148 research outputs found

    The Effects of Foods Embedded in Entertainment Media on Children’s Food Choices and Food Intake: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses

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    While watching or playing with media, children are often confronted with food appearances. These food portrayals might be a potential factor that affects a child’s dietary behaviors. We aimed to comprehensively expound the effects of these types of food appearances on dietary outcomes of children. Our objectives were to synthetize the evidence of the experiments that study the effects of foods embedded in children’s entertainment media throughout a systematic review, to conduct two meta-analyses (food choice and intake) in order to quantify the effects, and to examine to what extent the effects of foods embedded in entertainment media varies across different moderating variables. We conducted a systematic search of five databases for studies published up to July 2018 regarding terms related to children and foods embedded in entertainment media. We identified 26 eligible articles, of which 13 (20 effect sizes) and 7 (13 effect sizes) were considered for a meta-analysis on food choice and intake, respectively. Most of the studies were assessed as having a middle risk of bias. Overall, food being embedded in entertainment media is a strategy that affects the eating behaviors of children. As most of the embedded foods in the included studies had low nutritional values, urgent measures are needed to address the problem of childhood obesity

    Full modeling and experimental validation of cylindrical holographic lenses recorded in Bayfol HX photopolymer and partly operating in the transition regime for solar concentration

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    Concentrating photovoltaics for building integration can be successfully carried out with Holographic Optical Elements (HOEs) because of their behavior analogous to refractive optical elements and their tuning ability to the spectral range that the photovoltaic (PV) cell is sensitive to. That way, concentration of spectral ranges that would cause overheating of the cell is avoided. Volume HOEs are usually chosen because they provide high efficiencies. However, their chromatic selectivity is also very high, and only a small part of the desired spectral range reaches the PV cell. A novel approach is theoretically and experimentally explored to overcome this problem: the use of HOEs operating in the transition regime, which yield lower chromatic selectivity while keeping rather high efficiencies. A model that considers the recording material’s response, by determining the index modulation reached for each spatial frequency and exposure dosage, has been developed. It has been validated with experimental measurements of three cylindrical holographic lenses with different spatial frequency ranges recorded in Bayfol HX photopolymer. Simulations of systems comprising two lenses and a mono-c Si PV cell are carried out with the standard AM 1.5D solar spectrum. Promising results are obtained when using the system with lower spatial frequencies lenses: a total current intensity equal to 3.72 times the one that would be reached without the concentrator.Generalitat de Catalunya (2017FI_B2_00127); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (ENE2013-48325-R, ENE2016-81040-R); Diputación General de Aragón - Fondo Social Europeo (TOL research group, T76); Universidad de Zaragoza (UZ2017-CIE-02)

    Characterization of volume holographic optical elements recorded in Bayfol HX photopolymer for solar photovoltaic applications

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    Volume Holographic Optical Elements (HOEs) present interesting characteristics for photovoltaic applications as they can select spectrum for concentrating the target bandwidth and avoiding non-desired wavelengths, which can cause the decrease of the performance on the cell, for instance by overheating it. Volume HOEs have been recorded on Bayfol HX photopolymer to test the suitability of this material for solar concentrating photovoltaic systems. The HOEs were recorded at 532 nm and provided a dynamic range, reaching close to 100% efficiency at 800 nm. The diffracted spectrum had a FWHM of 230 nm when illuminating at Bragg angle. These characteristics prove HOEs recorded on Bayfol HX photopolymer are suitable for concentrating solar light onto photovoltaic cells sensitive to that wavelength range

