227 research outputs found

    Factores y razones asociadas con el abandono de high school de los jóvenes de origen mexicano y blancos no hispanos en Estados Unidos

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los factores y las razones que intervienen en el abandono de high school para una cohorte de estudiantes de origen mexicano y blancos no hispanos en Estados Unidos. La fuente de datos que se utiliza es la National Education Longitudinal Survey (NELS 88-92), la cual es representativa a nivel nacional. Los principales resultados son: la edad de los estudiantes, la participación en el mercado de trabajo, la inasistencia escolar, las actividades extracurriculares, el estatus socioeconómico, la educación de los padres, la estructura familiar, el número de hermanos y el tipo de escuela son factores que inciden sobre el abandono escolar de los jóvenes mexicanos y nativos. Con respecto a las razones de abandono escolar se encontró que éstas corresponden a eventos que generalmente marcan el paso a la adultez. Para los jóvenes de origen mexicano el nacimiento del primer hijo o el embarazo es la principal razón por la cual abandonan la escuela; mientras que para los blancos no hispanos la principal razón de abandono se asocia con la incorporación al mercado de trabajo. ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to analyze the factors and reasons for dropout of high school for a cohort of Mexican and white non Hispanic students. We use as source of data the National Education Longitudinal Survey (NELS 88-92), which is representative at national level. The main findings are: student’s age, labor force participation, to attend class, extracurricular activities, socioeconomic strata, parent´s education, family structure, number of siblings and type of school are influencing high school dropout for Mexican origin and Native youth. With respect to the reasons for high school dropout, we found that these reasons are related with early adulthood. For Mexican youth the first child or pregnancy is the main reason for school dropout; while white non Hispanic is labor force entry

    Proyecto pedagógico mediatizado para la formación en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación a directivos y docentes de la Institución Educativa Normal Superior "El Jardín" de Risaralda

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    El presente proyecto pedagógico mediatizado, permitió identificar el nivel de conocimientos que tenían los docentes, frente al uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), en la Escuela Normal Superior “el Jardín” de Risaralda. Se implementaron una serie de capacitaciones, que permitieron la apropiación de conocimientos básicos, en la utilización de las (TIC), para implementarlas en la institución y utilizarlas en las aulas de clase como herramientas pedagógicas. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se identificaron los bajos niveles de competencias digitales en los directivos y docentes, de la Escuela Normal Superior “el Jardín” de Risaralda. Se diseñó un proceso de alfabetización digital para mejorar el uso de las TIC en la institución

    La multiculturalidad como objeto de atención a la diversidad

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    Una de las causas que más ha estimulado la Reforma Educativa, ha sido la necesidad de adaptar el sistema educativo a las demandas y retos que plantea la sociedad actual. Según esta Reforma, debemos optar por un currículum común, comprensivo, abierto y flexible, que proporcione a la persona las claves que le permitan integrarse en la sociedad como un miembro activo, crítico y responsable. Sin embargo, la comprensividad, por sí sola puede llegar a convertirse en un elemento discriminatorio para determinados alumnos, ahondando en las desigualdades que pretende corregir. Por eso, la diversidad es un principio complementario de la comprensividad. El factor en el que nos centramos en este trabajo, es el multiculturalismo social. Es decir se trata de la integración de ciudadanos de otras culturas -inmigrantes- que se encuentran en situación de desventaja con respecto a sus compañeros, y que por tanto precisan de una respuesta educativa especial que tenga en cuenta la situación personal de cada alumno.One of the reasons which stimulated the Educational Reform has been the necessity to adapt the educational system to the demands and challenges of current society. According to this Reform, we should choose a common, open, flexible, and comprehensive curriculum which provides the person with clues allowing his integration in society as an active, critical and responsible member. Nonetheless, comprehension can become a discriminatory element for certain students, deepening in inequalities that it tries to correct. This is why diversity is a complementary principle of comprehension. Social multiculturalism is the factor that we focus on in this work. It is about the integration of citizens from other cultures –immigrants- who find themselves in a situation of disadvantage compared with their peers, who, therefore, require a specialized educational answer which takes into account students’ personal situation

    First record of the nymph of Nanomis rasmusseni Chacon, Pescador & Segnini, 2013 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Colombia

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    Herein, we present the first record of the nymph of Nanomis rasmusseni Chacón, Pescador & Segnini, 2013, from two biogeographic regions in Colombia. This species was originally described for the Venezuelan Andes. Both Colombian and Venezuelan populations occur at high elevations, in streams with similar altitudes. We also found that both populations can be distinguished from each other by the terga II, VII, and IX coloration, in addition to the branching pattern of the abdominal gills.Herein, we present the first record of the nymph of Nanomis rasmusseni Chacón, Pescador & Segnini, 2013, from two biogeographic regions in Colombia. This species was originally described for the Venezuelan Andes. Both Colombian and Venezuelan populations occur at high elevations, in streams with similar altitudes. We also found that both populations can be distinguished from each other by the terga II, VII, and IX coloration, in addition to the branching pattern of the abdominal gills

