184 research outputs found

    Morphological changes in pancreas after induce diabetes in young rats

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    Diabetes mellitus is chronic endocrine metabolic disease which is caused by the action of endogenous factors, with relative or absolute insufficiency of insulin, leading to disorders of metabolism. Diabetes mellitus induce by using alloxan which related to hyperglycemias' chemicals due to increase hepatic glucose

    Проза Н. В. Баршева: система мотивов, мифопоэтика, интертекст

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    У дисертації здійснено аналіз поетики прози Миколи Баршева – письменника, який належить до когорти нині забутих майстрів слова 20–30-х років ХХ століття. Розглянуто мотиви, пов’язані з онтологічними та екзистенційними параметрами художнього світу письменника, в проекції на їхню міфопоетичну та інтертекстуальну природу. Установлено, що базовим для моделі світу М. Баршева є поняття стихії, а головним законом буття в смертному «пузирі» існування є «обмін речовин», згідно з яким ніщо у світі не зникає безслідно. Аналіз виявив численні міфологеми, що актуалізуються в прозі М. Баршева (міфологеми польоту, всесвітнього потопу, сліпоти-смерті тощо), інтертекстуальні включення класичних та сучасних для М. Баршева творів (проза О. Пушкіна, М. Гоголя, А. Чехова, поезія О. Блока та С. Єсеніна тощо), контекстуальні перегуки з філософськими концепціями П. Успенського, П. Флоренського, М. Федорова, В. Вернадського, ОБЕРІУ та ін. Виявлений у творчості М. Баршева синтез елементів різних художніх систем (неореалістичної, авангардистської, модерністської та постмодерністської) дає змогу відкорегувати та уточнити прийняту в сучасному літературознавстві концепцію літературної еволюції в російській літературі 20–30-х років ХХ століття. Nicolai Barshev belongs to the group of Leningrad writers, who created their works in the third decade of the 20th century and are entirely unknown for readers nowadays. In the same time, profound and all-around studying of the second row writers' prose is necessary for better understanding the process of literal evolution of the first half century. The motives connected with basic ontologic and existential motifs turned out to be in the field of our studying. It was identified that the main concept for the writer's world model is a water element, which defines the mortal bubble of human existence as a basic cell of the Universe. The fundamental law, due to which the march of time is cyclized, is referred to as material exchange. It states that things don't appear everywhere from nothing and don't disappear. Barshev's character creates a conception of earth cycles, which can be applied to the world view of other characters; at first everything in life is small and foggy, than life substance becomes consolidated and turns into trifles, after that it turns into big substance, while the basis remain the same. The research reveals that water is predominant over other elements (air, fire, and earth), which can be endowed with liquid characteristics. The substantial origin of Barshev's world has impact on time. Due to the performed research different temporal types of Barshev's prose are identified, in which the historical and mythopoetical models proved to be interconnected. While the natural time keeps to be undisturbed by cataclysms in human world, the historical (social) time, after still another apocalypse coming, changes its march, can speed up or, on the contrary, slow down, becomes spoiled. The death of a man in mortal world is the main collision of Barshev's prose. The feeling of continuous death presence makes the writer's character strive to find the way of its overcoming, to get support in this permanently destroying universe. It determines the specific sensual palette of Barshev's hero, that includes envy, bafflement and madness. The analysis reveals numerous mythologems that are involved in Barshev's prose (mythologems of flight, Noa's fludge, death-blindness), intertextual inclusions of classic and modern writers (A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, M. Lermontov, A. Chekhov, the poems of A. Blok and S. Yesenin), connection with different philosophical conceptions (including works of P. Uspensky, P. Florensky, N. Fedorov, V, Vernadsky ect.). Several types of Barshev's heroes can be singled out: – algae (that refers to people who can't accustom to new, post-revolutionary reality – Kronid Semenovich (The Fourth)); – cosmos victims, silent majority, who are not completely capable for self-reflection (Schukina (The Big Bubbles)); – mediators who are doomed for machinelike activity connected with the words without art (Piotr The Great (Anton's Trifles)); – creative persons who can overcome death (Shamshurenkov (Incombustible Fireworks)). Synthesis of different artistic system in Barshev's stories (including neorealism, avant-gard and postmodernism) give an opportunity to correct the common conceptions of literal evolution of the first half of the XXth century in Russia.В диссертации осуществлен анализ поэтики прозы Николая Баршева — писателя, который принадлежит к группе ныне забытых мастеров слова 20–30-х годов ХХ века. Рассмотрены мотивы, связанные с онтологическими и экзистенциальными параметрами художественного мира писателя, в проекции на их мифопоэтическую и интертекстуальную природу. Установлено, что базовым для модели мира Н. Баршева есть понятие стихии, а главным законом бытия в смертном «пузыре» существования является «обмен веществ», согласно которому ничто в мире не исчезает бесследно. Анализ выявил многочисленные мифологемы, которые актуализируются в прозе Н. Баршева (мифологемы полета, всемирного потопа, слепоты-смерти и т. д.), интертекстуальные включения классических и современных для Н. Баршева произведений (проза А. Пушкина, Н. Гоголя, А. Чехова, поэзия А. Блока и С. Есенина и т. д.), контекстуальные переклички с философскими концепциями П. Успенского, П. Флоренского, Н. Федорова, В. Вернадского, ОБЭРИУ и др.). Обнаруженный в творчестве Н. Баршева синтез элементов различных художественных систем (неореалистической, авангардистской, модернистской и постмодернистской) позволяет откорректировать и уточнить принятую в современном литературоведении концепцию литературной эволюции в русской литературе 20–30-х годов ХХ века

