705 research outputs found

    Rumen fermentative activity in the goat and sheep

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    Cortisol en saliva como indicador de estrés en porcino

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    The first aim of the present study was to evaluate the measure ‘salivary cortisol’ as a non invasive Animal Welfare indicator for fattening pigs. The second objective was to assess the effect of a commercial farm routine procedure (weighing) in the HPA axis activation. The effect of the breading line (breeding line A and B), the sex, the date and hour of the sampling, and the different flooring systems used in the housing were taken into account. Two types of partly-slatted housing were used, continuous concrete floor and concrete slat (CC) and continuous solid floor of concreted recovered with epoxy resin and metallic slat (RM). Firstly, salivary control samples were taken in 1 pig per pen on three different days during fattening (morning and afternoon) for a total of 96 samples. Secondly, another salivary cortisol sample was taken after weighing each pig, 0h, 1h and 2h after weighing (stressful situation) near the end of fattening, in 3 pigs per pen, for a total of 144 samples. There were no differences in baseline cortisol levels for pigs on either flooring but, after the weighing, the cortisol level of the animals housed in the RM flooring were significantly lower (p<0,01) than the cortisol level of the animals housed in the CC flooring, and showed a normal decreasing tendency whereas the level of cortisol of animals housed in the CC flooring showed a rising tendencyEl primer objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la medida ‘cortisol en saliva’ como un indicador no invasivo del nivel de Bienestar Animal en cerdos en cebo. El segundo objetivo fue evaluar el efecto que un procedimiento rutinario, al que los animales se ven sometidos en condiciones comerciales, como es el pesaje, tiene en la activación del eje hipotálamo-pituitaria-adrenal (HPA). Se tuvieron en cuenta los posibles efectos del tipo genético (línea comercial A y B), el sexo, la fecha y la hora de toma de muestras, y el tipo de suelo en el que se alojaron los animales. Se usaron dos tipos de suelo, el primero constaba de zona continua de hormigón y slats de hormigón (CC) y el segundo de zona continua de hormigón recubierta de resina epoxi y slats metálicos (MS). En primer lugar, se tomaron muestras control de saliva, de un cerdo de cada box de las 4 salas, durante la mañana y la tarde, en 3 días no consecutivos, con un total de 96 muestras. En segundo lugar se tomaron muestras de saliva inmediatamente después del pesaje, a la hora y a las 2 horas, con un total de 144 muestras. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el nivel de cortisol basal; en cambio, después del pesaje, el nivel de cortisol fue significativamente menor en los animales alojados en suelo RM (p<0,01) que en los animales alojados en suelo CC. El nivel de cortisol tras el pesaje en los animales alojados en suelo RM mostró una tendencia normal decreciente con el paso de las horas, mientras que, el nivel de cortisol aumentó con el paso de las horas para los animales alojados en suelo CC

    The effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on stress response in rabbits

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    [EN] The present study analyzed the effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on physiological stress response of commercial rabbits in Aragón (Spain). A total of 156 animals were sampled in a 2x2x3 factorial design testing two transport times: short, 1 hour (1hT) and long, 7 hours (7hT), in two different seasons: hot, during summer (HT) and cold during winter (CT), and three different positions on the truck: upper, middle or lower decks in multi-floor cages on rolling stands (MFRS-top, MFRS-middle and MFRS-bottom). Three replicates were performed per treatment. Blood samples were taken at sticking during slaughter to compare hematocrite, corticosterone, glucose, lactate and Creatine Kinase (CK) levels as well as the ultimate pH of the carcass (pH24). Corticosterone and CK levels were highest in 1hT rabbits. With respect to season, colder temperatures increased corticosterone, while warmer temperatures increased CK (P<0.001). Regarding position on the truck, MFRS-middle and bottom rabbits had higher levels of glucose, corticosterone and CK. The pH24 values were within normal ranges for all treatments but slightly higher for animals transported in winter. In general, transport time and season were significant stressors for commercial rabbits, due to the effects on their physiological states. Position on the truck seems to have an effect on stress response to transport in rabbits. However, pH24, which is considered one of the main parameters of welfare measurements, was not affected by transport time or position on the truck.Our project was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (CICYT AGL-2002-01346). The authors wish to thank CUIN S.L. in Villanueva de Gállego and the associations MADECUN and ASESCU for their collaboration.Liste, M.; María, GA.; García-Belenguer, S.; Chacón, G.; Gazzola, P.; Villarroel, M. (2008). The effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on stress response in rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.618SWORD16

