7 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico y pronóstico del cáncer colorrectal mediante la cuantificación de autoanticuerpos en suero de pacientes.

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    183 p.-48 fig.-27 tab.[EN] Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the leading cause of cancer associated death in developed countries. Therefore, CRC has become a major public health problem in which current techniques of secondary and tertiary prevention are not enough to manage the disease. The humoral immune developed by cancer patients provides autoantibodies as biomarkers, which could help to improve patients’ survival allowing for an early diagnosis of the disease and a better management of diagnosed patients. Autoantibodies directed to altered proteins during the formation and progression of colorectal cancer are circulating markers, which could be used for CRC population screening, satisfying a high degree of accuracy, non-invasiveness, reproducibility and low cost. In addition, autoantibody detection is easily implementable to a clinical routine, as antibodies are well characterized molecules and immunoassays are techniques already used in research and clinical diagnosis of different diseases. Here presented studies were conducted at the Center for Biological Research (CIB-CSIC) and intended to continue the analysis of the humoral immune response in CRC initiated in the Functional Proteomics Laboratory but from a translational perspective. To that end, we started from a panel of tumor-associated autoantigens (TAA) discovered through the screening of protein microarrays to demonstrate the utility of CRC autoantibodies for the diagnosis of the disease and with the ultimate goal of obtaining a panel of CRC-specific TAA useful for diagnosis and prognosis of patients using for a such a puropose both, murine models of CRC and human samples from CRC patients and controls, respectively.Thus, to demonstrate the utility of the autoantibodies for the early CRC diagnosis, we have studied the humoral immune response to CRC in chemically induced murine models of colorectal cancer. Therefore, we demonstrated that CRC murine models reproduced the human humoral immune response to the same TAA than in human. Autoantibodies directed against CRC-specific TAA were detected in early stages of the disease and, in general, increased in parallel to the tumor progression, demonstrating the enormous diagnostic potential of autoantibodies. In this study, we could also describe the molecular alterations that result in immune responses in cancer, finding that TAA overexpression is an important event in the formation of autoantibodies. Moreover, using different cohorts of sera from CRC patients and control individuals, we have here determined the utility of TAA not only for diagnosis but also for the prognosis of CRC patients. First, we have set up the multiplex detection of autoantibodies based on Luminex microspheres, which improved the detection by ELISA. Once optimized the assay to simultaneously measure autoantibodies to 9 CRC-specific TAA and controls, 307 serum samples from CRC patients and controls were screened to validate the test and find the best combination of CRC-specific TAA for diagnosis. We found that although the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of individual TAA had insufficient values to use them as CRC biomarkers, their combination in a panel of CRC-specific TAA (GTF2B, EDIL3, HCK, PIM1, STK4, and p53) allowed discriminating between CRC patients and controls with an AUC of 89.7%, and could be used for population screening in a clinical setting. In addition, the test showed a great capacity for early CRC detection of patients in stages I and II. In addition, we analysed a cohort of 95 CRC patients’ sera with up to 150 monthos of follow-up from diagnosis in order to determine the association of CRC autoantibodies with patient’s prognosis. We found a TAA panel composed of STK4, SRC, MAPKAPK3, GTF2B and p53 that revealed the relevance of the measurement of autoantibody levels to predict relapse or death of patients. The detection of autoantibody levels to this panel at the time of diagnosis would permit to adapt and customize the adjuvant chemotherapy of patients by increasing the diagnostic information obtained about their potential risk of recurrence and survival. Personalizing cancer therapy would permit significant savings for the health system in terms of administration of unnecessary doses as regarding the toxicology of those dispensable treatments. Regarding to CRC patients, they would improve their quality of life and high-risk CRC patients should increase their survival rates, since they could be more intensive monitored. Overall, although it would be desirable to have a multicentric validation, in this Doctoral Thesis we have verified the actual usefulness of CRC autoantibodies for the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with CRC, whose detection using a methodology based on the here optimized and validated Luminex test could be translated to clinical routine for population screening and at the same time that CRC patients are diagnosed, get prognosis data to personalize the treatment of CRC patients.