224 research outputs found

    A global ‘greening’ of coastal dunes: An integrated consequence of climate change?

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    In the context of global climate change and sea-level rise, coastal dunes are often important elements in the coastal response to storm wave and storm surge impacts on coastal lowlands. Vegetation cover, in turn, has profound impacts on coastal dune morphology and storm-buffering function; it binds existing sediment, promotes fresh sediment accumulation and thereby increases dune volume and dune crest elevation where a sediment-plant interaction plays out with vegetation growth attempting to out-pace the vertical sediment accumulation. A global analysis shows that vegetation cover has increased substantially on multiple, geographically dispersed, coastal dune fields on all continents in the period 1984-2017. The observed 'greening' points to enhanced dune stability and storm buffering effects at a time when, paradoxically, coasts are being subjected to increased flood and erosion risk from rising sea levels and changing patterns of storminess. Causal attribution of biological trends to climate change is complicated, but we contend that the global scale 'greening' of coastal dunes is driven by a combination of changes to climate and atmospheric composition and reflects the cumulative effects of changes in temperature, precipitation, nutrient concentration and reduced windiness (global stilling). Global-scale increases in temperature, nutrients and precipitation (all of which are vegetation growth stimulants) and widespread reduction in windiness ("stilling") (which reduces sediment activity, promoting the spread of vegetation) coincide in time with the observed changes in vegetation cover. The observed changes in coastal dunefields enhance contemporary and near-future coastal resilience to climate change and may represent a previously unrecognised morphological feedback mediated by climate change.Agência financiadora NERC Natural Environment Research Council NE/F019483/1 NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility Grant 1082 "FCT Investigator" program IF/01047/2014 CIMA of the University of Algarve UID/MAR/00350/2013 Xunta de Galicia PlanI2C-ED481B 2018/021info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genealogía de una perspectiva curricular, o de cómo la realidad interpela la teoría

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    Se describe una experiencia de desarrollo curricular en el nivel universitario mexicano a lo largo de 20 años y cómo las condiciones concretas en cada momento posibilitaron la emergencia de configuraciones curriculares específicas. Se analiza la utilización de la teoría curricular como interrogante en cada situación concreta y no con un carácter prescriptivo como suele suceder. Una perspectiva de análisis genealógico permite entender el desarrollo curricular como un hecho social gestado desde la práctica docente en oposición a la tendencia curricular dominante que promueve el cambio curricular a partir de instancias más administrativas que académicas.A curriculum development experience in the Mexican university level over 20 years and how the specific conditions at all times enabled the emergence of specific curricular settings is described. The curriculum theory is a questioning in each particular situation and not a prescription as it happens. A genealogical analysis perspective allows us to understand curriculum development as a social fact which arises from the teaching practice in opposition to the dominant trend that promotes curricular curriculum change from administrative rather than academic institutions.Fil: Angulo Villanueva, Rita Guadalupe. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México

    Genealogía de una perspectiva curricular, o de cómo la realidad interpela la teoría

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    Se describe una experiencia de desarrollo curricular en el nivel universitario mexicano a lo largo de 20 años y cómo las condiciones concretas en cada momento posibilitaron la emergencia de configuraciones curriculares específicas. Se analiza la utilización de la teoría curricular como interrogante en cada situación concreta y no con un carácter prescriptivo como suele suceder. Una perspectiva de análisis genealógico permite entender el desarrollo curricular como un hecho social gestado desde la práctica docente en oposición a la tendencia curricular dominante que promueve el cambio curricular a partir de instancias más administrativas que académicas.A curriculum development experience in the Mexican university level over 20 years and how the specific conditions at all times enabled the emergence of specific curricular settings is described. The curriculum theory is a questioning in each particular situation and not a prescription as it happens. A genealogical analysis perspective allows us to understand curriculum development as a social fact which arises from the teaching practice in opposition to the dominant trend that promotes curricular curriculum change from administrative rather than academic institutions.Fil: Angulo Villanueva, Rita Guadalupe. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México