    Ingesta de macronutrientes y prevalencia de malnutrición por exceso en escolares de 5o y 6o básico de distinto nivel socioeconómico de la región metropolitana

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    Obesity in childhood has become an important publie health problem in Chile. Objetive: to study macronutrient intake and nutritional status in school-age children attending5th andóth grade inprimary schoolsfrom different socioeconomic status located in 6 counties in Santiago, Chile. Methods: A total of 1,732 children between 9 and 12 years oldjrom both sexes were studied. Anthropometric evaluation included weight, height, and tricipital and subescapular thickness. Macronutrient intake was determined using a 24-hours recall survey. Socioeconomic status was estimated using the ESOMAR survey. Results: In this sample overweight and obesity prevalence reached 40%. Prevalence was higher in boys and in the lower socio-economic groups. A higher consumption ofproteins andfat wasfound in the wealthier groups, while a higher intake of carbohydrates was present in the poorer ones. Comparison with the daily recommended allowancesfound that both males andfemales hada 75% ofadequacy of all ofmacronutrients with the exception offiber. Conclusión: The study revealeda highprevalence ofmalnutrition in both sexes with a better nutrition standard among children in higher socioeconomic status.El sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil se han transformado en un importante problema en salud pública. Objetivo: evaluar la ingesta de macronutrientes y determinar la prevalencia de malnutrición en escolares de 5° y 6o año básico de distintos niveles socioeconómicos de 6 comunas de la Región Metropolitana. Sujetos y método: se evaluaron 1732 niños de ambos sexos de 9 a 12 años de edad. La evaluación antropométrica incluyo peso, talla, pliegue tricipital y subescapular. La ingesta de macronutrientes se evaluó mediante la aplicación de una encuesta recordatorio de 24 hrs; el nivel socioeconómico se evaluó mediante la aplicación la encuesta ESOMAR. Resultados: la prevalencia de malnutrición por exceso fue de 40%, siendo más importante en hombres de los estratos socioeconómicos de menores ingresos. Encontramos un mayor consumo de proteínas y grasas totales en el nivel socioeconómico más alto, mientras que el nivel de menores ingresos tuvo una mayor ingesta de carbohidratos. Tanto hombres como mujeres presentaron una adecuación superior al 75% en todos los macronutrientes con excepción de la fibra. Conclusión: El estudio arrojó una elevada prevalencia de malnutrición por exceso en ambos sexos con un mejor patrón de alimentación en los niños de nivel socioeconómico alto

    Revisiting cattle temperament in beef cow-calf systems: Insights from farmers’ perceptions about an autochthonous breed

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    Understanding temperament is an important part of cattle production since undesirable temperament may cause serious problems associated with aggression, maternal care, and human safety. However, little is known about how farmers define or assess temperament, especially in autochthonous cattle breeds. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions of farmers about the temperament of the Pyrenean cattle breed with special attention to beef cow-calf systems in Spain. The methodology used to obtain the information was focus group discussions (FGD). Farmers defined temperament as a behavioural response to challenging situations imposed by human handling. Specific terms used were related to active or passive reactions to fear (e.g., “strong”, “aggressive”, “nervous”, “fearful”). The speed of response to stimuli was also important. Female temperament was thought to become more docile with age while bull temperament was more variable. Maternal aggressiveness was highlighted as a potential human safety problem, but also desirable in an extensively bred animal who may need to defend calves against predators. Anatomical characteristics were seen as unreliable predictors of temperament, while behavioural indicators were more widely used, such as “alertness”, which was a general trait of the breed, and “gaze”, which, when associated with an alert expression, suggests a potential threat. Sensory acuity, such as sight and smell, were thought to be related with temperament in some FGDs but there was no overall agreement as to whether different behavioural responses were due to differences in sensory acuity. The results from the study could be useful during training programs or in the development of new genetic selection schemes and evaluation protocols involving cattle temperament