    Micropropagación de Hypericum goyanesii, una especie en vía de extinción

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    This work evaluated the plant tissue culture like a propagation and preservation alternative of Hypericum goyanesii, an endemic threatened shrub. It was found that Na0C1 (1.5% by 5 min.) and Benlate, used as disinfectants of H. goyanesii buds, showed the best results in regards to the percentage of buds adapted to in vitro conditions. Nodes with lateral buds were cultured on the basal medium Murashige and Skoog (1962), enriched with Indol Butyric Acid (IBA) (0; 0.5; 1.0 ;1.5 mg.L-1 ) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0; 0.5; 1.0 ;1.5 mg.L ). The use of 0.5 mg.L -1 of 6-benzilaminopurine allows obtains greater number of in vitro plants, establishing better conditions for mass propagation of H. goyanesii.En este trabajo se evaluó el cultivo de tejidos vegetales in vitro como una alternativa en la propagación y preservación de Hypericum goyanesii, especie en vía de extinción. Se determinó que el efecto que tiene el hipoclorito de sodio (1.5% por 5 min.) y el benlate, como agentes desinfectantes de las secciones de nudos, permiten obtener el mayor porcentaje de brotes adaptados a condiciones in vitro. Los nudos con yemas axilares se sembraron en medios Murashige & Skoog (1962) enriquecido con la Auxina Acido Indol Butírico (AIB) (0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 mg.L -1 ) y la Citoquinina 6-bencilaminopu-iina (BAP) (0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 mg.L -1 ). Se determinó que la utilización de 0.5 mg.L-1 de Bencilaminopurina permite la obtención del mayor número de plántulas, estableciendo las condiciones más adecuadas para la propagación in vitro de Hypericum goyanesii

    Procedimientos para el manejo de residuos orgánicos avícolas : manual técnico

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    La reutilización de estos residuos constituye una técnica de producción sostenida por una serie de normas que se encaminan a la descontaminación del ambiente, transformándolos en materia, que favorece la recuperación del suelo y del aire, como también la salud del hombre y de los animales. La utilización de éstos se convierte, posteriormente en fuente de nutrientes para animales y recuperación de energía, mediante el aprovechamiento del biogas y de la materia orgánica como materia prima de los procesos de compostaje, con el uso de tecnologías eficientes que se pueden aplicar a cualquier escala de producción. Por ello nos vemos en el compromiso de elaborar este Manual Técnico, no solo con la intención de buscar alternativas que permitan a los productores ampliar sus opciones de mantenimiento en el campo de la avicultura y mejorar sus ingresos, sino también, la de impulsar el sector agropecuario y estimular a los empresarios del campo a invertir en proyectos, que promuevan la mejora de sus producciones y se hagan más competitivos con productos de mejor calidad y precio

    Determinación del polimorfismo C677T de metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa (MTHFR) en una población piloto de estudiantes de la Universidad del Rosario

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     Introduction: the 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an essential enzyme in folate metabolism; their polymorphisms have been associated with heart disease risk increase, obstetric problems, neural tube defects in fetuses and cancer susceptibility. This gene has a single nucleotide polymorphism, a C-T change at nucleotide 677, which affects significantly its enzymatic activity. Objective: because of the biological importance of this enzyme and the Colombian population genetic heterogeneity characteristic, a study was performed to determine allele and genotype frequencies of MTHFR C677T polymorphism in healthy individuals, taking into account that in Colombia there are only studies that have involved case-control methodology. Methods: we analyzed this polymorphism trough the amplification of the DNA of a 206 students sample population. Additionally, Colombian overall frequencies were calculated, using data from healthy controls reported in other studies. Results: a Hardy-Weinberg disequilibri m was found in the sample tested. For the Colombian data, we found that the global population was in equilibrium. Conclusion: T allele population frequency seems to be under positive selection pressure, which is reflected in the population allele increase, despite its deleterious effect. A Spanish study reported similar results and identified folic acid supplementation on expectant mothers as a probably cause of this change. Introducción: la 5, 10-metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa (MTHFR) es una enzima clave en el metabolismo del folato; sus polimorfismos se han asociado al aumento de riesgo de padecer enfermedad coronaria, problemas obstétricos en mujeres gestantes, desarrollo de fetos con defectos de cierre del tubo neural y susceptibilidad a algunos tipos de cáncer. Este gen presenta una variación polimórfica de nucleótido único, que consiste en un cambio de C por T en la posición 677 el cual afecta de manera notable su actividad enzimática. Objetivo: Dada la importancia de esta enzima y la heterogeneidad genética de la población colombiana se realizó un estudio para determinar las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas del polimorfismo C677T de MTHFR en individuos sanos, debido a que en el país sólo se han realizado estudios que involucran metodología de casos y controles. Materiales y métodos: Este polimorfismo se estudió a partir de ADN de una muestra poblacional de 206 estudiantes. Adicionalmente, se calcularon las frecuencias globales de Colombia utilizando los datos de controles sanos reportados en otros estudios. Resultados: En la muestra evaluada se detectó un desequilibrio Hardy-Weinberg, mientras que en los datos globales colombianos se encontró que la población está en equilibrio. Conclusión: la frecuencia poblacional del alelo T parece estar sometida a una presión de selección positiva, dado su incremento en la población a pesar de su efecto deletéreo. Un estudio español reporta resultados similares y argumenta como causa probable de este cambio en la frecuencia alélica de T la suplementación con ácido fólico a futuras madres

