64 research outputs found

    Long-time Low-latency Quantum Memory by Dynamical Decoupling

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    Quantum memory is a central component for quantum information processing devices, and will be required to provide high-fidelity storage of arbitrary states, long storage times and small access latencies. Despite growing interest in applying physical-layer error-suppression strategies to boost fidelities, it has not previously been possible to meet such competing demands with a single approach. Here we use an experimentally validated theoretical framework to identify periodic repetition of a high-order dynamical decoupling sequence as a systematic strategy to meet these challenges. We provide analytic bounds-validated by numerical calculations-on the characteristics of the relevant control sequences and show that a "stroboscopic saturation" of coherence, or coherence plateau, can be engineered, even in the presence of experimental imperfection. This permits high-fidelity storage for times that can be exceptionally long, meaning that our device-independent results should prove instrumental in producing practically useful quantum technologies.Comment: abstract and authors list fixe

    Unfolding grain size effects in barium titanate ferroelectric ceramics

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    Grain size effects on the physical properties of polycrystalline ferroelectrics have been extensively studied for decades; however there are still major controversies regarding the dependence of the piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties on the grain size. Dense BaTiO3 ceramics with different grain sizes were fabricated by either conventional sintering or spark plasma sintering using micro- and nano-sized powders. The results show that the grain size effect on the dielectric permittivity is nearly independent of the sintering method and starting powder used. A peak in the permittivity is observed in all the ceramics with a grain size near 1μm and can be attributed to a maximum domain wall density and mobility. The piezoelectric coefficient d33 and remnant polarization Pr show diverse grain size effects depending on the particle size of the starting powder and sintering temperature. This suggests that besides domain wall density, other factors such as back fields and point defects, which influence the domain wall mobility, could be responsible for the different grain size dependence observed in the dielectric and piezoelectric/ferroelectric properties. In cases where point defects are not the dominant contributor, the piezoelectric constant d33 and the remnant polarization Pr increase with increasing grain size

    The effects of acute and elective cardiac surgery on the anxiety traits of patients with Marfan syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Marfan syndrome is a genetic disease, presenting with dysfunction of connective tissues leading to lesions in the cardiovascular and skeletal muscle system. Within these symptoms, the most typical is weakness of the connective tissue in the aorta, manifesting as aortic dilatation (aneurysm). This could, in turn, become annuloaortic ectasia, or life-threatening dissection. As a result, life-saving and preventative cardiac surgical interventions are frequent among Marfan syndrome patients. Aortic aneurysm could turn into annuloaortic ectasia or life-threatening dissection, thus life-saving and preventive cardiac surgical interventions are frequent among patients with Marfan syndrome. We hypothesized that patients with Marfan syndrome have different level of anxiety, depression and satisfaction with life compared to that of the non-clinical patient population. METHODS: Patients diagnosed with Marfan syndrome were divided into 3 groups: those scheduled for prophylactic surgery, those needing acute surgery, and those without need for surgery (n = 9, 19, 17, respectively). To examine the psychological features of the patients, Spielberger's anxiety (STAI) test, Beck's Depression questionnaire (BDI), the Berne Questionnaire of Subjective Well-being, and the Satisfaction with Life scale were applied. RESULTS: A significant difference was found in trait anxiety between healthy individuals and patients with Marfan syndrome after acute life-saving surgery (p 0.1). Finally, a significant, medium size effect was found between patient groups on the Joy in Living scale (F (2.39) = 3.51, p = 0.040, eta2 = 0.15). CONCLUSIONS: Involving psychiatric and mental-health care, in addition to existing surgical treatment interventions, is essential for more successful recovery of patients with Marfan syndrome

