222 research outputs found

    Assessing the robustness of disparity estimates: the impact of morphometric scheme, temporal scale, and taxonomic level in spatangoid echinoids

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    The quantification of disparity is an important aspect of recent macroevolutionary studies, and it is usually motivated by theoretical considerations about the pace of innovation and the filling of morphospace. In practice, varying protocols of data collection and analysis have rendered comparisons among studies difficult. The basic question remains, How sensitive is any given disparity signal to different aspects of sampling and data analysis? Here we explore this issue in the context of the radiation of the echinoid order Spatangoida during the Cretaceous. We compare patterns at the genus and species levels, with time subdivision into subepochs and into stages, and with morphological sampling based on landmarks, traditional morphometrics, and discrete characters. In terms of temporal scale, similarity of disparity pattern accrues despite a change in temporal resolution, and a general deceleration in morphological diversification is apparent. Different morphometric methods also produce similar signals. Both the landmark analysis and the discrete character analysis suggest relatively high early disparity, whereas the analysis based on traditional morphometrics records a much lower value. This difference appears to reflect primarily the measurement of different aspects of overall morphology. Disparity patterns are similar at both the genus and species levels. Moreover, inclusion or exclusion of the sister order Holasteroida and the stem group Disasteroida in the sampled morphospace did not affect proportional changes in spatangoid disparity. Similar results were found for spatangoid subclades vis-à-vis spatangoids as a whole. The relative robustness of these patterns implies that the choice of temporal scale, morphometric scheme, and taxonomic level may not affect broad trends in disparity and the representation of large-scale morphospace structure

    Tapered-amplified AR-coated laser diodes for Potassium and Rubidium atomic-physics experiments

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    We present a system of room-temperature extended-cavity grating-diode lasers (ECDL) for production of light in the range 760-790nm. The extension of the tuning range towards the blue is permitted by the weak feedback in the cavity: the diodes are anti-reflection coated, and the grating has just 10% reflectance. The light is then amplified using semiconductor tapered amplifiers to give more than 400mW of power. The outputs are shown to be suitable for atomic physics experiments with potassium (767nm), rubidium (780nm) or both, of particular relevance to doubly-degenerate boson-fermion mixtures

    Estimation of tail probabilities in detection

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    Two approximate analytical methods allowing a quick evaluation of the false alarm probability in detection are presented . Th e first one is based on the Chernov bound, properly modified to give an equivalent of the false alarm probability when the threshol d tends to infinity. It can be applied whenever the moment generating function is available, for instance in the case of the quadrati c detector. The second one is based on the classical formula for the volume of a tube about a manifold on the unit sphere of Rn . I t can be applied to all detectors which maximize the squared norm of a projection in a family of subspaces . As a function of th e threshold, the result can be expressed in both cases as the product of a constant, a power, and an exponential .On présente deux méthodes analytiques approchées permettant l'évaluation rapide d'une probabilité de fausse alarme en détection. La première repose sur la borne de Chernov, complétée par un facteur correctif pour transformer cette borne en un équivalent de la probabilité de fausse alarme lorsque le seuil tend vers l'infini. Elle s'applique chaque fois que la fonction génératrice des moments est disponible, notamment dans le cas du détecteur quadratique. La seconde repose sur l'expression classique donnant le volume du tube associé à une variété portée par la sphère unité dans Rn. Elle s'applique aux détecteurs maximisant la norme au carré d'une projection dans une famille de sous espaces. Dans les deux cas, le résultat obtenu s'exprime en fonction du seuil par le produit d'une constante, d'une puissance et d'une exponentielle

    Post-metamorphic ontogeny of Zoroaster fulgens Thomson, 1873 (Asteroidea, Forcipulatacea)

