505 research outputs found

    Superconductivity without Fe or Ni in the phosphides BaIr2P2 and BaRh2P2

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    Heat capacity, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility measurements confirm bulk superconductivity in single crystals of BaIr2_2P2_2 (Tc_c=2.1K) and BaRh2_2P2_2 (Tc_c = 1.0 K). These compounds form in the ThCr2_2Si2_2 (122) structure so they are isostructural to both the Ni and Fe pnictides but not isoelectronic to either of them. This illustrates the importance of structure for the occurrence of superconductivity in the 122 pnictides. Additionally, a comparison between these and other ternary phosphide superconductors suggests that the lack of interlayer P−PP-P bonding favors superconductivity. These stoichiometric and ambient pressure superconductors offer an ideal playground to investigate the role of structure for the mechanism of superconductivity in the absence of magnetism.Comment: Published in Phys Rev B: Rapid Communication

    Thermodynamic stabilities of ternary metal borides: An ab initio guide for synthesizing layered superconductors

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    Density functional theory calculations have been used to identify stable layered Li-MM-B crystal structure phases derived from a recently proposed binary metal-sandwich (MS) lithium monoboride superconductor. We show that the MS lithium monoboride gains in stability when alloyed with electron-rich metal diborides; the resulting ordered Li2(1−x)Mx_{2(1-x)}M_xB2_2 ternary phases may form under normal synthesis conditions in a wide concentration range of xx for a number of group-III-V metals MM. In an effort to pre-select compounds with the strongest electron-phonon coupling we examine the softening of the in-plane boron phonon mode at Γ\Gamma in a large class of metal borides. Our results reveal interesting general trends for the frequency of the in-plane boron phonon modes as a function of the boron-boron bond length and the valence of the metal. One of the candidates with a promise to be an MgB2_2-type superconductor, Li2_2AlB4_4, has been examined in more detail: according to our {\it ab initio} calculations of the phonon dispersion and the electron-phonon coupling λ\lambda, the compound should have a critical temperature of ∼4\sim4 K.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Theoretical study of metal borides stability

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    We have recently identified metal-sandwich (MS) crystal structures and shown with ab initio calculations that the MS lithium monoboride phases are favored over the known stoichiometric ones under hydrostatic pressure [Phys. Rev. B 73, 180501(R) (2006)]. According to previous studies synthesized lithium monoboride tends to be boron-deficient, however the mechanism leading to this phenomenon is not fully understood. We propose a simple model that explains the experimentally observed off-stoichiometry and show that compared to such boron-deficient phases the MS-LiB compounds still have lower formation enthalpy under high pressures. We also investigate stability of MS phases for a large class of metal borides. Our ab initio results suggest that MS noble metal borides are less unstable than the corresponding AlB2_2-type phases but not stable enough to form under equilibrium conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Chemical pressure and hidden one-dimensional behavior in rare earth tri-telluride charge density wave compounds

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    We report on the first optical measurements of the rare-earth tri-telluride charge-density-wave systems. Our data, collected over an extremely broad spectral range, allow us to observe both the Drude component and the single-particle peak, ascribed to the contributions due to the free charge carriers and to the charge-density-wave gap excitation, respectively. The data analysis displays a diminishing impact of the charge-density-wave condensate on the electronic properties with decreasing lattice constant across the rare-earth series. We propose a possible mechanism describing this behavior and we suggest the presence of a one-dimensional character in these two-dimensional compounds. We also envisage that interactions and umklapp processes might play a relevant role in the formation of the charge-density-wave state in these compounds.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Pressure dependence of the charge-density-wave gap in rare-earth tri-tellurides

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    We investigate the pressure dependence of the optical properties of CeTe3_3, which exhibits an incommensurate charge-density-wave (CDW) state already at 300 K. Our data are collected in the mid-infrared spectral range at room temperature and at pressures between 0 and 9 GPa. The energy for the single particle excitation across the CDW gap decreases upon increasing the applied pressure, similarly to the chemical pressure by rare-earth substitution. The broadening of the bands upon lattice compression removes the perfect nesting condition of the Fermi surface and therefore diminishes the impact of the CDW transition on the electronic properties of RRTe3_3.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Screw dislocation in zirconium: An ab initio study

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    Plasticity in zirconium is controlled by 1/3 screw dislocations gliding in the prism planes of the hexagonal close-packed structure. This prismatic and not basal glide is observed for a given set of transition metals like zirconium and is known to be related to the number of valence electrons in the d band. We use ab initio calculations based on the density functional theory to study the core structure of screw dislocations in zirconium. Dislocations are found to dissociate in the prism plane in two partial dislocations, each with a pure screw character. Ab initio calculations also show that the dissociation in the basal plane is unstable. We calculate then the Peierls barrier for a screw dislocation gliding in the prism plane and obtain a small barrier. The Peierls stress deduced from this barrier is lower than 21 MPa, which is in agreement with experimental data. The ability of an empirical potential relying on the embedded atom method (EAM) to model dislocations in zirconium is also tested against these ab initio calculations

    Evidence for coupling between collective state and phonons in two-dimensional charge-density-wave systems

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    We report on a Raman scattering investigation of the charge-density-wave (CDW), quasi two-dimensional rare-earth tri-tellurides RRTe3_3 (RR= La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd and Dy) at ambient pressure, and of LaTe3_3 and CeTe3_3 under externally applied pressure. The observed phonon peaks can be ascribed to the Raman active modes for both the undistorted as well as the distorted lattice in the CDW state by means of a first principles calculation. The latter also predicts the Kohn anomaly in the phonon dispersion, driving the CDW transition. The integrated intensity of the two most prominent modes scales as a characteristic power of the CDW-gap amplitude upon compressing the lattice, which provides clear evidence for the tight coupling between the CDW condensate and the vibrational modes

    Theory of Adsorption and Surfactant Effect of Sb on Ag (111)

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    We present first-principles studies of the adsorption of Sb and Ag on clean and Sb-covered Ag (111). For Sb, the {\it substitutional} adsorption site is found to be greatly favored with respect to on-surface fcc sites and to subsurface sites, so that a segregating surface alloy layer is formed. Adsorbed silver adatoms are more strongly bound on clean Ag(111) than on Sb-covered Ag. We propose that the experimentally reported surfactant effect of Sb is due to Sb adsorbates reducing the Ag adatom mobility. This gives rise to a high density of Ag islands which coalesce into regular layers.Comment: RevTeX 3.0, 11 pages, 0 figures] 13 July 199

    Effect of intensive melt shearing on the formation of Fe-containing intermetallics in LM24 Al-alloy

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    Fe is one of the inevitable and detrimental impurities in aluminium alloys that degrade the mechanical performance of castings. In the present work, intensive melt shearing has been demonstrated to modify the morphology of Fe-containing intermetallic compounds by promoting the formation of compact α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si at the expense of needle-shaped β-AlFeSi, leading to an improved mechanical properties of LM24 alloy processed by MC-HPDC process. The promotion of the formation of α -Al(Fe, Mn)Si phase is resulted from the enhanced nucleation on the well dispersed MgAl 2O 4 particles in the melt. The Fe tolerance of LM24 alloy can be effectively improved by combining Mn alloying and intensive melt shearing
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