    The Network Structure of Childhood Psychopathology in International Adoptees

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    International adoptees are at an increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems, especially those who are adopted at an older age. We took a new approach in our study of the network structure and predictability of emotional and behavioral problems in internationally adopted children in Finland. Our sample was from the on-going adoption study and comprised 778 internationally adopted children (387 boys and 391 girls, mean age 10.5 (SD 3.4) years). Networks were estimated using Gaussian graphical models and lasso regularization for all the children, and separately for those who were adopted at different ages. The results showed that anxiety/depressive symptoms, social problems, and aggressiveness were the most central symptom domains. Somatic symptoms were the least central and had the weakest effect on the other domains. Similarly, aggressiveness, social problems, and attention problems were high in terms of predictability (73-65%), whereas internalizing problems were relatively low (28-56%). There were clear but local age-group differences in network structure, symptom centrality, and predictability. According to our findings, network models provide important additional information about the centrality and predictability of specific symptom domains, and thus may facilitate targeted interventions among international adoptees.Peer reviewe

    Overexpression of microRNA-206 in the skeletal muscle from myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs are highly conserved, noncoding RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene silencing. They have been shown to participate in a wide range of biological processes, including myogenesis and muscle regeneration. The goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that myo-miRs (myo = muscle + miR = miRNA) expression is altered in muscle from patients affected by myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), the most frequently inherited neuromuscular disease in adults. In order to gain better insights about the role of miRNAs in the DM1 pathogenesis, we have also analyzed the muscular expression of miR-103 and miR-107, which have been identified <it>in silico </it>as attractive candidates for binding to the <it>DMPK </it>mRNA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To this aim, we have profiled the expression of miR-133 (miR-133a, miR-133b), miR-1, miR-181 (miR-181a, miR-181b, miR-181c) and miR-206, that are specifically induced during myogenesis in cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues. miR-103 and miR-107, highly expressed in brain, heart and muscle have also been included in this study. QRT-PCR experiments have been performed on RNA from vastus lateralis biopsies of DM1 patients (n = 7) and control subjects (n = 4). Results of miRNAs expression have been confirmed by Northern blot, whereas <it>in situ </it>hybridization technique have been performed to localize misexpressed miRNAs on muscle sections from DM1 and control individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only miR-206 showed an over-expression in 5 of 7 DM1 patients (threshold = 2, fold change between 1.20 and 13.22, average = 5.37) compared to the control group. This result has been further confirmed by Northern blot analysis (3.37-fold overexpression, <it>R</it><sup>2 </sup>= 0.89). <it>In situ </it>hybridization localized miR-206 to nuclear site both in normal and DM1 tissues. Cellular distribution in DM1 tissues includes also the nuclear regions of centralized nuclei, with a strong signal corresponding to nuclear clumps.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work provides, for the first time, evidences about miRNAs misexpression in DM1 muscle tissues, adding a new element in the pathogenesis of this complex genetic disease.</p

    Assessing people with dementia participating in cognitive stimulation activities – A qualitative pilot video analysis exploring the importance of facilitating the participation

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    BACKGROUND: This pilot video analysis was part of a feasibility control study, which aimed to gain information about the size and variability of the changes in outcome measures to plan a substantive effect study. It compared a cognitive stimulation programme named Lifelong Learning with other existing dementia services. OBJECTIVE: The pilot video analysis explored how facilitation is performed, when assessing people with dementia with standardized measures, to ensure their participation in research. DESIGN: A test battery of five measures (Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease Scale (QoL-AD), General Self-Efficacy Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Hawthorn Friendship Scale) was used. Each assessment was video-recorded. The findings from a microanalysis of 10 videos are presented in this article. SETTING: The study involved 55 active participants with mild-to-moderate dementia in six municipalities in Northern Denmark. RESULTS: The identified themes related to supportive facilitation: Positive facilitator strategies; Creating a safe and comfortable environment; and to dilemmas in facilitation: Balancing multiple dilemmas and Balancing the MMSE test. DISCUSSION: Results are discussed in relation to using standardized measures. CONCLUSION: The quality of facilitation when using standardized measures is of great importance as it may influence the participant, the assessment and the answers given. The facilitation role needs to be thoroughly planned and executed with ethical consideration to improve the participation of vulnerable groups in research and ensure a person-centred approach. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: The identified measures were chosen based upon previous qualitative results and user-involvement workshops with people with dementia