[ES] El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es el cáncer de mayor mortalidad en los países desarrollados. Por tanto, el CCR supone un serio problema de salud que requiere mejoras en el diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad y un pronóstico más preciso de la evolución del paciente. La respuesta inmunológica humoral que desarrollan los pacientes con cáncer frente a proteínas alteradas durante la formación y progresión tumoral ofrece una serie de biomarcadores que podrían ayudar a mejorar la supervivencia de la enfermedad al permitir un diagnóstico temprano de la patología y mejorar el manejo del paciente ya diagnosticado. Los autoanticuerpos son marcadores circulantes que suponen una nueva herramienta para el cribado poblacional al satisfacer un alto grado de precisión, no invasividad, reproducibilidad y suponer una oportunidad de ahorro debido al bajo coste de su detección. El objetivo final de la Tesis Doctoral fue obtener un panel de autoantígenos asociados a tumor (AAT) específicos de CCR útil para el diagnóstico y pronóstico de los pacientes de la enfermedad. Para ello, partimos de un panel de AAT descubiertos a través de micromatrices de proteínas utilizando un reducido número de muestras. Durante la Tesis Doctoral, se optimizó la expresión recombinante de los antígenos previamente descubiertos y se desarrolló y validó un método de detección múltiple de autoanticuerpos mediante Luminex, comparando los datos obtenidos mediante ELISA. Posteriormente, se demostró la utilidad de los autoanticuerpos frente al CCR para el diagnóstico y pronóstico de la enfermedad utilizando modelos murinos y amplias cohortes humanas. Para demostrar la utilidad de los autoanticuerpos para el diagnóstico temprano de la patología se estudió la respuesta humoral frente a CCR en modelos murinos de cáncer colorrectal. Encontramos que los ratones con CCR reproducían la respuesta humoral humana frente a los mismos AAT que los pacientes humanos. Los autoanticuerpos específicos de CCR se detectaron en etapas tempranas de la enfermedad y sus niveles aumentaron en paralelo a la progresión tumoral, demostrando su potencial diagnóstico. También pudimos describir las alteraciones que dan lugar a la respuesta inmune humoral, encontrando que la sobreexpresión de los AAT es un evento importante en la formación de los autoanticuerpos.Con el objeto de mejorar el diagnóstico de CCR, pusimos a punto la detección simultánea de 9 autoanticuerpos frente a AAT de CCR y 2 controles mediante microesferas Luminex, lo que mejoró la detección de los mismos autoanticuerpos y controles respecto a ELISA. La cuantificación de autoanticuerpos mediante Luminex presentó un mayor rango dinámico y permitió reducir errores técnicos de medida. Para validar el ensayo y encontrar la mejor combinación de AAT para la detección de CCR se cribaron 307 muestras de sueros de pacientes de CCR y controles. Aunque la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo de los AAT individuales fueron insuficientes para su uso como biomarcadores, su combinación en un panel de AAT específico de CCR (GTF2B, EDIL3, HCK, PIM1, STK4, y p53) permitía discriminar entre pacientes de CCR y controles con un AUC de 89.7%, por lo que podría ser utilizado para cribado poblacional en rutina clínica. Además, el test presentó una gran capacidad para la detección temprana de los pacientes en estadios I y II de CCR. Finalmente, evaluamos la asociación de la respuesta humoral frente a CCR con el pronóstico de los pacientes utilizando una cohorte de 95 sueros de pacientes de CCR que tenían seguimiento hasta 150 meses desde el diagnóstico. Encontramos que el panel de AAT basado en la detección de autoanticuerpos frente a STK4, SRC, MAPKAPK3, GTF2B y p53 permitió pronosticar las recaídas o fallecimiento de los pacientes. La detección de los niveles de autoanticuerpos frente a dicho panel en el momento del diagnóstico permitiría adaptar y personalizar la quimioterapia adyuvante de los pacientes al aumentar la información obtenida en el momento del diagnóstico de los pacientes sobre su riesgo de sufrir recidivas y potencial supervivencia. La personalización de la terapia oncológica supondría un importante ahorro para el sistema sanitario, tanto en cuanto a la administración de dosis innecesarias como en cuanto a la toxicología de aquellos tratamientos prescindibles. En cuanto a los pacientes de CCR, estos mejorarían su calidad de vida y aquellos pacientes de alto riesgo aumentarían su supervivencia, cuya vigilancia podría ser más intensiva. En conjunto, en esta Tesis Doctoral hemos verificado la utilidad de los autoanticuerpos para el diagnóstico y pronóstico de pacientes de CCR. La detección de los autoanticuerpos mediante Luminex podría ser trasladada a clínica para cribado poblaciones de riesgo, y obtener un pronóstico del riesgo de recaida y fallecimiento para personalizar su tratamiento.Peer reviewe

