385 research outputs found

    Socialización, Lenguaje y Educación: una mirada desde el enfoque de género

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    El presente artículo contiene reflexiones de un par de autores/as respecto de la importancia del lenguaje en la socialización a través de la educación, desde la perspectiva de género.Estas nociones, poco difundidas, son ignoradas en el ejercicio cotidiano tanto de docentes como de estudiantes. Espero que este análisis teórico, ofrecido como compendio de ideas de est@s estudios@s, nos lleven al cuestionamiento y debate de algunas prácticas discriminatorias, las cuales pasan inadvertidas en nuestras labores habituales, y por esta causa resultan tan difíciles de erradicar


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    In this document is a description of the process of conceiving and implementing the costume designs for the University of Maryland, College Parks production of The Visit. Our production was set sometime loosely based post-WWII in a nondescript location. Included in this process are the original concept designs and the development of those designs in conjunction with the director's vision, as well as process images including research, fitting photos and final production photos. The Visit was written by Friedrich Durrenmatt and is often produced as a tragicomedy with a thematic emphasis on utilitarianism and how money can corrupt. The Visit was produced at the University of Maryland, College Park’s School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies, September 28th - October 5th, 2019 under the direction of Professor Brian MacDevitt

    Archaeology or crime scene? Teeth micro and macro structure analysis as dating variable

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    Simple methods to aid in the determination of forensic or archaeologic relevancy of skeletonized remains have been researched since the 1950s. With advances in microscopic imaging techniques and machine learning computer data analysis methods the relevancy of decontextualized, comingled remains has room for improvement. This thesis is a study done to pioneer a new approach to analyzing dental skeletal remains to determine forensic relevancy. Archaeological dental samples collected from the ancient city of Ur in modern day southern Iraq in addition to modern dental extractions were processed for scanning electron microscopy imaging. Archaeological and modern samples displayed different surface and dentinal tubule opening characteristics. The image files were then analyzed using a custom-built convolutional neural net model. The model’s performance metrics indicate that the model made better than random predictions based on learned associations. Thus, the use of scanning electron microscopy and machine learning analysis techniques has potential in distinguishing archaeological dental samples from modern dental samples

    Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Binds to TRPV1 and Mediates NGF-stimulated TRPV1 Trafficking to the Plasma Membrane

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    Sensitization of the pain-transducing ion channel TRPV1 underlies thermal hyperalgesia by proalgesic agents such as nerve growth factor (NGF). The currently accepted model is that the NGF-mediated increase in TRPV1 function during hyperalgesia utilizes activation of phospholipase C (PLC) to cleave PIP2, proposed to tonically inhibit TRPV1. In this study, we tested the PLC model and found two lines of evidence that directly challenge its validity: (1) polylysine, a cationic phosphoinositide sequestering agent, inhibited TRPV1 instead of potentiating it, and (2) direct application of PIP2 to inside-out excised patches dramatically potentiated TRPV1. Furthermore, we show four types of experiments indicating that PI3K is physically and functionally coupled to TRPV1: (1) the p85β subunit of PI3K interacted with the N-terminal region of TRPV1 in yeast 2-hybrid experiments, (2) PI3K-p85β coimmunoprecipitated with TRPV1 from both HEK293 cells and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons, (3) TRPV1 interacted with recombinant PI3K-p85 in vitro, and (4) wortmannin, a specific inhibitor of PI3K, completely abolished NGF-mediated sensitization in acutely dissociated DRG neurons. Finally, simultaneous electrophysiological and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy recordings demonstrate that NGF increased the number of channels in the plasma membrane. We propose a new model for NGF-mediated hyperalgesia in which physical coupling of TRPV1 and PI3K in a signal transduction complex facilitates trafficking of TRPV1 to the plasma membrane

    Índices de vulnerabilidad del hábitat en barrios seleccionados de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina)