    Analysis of Educational Data in the Current State of University Learning for the Transition to a Hybrid Education Model

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    Currently, the 2019 Coronavirus Disease pandemic has caused serious damage to health throughout the world. Its contagious capacity has forced the governments of the world to decree isolation and quarantine to try to control the pandemic. The consequences that it leaves in all sectors of society have been disastrous. However, technological advances have allowed people to continue their different activities to some extent while maintaining isolation. Universities have great penetration in the use of technology, but they have also been severely affected. To give continuity to education, universities have been forced to move to an educational model based on synchronous encounters, but they have maintained the methodology of a face-to-face educational model, what has caused several problems in the learning of students. This work proposes the transition to a hybrid educational model, provided that this transition is supported by data analysis to identify the new needs of students. The knowledge obtained is contrasted with the performance presented by the students in the face-to-face modality and the necessary parameters for the transition to this modality are clearly established. In addition, the guidelines and methodology of online education are considered in order to take advantage of the best of both modalities and guarantee learning

    Determination of the Bioactive Effect of Custard Apple By-Products by In Vitro Assays

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    Annona cherimola fruit, known as cherimoya or custard apple, is an exotic fruit from South America but is strongly produced in Andalusia, Spain. Its by-products (seeds and peel) are recognised as important sources of antioxidants, including phenolic acids, flavonoids and procyanidins. Therefore, the aim of this study was to carry out the characterization of its phenolic composition and to in vitro evaluate the bioactivity of custard apple seed and peel. Therefore, high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-qTOF-MS) was performed in order to tentatively identify their phenolic composition. In the end, 19 compounds were identified and quantified, some of them for the first time in the custard apple matrix. Then, seed and peel total phenolic content, as well as antioxidant properties, radical scavenging capacity (O-2, NO, HOCl) and inhibition of enzymes involved in different pathologies (hyaluronidase, elastase, collagenase, tyrosinase, acetylcholinesterase and xanthine oxidase), were evaluated. Although both extracts showed almost similar antioxidant capacities, custard apple seed stood out slightly more than peel (171 +/- 2 vs. 130.0 +/- 0.4 mu mol TE/g DE, resp.), especially as center dot NO scavenger (IC50 1.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 11.8 +/- 0.3 mg/L, resp.) and hyaluronidase inhibitor (IC50 170 +/- 10 vs. 460 +/- 20mg/L, resp.). Finally, the application of extracts on a real human model of platelet aggregation was performed, reporting antiaggregatory effects in agonist-promoted platelet thrombus formation. All these results show that custard apple by-products are stated as interesting sources of bioactive compounds with multiple industrial applications for the development of high-added-value products, such as functional foods, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals, promoting the circular bioeconomy of these by-products.Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise and Universities of Andalusia P18-TP-3589University of Granada P18-TP-3589Spanish Government FPU19/01146 AGR27

    Cosmeceutical Potential of Major Tropical and Subtropical Fruit By-Products for a Sustainable Revalorization

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    The work was supported by the project P18-TP-3589 (Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise and Universities of Andalusia). The author A.R.-G. would like to thank the project P18-TP-3589, University of Granada and AGR274 group for the contract (265).The author A.G.-V. would like to thank the Spanish National Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan for her contract. The author M.d.C.V.-A. would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science,Innovation, and Universities for the grant FPU19/01146. The author M.d.l.L.C.-G. would like to thank the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise and Universities of Andalusia for the contract for Young Researchers (PAIDI) at the University of Granada.The increasing production of tropical fruits followed by their processing results in tons of waste, such as skins or seeds. However, these by-products have been reported to be rich in bioactive compounds (BACs) with excellent properties of interest in the cosmeceutical industry: antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and photoprotective properties. This review summarizes the tropical fruits most produced worldwide, their bioactive composition and the most important and studied therapeutic properties that their by-products can contribute to skin health, as well as the different approaches for obtaining these compounds using techniques by conventional (Soxhlet, liquid-liquid extraction or maceration) and non-conventional extractions (supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and two-phase aqueous system), followed by their identification by HPLC-MS or GC-MS analysis. Moreover, this work encompasses several studies that may prove the effects of seeds and skins from tropical fruits against oxidative stress, hyperpigmentation, acne, aging or UV radiation. Therefore, the investigation of functional components present in tropical fruit by-products under a circular bioeconomy model could be of great interest for the cosmeceutical industry and a very promising option for obtaining new cosmeceutical formulations.Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise and Universities of Andalusia P18-TP-3589Spanish National Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan P18-TP-3589University of Granada AGR274 group 265Spanish National Youth Guarantee Implementation PlanSpanish Government FPU19/01146 AGR27

