45 research outputs found

    Expression of Interleukin-1ß and Interleukin-8 in Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Carcinomas

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    Objective: To evaluate interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) epithelial expressions in potentially malignant disorders of the oral mucosa as malignant predictive markers.Study design: About 55 tissues embedded in paraffin, comprising 15 oral lichen planus (OLP) lesions, 15 leukoplakias, 15 oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), and 10 samples of normal oral mucosa were included in the study. IL-1ß and 8 expressions were assessed by immunohistochemistry using antibodies antihuman IL-1ß human (sc-7884, Santa Cruz® H-153) and antihuman IL-8 (ab7747, abcam®). The number of positive cells was compared using Student's t-test. Any p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Nuclear and cytoplasmatic keratinocyte staining were positive for both cytokines in all study groups. However, a statistically significant decrease was observed within all cases compared to normal mucosa, both staining for IL-1β and 8. Moreover, IL-8 showed significant differences between OLP and leukoplakia, and when compared to OSCC.Conclusions: Oral epithelial expression of IL-1β and 8 seems to decrease when the malignant transformation of the oral mucosa increases

    Índice de caries y de higiene oral en un grupo de pacientes autistas

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    Objetivos: Determinar el Índice de Caries CPO-D, ceo-d y el Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado en un grupo de pacientes autistas y controles sanos. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal donde se seleccionaron 34 autistas y 34 niños sanos de género masculino entre 4 y 13 años. Se determinó el índice CPOD y el IHO-S. Todos los datos fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SPSS a través de la prueba de chi cuadrado y el test de Student para muestras independientes. Resultados: El 20,60 % de los pacientes autistas y el  73,50% de los controles presentaban caries (p≤0,001), siendo el Índice CPO-D de 1±1 y ceo-d de 0 en los pacientes autistas y 3±2 y 0 en los controles (p≤0,001). En relación al IHO-S, los valores fueron de 2,25±0,78 en los pacientes autistas y de 1.79±0,59 en los controles (p=0,008). Conclusiones:Los índices de caries fueron menores en los pacientes autistas y los Índices de Higiene Oral fueron mayores

    Conocimiento y actitud del odontólogo frente al manejo del tabaquismo: estudio comparativo entre España, Italia y Venezuela

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    espanolIntroduccion: El Odontologo es capaz de ejercer un gran impacto en el tabaquismo a traves de su contacto con los pacientes y la deteccion precoz de lesiones bucales. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el conocimiento y la actitud de los odontologos frente al tabaquismo en tres paises distintos. Materiales y metodos: Se realizo una encuesta a 293 odontologos, 93 de ellos localizados en Caracas (OV), 90 con practica odontologica en Madrid (OE) y 110 en Milan (OI). Resultados: 46 OE y 22 OI indicaron ser fumadores, mientras que tan solo 10 OV admitieron ser fumadores. 80 (86,02%) OV, 66 (73,33%) OE y todos los OI refirieron registrar en la historia datos relacionados con tabaquismo en la primera consulta del paciente. La mayoria motiva a sus pacientes a dejar de fumar, sin embargo, 72,04% (67) OV, 55,55% (50) OE y 100% OI no recomiendan ninguna terapia de apoyo. Solo 7 odontologos (2,38%) (2 OV y 5 OE) reconocieron el medicamento Bupropion pero ningun odontologo lo ha indicado. Finalmente, 137 odontologos han diagnosticado cancer bucal, de los cuales 108 eran OI. Conclusiones: Los odontologos, independientemente del pais, tienen actitudes positivas para participar en el control del tabaquismo, pero no manejan la informacion relacionada ni ejercen un rol activo en la cesacion. Probablemente esta situacion se deba a la falta de entrenamiento durante sus estudios de pre y/o postgrado lo cual amerita una revision de los planes curriculares de Odontologia a nivel mundial. EnglishIntroduction: Health care professionals have an important role in tobacco control. Dentists are capable of having a great impact in smoking cessation due to their regular contact with patients and the rapid detection of oral signs produced by smoking. Unfortunately, there are few dentists actively involved in smoking control. The aim of this study was to investigate various aspects of dentists' beliefs and practices with respect to smoking cessation. Materials & Methods: A questionnaire about smoking cessation was filled in person by 293 dentists. 93 dentists were from Caracas-Venezuela (VD), 90 were from Madrid-Spain (SD) and 110 from Milan-Italy (ID). Results: 46 SD and 22 ID were smokers. Only 10 VD admitted to smoke. 80 (86.02%) VD, 66 (73.33%) SD and 100% of ID said that they recorded smoking status during the first consultation. However, none routinely update their records on smoking status. The majority of respondents encourage their patients to stop smoking, though, 72.04% (67) VD, 55.55% (50) SD and 100% ID do not recommend or prescribe any cessation therapy. Just 7 (2.38%) of all dentists had heard about the use of Bupropion, however, they had never indicated. Finally, 137 dentists (108 ID) have diagnosed oral cancer in their patients. Conclusions: Dentists have positive attitudes to being involved in smoking cessation interventions, but they do not manage all the information related to it. It is probably due to a lack of training or education during their undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Further studies should evaluate inclusion of smoking cessation instruction in Venezuelan, Spanish and Italian dentistry curriculum