    Accurate formation energies of charged defects in solids: a systematic approach

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    Defects on surfaces of semiconductors have a strong effect on their reactivity and catalytic properties. The concentration of different charge states of defects is determined by their formation energies. First-principles calculations are an important tool for computing defect formation energies and for studying the microscopic environment of the defect. The main problem associated with the widely used supercell method in these calculations is the error in the electrostatic energy, which is especially pronounced in calculations that involve surface slabs and 2D materials. We present an internally consistent approach for calculating defect formation energies in inhomogeneous and anisotropic dielectric environments, and demonstrate its applicability to the cases of the positively charged Cl vacancy on the NaCl (100) surface and the negatively charged S vacancy in monolayer MoS2

    Проблеми та перспективи розвитку птахівництва в Україні

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    The article stipulates that the modern poultry farming in Ukraine is the most dynamic sector of productive livestock and able to produce in large quantities and in a short time. As one of the most automated and mechanized agricultural sectors it contains significant potential to meet the needs of the country's food resources. Poultry production has several advantages compared to pigs and cattle, namely for maturation compared to other animal products, half the consumption power in 3-5 times lower in feed use of protein. Despite the fact that the domestic industrial poultry farming is gradually emerging in the general stabilization but significant rise is observed. A number of major theoretical and practical issues of commercial poultry and problems to improve its efficiency are not studied enough or need to be reviewed from the standpoint of modernity, particularly in the context of Ukraine's accession to the WTO. The authors reviewed the scientific and practical principles and current status of poultry and efficiency cost of its products in agricultural enterprises. It is necessary to investigate the problems and prospects of functioning of the industry. The analysis of poultry production by categories of farms in Ukraine was made. The basic directions and practical principles enhance the economic efficiency of poultry farming in Ukraine.В статье рассмотрены научно-теоретические основы и современное состояние развития птицеводства и экономическую эффективность производства его продукции в сельскохозяйственных предприятиях. Исследованы проблемы и перспективы функционирования отрасли. Проведен анализ динамики поголовья птицы, производства продукции птицеводства по категориям хозяйств в Украине. Обоснованы основные направления и практические основы по повышению уровня экономической эффективности птицеводства в Украине.У статті розглянуто науково-теоретичні засади та сучасний стан розвитку птахівництва і економічну ефективність виробництва його продукції в сільськогосподарських підприємствах. Досліджено проблеми та перспективи функціонування галузі. Проведено аналіз динаміки поголів’я птиці, виробництва продукції птахівництва за категоріями господарств в Україні. Обґрунтовано основні напрямки та практичні засади щодо підвищення рівня економічної ефективності птахівництва в Україні

    Проблеми та перспективи розвитку птахівництва в Україні

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    The article stipulates that the modern poultry farming in Ukraine is the most dynamic sector of productive livestock and able to produce in large quantities and in a short time. As one of the most automated and mechanized agricultural sectors it contains significant potential to meet the needs of the country's food resources. Poultry production has several advantages compared to pigs and cattle, namely for maturation compared to other animal products, half the consumption power in 3-5 times lower in feed use of protein. Despite the fact that the domestic industrial poultry farming is gradually emerging in the general stabilization but significant rise is observed. A number of major theoretical and practical issues of commercial poultry and problems to improve its efficiency are not studied enough or need to be reviewed from the standpoint of modernity, particularly in the context of Ukraine's accession to the WTO. The authors reviewed the scientific and practical principles and current status of poultry and efficiency cost of its products in agricultural enterprises. It is necessary to investigate the problems and prospects of functioning of the industry. The analysis of poultry production by categories of farms in Ukraine was made. The basic directions and practical principles enhance the economic efficiency of poultry farming in Ukraine.В статье рассмотрены научно-теоретические основы и современное состояние развития птицеводства и экономическую эффективность производства его продукции в сельскохозяйственных предприятиях. Исследованы проблемы и перспективы функционирования отрасли. Проведен анализ динамики поголовья птицы, производства продукции птицеводства по категориям хозяйств в Украине. Обоснованы основные направления и практические основы по повышению уровня экономической эффективности птицеводства в Украине.У статті розглянуто науково-теоретичні засади та сучасний стан розвитку птахівництва і економічну ефективність виробництва його продукції в сільськогосподарських підприємствах. Досліджено проблеми та перспективи функціонування галузі. Проведено аналіз динаміки поголів’я птиці, виробництва продукції птахівництва за категоріями господарств в Україні. Обґрунтовано основні напрямки та практичні засади щодо підвищення рівня економічної ефективності птахівництва в Україні