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    The complete ontogenetic development of an asteroid skeleton has never been described formally for any species. Here, we describe in detail the post-metamorphic ontogeny of Zoroaster fulgens Thomson, 1873. The major novelty of our work is the description of patterns of plate addition, the ontogeny of the internal ossicles, as well as the variability of ossicles according to their position along series. Seven specimens collected in the Rockall Basin (North Atlantic) were dissected with bleach and their anatomy was documented using a scanning electron microscope. The external anatomy was additionally observed on more than 30 specimens. We found that the overall structure of the skeleton does not change much between juveniles and adults, but the shape of individual ossicle changes during growth. Allometric scaling was particularly visible on the orals, ambulacrals and adambulacrals. The shape of an ossicle is more dependent of its position along the arm series than of its individual size. Many morphological features differentiate progressively during ontogeny, while others are expressed consistently among specimens. The study of this ontogenetic series allows discussing the homology between the structures present on the ossicles of Z. fulgens in particular and other forcipulatacean sea stars in general (i.e. muscles insertions and articulation areas). The new data obtained in this study provide a comprehensive framework of the anatomy and ontogeny of Z. fulgens that will help resolve taxonomic and phylogenetic controversies in the future

    Acidose lactique et metformine (étude cas-témoin appariée et régression logistique conditionnelle au CHU de Grenoble entre 2008 et 2011)

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    La metformine est le 1er antidiabétique oral recommandé dans le diabète de type 2. Sa complication la plus redoutée est l acidose lactique (AL). Bien qu exceptionnelle, l AL est à l origine de nombreuses restrictions d emploi et contre-indications. L objectif de ce travail est d évaluer l association entre la metformine et la survenue d une AL chez des patients diabétiques de type 2 et de préciser l importance relative de ses facteurs de risque. Dans cette étude cas-témoin appariée, tous les cas d AL survenus au CHU de Grenoble entre 2008 et 2011 (pH 5 mmol/l) ont été appariés à 2 témoins diabétiques. Les antécédents, médicaments néphrotoxiques et évènements cliniques intercurrents ont été collectés dans le dossier médical. Nous avons réalisé une régression logistique conditionnelle afin d identifier les facteurs de risque significatifs. Notre étude comprend 302 cas et 604 témoins. Les facteurs de risques significativement associés à la survenue d une AL chez les patients diabétiques sont l insuffisance rénale aiguë IRA (OR = 9,58, IC95% = [5,24 - 17,47], p<0,001), l insuffisance respiratoire aiguë (OR = 9,34, IC95% = [4,76 - 18,32], p<0,001), le sepsis (OR = 8,28, IC95% = [4,28 - 15,99], p<0,001), l insuffisance hépatocellulaire (OR = 6,51, IC95% = [2,78 - 15,25], p < 0,001) et la décompensation cardiaque aiguë (OR = 3,55, IC95% = [1,84 - 6,84], p < 0,001). La metformine n est pas considérée comme un facteur de risque significatif (OR = 1,27, IC95% = [0,73 - 2,22], p = 0,390). Il existe une interaction entre la metformine et l IRA : la metformine augmente significativement le risque d AL (OR = 1,79, IC95% = [1,09 - 2,93], p = 0,020) en cas d IRA. Notre modèle permet de quantifier l importance relative des facteurs de risque de survenue d AL, dont la metformine. Nos résultats sont en accord avec ce qui est décrit dans la littérature. L AL survient le plus souvent en présence d une maladie aiguë chez le patient diabétique de type 2. Les antécédents du patient semblent jouer un rôle modéré dans la survenue d une acidose, à part l insuffisance hépatocellulaire. Les situations à risque d atteinte rénale aiguë (déshydratation, introduction de médicaments néphrotoxiques, bas débit ) nécessitent un suivi étroit des patients traités par metformine.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    HEDRINE (un nouvel outil d aide à la décision pour les interactions plante-médicament)

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    Lors de ce travail de thèse un nouvel outil a été mis en place pour l aide à la détection des interactions plante-médicament. Une base de données est dorénavant disponible sur le net à l adresse https://hedrine.ujf-grenoble.fr/. A ce jour, elle recense les interactions potentielles (via des interactions pharmacocinétiques ou pharmacodynamiques) ou démontrées lors d études cliniques ou de case reports entre des plantes médicinales et les médicaments anticancéreux listés dans la classe L du classement (ATC). Les interactions répertoriées sont toutes issues de la bibliographie internationale.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cooperation with local administrations of primary school principals in solving economic problems of schoolOkulun ekonomik sorunlarının çözümünde ilkokul müdürlerinin yerel yönetimler ile işbirliği

