57 research outputs found

    Töötaja õiguste kaitse töökiusamise korral

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    The Impact of the Estonian Defence Forces Training Area on Local Community and Biodiversity

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    Töö teoreetilise osa eesmärgiks on välja tuua Kaitseväe tegevuse mõju looduslikule mitmekesisusele ja keskkonnale erinevate näidete põhjal maailmas. Töös on näiteid Tšehhist, Ameerikast, Lätist, Suurbritanniast, Slovakkiast, Soomest ja Eestist. Tuuakse erinevaid vaatenurki, kuidas aladel, kus Kaitsevägi on tegutsenud, on suurem tõenäosus kõrgemale looduslikule mitmekesisusele. Empiirilise uuringuga soovitakse välja selgitada Kaitseväe keskpolügooni (KVKP) ja Soodla harjutusvälja ümbritsevate külade ja alevike elanike arvamust polügooni ohualade laiendamise ja uue harjutusvälja asutamise kohta. Teada saada kohalike elanike arvamust polügooni tegevuse ja häiringute kohta. Selleks viis autor läbi struktureeritud intervjuud. Valimi moodustasid KVKP ja Soodla harjutusvälja lähi-ja kaugemal alal elavad kodanikud. Küsitluse tulemusi saab rakendada Kaitseväes negatiivsete mõjude vähendamiseks. Tulemustest selgus, et Kaitseväe tegevus ei sega peaaegu poolte lähiala elanike elutegevust ja üle poolte vastanute elu kaugemal alal. Elukvaliteedi osas on samuti kõrged näitajad, üle poole lähiala ja kaugema ala respondentidest märkisid, et KVKP ei ole nende elukvaliteeti mõjutanud. Uue harjutusvälja rajamine on kohalikele elanikele esialgu harjumatu. Uuringus sooviti teada, kas Soodla harjutusvälja rajamine mõjutab respondentide elukorraldust või elukvaliteeti. Üle poole vastanutest arvas, et see ei mõjuta nende igapäevaelu. Töös välja toodud ettepanekud on kõigile osapooltele soovituslikud, millest kõik huvigrupid võidaksid. Uuringus on võrdlusena välja toodud varem läbiviidud avaliku arvamuse uuringud harjutusväljadel, mis hõlmavad Männikut, Kloogat ja Nursipalu.The aim of the thesis is to investigate the impact of the defence forces on environment and natural diversity on the example of different cases worldwide. The thesis focuses on the examples of the Czech Republic, the USA, Latvia, the UK, Slovakia, Finland and Estonia to show how different approaches can increase the probability of natural diversity in the areas formerly used as the training areas. The empirical study aims to investigate the opinion of local residents in the vicinity of the Estonian Defence Forces Central Training Area and Soodla Training Area on the matter of extending the existing danger zones and establishing a new training area. A structured interview was carried out among the people residing in the vicinity and farther areas of the Estonian Defence Forces Central Training Area and Soodla Training Area. The results of the survey can be used by the defence forces to reduce the negative impact. The results show that military activities currently do not interfere with the everyday life of about half of the respondents in the vicinity and that of more than half of the respondents in farther areas. The proposals made in the thesis are of advisory nature. However, all stakeholders would benefit from them. Previous public opinion studies on Männiku, Klooga and Nursipalu training areas are used to compare the results. More than half of the respondents in the vicinity as well as in farther areas noted that the Estonian Defence Forces Central Training Area has not affected their quality of life. Local residents need to get accustomed to the plans of establishing a new training area. The survey investigated whether Soodla Training Area had affected their daily life or quality of life. More than half of the respondents noted that it did not interfere with their everyday life

    Synthesis and tribological testing of poly(methyl methacrylate) particles containing encapsulated organic friction modifier

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    The tribological behaviour of polymer particles containing an encapsulated, organic friction modifier (FM) is presented. Particles comprising of a poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) shall and a methanol core, into which FM was dissolved, were produced via a dispersion polymerization producing a core-shell morphology. The inclusion of these particles dramatically increased the overall concentration of FM which could be blended into dodecane. The tribological behaviour of the particles produced, both with and without encapsulated FM, was tribologically tested in pure dodecane. The addition of as little as 1.5 wt% particles was found to decrease the friction coefficient and measured wear volumes below those for dodecane saturated with FM. Data suggests that the FM delivery method may be dominated by a bursting mechanism

    Keskkonna- ja jäätmekäitluse probleemid ning lahendusvõimalused polügooni näitel

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    Meditsiiniasutuses tekkivate jäätmete koostis ja käitlemise kord SA Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla Mustamäe korpuse näitel

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