    The development of soft skills among students during a business game

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    [EN] The growth of competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market is growing due to the development of soft skills. The purpose of this article was to identify the most rational form of practical training for the development of soft skills among students. The paper used an analysis of the effectiveness of the application of the author’s methodology for conducting a business game. The empirical basis was the results of a sociological survey of students based on the results of practical exercises in the form of the business game “Search for Truth”. The opinion poll was attended by 487 students from 39 study groups. As a result, it was found that this form allows students to increase the development efficiency of creativity, the ability to go out to innovative knowledge, communication skills, the ability to work in a team, fairly evaluate their colleagues, leadership qualities, and stress resistance. The growth of excitement in achieving victory, a sense of responsibility for collective actions as part of multilingual and multicultural groups is revealed. Ways of neutralizing negative phenomena during and after classes are proposed. The study showed that the business game contributes to the development of soft skills among students.Vinichenko, M.; Melnichuk, A.; Makushkin, S. (2020). The development of soft skills among students during a business game. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):309-316. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11047OCS30931630-05-202

    Implementation of game methods in the preparation of management personnel

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    [EN] The search for increasing the effectiveness of training leads to the use of innovative technologies, which include gaming. The purpose of this article was to identify the extent and nature of the introduction of gaming methods in the educational process of the Russian State Social University. The paper used a comparative analysis of students and teachers assessment of management training using the gaming of the educational process. The empirical basis was the results of a sociological survey conducted using the Google Forms online service. 48 teachers and 178 students took part in the sociological survey. As a result, it was possible to establish that the introduction of gaming in the university is controversial. Despite the understanding of the usefulness of gaming by university employees, only 29% of teachers constantly use gaming methods. Students are dissatisfied with this, noting that gaming techniques are either fragmented (54%) or not used at all (37%). Students with a desire to participate in classes with gaming methods, especially in an integrated business game. Achievement of students' success at the class increases their social status. The study showed that the potential for gaming is not fully used.The publication was prepared with the financial support of the RFBR, project No. 17-03-00059-ОГН.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Vinichenko, M.; Melnichuk, A.; Makushkin, S. (2018). Implementation of game methods in the preparation of management personnel. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 373-380. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8000OCS37338

    Morphological changes in pancreas after induce diabetes in young rats

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    Diabetes mellitus is chronic endocrine metabolic disease which is caused by the action of endogenous factors, with relative or absolute insufficiency of insulin, leading to disorders of metabolism. Diabetes mellitus induce by using alloxan which related to hyperglycemias' chemicals due to increase hepatic glucose

    Evolution of non-removable orthodontic appliances

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    Odessa national medical university, Orthodontics department, Odessa, UkraineIntroduction: The father of modern orthodontics is considered to be an U.S. orthodontist E.G. Engle (1855-1930), who authored the most famous classification (1898) and created universal orthodontic device. It was E.G. Engle who organized the first orthodontics association, the first scientific orthodontic magazine, the world's first institute of orthodontics. The main discovery of Professor Engle was the arc (sliding arc, fixed arc, expansive arc) and their use in various devices directed towards the treatment of most types of anomalies. Purpose and Objectives: to analyze comparative assessment between Engle's devices and their contemporary modifications. Materials and methods: Engle’s sliding arc is effective in the sagittal plane. Stationary arc of Engle uses to move individual teeth or groups of teeth. If it is used on both jaws at the same time including elastic traction it can result in saggital, vertical and transversal movement of the teeth. Engle’s expansionary arc is used both in the sagittal and vertical planes. Engle’s device "Pin and tube appliance", (1912)- vertical processes (pin) soldered to the arc, for each tooth bandage ring is fixed with soldered vertical pipe (tube) that is inserted in the vertical processes on wire arc. A.G.Engle constantly modified his devices that created the ejuas-technique. Engle’s device "Ribbon arch appliance" (1920)- specially developed bracket (lock) with a vertical slot in which the ware arch was installed and was fixed by means of bronze pins, the ends of which were bended. In 1928 was designed the original building of locking arrangement-brackets and rectangular arc, i.e. ejuas-technique. Results: Modern non-removable orthodontic appliances are mostly built on the principle of universal Engle’s device: braces (metal, ceramic, sapphire), locks or rings with a lock on molars, orthodontic arc (steel and nickel titanium, round and rectangular), elastic or metal ligatures, elastic traction, as well as the opening and closing springs, and so on

    Acid rain. Problems and solutions

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    Acid rain refers to a relatively new phenomenon, a form of precipitation that is acidic in nature. The result of human-induced emissions, acid rain has grave effects on the planet's flora and fauna and different ecosystems. The precipitation occurs when exhaust emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds react in the atmosphere