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    In this research, it is aimed to find out whether being in cooperation with local administrations of the primary schools affects the solution of economic problems of the school, and if so, what kind of contribution it has. Survey design model was used in the research. Interview technique from qualitative research methods, was used in the collection of data. Determination of the study group of research, easily accessible sampling method of purpose sampling model is used. The study group subject to the research is determined as the primary school principals who can give information in a willing manner to understand the study problem and limited to 20 primary school principals, serve in different socio-economic regions within the province of Ankara, where the researcher could easily access it. Local governments within the scope of the research have been limited to municipalities, because the schools in the survey are schools located in the central districts and removal of the Ankara Special Provincial Administration through Law No:6360. The collection of data was carried out “Interview Form for the Primary School Administrators on Cooperation with Local Governments” created by the researcher. Descriptive analysis was performed in the analysis of data.As a result of the research, it is concluded that the primary schools are in cooperation with the local administrations; however this cooperation is not completely helpful in solving economic problems of the school. In addition, either local administrations or other institutions that the schools cooperate with can only support the schools in certain expenditure items. This situation can only help to solve the limited problem, or not at all. It has been determined that all of the school principals want to cooperate with the Provincial and District National Education Directorate in solving the economic problems of the school and that the school principals also want to cooperate with the Ministry of National Education, the parents and the local administrations. In this context, it may be suggested to increase cooperation with the Provincial and District Directorates of National Education, to give schools a budget, and to increase the cooperation of schools with local administrations can be suggested to solve their own economic problems.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu araştırmada ilkokulların yerel yönetimlerle işbirliği içerisinde olmalarının okulun ekonomik sorunlarının çözümüne katkılarının olup olmadığı, katkıları oluyor ise ne tür katkılarının olduğunun çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın modeli tarama modelidir.  Verilerin toplanmasında nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunun oluşturulmasında, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubu çalışma probleminin anlaşılmasına yönelik istekli olarak bilgiler verebilecek olan ve araştırmacının kolay ulaşabileceği Ankara ili içerisindeki farklı sosyo ekonomik bölgelerde görev yapan 20 ilkokul müdürü ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Araştırmada Ankara il merkezinde bulunan ilkokul müdürleri ile görüşülmesi ve 6360 sayılı yasa ile Ankara İl Özel İdaresi’nin kaldırılmış olması nedeniyle araştırma kapsamında yerel yönetimler olarak belediyeler ifade edilmiştir. Verilerin toplanması, araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan “Yerel Yönetimler ile İşbirliği Konusunda İlkokul Müdürü Görüşme Formu” aracılığı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde betimsel analiz yapılmıştır.Bu araştırmada, ilkokulların belediyeler ile işbirliği içerisinde olduğu ancak bu işbirliğinin okulun ekonomik sorunlarını çözmeye tam olarak yardımcı olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca okulların işbirliği yaptığı gerek belediyeler gerekse diğer kurumlar okullara yalnızca belirli gider kalemlerinde destek olabildiğinden yapılan destekler sınırlı çözümler sağlamakta ya da hiç çözüm olamamaktadır. Araştırmada okul müdürlerinin tamamının okulun ekonomik sorunlarının çözümünde İl ve İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ile işbirliği yapmak istedikleri, bunun yanı sıra Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, veliler ve yerel yönetimlerle de işbirliği yapmayı istedikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu kapsamda okulların ekonomik sorunlarının çözümünde öncelikli olarak İl ve İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlükleri ile işbirliğini artıracak, okullara bir bütçe verilmesini sağlayacak, okulların yerel yönetimler ile işbirliğini artıracak yasal düzenlemeler yapılması önerilebilir

    Chaotic Scattering and Capture of Strings by Black Hole

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    We consider scattering and capture of circular cosmic strings by a Schwarzschild black hole. Although being a priori a very simple axially symmetric two-body problem, it shows all the features of chaotic scattering. In particular, it contains a fractal set of unstable periodic solutions; a so-called strange repellor. We study the different types of trajectories and obtain the fractal dimension of the basin-boundary separating the space of initial conditions according to the different asymptotic outcomes. We also consider the fractal dimension as a function of energy, and discuss the transition from order to chaos.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 9 pages, 5 figure