10 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tujuan lulusan dari Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan yaitu menghasilkan ilmuwan dan tenaga profesional bidang olahraga yang handal. Mata kuliah Ilmu Gizi Olahraga merupakan salahsatu penunjang tercapainya tujuan Program Studi tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi dan perilaku makan yang dimiliki mahasiswa sebagai hasil belajar mata kuliah Ilmu Gizi Olahraga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Populasi penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan angkatan 2012 sebanyak 72 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling sehingga total sampel sebanyak 42 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Tes Pengetahuan Gizi, Food Recall 2x24 jam dan Food Frequency. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi antarapengetahuan gizi dengan perilaku makan yang dimiliki mahasiswa adalah negatif dan signifikan, r (-0,145) = ,358. Saran bagi dosen mata kuliah Ilmu Gizi Olahraga adalah dapat menguatkan kembali materi perkuliahan Ilmu Gizi Olahraga sehingga mahasiswa dapat lebih memahami materi dalam mata kuliah Ilmu Gizi Olahraga dan diterapkan dalam perilaku makan yang baik. Kata kunci : Ilmu Gizi Olahraga, Pengetahuan Gizi, Perilaku Makan, Mahasiswa IKOR. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the goal of the graduate of Sport Science Program that produces scientists and professionals in sports that are reliable . Sports Nutrition course is one of supporting the achievement of the objectives of the study program . The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between nutrition knowledge and eating behavior as a result of student -owned learning courses Sports Nutrition . The method used is descriptive and inferential statistics . The study population is students of Sport Science class of 2012 as many as 72 people . Sampling technique using simple random sampling so that the total sample size of 42 people . The instrument used was Knowledge Test Nutrition , Food Recall and Food Frequency 2x24 hours . The results showed a correlation between nutrition knowledge possessed by students eating behavior is negative and significant , r ( -0.145 ) = , 358 . Advice for lecturer in Sports Nutrition are able to reinforce the lecture material Sports Nutrition so that students can better understand the course material in Sports Nutrition and applied in good eating behavior . Keywords:Sports Nutrition , Nutrition Knowledge , Eating Behavior , Student IKOR


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    The advancement of new digital environments and mobile technologies has significantly led to the creation of new theories and models of language education to address the needs and opportunities of the 21st century. Mobile-Assisted Language learning (MALL) is emerged as one of the technological education in promoting ubiquitous learning among students. Since the uniqueness of individuals in processing knowledge, it is necessary to recognize the effectiveness of MALL usage in facilitating diversity of students’ learning preferences. Grounded in VARK framework of learning styles questionnaires and technological acceptance model (TAM), this study aimed to portray EFL students’ learning styles in using MALL to promote learning autonomy as well as the effectiveness of MALL as a platform to learn English. Semi-structured interview of selected participants was conducted in order to gain the data needed afterward. In analysing the data, descriptive statistics and content analysis were employed. This study found that most of the students perceived MALL as beneficial to enrich their learning styles and make them easier in learning language. Furthermore, to be a good language learner, orchestrating learning styles as well as applying metacognitive strategy in utilizing MALL is suggested. However, in integrating mobile devices in the classroom, the teacher should aware with students who are unfamiliar with autonomous learning practice, dependence and less-motivated. Thus, future research is expected to investigate teacher’s strategy in integrating MALL to promote language learning autonomy. Keywords: Language learning styles, MALL, EFL, good language learner, tertiary educatio


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    Synthesis and characterization of biocomposite gypsum board ceiling based on kenaf fiber has been performed compression molding method with variation of woven and uniform filler.  The optimum fiber concentration on the fiber are woven with 10 % kenaf fiber, 88 % matrixes gypsum, 1 % PVA (Polivinil Alcohol) and tobacco. The test resulted that the hardness and impact mechanical of the resulted product was higher than the commercial gypsum. The highest absorption of gypsum board is 25 % owned by fiber glass composite, on biocomposite with addition of tobbaco is 21 % and the lowest is 13 % on biocomposite without addition of tobbaco. The highest value on thickness development is 1.85 % owned by fiber glass composite. On biocomposite with addition of tobbaco is 1.73 % and the lowest is  0.4 % on biocomposite without addition of tobbaco. Density of biocomposite is 1.6 g cm-3, whereas density of fiber glass composite is 1.98 g cm-3. The test result showed that the kenaf’s fiber and tobbaco leaf powder is reliable to use as the filling material for the the gypsum plafon