    ¿Ofrece la universidad suficiente conocimiento a sus alumnos de Ingeniería Civil en materia de rehabilitación de la construcción?

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    La Universidad debería adaptarse a los cambios cíclicos que imperan en la sociedad. En la actualidad, el sector de la construcción está experimentando un auténtico declive en numerosos países debido a numerosos factores por lo que, en muchos casos, la opción de rehabilitar lo construido debería potenciarse a nivel formativo. El criterio de rehabilitación es realmente amplio: abarca desde el volver a hacer habitable cualquier edificio, por simple que éste sea, que, poco a poco, ha ido perdiendo sus condiciones iniciales de confort, estabilidad, seguridad, estética, etc., o bien, el que dedica la atención a edificios emblemáticos, de gran valor histórico, cuyo mantenimiento y rehabilitación debiera de ser una obligación moral con la finalidad de permitir su uso a las generaciones actuales y futuras, conservando así ese bagaje construido singular del que dispone la Humanidad. Desgraciadamente, desde las aulas de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad se dedica muy poca atención a los principios, motivaciones y protocolos de actuación en la rehabilitación de construcciones. Trabajos previos realizados por los autores del presente artículo así lo han reflejado. En lo que sigue, se refiere brevemente cual es la situación actual de la enseñanza de dicha temática en facultades de Ingeniería Civil de diferentes países del mundo, y se hace un llamamiento para que ésta sea considerada dentro de la formación impartida a nuestros alumnos. Para ello, con base en la investigación realizada se propone lo que podría ser una guía tentativa de asignatura

    Effect of forest landscapes composition and configuration on bird community and its functional traits in a hotspot of biodiversity of Chile

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    Understanding the effect of landscape configuration on the bird species richness and their functional traits (dietary preferences) is important to link the conservation and restoration plans to the production of the crops. Our aims were: 1) to study the influence of forest types (native, mixed and plantations) on the bird species richness in two agroforestry landscapes (heterogeneous/homogeneous); 2) to assess the effect of size/density of forest patches in the birds’ functional traits; 3) to evaluate the effect of isolated trees on them, and 4) to discuss conservation and restoration measures for the birds’ functional traits in agroforestry landscapes. We used hierarchical occupancy models to evaluate the effect of different landscape metrics and detectability measures on bird communities. We recorded a total of 64 bird species. The estimated species richness was considerable higher in homogeneous landscape (31.7 ± 2.7) than heterogeneous (27.3 ± 2.5). Our results showed the bird assemblage had a positive trend with native forests, negative with mixed forests and neutral trend for plantations. The granivores and insectivore’s species showed significant preferences for homogeneous landscape, while omnivores had significant preferences for heterogeneous landscape. Carnivores/Piscivores and herbivores/frugivores species did not show preferences by any landscape type. The response of functional traits depended on different forests attributes. The isolated trees had a significant effect on the birds’ functional traits. In conclusion, it is necessary a deep knowledge about the relationship between the landscape configuration and the bird species richness/functional traits. These findings could help in the future with the conservation, restoration, and rewilding policies in this important hotspot of biodiversity, avoiding alterations in the ecosystem services