    Decompression induces inflammation but do not modify cell proliferation and apoptosis in odontogenic keratocyst

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    BACKGROUND: Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a development cyst, of odontogenic origin, that differs from other entities by its infiltrating and aggressive biological behavior. Among conservative treatments for large lesions, surgical decompression stands out, with a variable recurrence rate. Aim: To evaluate the histological effects of decompression treatment on OKC, including cell proliferation and apoptosis of epithelial cyst. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 21 OKC cases were included. Samples were taken before and after surgical decompression for histological evaluation and immunohistochemical staining of Ki-67, MCM4/7, Bax and Bcl2. Data were analyzed and compared using Student’s t and Wilcoxon tests for related samples, and p values <0,05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: After decompression treatment an increase in inflammation of the cystic wall (p=0,029), loss of parakeratinization of the epithelium (p=0,007) and absence of palisade cell distribution in the basal layer were observed (p=0,002). There were no statistically significant changes in the expression of Ki-67 (p=0,323), MCM4/7 (p=0,079), Bax (p=0,392) or Bcl-2 when compared before and after decompression. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical decompression generates histological structural changes in OKC both in the epithelium and connective wall, however, these findings do not seem to alter induction of the cell cycle or epithelial apoptosis. Key words:Odontogenic keratocyst, MCM, Bax, Bcl2, Ki-67, apoptosis, decompression