    Sporadic colon cancer murine models demonstrate the value of autoantibody detection for preclinical cancer diagnosis

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    7 p.-4 fig.Although autoantibody detection has been proposed for diagnosis of colorectal cancer, little is known about their initial production and development correlation with cancer progression. Azoxymethane/dextran sodium sulfate (AOM/DSS)-treated mice developed colon adenocarcinoma in the distal colon similar to human sporadic colon cancer. We assessed this model together with AOM and DSS-only models for their applicability to early detection of cancer. All AOM/DSS-treated mice produced autoantibodies to tumor-associated antigens analogous to those observed in human colon cancer patients. Autoantibody response was related to tumor antigen overexpression. Cancer autoantibodies were detected 21 days after starting treatment, when no malignant histopathological features were detectable, and they increased according to tumor progression. When carcinogenesis was induced separately by AOM or DSS, only those mice that developed malignant lesions produced significant levels of autoantibodies. These findings demonstrate that autoantibody development is an early event in tumorigenesis and validates its use for preclinical colon cancer diagnosis.This study was supported by grant BIO2012-31023 from the MINECO, a grant to established research groups of the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer and the grant S2010/BMD-2344/Colomics2 from Comunidad de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    An optimized predictor panel for colorectal cancer diagnosis based on the combination of tumor-associated antigens obtained from protein and phage microarrays

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    9 páginas, 5 figuras, 3 tablas.-- This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translational Proteomics.Humoral response in cancer patients appears early in cancer progression and can be used for diagnosis, including early detection. By using human recombinant protein and T7 phage microarrays displaying colorectal cancer (CRC)-specific peptides, we previously selected 6 phages and 6 human recombinant proteins as tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) with high diagnostic value. After completing validation in biological samples, TAAs were classified according to their correlation, redundancy in reactivity patterns and multiplex diagnostic capabilities. For predictor model optimization, TAAs were reanalyzed with a new set of samples. A combination of three phages displaying peptides homologous to GRN, NHSL1 and SREBF2 and four proteins PIM1, MAPKAPK3, FGFR4 and ACVR2B, achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 94%, with a sensitivity of 89.1% and specificity of 90.0%, to correctly predict the presence of cancer. For early colorectal cancer stages, the AUC was 90%, with a sensitivity of 88.2% and specificity of 82.6%. In summary, we have defined an optimized predictor panel, combining TAAs from different sources, with highly improved accuracy and diagnostic value for colorectal cancer. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translational Proteomics.RB was recipient of a JAE-DOC Contract of the CSIC. This research was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and ScienceBIO2009-08818 (JIC) and BIO2009-12458 (R.D-U.). Grant to stable cancer research groups of the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer and grants from the Program of Biosciences “Colomics2” (Comunidad de Madrid), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS 05/1006 and 08/1635), the CIBERESP G55, the “Acción transversal del cancer” and the Proteored platform.Peer reviewe

