyselylomakkeet lähtettiin kaikille 848:11e PAMin maahanmuuttajajäsenelle suomeksi, venäjäksi ja englanniksi. Palautusprosentiksi saatiin noin 51. Palvelualojen ammattiliiton maahanmuuttajajäsenistän suurimmat kieliryhmät ovat venäjän-, viron- ja englanninkieliset (42 %, 20 %, 13 %). Yli puolet PAMin maahanmuuttajajäsenistä on asunut Suomessa yli 6 vuotta ja yli puolet asuu pääkaupunkiseudulla. Työllisyys on PAMin maahanmuuttajajäsenten joukossa yleisempää verrattuna koko PAMin jäsenistön työllisyyslukuihin. Yli 60 prosenttia maahanmuuttajajäsenistä on kokopäiväisessä työsuhteessa ja lähes 70 prosenttia jäsenistä työskentelee vakituisina työntekijöinä. Noin puolet maahanmuuttajajäsenistä arvioi työnsä vastaavaan joko täysin tai osittain heidän koulutustaan. Kuitenkin aasialaisista noin puolet ja Venäjältä ja Afrikasta Suomeeen muuttaneista maahanmuuttajajäsenistä noin 40 prosenttia on sitä mieltä, ettei työ vastaa heidän koulutustaan. Suurimpana ongelmana työelämässään maahanmuuttajajäsenet pitävät työpaikan löytymisen vaikeutta. Kuitenkin lähes 70 prosenttia arvioi sopeutuneensa erittäin hyvin tai hyvin suomalaiseen työelämään. Etnisistä ryhmistä virolaiset ja länsimaista saapuneet osoittautuvat parhaiten sopeutuneiksi, kun taas aasialaiset ovat tyytymättömimpiä sopeutumiseensa. Noin 40 prosenttia maahanmuuttajajäsenistä ei ole järjestäytynut ammatillisesti ennen Suomeen saapumistaan. Noin puolet jäsenistä on ollut ammattiliiton jäseninä alle 5 vuotta. Noin 50 prosenttia maahanmuuttajajäsenistä arvioi omat kokemuksensa ammattiliitosta myönteisiksi. Jäsenet toivovat ammattiliitoltaan eniten mahdollisuutta saada tietoa työehtosopimuksesta/työehdoista äidinkielellään. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että PAMin maahanmuuttajajäsenillä on muista ammattiliiton jäsenistä poikkeavia palvelutarpeita liittyen heidän maahanmuuttajataustaansa. Voidaan myös todeta, että maahanmuuttajajäsenillä on lukuisia yhteisiä piirteitä, mutta he ovat monilta osin myös hyvin heterogeeninen ryhmä

    Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkonnas

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    Eesti Arst 2020; 99(2):12

    Põhikoolis õpingud katkestanud noormeeste hinnangud edasiõppimiste võimalustele

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