    Cavidad ósea de Stafne en una población venezolana. Estudio de prevalencia

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of the Stafne´s bone cavity in a Venezuelan population and to characterize it radiographically. Method: Descriptive and cross-sectional study. Of 500 panoramic radiographs, those that had radiolucent images in the mandible, circumscribed and not associated with any dental organ, as well as those that could correspond to the mandibular fossa, were selected. Results were collated and discrepancies resolved by consensus. The selected ones were characterized radiographically. The variables were compared using the student's t test for equality of means, applying the Levene test, values of p &lt;0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Of the 500 radiographs evaluated, 22 presented images corresponding to deep mandibular fossa or Stafne bone cavities, which represented 4.4%. Of which 5 presented bilaterally (22.7%) and 17 (77, 3%) unilocularly. Among the radiographic characteristics studied, images located in the posterior area (81.81%), without sclerosis (54.54%), continuous to the basal mandibular area, round shape (59.09%) and partial radiolucency (72%) were presented with a higher prevalence). They were more common in male patients with 63.63%. Conclusions: Our results show a higher prevalence of Stafne's bone cavity in a Venezuelan population than that reported in other studies in other populations.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la cavidad ósea de Stafne en una población venezolana y caracterizarla radiográficamente. Método: Estudio de tipo descriptivo y transversal. De 500 radiografías panorámicas, se seleccionaron aquellas que tenían imágenes radiolúcidas en mandíbula, circunscritas y no asociadas a ningún órgano dentario, así como aquellas que pudieran corresponderse con la fosa mandibular. Se cotejaron los resultados y se resolvieron las discrepancias por consenso. Las seleccionadas fueron caracterizadas radiográficamente. Las variables fueron comparadas usando la prueba t de Student para igualdad de medias, aplicando la prueba de Levene, y los valores de p &lt; 0,05 fueron considerados estadísticamente significativos. Resultados: De las 500 radiografías evaluadas, 22 presentaron imágenes correspondientes a cavidades óseas de Stafne, lo que representó el 4,4%. De estas, 5 se presentaron de forma bilateral (22,7%) y 17 (77,3%) de forma unilocular. Entre las características radiográficas estudiadas, se presentaron con mayor prevalencia imágenes ubicadas en la zona posterior (81,81%), sin esclerosis (54,54%), continuas a la basal mandibular, con forma redonda (59,09%) y de radiolucidez parcial (72%). estas fueron más comunes en pacientes masculinos, con un 63,63% del total. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados muestran una prevalencia mayor de la cavidad ósea de Stafne en una población venezolana que la reportada en estudios aplicados a otras poblaciones

    Adamantiades-Behçet disease : an enigmatic process with oral manifestations

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    Adamantiades-Behçet disease (ABD) is a chronic multisystemic vasculitis that is able to affect any human organ or system Recurrent oral ulcers are a very important clinical sign. ABD is a worldwide pathology, which prevalence varies according to the population and geographic location. Although ABD has been known for ages, its aetiology remains an enigma. Genetic, immunological and microbiological factors have been associated. A wide spectrum of clinical manifestations (oral, genital, cutaneous, ocular, neurological, vascular and gastrointestinal) and an unpredictable evolution with repeated periods of exacerbation and remission are the most representative aspects of this pathology. The complex treatment of ABD requires a deep multidisciplinary cooperation; therefore, there is an extensive development of new therapeutic agents that have improved the prognosis of ABD. In this review were analysed the main etiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of the disease

    Presentación inusual de cavidad ósea de Stafne: estudio mediante tomografía computarizada y resonancia magnética

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    The Stafne bone cavity (SC) has been described as an oval radiolucence, with defined and corticalized edges located below the jaw duct between the first molar and the angle of the jaw.&nbsp;Atypical cases of presentation of the cavity in lobed form&nbsp;with irregular, sclerotic or incomplete margins, as well as an unusual location require the use of imaging methods that make possible a differential diagnosis, avoiding an invasive procedure. The purpose of this work was to describe a case of SC in a 74-year-old male patient, with a history of prostate cancer. Cone beam computed tomography images showed an open cavity toward the lingual table below the mandibular canal. Magnetic resonance imaging and multi-cut computerized tomography allowed identifying the defect content, found adipose tissue. The radiographic examination of an atypical SC should be complemented with tomographic and magnetic resonance studies; these provide relevant information to the definitive diagnosis, limiting the performance of a surgical examination. In the clinical case presented, the characterization of the extension of the defect, its relationship with neighboring teeth and structures, as well as the identification of the content allowed us to rule out the presence of a prostate cancer metastasis.La cavidad ósea de Stafne (CS) ha sido descrita como una radiolucencia oval, de bordes definidos y corticalizados, localizada por debajo del conducto mandibular entre el primer molar y el ángulo de la mandíbula. Casos atípicos de presentación de la cavidad en forma lobulada con márgenes irregulares, escleróticos o incompletos, así como una localización inusual requieren el empleo de métodos imagenológicos que posibiliten realizar un diagnóstico diferencial, evitando un procedimiento invasivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir un caso de CS en un paciente masculino de 74 años de edad, con antecedente de cáncer de próstata. Las imágenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico evidenciaron una cavidad abierta hacia la tabla lingual por debajo del conducto mandibular. Las imágenes de resonancia magnética y tomografía computarizada multicorte permitieron identificar el contenido del defecto, identificado en ambos métodos imagenólogicos como tejido adiposo. El examen radiográfico de una CS de aspecto atípico debe ser complementado con estudios tomográficos y de resonancia magnética, estos proporcionan información relevante para el diagnóstico definitivo, limitando la realización de una exploración quirúrgica. En el caso clínico presentado, la caracterización de la extensión del defecto, su relación con los dientes y estructuras vecinas, así como la identificación del contenido permitieron descartar la presencia de una metástasis de cáncer de próstata

