2,529 research outputs found

    Complejo para el desarrollo de deportes acuáticos renovación de la instalación acuática de la piscina María del Milagro París

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Arquitectura y Urbanismo) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, 2014Costa Rica busca promover la práctica del deporte como un medio de salud, aprendizaje y educación en la sociedad, estableciendo leyes y derechos, que dan importancia a las personas de superarse y tener integración social, en este caso por medio del deporte. Según lo anterior, la infraestructura actual para los nadadores de alto rendimiento es inexistente, ya que el país no cuenta con una instalación acuática, por lo que es necesario proponer dicha infraestructura que cumpla con los requerimientos óptimos de la Federación Internacional de Natación (FINA), ofreciendo una instalación de calidad que promueva un alto nivel en dicho deporte. La infraestructura a proponer es de importancia nacional porque suplirá la necesidad de entrenamientos y competiciones, siendo una herramienta para la integración de la comunidad y mejorando la calidad de las instalaciones acuáticas en el país. El complejo acuático se ubicará en la actual instalación acuática “Piscina María del Milagro París” en el Parque Metropolitano La Sabana, porque es un espacio de gran confluencia de personas y permitirá el desarrollo del complejo antes mencionado rodeado de otras instalaciones deportivas como el patinódromo, canchas de fútbol, baloncesto, y otras disciplinas. La existente se encuentra muy deteriorada y aun así es utilizada para entrenamientos y competiciones de alto nivel, demostrando la necesidad de una infraestructura acuática que sea social, económica y funcional para el país

    Criminal inmigrants published: a step beyond the speech of immigration as a problem

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    Los inmigrantes suelen ser considerados ilegales o incluso delincuentes por los medios de comunicación, cuyos discursos son cada vez más duros y, además, los responsabiliza de un aumento en la delincuencia. En este trabajo, analizaremos cómo estos discursos han aumentado la xenofobia y el racismo en la sociedad y la importancia de la prensa ante este problema.Immigrants are usually considered as illegal and even delinquent people by media, whose speeches are getting harsher and what´s more make them responsible for an increment in the delinquency. In this work, we will analyse how these speeches have increased xenophobia and racism in the society and the importance of the press before this problem

    Relações entre política e realidade cafeeira: estudo de caso em Pitalito (Huila-Colômbia)

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    Since 2012 the Department of Huila and the municipality of Pitalito are the largest coffee producers in Colombia. By 2018 Pitalito represented 2.2% of the national coffee production and 12.7% of the departmental production. The purpose of this article is to characterise the coffee production chain in Pitalito and its connection with the prevailing coffee policies as an input for proposals to improve this relationship. A mixed research approach was applied that included 3 stages: pre-field (institutional secondary information), field (application of structured surveys by snowball sampling) and information analysis. The results show that the coffee from Pitalito is internationally recognized for its high quality; however, there are problems of disarticulation in the chain that influence prices, volumes and competitiveness, which can be corrected with policies adjusted to the regional context.Desde 2012 el Departamento del Huila y el municipio de Pitalito son los mayores productores de café en Colombia. Para 2018 Pitalito representaba el 2,2% de la producción cafetera nacional y el 12,7% de la departamental. Este artículo tiene como propósito caracterizar la cadena productiva del café en Pitalito y su conexión con las políticas cafeteras prevalecientes como insumo para plantear propuestas de mejoramiento de esa relación. Se aplicó un enfoque mixto de investigación que incluyó 3 etapas: precampo (información secundaria institucional), campo (aplicación de encuestas estructuradas por muestreo bola de nieve) y análisis de información. Los resultados muestran que el café de Pitalito tiene reconocimiento internacional de alta calidad, sin embargo, hay problemas de desarticulación en la cadena que influyen en precios, volúmenes y competitividad, que pueden ser corregidos con políticas ajustadas al contexto regional.Desde 2012, o Departamento de Huila e o município de Pitalito são os maiores produtores de café da Colômbia. Em 2018, Pitalito representava 2,2% da produção nacional de café e 12,7% da departamental. O objetivo deste artigo é caracterizar a cadeia produtiva do café em Pitalito e sua conexão com as políticas cafeeiras vigentes, como um insumo para propor propostas para melhorar essa relação. Foi aplicada uma abordagem de pesquisa mista que incluiu 3 estágios: pré-campo (informações institucionais secundárias), campo (aplicação de pesquisas estruturadas por amostragem em bola de neve) e análise de informações. Os resultados mostram que o café de Pitalito tem reconhecimento internacional de alta qualidade, porém, existem problemas de desarticulação na cadeia que influenciam preços, volumes e competitividade, que podem ser corrigidos com políticas ajustadas ao contexto regional

    Determination of self-efficacy and enjoyment of physical activity in children in schools in the Central Valley (Costa Rica)