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    Social vulnerability is the degree of susceptibility of a group of people to suffer damage in the face of a threat given their material conditions. In urban studies’s context, these conditions are the set of extra and intra-dwelling qualities with which it is not possible to reach a minimum threshold of well-being. The following are included among them: quality of the materials that make up the houses, infrastructure that surrounds them, quality of occupation and access to public services. The objective of the article is to study the conditions of social vulnerability in relation to access to habitat in certain neighborhoods of the city of Bahía Blanca, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) at the block level and its social consequences. For this, four indices were calculated: access to public services, access to municipal infrastructure, quality of occupation and a summary index. The results expose, among other issues, a characteristic spatial segregation of Latin American cities.La vulnerabilidad social es el grado de susceptibilidad de un grupo de personas a sufrir daños frente a una amenaza dadas sus condiciones materiales. En el contexto del hábitat urbano, dichas condiciones son el conjunto de cualidades extra e intra-vivienda con las que no se consigue alcanzar un umbral mínimo de bienestar. Entre ellas se incluyen: calidad de los materiales que conforman las viviendas, infraestructura que las rodea, calidad de ocupación y acceso a servicios públicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar las condiciones de vulnerabilidad social en el acceso al hábitat de ciertos barrios de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, provincia de Buenos Aires (República Argentina) a nivel de la manzana y sus consecuencias sociales. Para ello se calcularon cuatro índices: acceso a servicios públicos, acceso a infraestructura municipal, calidad de ocupación y un índice resumen. Los resultados exponen, entre otras cuestiones, la segregación del espacio característica de la ciudad latinoamericana

    Cytomegalovirus Retinitis After Intravitreous Triamcinolone Injection in a Patient with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

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    To report a case of cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA). A 77-year-old woman with macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) developed peripheral retinitis 4 months after IVTA. A diagnostic anterior chamber paracentesis was performed to obtain DNA for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for viral retinitis. The PCR test was positive for CMV DNA. Other tests for infective uveitis and immune competence were negative. Four months after presentation, gancyclovir was intravitreously injected a total of 5 times, and the retinitis resolved completely. CMV retinitis is a rare complication of local immunosuppression with IVTA. It can be managed with timely injection of intravitreal gancyclovir until recovery from local immunosuppression

    Low-latitude ionospheric D region dependence on solar zenith angle

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    Phase and amplitude measurements of VLF radio signals on a short, nearly all-sea path between two Hawaiian Islands are used to find the height and sharpness of the lower edge of the daytime tropical D region as a function of solar zenith angle (SZA). The path used was from U.S. Navy transmitter NPM (21.4 kHz) on Oahu to Keauhou, 306 km away, on the west coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, where ionospheric sensitivity was high due to the destructive interference between the ionospherically reflected wave and the ground wave, particularly around the middle of the day. The height and sharpness are thus found to vary from H′ = 69.3 ± 0.3km and β = 0.49 ± 0.02 km-1 for SZA ~10°, at midday, to H′ >80 km and β ~ 0.30 km-1 as the SZA approached ~70°–90°, near dawn and dusk for this tropical path. Additional values for the variations of H′ and β with solar zenith angle are also found from VLF phase and amplitude observations on other similar paths: the short path, NWC to Karratha (in NW Australia), and the long paths, NWC to Kyoto in Japan and NAU, Puerto Rico, to St. John’s Canada. Significant differences in the SZA variations of H′ and β were found between low and middle latitudes resulting from the latitudinally varying interplay between Lyman α and galactic cosmic rays in forming the lower D region. Both latitude ranges showed β<0.30 km-1 during sunrise/sunset conditions. 1

    Atypical Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Masquerading as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease: A Case Report

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    Introduction: We aimed to describe a clinical presentation of central serous retinopathy that poses a diagnostic and management dilemma. Case Presentation: A 30-year-old male patient presented with bilateral vision loss and multifocal serous retinal detachments involving the posterior pole of both eyes. Optical coherence tomography revealed prominent bilateral bacillary layer detachments. The patient complained of recent headaches and tinnitus. However, the clinical exam did not reveal overt inflammation and the patient admitted to being under significant stress. The clinical presentation raised concerns for both central serous retinopathy (CSR) and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH). Additional findings, including white fundus spots and focal areas of retinal vascular leakage, were seen in our patient. We highlight these because, while they have been described in CSR, they are not commonly discussed and could add to the diagnostic dilemma. After a conservative approach that avoided steroids, our patient showed marked improvement over the following month, supporting a diagnosis of CSR. Conclusion: CSR can mimic VKH disease. A high level of suspicion is needed to avoid instituting steroid therapy that could induce a severe iatrogenic exacerbation of the disease

    Presumed Necrotizing Viral Retinitis after Intravitreal Triamcinolone Injection: Case Report

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    A 56-year-old man presented with anterior chamber inflammation, increased intraocular pressure, peripheral retinal infiltration, and generalized retinal arterial obstruction suggesting acute retinal necrosis five months after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection (IVTA). He was treated with intravenous antiviral agents and aspirin. Shortly after treatment, retinal infiltrations were resolved, and partial recanalization of the obstructed vessel was observed. Viral retinitis may occur as an opportunistic infection following IVTA due to the local immune modulatory effect of the steroid; hence, close observation following IVTA is necessary