    Expression of caveolin-1 in tooth germ, ameloblastoma and ameloblastic carcinoma

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    Background: The caveolin-1 protein (structural component of membrane caveolae) plays important roles in sev eral biological functions, such as endocytosis, cell adhesion, and cell signaling. However, this protein has been as sociated with mechanisms of tumorigenesis in several neoplasms. The expression patterns and roles of caveolin-1 in the oral epithelium and in embryonic and odontogenic tumor tissues are still unclear


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    El Liquen Plano Bucal (LPB) y el Lupus Eritematoso (LE) son enfermedades inmunol&oacute;gicas cr&oacute;nicas que afectan principalmente a mujeres con tendencia a edades m&aacute;s tempranas (30 - 40 a&ntilde;os) en el LE. El LPB representa el diagn&oacute;stico diferencial m&aacute;s importante para las expresiones mucosas de LE y es dif&iacute;cil establecer las diferencias aun cuando se utilicen los criterios cl&iacute;nicos e histopatol&oacute;gicos establecidos. El prop&oacute;sito del presente trabajo es describir y comparar las lesiones bucales de pacientes diagnosticados con LPB y LE, y establecer semejanzas y diferencias entre ambas entidades. Se estudiaron 20 pacientes con LPB y 10 con lesiones bucales diagnosticadas como LE. Los datos cl&iacute;nicos de los pacientes, lascaracter&iacute;sticas cl&iacute;nicas, histopatol&oacute;gicas e inmunohistol&oacute;gicas (Ig, complemento y/o fibrin&oacute;geno) de las lesiones fueron recopilados, analizados y comparados . El sexo femenino fue el m&aacute;s afectado en ambas enfermedades y la edad fue menor en pacientes con LE. Cl&iacute;nicamente se observ&oacute; lesiones blancas en red sobre los carrillos que fueron las m&aacute;s frecuentes en LPB, por el contrario las placas descamativas en labios, &uacute;lceras acompa&ntilde;adas de estr&iacute;as blancas en los carrillos y m&aacute;culas eritematosas en el paladar, se presentaron con igual frecuencia en los pacientes con LE. Varias caracter&iacute;sticas histopatol&oacute;gicas fueron comunes en ambas entidades. El LPB es una enfermedad com&uacute;n que en ocasiones presenta apariencias cl&iacute;nicas e histol&oacute;gicas muy similares al LE. Aunque el LE no es tan frecuente, las manifestaciones bucales pueden ser f&aacute;cilmente confundidas con LPB.&nbsp;Abstract: Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) and Lupus Erythematosus are chronic immunological diseases which affect women principally. OLP is the most important differential diagnosis of oral lesions of LE. Sometimes it is very difficult, even using clinical and histopathological parameters, differentiate them. The aim of this study was to describe and compare oral lesions diagnosed as OLP and LE and establish their differences and similarities. 20 patients diagnosed as OLP and 10 patients with oral LE were included in the study. Clinical, histopathological and immunopathological data were collected, analysed and compared. Female was the most common gender for both diseases. LE patients showed a lower mean of age. Reticular plaques were the most common clinical funding in OLP, conversely desquamative plaques in lips, ulcers irradiated by with plaques in the oral mucosa and red plaques were observed in LE. Some histopathological features were common to both diseases. OLP is a frequent disease which share similar characteristics with oral LE. Although, LE is not as common oral manifestation may be easily confused with OLP