456 research outputs found

    Universities and knowledge transfer in the communication field. Letter

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    “What is the role of universities nowadays?” is one of the questions that those of us who work there should be asking ourselves. Knowledge transfer has emerged as academia’s third mission and must drive social change and development. Specifically, this paper aims to analyze knowledge transfer’s significance in the social sciences and, more specifically, in communication sciences, by looking at the call for the six-year academic research period on knowledge transfer in 2018 and taking into account what is happening in other disciplines. The contributions of the Spanish university community in terms of knowledge transfer fall behind other countries in our field. Only approximately 1% of international patents result from Spanish research. This disparity between these two realms demonstrates the need to promote knowledge transfer as the third helix of the triple helix of an interactive and dynamic university model in communication with institutions and social agents

    Monográfico : la construcción social del genero en los medios

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    The different approaches on gender communication assembled in this monograph assume that gender identities constructed by the media set standards that are socially shared, and which greatly inspire and impact the receivers of the messages. The strengthening or debilitating influence on gender identities in relation to gender mandates is unquestionable. The dialogue and social recognition of new identity proposals are encouraged through media characters, new agenda issues or "possible worlds" constructed by fictional creations and advertising. The essays contained in this volume sustain a common thesis: the persistence of an androcentric perspective on the contents and representations of the media, which are adapted to new cultural expressions that are characterized by their political correctness. Nevertheless, an in-detail analysis of different formats of media discourses allows us to realize the permanence of a dichotomous view of gender roles, one of the pillars of the patriarchal society, as well as the assumption of a masculine preeminence against some feminine lifestyles

    Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 RirA is required for oxidative stress resistance and efficient symbiosis with Soybean

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    Members of Rhizobiaceae contain a homologue of the iron-responsive regulatory protein RirA. In different bacteria, RirA acts as a repressor of iron uptake systems under iron-replete conditions and contributes to ameliorate cell damage during oxidative stress. In Rhizobium leguminosarum and Sinorhizobium meliloti, mutations in rirA do not impair symbiotic nitrogen fixation. In this study, a rirA mutant of broad host range S. fredii HH103 has been constructed (SVQ780) and its free-living and symbiotic phenotypes evaluated. No production of siderophores could be detected in either the wild-type or SVQ780. The rirA mutant exhibited a growth advantage under iron-deficient conditions and hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide in iron-rich medium. Transcription of rirA in HH103 is subject to autoregulation and inactivation of the gene upregulates fbpA, a gene putatively involved in iron transport. The S. fredii rirA mutant was able to nodulate soybean plants, but symbiotic nitrogen fixation was impaired. Nodules induced by the mutant were poorly infected compared to those induced by the wild-type. Genetic complementation reversed the mutant’s hypersensitivity to H2O2, expression of fbpA, and symbiotic deficiency in soybean plants. This is the first report that demonstrates a role for RirA in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis.Andalucian Government Grant No. P11-CVI-7500Spanish Government Grant Nos. BIO2013-42801-P and BIO2016-78409-REuropean Regional Development Funds (ERDF)VPPI (V Plan Propio de Investigación) of University of Seville

    Patrones de consumo informativo de las audiencias digitales: entre el interés público y las soft news

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    A través de este artículo hemos pretendido calibrar las preferencias informativas de los usuarios digitales a partir del uso de las herramientas interactivas habilitadas por los medios de comunicación, en concreto, las listas de las noticias más leídas, comentadas y compartidas. Para ello, hemos analizado dichas listas a lo largo de una semana en tres periódicos digitales generalistas y una red social de noticias, realizando una clasificación temática entre aquellos contenidos con un marcado interés público de aquellos otros de corte más sensacionalista o que tratan asuntos de otras materias sociales.From this article we have tried to calibrate the preferences of digital information users from use of interactive tools enabled by the media, in particular, the lists of the most read, commented and shared news. To do this, we analyzed these lists over a week in three generalist digital newspapers and a social networking new site, performing a thematic classification between those files that deal with public affairs issues and those other more sensationalist or dealing with matters other social matters

    Cannabis use during pregnancy and its relationship with fetal developmental outcomes and psychiatric disorders. A systematic review

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    This study analyze factors associated to cannabis use in pregnant women, its perceived availability, its risk perception and the relationship between prenatal exposure to cannabis and developmental and mental disorders. We present a review of the literature on cannabis use among pregnant women. The objective is to analyze factors associated to cannabis use during pregnancy and assess the potential effects of prenatal exposure to cannabis on the development of the fetus and the mental health of those exposed. Systematic review of studies on the maternal use of cannabis and the relationship between early exposure and the development of psychiatric disorders in the PubMed database until July 2018 in English and Spanish with the following keywords: Marijuana, Cannabinoids, Mental disorders, Pregnancy, Prenatal Cannabis Exposure, Risk factors. The use of cannabis among pregnant women is frequent but it has not been extensively researched. Prenatal exposure to cannabis may be associated with affective symptoms and ADHD. Mental healthcare professionals who treat women during their fertile life need to be able to explain the relationship between prenatal exposure to cannabis and the presence of developmental and mental disorders

    Evaluación de la influencia de los recursos computacionales en la QoE del servicio.