    In-depth characterization of the secretome of colorectal cancer metastatic cells identifies key proteins in cell adhesion, migration, and invasion

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    19 p.-9 fig.-2 tab.Liver metastasis in colorectal cancer is the major cause of cancer-related deaths. To identify and characterize proteins associated with colon cancer metastasis, we have compared the conditioned serum-free medium of highly metastatic KM12SM colorectal cancer cells with the parental, poorly metastatic KM12C cells using quantitative stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) analyses on a linear ion trap-Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer. In total, 1337 proteins were simultaneously identified in SILAC forward and reverse experiments. For quantification, 1098 proteins were selected in both experiments, with 155 proteins showing >1.5-fold change. About 52% of these proteins were secreted directly or using alternative secretion pathways. GDF15, S100A8/A9, and SERPINI1 showed capacity to discriminate cancer serum samples from healthy controls using ELISAs. In silico analyses of deregulated proteins in the secretome of metastatic cells showed a major abundance of proteins involved in cell adhesion, migration, and invasion. To characterize the tumorigenic and metastatic properties of some top up- and down-regulated proteins, we used siRNA silencing and antibody blocking. Knockdown expression of NEO1, SERPINI1, and PODXL showed a significant effect on cellular adhesion. Silencing or blocking experiments with SOSTDC1, CTSS, EFNA3, CD137L/TNFSF9, ZG16B, and Midkine caused a significant decrease in migration and invasion of highly metastatic cells. In addition, silencing of SOSTDC1, EFNA3, and CD137L/TNFSF9 reduced liver colonization capacity of KM12SM cells. Finally, the panel of six proteins involved in invasion showed association with poor prognosis and overall survival after dataset analysis of gene alterations. In summary, we have defined a collection of proteins that are relevant for understanding the mechanisms underlying adhesion, migration, invasion, and metastasis in colorectal cancer.This work was supported in part by Grant BIO2009-08818 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, a grant to establish research groups (Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer), and Grant S2011/BMD-2344, Colomics2 from Comunidad de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Proteome profiling of cancer-associated fibroblasts identifies novel proinflammatory signatures and prognostic markers for colorectal cancer

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    15 p.-5 fig.-1 tab.PURPOSE:Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) are essential components of the stroma that play a critical role in cancer progression. This study aimed to identify novel CAFs markers that might contribute to the invasion and the prognosis of colorectal cancer.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN:The azoxymethane/dextran sodium sulfate mouse model of sporadic colon cancer represents an adequate source for the isolation of CAFs and normal fibroblasts. By using the explants technique, we purified CAFs and normal fibroblasts from colon tissues. Whole-cell extracts and supernatants were subjected to in-depth quantitative proteomic analysis by tandem mass spectrometry. Further validations of upregulated proteins in CAFs were carried out by chemokine microarray and immunohistochemical analyses of mouse and human tissues.RESULTS:Using a fold-change of 1.4 or more, we found 132 and 125 differentially expressed proteins in whole-cell extracts and supernatants, respectively. We found CAFs-associated proinflammatory and desmoplastic signatures. The proinflammatory signature was composed of several cytokines. Among them, CCL2 and CCL8 caused an increase in migration and invasion of colorectal cancer KM12 cells. The desmoplastic signature was composed of 30 secreted proteins. In mouse and human samples, expression of LTBP2, CDH11, OLFML3, and, particularly, FSTL1 was significantly increased in the tumoral stroma, without significant expression in the cancer epithelial cells. The combination of CALU and CDH11 stromal expression showed a significant association with disease-free survival and poor prognosis.CONCLUSION:We have identified LTBP2, CDH11, OLFML3, and FSTL1 as selective biomarkers of cancer stroma, and CALU and CDH11 as candidate stromal biomarkers of prognostic significance in colon cancer.This work was financially supported by a grant to established research groups of the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC); to R.A.Bartolomé, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant no. BIO2012-31023 and the Comunidad de Madrid (grant no. S2010/BMD-2344/Colomics2).Peer reviewe

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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