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    Se describe una experiencia de desarrollo curricular en el nivel universitario mexicano a lo largo de 20 años y cómo las condiciones concretas en cada momento posibilitaron la emergencia de configuraciones curriculares específicas. Se analiza la utilización de la teoría curricular como interrogante en cada situación concreta y no con un carácter prescriptivo como suele suceder. Una perspectiva de análisis genealógico permite entender el desarrollo curricular como un hecho social gestado desde la práctica docente en oposición a la tendencia curricular dominante que promueve el cambio curricular a partir de instancias más administrativas que académicas

    A global ‘greening’ of coastal dunes: an integrated consequence of climate change?

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    In the context of global climate change and sea-level rise, coastal dunes are often important elements in the coastal response to storm wave and storm surge impacts on coastal lowlands. Vegetation cover, in turn, has profound impacts on coastal dune morphology and storm-buffering function; it binds existing sediment, promotes fresh sediment accumulation and thereby increases dune volume and dune crest elevation where a sediment-plant interaction plays out with vegetation growth attempting to out-pace the vertical sediment accumulation. A global analysis shows that vegetation cover has increased substantially on multiple, geographically dispersed, coastal dune fields on all continents in the period 1984–2017. The observed ‘greening’ points to enhanced dune stability and storm buffering effects at a time when, paradoxically, coasts are being subjected to increased flood and erosion risk from rising sea levels and changing patterns of storminess. Causal attribution of biological trends to climate change is complicated, but we contend that the global scale ‘greening’ of coastal dunes is driven by a combination of changes to climate and atmospheric composition and reflects the cumulative effects of changes in temperature, precipitation, nutrient concentration and reduced windiness (global stilling). Global-scale increases in temperature, nutrients and precipitation (all of which are vegetation growth stimulants) and widespread reduction in windiness (“stilling”) (which reduces sediment activity, promoting the spread of vegetation) coincide in time with the observed changes in vegetation cover. The observed changes in coastal dunefields enhance contemporary and near-future coastal resilience to climate change and may represent a previously unrecognised morphological feedback mediated by climate changeNatural Environment Research Council, NERC | Ref. NE/F019483/1NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility | Ref. n. 1082FCT Investigator | Ref. IF/01047/2014CIMA of the University of Algarve | Ref. UID/MAR/00350/201Xunta de Galicia | Ref. PlanI2C-ED481B 2018/02

    Exposición mantenida a bajas dosis de plomo : un modelo experimental

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    Este trabajo de investigación ha querido profundizar en las alteraciones producidas por bajas dosis de plomo, en un modelo Murino. Como célula diana de los mismos se ha escogido al macrófago peritoneal. El número y la composición de las células de la cavidad peritoneal no se afecta por el plomo. Sin embargo, la adherencia, quimiotaxis y la ingestión de c. Albicans disminuye con la exposición al metal

    Exposición mantenida a bajas dosis de plomo : un modelo experimental

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de MadridEste trabajo de investigación ha querido profundizar en las alteraciones producidas por bajas dosis de plomo, en un modelo Murino. Como célula diana de los mismos se ha escogido al macrófago peritoneal. El número y la composición de las células de la cavidad peritoneal no se afecta por el plomo. Sin embargo, la adherencia, quimiotaxis y la ingestión de c. Albicans disminuye con la exposición al metal.Depto. de Salud Pública y Materno - InfantilFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Clima Institucional Y Satisfacción Laboral En Una Institución Educativa De La UGEL Leoncio Prado, 2018.