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    La agudización del sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños de edad escolar en tiempos de pandemia representan un problema de salud pública. Lo que hace necesario que desde edades tempranas sean identificados los determinantes de la actividad física de los pre-escolares, con el fin de poder desarrollar estrategias que contribuyan a mitigar las secuelas de esta pandemia. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la auto-eficacia y el disfrute de los estudiantes de 6 años, durante la pandemia en una escuela pública y una privada. Para poder determinar la percepción en las variables del estudio, los participantes completaron las escalas de auto-eficacia y disfrute, ayudados por sus docentes y el personal que formó parte de la investigación. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, y para determinar si existieron diferencias entre las variables de disfrute y auto-eficacia entre los estudiantes de dos tipos de escuela, se realizaron pruebas comparativas no paramétricas, específicamente la U de Mann-Whitney. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre escolares de escuelas públicas y privadas, ni entre niños y niñas, en los puntajes globales de disfrute y autoeficacia. En conclusión, se evidenció que no hay diferencias entre los estudiantes de pre-escolar de ambas escuelas, pero sí un deterioro en ambas variables.The exacerbation of overweight and obesity in preschool children in times of pandemic represents a public health problem, which makes it necessary that the determinants of physical activity in preschool children be identifi ed from an early age, in order to be able to develop strategies that contribute to mitigating the consequences of this pandemic. The objective of this study was to analyse the self-efficacy and enjoyment of transition students at the preschool level during the pandemic in a public and a private school. In order to determine the perception of the study variables, the participants completed the self-efficacy and enjoyment scales, helped by their teachers and the staff that took part in the research. Descriptive statistics were used, and to determine if there were differences between the variables of enjoyment and self-efficacy among the students of the participating schools, non-parametric comparative tests were carried out, specifically the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: no differences were found between students from public and private schools, nor between boys and girls, in the global scores of enjoyment and self-efficacy, however, there were differences between two items of self-efficacy. Conclusion: there are no differences between preschool students from both schools, but there is a deterioration in both variables compared to previous studies

    Incidence, prevalence and persistence of bovine venereal diseases in La Pampa (Argentina): estimations for the period 2007 - 2020

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    The venereal diseases Bovine Trichomoniasis (BT) and Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis (BGC) cause economic losses in endemic areas, such as the province of La Pampa in Argentina, where bovine production is typically extensive. This study has used data compiled from 2007 to 2013 by the Official Program for the Control and Eradication (PCE) of venereal diseases, aiming to determine the prevalence, incidence and persistence of BT and BGC and to provide projections until 2020. Fourteen univariate models were used to adjust each time series. The prevalence and incidence of both diseases have significantly decreased during the studied period, while the persistence has remained constant. The prevalence of BT has diminished from 7.48% in 2007 to 3.03% in 2013, while the prevalence of BGC has diminished from 9.36% to 3.15%. The incidences have been reduced to an annual average of 0.60 for BT and 0.67 for BGC. Although the estimation models are not able to predict accurately the future epidemiologic rates of BT and BGC in La Pampa, projections show a significant decreasing trend of the prevalence and incidence of BT and BGC. The persistence of BGC is expected to remain close to the 2007-2013 average, while the persistence of BT did not adjust to any of the 14 models used. These results indicate that PCE has been effective to reduce the infection of disease-free herds. However, in order to reduce the ratio of persistent herds, other preventive and management measures should be considered. Highlights The venereal diseases Bovine Trichomoniasis (BT) and Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis (BGC) cause economic losses. Univariate analysis was an effective tool for modeling the historical and future prevalence, incidence and persistence of BT and BGC infections. The prevalence and incidence of BT and BGC have significantly decreased during the studied period, while the persistence has remained constant. The Official Program for the Control and Eradication (PCE) of venereal diseases, has been effective to reduce the infection of disease-free herds.The venereal diseases Bovine Trichomoniasis (BT) and Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis (BGC) cause economic losses in endemic areas, such as the province of La Pampa in Argentina, where bovine production is typically extensive. This study has used data compiled from 2007 to 2013 by the Official Program for the Control and Eradication (PCE) of venereal diseases, aiming to determine the prevalence, incidence and persistence of BT and BGC and to provide projections until 2020. Fourteen univariate models were used to adjust each time series. The prevalence and incidence of both diseases have significantly decreased during the studied period, while the persistence has remained constant. The prevalence of BT has diminished from 7.48% in 2007 to 3.03% in 2013, while the prevalence of BGC has diminished from 9.36% to 3.15%. The incidences have been reduced to an annual average of 0.60 for BT and 0.67 for BGC. Although the estimation models are not able to predict accurately the future epidemiologic rates of BT and BGC in La Pampa, projections show a significant decreasing trend of the prevalence and incidence of BT and BGC. The persistence of BGC is expected to remain close to the 2007-2013 average, while the persistence of BT did not adjust to any of the 14 models used. These results indicate that PCE has been effective to reduce the infection of disease-free herds. However, in order to reduce the ratio of persistent herds, other preventive and management measures should be considered. Highlights The venereal diseases Bovine Trichomoniasis (BT) and Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis (BGC) cause economic losses. Univariate analysis was an effective tool for modeling the historical and future prevalence, incidence and persistence of BT and BGC infections. The prevalence and incidence of BT and BGC have significantly decreased during the studied period, while the persistence has remained constant. The Official Program for the Control and Eradication (PCE) of venereal diseases, has been effective to reduce the infection of disease-free herds

    The right to autobiography: ius-philosophical dimension from the perspective of H. Arendt and P. Ricoeur

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    El artículo analiza el concepto de autobiografía como dimensión iusfilosófica de los derechos humanos. A partir de los conceptos de acción, de Hannah Arendt (2009), y sí mismo como otro, de Paul Ricoeur (2006), se propone una interpretación de la subjetividad como punto central de la idea de vida humana en conjunción con la vida en sociedad. Se concluye que el ejercicio del poder en tiempos de controles biométricos, antepone dificultades de despliegue subjetivo de cada ciudadano de la polis. Asimismo, se destaca el valor de la hermenéutica fenomenológica de Ricoeur para cmprender el hecho autobiográfico y de este como fundamento de los derechos humanos de cuarta generación.The article analyzes the concept of autobiography as an iusphilosophical dimension of human rights. Based on the concepts of action, by Hannah Arendt (2009), and itself as another, by Paul Ricoeur (2006), an interpretation of subjectivity is proposed as the central point of the idea of human life in conjunction with life in society. It is concluded that the exercise of power in times of biometric controls, puts forward difficulties of subjective deployment of each citizen of the polis. Also, the value of the phenomenological hermeneutics of Ricoeur to understand the autobiographical fact and of this as the foundation of fourth generation human rights is highlighted