120 research outputs found

    The Organizational Structure of the Securities Company Under the Law of Vietnam Current

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    Purpose: The article researches on the organizational structure of securities company under the Securities Law 2019 in order to point out some limitations and shortcomings and propose for recommendations to improve law about organizational structure on this form of company.   Theoretical framework: Recent literature points out that securities companies play very important role in the development of Vietnam's stock market. However, in the current stage of development, from the influence and impact of international integration and the increasingly fierce competitive pressure, the securities companies have encountered many difficulties to survive. In there, limits and problems in regulations about securities company organizational structures has caused many difficulties for these companies when organization and operation. On the other hand, in the context of judicial reform in Vietnam, the issue of complete law system and expanding the freedom to business has always been paid special attention by the Party and Vietnam State.   Design/methodology/approach: The authors have combined traditional research methods of legal science such as legal analysis method, legal efficiency assessment method and legal comparison method.   Findings: According to research, regulations on the organizational structure of a securities company are directly related to the efficiency of management and administration of this company. In there, Supervisory Board/Internal Audit Committee always ensuring to limit negative and fraudulent acts of the company’s leaders, to better ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the company's members and customers. Therefore, the authors have proposed several solutions such as the need to stipulate the mandatory requirement of a Supervisory Board for the securities trading company under the model of limited liability company, and expand and strengthen the powers of the Supervisory Board/Internal Audit Committee, independent members in securities companies doing business in the form of joint stock company. These are important bases to contribute to perfecting the Law on the organizational structure of securities companies in Vietnam and further enhancing the stability and safety of the Vietnamese stock market.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This research may support many develop future research in Vietnam. At the same time, the research to help foreign investors' activities in Vietnam's stock market.   Originality/value: The research of the freedom to business and organizational structure of securities companies become more and more urgent and very important in Vietnam

    A novel approach to estimate the evolution of fracture energy and tensile softening curve of concrete from very early age

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    Concrete fracture properties and their evolution over time are critical inputs for numerous engineering aspects. Despite substantial efforts invested, there exists a crucial need to establish a comprehensive model for reliable estimation of such evolution. In this paper, combining reliable experimental data and in-depth analysis, a novel approach for proper estimation of the evolution of fracture energy and tensile softening curve of concrete from early age is proposed. Fundamentally, the approach relies on three key criteria related to (i) tensile strength, (ii) tensile strength-fracture energy correlation and especially, (iii) centroid coordinates of the area under the stress-crack opening curve. The capability and reliability of the proposed approach are clearly demonstrated through a detailed assessment of these criteria and examples of practical applications


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    An anti-serial fluxgate sensor configuration is proposed in this report. The design comprises two identical bilayer-rod fluxgate sensors connected anti-serially in a straight line. Each bilayer-rod sensor is constructed of an excitation coil and a pick-up coil wrapped around a core. The core material consists of Metglas ribbon, an amorphous alloy with high permeability, negligible hysteresis, and a high saturated magnetic field. The core is cut into a bar shape and uses double layers to enhance modulated flux density. A high sensitivity of 10 mV/Oe (with excitation of 45 kHz and 250 mA) is obtained experimentally with low noise of 1´10-5 Oe/Ö Hz at 1 Hz. In measurements of weak magnetic fields, the azimuth response indicates its vector feature. The proposed design is suitable for electronic compass and displacement applications

    Communication activities of students with the social cultural environment during floods: A case study in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam

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    This study   aims to explore the variances in communication behaviours among undergraduate students within the social-cultural context.  A total of 104 participants (40 lecturers and six managers) were selected from two universities, namely Hue University of Science and Hue University of Education. The collected data was subsequently evaluated. The findings suggest that there are   slight differences between male and female students. This   study highlights significant differences in involvement among Kinh ethnic students   and students from other ethnic groups. Furthermore, the geographical location and sociocultural environment of a region significantly influence the communication behaviors and preferences of students. Students demonstrate higher mean scores in diverse communication activities as compared to lecturers. The results highlight the significance of gender, ethnicity, geographic location   and student status in influencing students' participation in communication. Recognizing and addressing these differences can help in the development of effective communication strategies, the development of inclusive environments   and the encouragement of positive social interactions among various groups of students.  The implications for students' well-being, academic success and intercultural competency might be explored in more detail in further studies by examining the fundamental variables that lead to these differences

    The results of deep magnetotelluric sounding for studying the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh fault

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    The profile of deep magnetotelluric sounding (MT) from Duc Trong - Tuy Phong has been carried out in Lam Dong and Binh Thuan  provinces. The length of the Duc Trong - Tuy Phong profile is about 80 km with 15 stations and the distance between the stations measures about 5 km. Two-dimensional MT inversion was used to find a resistivity model that fits the data. The 2D resistivity model allows determining position and development formation of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  fault. This is the deep fault, which is showed by the boundaries of remarkable change of resistivity. In the near surface of the Earth (from ground to the depth of 6 km), the angle of inclination of this fault is about 60o; in the next part, the direction of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  faut is vertical. Geoelectrical section of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  profile shows that the resistivity of mid-crust is higher than that of lower-crust and of upper-crust

    Thermal buckling analysis of laminated composite plates using edge-based smoothed discrete shear gap method

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    In this paper, we analyze a thermal buckling behavior of laminated composite plates based on first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) using edge-based smoothed discrete shear gap method (ES–DSG). In the ES-DSG, only the linear approximation is necessary and the discrete shear gap method (DSG) for triangular plate elements is used to avoid the shear locking and spurious zero energy modes. In addition, the stiffness matrices are computed based on smoothing domains created by connecting two end-nodes of the edge to centroids of adjacent triangular elements. The temperature in the plates is assumed to be uniform distribution and rise. Several numerical examples are given to verify the reliability of the obtained results compared to other published solutions

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Mahasiswa STMIK Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses perkuliahan Bahasa Indonesia di STMIK Palangka Raya, mengembangkan buku ajar mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia yang sesuai dengan capaian kompetensi lulusan STMIK Palangka Raya, dan mengevaluasi validitas, efektivitas, serta kepraktisan buku ajar tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development dengan menganalisis kebutuhan kemudian mengembangkan produk dan diuji validitas, efektivitas, dan kepraktisanya hingga diperoleh produk final. Produk yang dikembangkan adalah buku ajar mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia untuk mahasiswa STMIK Palangka Raya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan buku ajar validitas sebesar 93%, efektif kerena sebesar 92,67% mahasiswa tuntas KKM, dan praktis karena mahasiswa sebesar 87,33% merespon keterterapan produk dengan baik, serta 89,60% praktisi merespon dengan baik saat diterapkan. Buku ajar ini memiliki keterterapan yang tinggi karena memiliki validitas yang tinggi pula. Buku ajar yang dikembangkan juga memiliki efektivitas yang baik, karena memiliki validitas yang tinggi dan kepraktisan yang tinggi pula. Dengan kepraktisan buku ajar yang tinggi, maka belajar materi Bahasa Indonesia akan lebih mudah.Disarankan agar dosen dapat menerapkan buku ajar Bahasa Indonesia untuk mahasiswa STMIK Palangka Raya guna membekali mahasiswa untuk cakap menerapkan kaidah-kaidah Bahasa Indonsia yang baik dan benar, dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Field Equations in General Relativity with Internal Symmetry

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    The covariant wedge products of tetrads in General Relativity are introduced and related field equations are derived. The electromagnetic dual field is treated in detail and it is shown that this field is closely related with one component field, which is eigenfunction of d'Alembertian operator. The formalism is developed to incorporate internal symmetry