    Physical chemical and biological analysis of rio santo domingo, Río Verde tributary, La Vieja river basin, Alto Cauca, Colombia

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    Se realizó un análisis fisicoquímico y biológico del río Santo Domingo, afluente río Verde, cuenca río La Vieja, Alto Cauca, Colombia, en 12 estaciones de muestreo durante bajas (febrero, junio y julio) y altas lluvias (abril, marzo y mayo). Se aplicaron índices de diversidad alfa como Shannon-Wiener, Dominancia, Margalef y Pielou; diversidad beta con Jaccard y diversidad gamma Schluter-Ricklefs y BMWP/Col para estimar la calidad del agua. El ANDEVA mostró diferencias significativas entre las épocas de lluvia para el oxígeno disuelto, el pH, la conductividad y la humedad relativa. Se registraron en total 12405 ejemplares de macroinvertebrados: 8177 en bajas y 4228 en altas lluvias; Ephemeroptera fue el orden más abundante para ambas épocas con el género Baetodes; el ANDEVA de dos factores mostró significancia de la abundancia absoluta entre épocas y zonas; el BMWP/Col indicó que la calidad del agua fue buena, a excepción de la estación 3 que presentó una calidad aceptable. Se capturaron 97 ejemplares de peces: 70 para bajas y 27 para altas lluvias; las especies de peces más abundantes fueron Astroblepus chapmani y Brycon henni. Los índices de diversidad y riqueza fueron bajos para las comunidades de macroinvertebrados y peces. La diversidad gamma para macroinvertebrados y peces fue consistente con el número de especies encontradas en el estudio. El río es oligotrófico, con tendencia a la eutroficación en ambos periodos climáticos.A physical-chemical and biological analysis of the Santo Domingo river, Verde river tributary, La Vieja river basin, Alto Cauca, Colombia, was carried out at 12 sampling stations during low rainy (February, June and July) and high rainy seasons (April, March and May). Alpha diversity indexes such as Shannon-Wiener, Dominancia, Margalef and Pielou were applied. Beta diversity indexes with Jaccard and gamma diversity Schluter-Ricklefs and BMWP / Col were applied to estimate water quality. ANOVA showed significant differences between rainy seasons for dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity and relative humidity. A total of 12,405 macroinvertebrates were recorded: 8,177 in low and 4,228 in high rainy season; Ephemeroptera was the most abundant order for both seasons with the genus Baetodes. The two-factor ANOVA showed significance of absolute abundance between seasons and zones. The BMWP / Col indicated that the water quality was good, except for the station 3 that presented an acceptable quality. A total of 97 specimens of fish were caught: 70 for low and 27 for high rainy season. The most abundant species of fish were Astroblepus chapmani and Brycon henni. Diversity and richness indices were low for macroinvertebrate communities and fish. Gamma diversity for macroinvertebrates and fish was consistent with the number of species found in the study. The river is oligotrophic, with a tendency to eutrophication in both rainy seasons

    Comprehensive Analysis of Antioxidant Compounds from Lippia citriodora and Hibiscus sabdari a Green Extracts Attained by Response Surface Methodology

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    Phenolic compounds have shown to have a high bioactive potential against various pathologies, postulating as an interesting alternative to manage some diseases. In this sense, both Lippia citriodora and Hibiscus sabdari a are two botanical sources with a demonstrated high bioactive potential, in which their antioxidant capacity stands out. In this work, the optimization of the extraction conditions for the recovery of phytochemicals from L. citriodora leaves and H. sabdari a calyces has been carried out using Response Surface Methodologies (RSM) considering their total polar compounds measured by HPLC-ESI-TOF/MS and Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and its antioxidant capacity evaluated by Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) assays. The results showed that to maximize the antioxidant capacity in H. sabdari a, a moderate temperature and high ethanol percentage are needed, while a low temperature and a high percentage of ethanol are needed in L. citriodora. In addition, with the results obtained in the multiple response analysis, it is possible to a rm the importance of this type of analysis to develop functional ingredients, taking into account both total content of phenolic compounds and their bioactivity. Furthermore, as confirmed in this study, these analyses can be extrapolated in di erent techniques and in di erent matrices, with phenolic compounds from di erent families being important to develop new high added value products for food, pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries.Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities RTI2018-096724-B-C22Plan Propio de Investigación of the University of GranadaMinistry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesUniversity of GranadaAGR274 group 5450Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) BES-2016-07661