1,487 research outputs found

    On the grammatical substance of colour words

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    Portuguese colour words - those that refer a colour and those that refer the colour of something or someone - surface either as nouns or as adjectives. These colour words are lexically ambiguous with regard to their grammatical category. Syntax may disambiguate them (and if often does), but that disambiguation doesn’t provide enough information to understand the relationship that holds between colour nouns and colour adjectives. In this paper, I will explore different avenues (i.e. etymology, semantics, grammatical properties and contemporary usage) to discuss the following issues: - From a lexical point of view, are colour nouns and colour adjectives one sole entity or two different items? - If colour nouns and colour adjectives different, how do they differ? Which of them comes first? How is the other one obtained? - If they are one only lexical item, how can its different outputs be generated? - Do diachronic and synchronic analyses converge or diverge?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge of reality and social change

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    El papel del sociólogo en tanto que científico social consiste en desarrollar el conocimiento objetivo de la realidad, lo que implica una labor emancipatoria al negar el discurso de los idola. Pero puede ir más allá, asesorando a los centros políticos de decisión con la aportación de un principio de realidad y con la crítica técnica de los valores. Pero no puede asumir la responsabilidad de adoptar decisiones políticas tecnocráticas en nombre de la autoridad de la ciencia.The role of the sociologist qua social scientist is to develop an objective knowledge of reality. That entails emancipatory work in order to deny the discourse of idola. But sociologists can go further, advising political decision-making centres with a reality principle and a technical criticism of values. However, sociologists cannot assume the responsibility of making technocratic, political decisions in the name of the authority of science

    Conocimiento de la realidad y transformación social

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    El papel del sociólogo en tanto que científico social consiste en desarrollar el conocimiento objetivo de la realidad, lo que implica una labor emancipatoria al negar el discurso de los idola. Pero puede ir más allá, asesorando a los centros políticos de decisión con la aportación de un principio de realidad y con la crítica técnica de los valores. Pero no puede asumir la responsabilidad de adoptar decisiones políticas tecnocráticas en nombre de la autoridad de la ciencia.The role of the sociologist qua social scientist is to develop an objective knowledge of reality. That entails emancipatory work in order to deny the discourse of idola. But sociologists can go further, advising political decision-making centres with a reality principle and a technical criticism of values. However, sociologists cannot assume the responsibility of making technocratic, political decisions in the name of the authority of science

    Understanding the difference in malicious activity between Surface Web and Dark Web

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    The world has seen a dramatic increase in illegal activities on the Internet. Prior research has investigated different types of cybercrime, especially in the Surface Web, which is the portion of the content on the World Wide Web that popular engines may index. At the same time, evidence suggests cybercriminals are moving their operations to the Dark Web. This portion is not indexed by conventional search engines and is accessed through network overlays such as The Onion Router network. Since the Dark Web provides anonymity, cybercriminals use this environment to avoid getting caught or blocked, which represents a significant challenge for researchers. This research project investigates the modus operandi of cybercriminals on the Surface Web and the Dark Web to understand how cybercrime unfolds in different layers of the Web. Honeypots, specialised crawlers and extraction tools are used to analyse different types of online crimes. In addition, quantitative analysis is performed to establish comparisons between the two Web environments. This thesis is comprised of three studies. The first examines the use of stolen account credentials leaked in different outlets on the Surface and Dark Web to understand how cybercriminals interact with stolen credentials in the wild. In the second study, malvertising is analysed from the user's perspective to understand whether using different technologies to access the Web could influence the probability of malware infection. In the final study, underground forums on the Surface and Dark Web are analysed to observe differences in trading patterns in both environments. Understanding how criminals operate in different Web layers is essential to developing policies and countermeasures to prevent cybercrime more efficiently

    Notas sobre la ideología nacionalista

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    This work presents and comments on a series of data from a survey carried out in 2005, in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the province of Barce-lona. People interviewed expressed their opinions about several subjects such as whether Spain is a nation or a State, how they feel about identity, what differ-ential benefits has the State of Autono-mies generated, and how has the experi-ence for the Autonomous Community been like. The paper also includes opin-ions regarding the way of organizing the State, possible constitutional amendments (including self-determination), and concludes referring to the processes of statutory reforms, specially the need of examining everything with a qualitative glance, not limiting to the survey results.El trabajo presenta y comenta una serie de datos procedentes de una encuesta llevada a cabo en 2005 en la Comuni-dad Autónoma de Madrid y en la pro-vincia de Barcelona, con opiniones de los entrevistados acerca de si España es una nación o un Estado, cuál es el sen-timiento de la propia identidad, qué beneficios diferenciales ha producido el Estado de las autonomías, y cuál ha sido la experiencia para la propia Co-munidad Autónoma. Se presentan tam-bién opiniones acerca del modo de orga-nización del Estado, de posibles refor-mas de la Constitución (incluyendo la autodeterminación), y concluye aludien-do a los procesos de reforma estatutaria, y especialmente a la necesidad de exa- minar todo ello con mirada cualitativa sin limitarse a los datos de encuest

    Filling gaps in dictionary typologies

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    The knowledge of the Portuguese lexicon has still many shortcomings. Some of them are well acknowledged; many other are quite unsuspected. Along the 20th century, Portuguese lexicography lost track of the ongoing research on word diachrony, morphological analysis and lexical semantics, unlike what happened with the lexicographic treatment of other comparable modern languages such as French, Castilian or Italian. Although Portuguese dictionaries generally include information about etymology and morphological structure, they present it quite inconsistently, since it is generally the output of the accumulation of what can be found in previous dictionaries. This modus operandi leaves no room to a systematic analysis of the set of words and word families that form each dictionary’s entry list. In fact, most contemporary dictionaries of Portuguese (paper editions and electronic versions as well) obey to conservative models, which tend to incorporate exhaustively the information made available by their predecessors, regardless of the real usage of the words. They devote a very considerable amount of effort to increase the entry list, accommodating neologisms (which are not that frequent) and specialized terms, randomly chosen by dictionary makers. From time to time, major dictionary publishers issue remakes of their own dictionaries for the sake of orthographic updates. Although users tend to be unaware of their deficiencies, this kind of dictionaries is far from being a useful working tool. In fact, since all previously registered words tend to occur in every new dictionary, without any mention to their usage, users are led to induce that they are equally available, and that is not the case. A different type of dictionary, with a critically selected word list and a thorough lexicographic description, is thus still lacking and still necessary. The project we will present in this paper, ROOTS, has been conceived as a further step to build such a dictionary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación de la Biblioteca Pública de Valencia mediante la técnica encadenada de 'grupos de discusión' y 'encuesta'

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    We evaluated the services of the Valencia Public Library (VPB) through opinion from users. For it two discussion groups were created involving ten people in total. The results of the discussion groups were used to make a pilot survey and later a final survey was completed for four hundred VPB users. We conclude that VPB meets generally to the expectations of citizens, although there are areas for improvement such as schedules, better information and services activities and signage, among other aspects. It also confirms the chained system survey-focus groups as an enhanced system that optimizes the design of the survey