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    The new generation of mobile networks goes beyond radio communications by providing a resilient and flexible architecture. In this context, the virtualization of Radio Access Networks (vRAN) completes the Network Func4on Virtualization (NFV) milestone, enabling a distributed and scalable network architecture. However, this approach increases the complexity of management tasks as computing resources start to play an essential role in the network provisioning process. In this sense, this work aims to assess the impact of computational resources on the delivery of video streaming services. The results obtained prove that inadequate resource assignment to vRAN instances leads to degradation of the Quality of Experience (QoE), even if the allocation of radio resources is adequate for the service.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Procedimiento de obtención de partículas de ZnO con morfología acicular

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    Referencia OEPM: P200001597.-- Fecha de solicitud: 27/06/2000.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Procedimiento de obtención de partículas de ZnO con morfología acicular. La presente invención utiliza el método de precipitación controlada para obtener partículas de ZnO con morfología acicular. A través del control de los parámetros de formación de precursores intermedios de compuestos de cinc y la evolución de dichos precursores intermedios mediante el lavado con agua destilada de la suspensión coloidal se obtiene hidróxido de cinc. La destilación entre 100-150°C de una suspensión acuosa del hidróxido de zinc produce la formación de partículas de óxido de cinc con morfología acicular. El tamaño de las partículas varía con las condiciones de obtención, siendo el tamaño estándar de 0.5 μm de diámetro y 5-8 μm de longitud. La eficacia del procedimiento es superior al 90%.Peer reviewe

    Impacto de la gestión de riesgos en la gestión técnica del proyecto de radiocomunicaciones TETRA en los Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019 bajo el enfoque del PMBOK

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    La importancia de los Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019marcan un hito para el desarrollo de la Gestión de Proyectos en el Perú. Un proyecto que utilizó metodologías de trabajo como las del PMI, BIM y el esquema G2G para poder alcanzar el éxito. El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es proponer mejoras en el grupo de proceso de la gestión de riesgos dela gestión técnica del proyecto de radiocomunicaciones TETRA de los Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019.Las conclusiones, así como las buenas prácticas sugeridas en esta investigación quedarán como material de consulta y referencia para proyectos similares. El sistema de radiocomunicaciones de los juegos representó un gran reto en el Perú, el despliegue desarrollado logró satisfacer las necesidades demandadas por los usuarios del proyecto, al no existir experiencias previas sobre implementaciones similares, la gestión de riesgos de este proyecto debió haberse desarrollado considerando todas las posibilidades de los riesgos que puedan suceder en este tipo de eventos de gran magnitud. Se escogió utilizar el enfoque cuantitativo a razón de que es un planteamiento acotado que mide fenómenos y utiliza la estadística. El alcance de la investigación es del tipo correlacional. La investigación es del tipo no experimental por el diseño que se presenta y la temporalidad es transeccional siendo del tipo correlacional-causal. Nuestra investigación se basa principalmente en la información de los entregables propios del proyecto y el PMBOK sexta edición. La población para la consulta utilizado fue el personal de tecnología que trabajó en este proyecto.The importance of the Lima 2019 Pan American Games mark a milestone for the development of Project Management in Peru. A project that used working methodologies such as those of the PMI, BIM and the G2G scheme in order to achieve success. The purpose of this research work is to propose improvements in the risk management process group of the technical management of the TETRAradiocommunication project of the Lima 2019 Pan American Games. The conclusions, as well as the best practices suggested in this research will remain as reference and consultation material for similar projects. The radiocommunications system of the games represented a great challenge in Peru, the developed deployment managed to meet the needs demanded by the users of the project, in the absence of previous experiences on similar implementations, the risk management of this project should have been developed considering all the possibilities of the risks that may happen in this type of large-scale events. It was chosen to use the quantitative approach because it is a dimensioned approach that measures phenomena and uses statistics. The scope of the investigation is of the correlational type. The research is of the non-experimental type due to the design presented and the temporality is transectional, being of the correlational-causal type. Our research is mainly based on the information of the deliverables of the project and the PMBOK sixth edition. The population for the consultation used was the technology staff who worked on this project.Escuela de Postgrad

    Diferència de la resposta hemodinàmica i autònoma a l’estrès

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    Introducció Tot i que es coneixen les adaptacions funcionals i estructurals cardíaques dels esportistes de potència i resistència aeròbica, es desconeix si hi ha diferències cardiovasculars segons les seves característiques metabòliques. Objectiu Comparar la resposta hemodinàmica i autònoma a l’estimulació simpàtica entre jugadors professionals de futbol «potents» i els «resistents». Materials i mètodes Els jugadors van ser classificats com a «potents» o «resistents» amb proves de camp, mitjançant l’anàlisi de classes latents. Després, se’ls mesurà simultàniament les variables hemodinàmiques i de resposta del sistema nerviós autònom (Task Force® Monitor, CNSystems, Àustria) amb un protocol en posició decúbit, inclinació a 70° i amb prova de pressió en fred. Resultats S’inclogueren 22 individus: 9 classificats com a «potents» i la resta com a «resistents». A 70° d’inclinació, els jugadors «resistents» mostraren una freqüència cardíaca menor (68,3 vs 76,3 batecs/min; diferència -8,0; IC 95%, -14,5 a -1,5; p < 0,05), menor pressió arterial diastòlica (84,9 vs 91,0 mmHg; diferència -6,5; IC 95%, -12,4 a -1,5; p < 0,05), a més d’un índex d’ejecció menor (41,1 vs 34,5 ml·m2; diferència 6,6; IC 95%, 2,0 a 11,2; p < 0,05), un índex de contractilitat major (47,5 vs 36,8 [1.000/s]; diferència 10,7; IC 95%, 2,7 a 18,7; p < 0,05) i un índex de volum de final de diàstole major (73,4 vs 62,2 ml·m2; diferència 11,1; IC 95%, 2,4 a 19,8; p < 0,05). A la prova de pressió en fred s’obtingueren resultats similars. Conclusions Els jugadors de futbol professional «resistents» tenen una funció ventricular esquerra més efectiva (sistòlica i diastòlica) i una modulació autònoma millor que els «potents» durant una estimulació simpàtica