92 research outputs found

    Datos abiertos enlazados (LOD) y su implantación en bibliotecas: iniciativas y tecnologías

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    The web of data is becoming one of the largest global information repositories, thanks to initiatives like LOD (linked open data) that facilitate the standardized publication of open data. The use of this paradigm offers great opportunities for libraries, applying semantic technologies to expedite data management and publication and promoting their connection to other repositories, increasing their presence and impact. In order to ensure the future of libraries in the Web of data, it is necessary to raise awareness among librarians about LOD opportunities and challenges. With this aim, we present the major initiatives in this area, along with the pioneering organizations in the use of linked data in the library domai

    Datos abiertos enlazados (LOD) y su implantación en bibliotecas: iniciativas y tecnologías

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    The web of data is becoming one of the largest global information repositories, thanks to initiatives like LOD (linked open data) that facilitate the standardized publication of open data. The use of this paradigm offers great opportunities for libraries, applying semantic technologies to expedite data management and publication and promoting their connection to other repositories, increasing their presence and impact. In order to ensure the future of libraries in the Web of data, it is necessary to raise awareness among librarians about LOD opportunities and challenges. With this aim, we present the major initiatives in this area, along with the pioneering organizations in the use of linked data in the library domai

    esources and services available to address gender-based violence. The case of the province of Malaga

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    [ES] Las conductas que atentan contra la dignidad, integridad física y psicológica de la mujer, plantean nuevos retos y superación de obstáculos. Siendo necesario disponer de recursos/servicios, destinados a la atención y prevención. El objetivo que se pretende con este artículo, es conocer los recursos y servicios destinados a mujeres víctimas de violencia de género en la provincia de Málaga. Para ello, se analiza la evolución histórica institucional de las diferentes medidas puestas en práctica, haciendo uso de una metodología cualitativa, con un planteamiento científico fenomenológico, centrado en aspectos no cuantificables. Los resultados aportan una clasificación novedosa de los recursos y servicios disponibles en la provincia de Málaga, a nivel local, autonómico y nacional.[EN] The behaviors that threaten the dignity, physical and psychological integrity of women pose new challenges and obstacles to overcome. It is necessary to have resources/services available for attention and prevention. The objective of this article is to know the resources andservices for women victims of gender violence in the province of Malaga. For this purpose, the historical institutional evolution of the different measures put into practice is analysed, using a qualitative methodology, with a phenomenological scientific approach, focused on non-quantifiable aspects. The results provide a novel classification of the resources and services available in the province of Malaga, at a local, a regional and a national level

    Antibiotic susceptibility trend before and after long-term use of selective digestive decontamination: a 16 year ecological study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare antimicrobial susceptibility rates in a Spanish ICU before and after the introduction of selective digestive decontamination (SDD) and also to compare these with susceptibility data from other Spanish ICUs without SDD. Methods: We performed a retrospective study in the ICU of the University Hospital of Alava, where SDD was implemented in 2002. The SDD protocol consisted of a 2% mixture of gentamicin, colistin and amphotericin B applied on the buccal mucosa and a suspension of the same drugs in the gastrointestinal tract; additionally, for the first 3 days, systemic ceftriaxone was administered. From 1998 to 2013 we analysed the susceptibility rates for 48 antimicrobial/organism combinations. Interrupted time series using a linear dynamic model with SDD as an intervention was used. Data from other ICUs were obtained fromthe ENVIN-HELICS national registry. Results: Only amoxicillin/clavulanic acid against Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis, and a high concentration of gentamicin against Enterococcus faecalis, resulted in a significant decrease in the susceptibility rate after the implementation of SDD, with a drop of 20%, 27% and 32%, respectively. Compared with other Spanish ICUs without SDD, the susceptibility ratewas higher in the ICU of our hospital inmost cases.When itwas lower, differences were <10%, except for a high concentration of streptomycin against Enterococcus faecium, for which the difference was 19%. Conclusions: No relevant changes in the overall susceptibility rate after the implementation of SDD were detected. Susceptibility rates were not lower than those in the Spanish ICUs without SDD.This work was supported by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIU17/32, PPG17/65)

    Comportamiento clínico-epidemiológico de infecciones respiratorias agudas en el Policlínico “4 de Abril” de Guantánamo

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    Se realizó un estudio donde se evaluó el comportamiento clínico-epidemiológico de las infecciones respiratorias agudas en un consultorio médico del Policlínico Universitario “4 de abril” en el período comprendido desde enero-diciembre de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por 83 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se analizaron variables, tales como: edad, sexo, antecedentes personales y familiares de enfermedades asociadas, hábito de fumar y factores de riesgos medioambientales. En el estudio predominaron el grupo de edades de 17-20 años y sexo masculino. Dentro de los principales factores de riesgos que ocasionan la aparición de las IRA estudiadas estuvo el hábito de fumar y el polvo como contaminante ambiental. La infección respiratoria que predominó fue el catarro común así como el antecedente personal y familiar de infecciones respiratorias a repetición y las rinitis alérgicas.A study is done where are evaluated the clinical - epidemiological behavior of the acute respiratory infections in a medical office of the policlinic “4 De Abril ¨ from January to December, 2012. The universe is constituted by 83 patients who were integrated in the inclusion criteria. Variable were used such as: age, sex, personal and familiar precedents of associate illnesses, habit of smoking and factors of environmental risks. In the study predominated group of ages over 17-20 years and masculine sex. Inside the main factors of risks that cause the appearance of the acute respiratory infections are the following: the habit of smoking and the dust as environmental pollutant. The  predominated respiratory infection was the common cold as well as the personal and familiar precedent of respiratory infections to repetition and the allergic rhiniti