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    Objetivo: Analizar el efecto del Programa Nacional de Cáncer Cérvico Uterino del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Chile, en la tendencia de la mortalidad por esa neoplasia en el período 1990-2003 y en el cumplimiento del objetivo de reducirla en 40% para el año 2010. Métodos: El número de muertes por cáncer cérvico uterino, el rango de edad de las fallecidas y la población estimada de mujeres, se extraen de los Anuarios de Estadísticas Vitales de Chile. Se calcularon las tasas brutas y ajustadas por edad de la mortalidad general y por rangos de edad de las fallecidas, utilizando como población estándar la del año 2003. La tendencia y pendiente del período, como la estimación de la mortalidad para 2010 se efectuó mediante análisis de regresión lineal. Resultados: Hubo una tendencia descendente y significativa de la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por cáncer cérvico uterino desde 14,3/100.000 en 1990 a 8,5/100.000 mujeres en 2003 (r= -0,977; p<0,001); la pendiente del período mostró una reducción anual de la tasa de 0,463/100.000 mujeres, estimándose para 2010 una mortalidad de 4,8/100.000 mujeres, menor que el objetivo propuesto por el Ministerio de Salud Pública de Chile. Conclusiones: El Programa Nacional de Cáncer Cérvico Uterino de Chile redujo significativamente la mortalidad por esa neoplasia en el período 1990-2003. El análisis de tendencia mostró que es posible cumplir con el objetivo de reducir la mortalidad en 40% para el año 201

    Detecção de Staphylococcus aureus utilizando a técnica de REP-PCR no monitoramento da qualidade do leite de cabra.

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    Resumo: Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de aplicar a técnica de REP-PCR no monitoramento da qualidade do leite de cabra por meio da detecção de Staphylococcus aureus em amostras de mãos de ordenhador, tetos das cabras, leite, ordenhadeira e água para estabelecimento e implantação do sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (APPCC). Verificaram-se vários fingerprints de todos os isolados coletados das diferentes fontes estudadas (mãos de ordenhador, tetos das cabras, leite, ordenhadeira e água). Observaram-se comportamentos muito similares das bandas, o que indica que os isolados podem ser relatados como clones epidemiológicos. As mãos do ordenhador caracterizaram-se como ponto crítico de controle, pois se destacaram como iniciador de contaminação nas amostras Staphylococcus aureus. A técnica demonstrou ser eficiente para a análise da similaridade entre indivíduos da espécie Staphylococcus aureus e, portanto, constitui ferramenta útil para investigação de falhas no manejo e na busca de controle mais eficiente para evitar ou reduzir a disseminação de microrganismos patogênicos causadores de sérias enfermidades em humanos e animais, que muitas vezes podem ser transmitidas por produtos como o leite e seus derivados. Detection of Staphylococcus aureus using the REP-PCR technique to monitor goat milk quality. Abstract: The objective of the present study was to apply REP-PCR sequences in the monitoring goat milk quality, by detecting Staphylococcus aureus, in samples of from milker hands, goat teats, milk, milking machine and water, for the future establishment and implantation of the system of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). Several fingerprints were verified of all the isolates collected from the different sources studied (milker hands, goat teats, milk, milking machine and water). Very similar band behaviors were observed that indicated that the isolates can be reported as epidemic clones. Milker's hands were was characterized as a critical control point (CCP), because it stands out as an initial point of contamination in the Staphylococcus aureus samples. The technique was shown to be efficient for the similarity analysis among individuals of the Staphylococcus aureus species, and is therefore a useful tool for investigation of management faults and consequently, in the search for more efficient control to prevent or minimize the spread of pathogenic microorganisms that cause serious illnesses in humans and animals that can be transmitted through products such as milk and its products