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    The types of woody plants in the Nature Laboratory of Biology Education FKIP UNRI have not been completely recorded, besides that the results of observations can be used as a source of learning which is still very rare for teachers to develop pocket books. This study aims to inventory tree vegetation at the Nature Laboratory of Biology Education FKIP UNRI as a pocket book design on biodiversity material. The research was conducted in June-September 2021. This research is survey research and development research. Inventory of tree vegetation types using the roaming method. The development of a pocket book on biodiversity material uses the ADDIE development model. The inventory results show that there are 19 types of tree vegetation in the Biology Education Nature Laboratory, namely Alstonia scholaris. R. Br, Rhodamnia cinereal, Sizygium acuminatissimum, Terminalia catappa. L, Aporasa granularis, Blumeodendron kruzii, Maccaranga gigantean, Endospermum javanicum, Artocarpus elasticus, Ficus carica. L, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Calophyllum inophyllum. L, Vitex pinnata, Switenia macrophylla, Peronema canescens, Symplocos cochinchinensis, Diospyros confertiflora, Schima wallichi. Korth, Cocos nucifera. L. The results of the inventory become a source of pocket book information on biodiversity material

    Innovation of online-based periodic salary increase services in the Bandung city personnel and human resources development agency

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    Public service is the government's responsibility to its citizens as mandated by the 1945 Constitution. The Bandung City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency is a government agency that provides public services. To improve services, the Bandung City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency has made innovations in the Personnel Information System. This Personnel Information System Program includes several integrated features. The author chooses to focus on the online-based periodic salary increase service features. The purpose of this study is to determine whether this online-based periodic salary increase service innovation meets the characteristics of successful innovation. Using the theory of Everett M. Rogers which has five factors, namely relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research by collecting the required data, both primary and secondary data from interviews, observations, documentation, and literature studies. The results of the study indicate that the online-based periodic salary increase service innovation at the Bandung City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency can be stated to have fulfilled the service innovation factors, making it more effective and efficient

    Comparison of Clinical Codes with Standards of Genitourinary Disease in Public Hospital of Sidoarjo

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    The accuracy of data diagnosis is important for clinical data management, reimbursement, and issues related to healthcare and services. Based on preliminary observations, it was found that the inaccuracy of the diagnosis code maker with the genitourinary disease standard at the Sidarjo District Hospital. The purpose of this study was to find out the comparison of coder clinical codes with genitourinary disease standards at the sidoarjo district hospital. The method used was quantitative with random sampling techniques presented in the form of frequency tables and cross tabulations and tested using the chi-square test. This study used medical records for inpatient genitourinary cases in 2022, with a total sample of 80 medical records. The results showed that completeness, timeliness, and accuracy had a significant influence on coding accuracy. Completness ( completeness of supporting information) obtained 58,8% complete medical record documents and 51.3% incomplete medical record documents (p=0.012). Accuracy (coding accuracy):52.5% of medical record documents were accurate and 47.5% of medical record documents were inaccurate (p=0,0001). This study suggests improving the quality of coding by conducting coding training and evaluating coding audits to support coding spee