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    El trabajo de investigación presentado a continuación lleva por título “Clima institucional y satisfacción laboral en una Institución Educativa de la UGEL Leoncio Prado, 2018” y tiene como objetivo primordial identificar la relación entre el clima institucional y la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de una institución educativa de la UGEL Leoncio Prado, 2018. Para poder alcanzar el objetivo de la investigación se aplicó una investigación de diseño no experimental, transeccional y correlacional, para la investigación se seleccionó como población a los 15 docentes de la Institución Educativa N° 32493 del centro poblado de Pendencia, distrito de Daniel Alomía Robles y provincia de Leoncio Prado, la muestra es igual a la población, también conocida como muestra universal censal; la técnica de recolección de información que se usó fue la encuesta y como instrumentos los cuestionarios que fueron validados por expertos de la UCV y de confiabilidad demostrada por medio del Alpha de Cronbach. Aplicada la prueba de correlación Rho de Spearman se determinó que la relación es significativa entre el clima institucional y la satisfacción laboral en una Institución Educativa de la UGEL Leoncio Prado, 2018; conclusión que se fundamenta en el valor de significatividad bilateral=0.022. Mientras que el valor del coeficiente de correlación=0,585 nos permite afirmar que existe una correlación positiva media entre el clima institucional y la satisfacción laboral, es decir cuanto mejor sea el clima institucional mayor será el nivel de satisfacción laboral en la Institución Educativa de la UGEL Leoncio Prado

    Impact of atmospheric circulation patterns on coastal dune dynamics, NW Spain

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    Dunes in temperate latitudes have experienced a significant stabilization in recent times, essentially as a consequence of the expansion of dense vegetation cover. Yet, the causes for this gradual stabilization as well as the causes promoting antecedent aeolian mobilization remain poorly understood. The Traba coastal dune field, located in NW Spain, was examined to explore the causes inducing aeolian activity and subsequent stabilization since 1940. Morphological changes were identified through the combination of aerial photographs and geophysical techniques. Local wind field regimes were simulated using a regional climate model to obtain the variability of the most relevant modes of atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic and European regions; North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Eastern Atlantic (EA) and Scandinavian (SCAND). This allows us to identify the impact of these circulation modes over dune dynamics. Results document an episode of aeolian activity during the 1950s followed by a gradual stabilization and fixation of the dune coincident with a decrease on storm and wind intensity. Yet, aeolian sand movement remained active in small areas (blowouts), occurring mainly during the summer. NE winds associated with a negative phase of the EA explain the movement of sand within the dune field under favorable conditions of sand supply. On the other hand, sand supply to the dune field from the beach was promoted by NW winds coincident with the summer negative phase of NAO. During winter, the negative NAO favored frequent SW winds associated with the passage of intense storms, which in turn explain sand remobilization from the beach making sediment available for the NW winds to blow inland. With this work, it is proven that to understand past and future aeolian activity requires critical consideration of the variability and impact of the two principal modes of atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic (NAO and EA). The SCAND mode explaining a lower percentage of the local wind field variability was also included to achieve higher significance levels of explained variance

    BENFEP, a quantitative database of BENthic Foraminifera from surface sediments of the Eastern Pacific

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    Foraminifera are important components of the ocean benthos and play a major role in ocean biogeochemistry and ecosystems functioning. Generating ecological baselines for ocean monitoring or biogeographical distributions requires a reference dataset of recent census data. Besides, the information from their modern biogeography can be used to interpret past environmental changes on the sea-floor. In this study, we provide the first comprehensive quantitative BENthic Foraminifera database from surface sediments of the Eastern Pacific (BENFEP). Through the collation of archival census data and its homogenization according to the most recent taxonomic standards, we are able to provide a database with 3093 sediment samples, corresponding to 2572 georeferenced stations of wide geographical coverage (60&ordm; N and 54&ordm; S) and water depths (0&ndash;7642 m). The quantitative data includes living, dead, and living and dead assemblages obtained from 47 published and unpublished documents. As well as describing the data collection and subsequent harmonization steps, we provide summarized information of metadata variables, examples of species distribution, potential applications of the database and recommendations for data archiving and publication of benthic foraminiferal data. The database is enriched with meaningful metadata for accessible data management and exploration with R and geospatial software. BENFEP will be upgraded with new records. We complement BENFEP with an additional database integrating metadata and stations geolocation of benthic foraminiferal studies dearth of quantitative data (BENFEPqual).</p