    Analisis LKS IPA Terpadu SMP Negeri Kelas VIII Semester I yang digunakan SMP Negeri di Kota Subang Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas LKS IPA Terpadu kelas VIII semester I yang digunakan di SMP N kota Subang tahun ajaran 2011/2012 dibandingkan dengan kriteria LKS, pada konsep pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada makhluk hidup. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif pada penelitian ini. Penelitian terhadap LKS IPA Terpadu SMP kelas VIII semester 1 yang digunakan SMP Negeri di kota Subang tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember tahun 2011 dalam tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan akhir. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi dan angket. LKS yang didapatkan saat observasi pada SMPN kota Subang, dan kemudian dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini, yaitu LKS Galileo1, LKS Tegar, LKS Inovasi, LKS Prestasi Pustaka, LKS Galileo2, LKS Galileo3, LKS Progresif1, LKS Ratih IPA Biologi, LKS Ratih IPA Terpadu, LKS Titian Sukses, LKS Progresif2, LKS Progresif3, dan LKS Zamrud. Analisis LKS dilakukan oleh 3 penilai dengan kriteria yang sudah ditentukan dalam angket. Kriteria tersebut memiliki beberapa aspek yang harus dimiliki oleh sebuah LKS khususnya LKS IPA Terpadu yakni aspek-aspeknya sebagai berikut:1)Pendekatan Penulisan, 2)Kebenaran Konsep Biologi, 3)Kedalaman Konsep, 4)Keluasan Konsep, 5)Kejelasan Kalimat, 6)Kebahasaan, 7)Penilaian Hasil Belajar, 8)Kegiatan Siswa, 9)Keterlaksanaan, dan 10)Penampilan Fisik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 13 LKS IPA Terpadu yang digunakan SMPN kota Subang sebagian LKS telah memenuhi aspek-aspek kriteria LKS yang baik diantaranya 12 LKS memiliki kriteria baik dan 1 LKS memiliki kriteria cuku

    The Changes in Vast Mangrove Area of Pantai Air Telang Protected Forest Banyuasin District using Landsat Imagery Data Time Series

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    This study aimed to obtain data about far-reaching changes on the total area of mangrove at Air Telang Beach Protected Forest through the interpretation of Landsat 7 imagery data using open source software (Ilwis 2000) in years 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012. In the first phase, mangrove identification was conducted through cropped imagery data based on the research area which is path 124 raw 62 using RGB543 composite band. Then, mangrove and non-mangrove area are separated using unsupervised classification method. The next phase, mangrove density analysis is directed by applying NDVI formula. The results showed that the total area of mangrove has decreased over a period of 12 years by 10.72 % of total mangrove area on 2000 (7,968.54 ha) with 7,147.12 on 2012. Vegetation Index analysis shows high density mangrove is dominated although it continues to decrease, followed by increasing mangrove area with medium density

    Analisis pengadaan obat antibiotik di Apotek Bio's Farma menggunakan metode analisis konsumsi

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    Procurement of drugs in pharmaceutical installations is a process of providing drug needs in health centers, one of which is in pharmacies. The aim of this study is to classify antibiotic drugs at Bio's Farma Pharmacy by their investment value to see how much spending is spent according to drug procurement at Bio's Farma pharmacies and their usage. required. The method used is the consumption method with ABC analysis to determine the investment value of the antibiotic drug. The results obtained are that group A with the number of types of drugs as many as 2 antibiotics has an investment value of Rp. 433,500,000.- and the percentage is 50%. Category B group, the number of drugs is 2 antibiotics, which has an investment value of Rp. 99,302,000, - with a percentage of 20%. And for the category C group, the number of drugs is 5 antibiotics with an investment value of Rp. 81,750,000, - with a percentage of 20%

    Perkembangan Pemasaran Home Industri Krupuk Seblak dan Mie Seblak melalui Instagram dan Whatsapp di Kelurahan Patokan Kecamatan Kraksaan Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    The current development of Information and Communication Technology has had a huge impact on all aspects of life, including business and education. Technology has become a reliable strategy in a business. Business actors usually use technology for various things. Able to get information, share information, as a means of communication between business actors, as a place to buy and sell, and so on. The purpose of this research is to identify various online marketing models through Instagram and Whatsapp in the development of home industry products in Kraksaan Probolinggo. Identification of the types of products, tools, materials and processing methods is carried out through surveys, assistance and documentation. The results of product development and online marketing that the team focused on were 2 processed variations, namely seblak chips and seblak noodles. Marketing through Instagram and Whatsapp is very helpful in spreading products and sales can increase. Activities that have been carried out are in the form of improving product quality, increasing added value, using packaging, and labeling the product. And how to market via Instagram and Whatsapp. Based on observations, the public has gained knowledge and technology related to promotional techniques through Instagram and Whatsap