82 research outputs found

    Secuencia de enseñanza sobre el electromagnetismo

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    In orden to plan the teaching sequence of any physical topic, we consider essential to bear in mind three factors, at least: the scientific problems that arise from the subjects to be studied, the conceptions of the students to whom the teaching is addressed, and above all, the strategies and methodological process to be taken. This paper presents the didactic model, based on a constructivist approach, we use, the university students' conceptions about electromagnetism, the conceptual map where we make explicit our points of view of the concepts we work on, and the group activities we have designed in order to promote the conceptual, methodological and attitudinal change

    Efectividad de un laboratorio guiado por el modelo de aprendizaje matlaf para el desarrollo conceptual asociado a tareas experimentales

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    In laboratory work that was carried out according to the dynamic model of learning MATLaF, which is based on Vergnaud’s conceptual fields theory, conceptual development in a field experiment was evaluated. The study was carried out with physics student teachers in a university laboratory course (Venezuela). The results showed a satisfactory change in the operative invariants related to tasks that are typical of experimental scientifc work, both for their approach to the scientifc ideas as well as their quantity and relationships.En un trabajo de laboratorio que se guió según el modelo de aprendizaje MATLaF, basado en la teoría de campos conceptuales, se evaluó el desarrollo conceptual de los estudiantes en el campo de la actividad experimental. El ensayo se llevó a cabo con estudiantes del profesorado de física en un curso de laboratorio de la universidad (Venezuela). Los resultados evidenciaron un cambio favorable en los significados de los conceptos (invariantes operatorios) relacionados con las tareas propias del quehacer experimental, tanto por su aproximación a los significados científicos como por su cantidad y relaciones

    Localization Method for Autonomous Vehicles by using Vertical Elements in the Environment

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    The goal of this work is to provide autonomous cars with an alternative method to estimate their position in the world. It focuses on those situations when the GPS signal gets imprecise, weak or even lost due to environment conditions (long tunnels, dense forests, high buildings around, etc.). By installing two Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR devices on the top of the car, located on both front corners of the vehicle structure, it is possible to acquire a 3D representation of this environment as a point cloud. This point cloud will be analyzed in order to find thin, vertical elements, such as traffic signals, traffic lights and so on. If these elements have been previously georeferenced, this is, their coordinates have been acquired and saved, the method will try to compare and match the incoming information from the environment to the georeferenced objects, i.e., performing data association. If the detected elements match any of the georeferenced ones, the car will correct an estimate of its position in a global frame.RoboCity2030-DIH-CM, Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub, S2018/NMT-4331, funded by R&D Activities Program in Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by EU Structural Funds.Peer reviewe

    Maternal behaviour and welfare of the domestic and wild rabbit doe and its litter

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    El conejo europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus), además de tener importancia faunística en el Mediterráneo occidental, es una especie ganadera relevante que es la base de un subsector pecuario industrializado orientado a la producción de carne en varios países, sobre todo europeos, mientras que en algunos pa- íses en vías de desarrollo se explota bajo sistemas alternativos orientados a la integración de renta y a la seguridad alimentaria. A la orientación cárnica se suman otras aptitudes productivas heterogéneas que configuran una gran diversidad de sistemas de producción cunícola. Este trabajo revisa el comportamiento materno de la coneja y de su camada, incluyendo su regulación endocrina, tanto en el animal silvestre como en la producción cunícola comercial y alternativa, y se relaciona con los factores de manejo, con la productividad en granja y con el bienestar de la especie. Se analizan también las implicaciones que las normativas sobre bienestar animal comportan respecto al alojamiento, manejo y satisfacción de las necesidades etológicas de las conejas reproductoras y de los gazapos durante la cría, caracterizadas, fundamentalmente, porque en algunos países tienden a proporcionar más espacio y enriquecimiento ambiental en las jaulas.The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), in addition to its faunal interest in the western Mediterranean, is a relevant species which in several European countries is the basis of a meat-oriented, industrial livestock subsector, while in many developing countries rabbits are raised under alternative systems aimed at income integration and food security. In addition to meat production, other productive orientations exist that generate a variety of rabbit production systems. This paper reviews the ethology of maternal behaviour of the breeding doe and her litter, including its endocrine regulation, both in wild animal and in industrial and alternative farming systems, and its relation to management factors, productivity and performance as well as the welfare of the species. It also discusses the implications of the regulations concerning animal welfare on housing, management and satisfaction of behavioural needs of breeding does and their litters, which in some countries tend to provide more space and environmental enrichment in cage

    La metodología indagatoria en educación primaria. Una mirada desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje significativo

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    Dentro de las propuestas didácticas que, como alternativas a la enseñanza tradicional, ponen el énfasis en el desarrollo de la competencia científica, es reconocida y utilizada la metodología de enseñanza basada en la indagación. Su implementación en la enseñanza capacita a las personas para comprender, explicar y reflexionar sobre situaciones del mundo actual, a la vez que, provoca interés por la ciencia y una visión más actual de su naturaleza. En este trabajo se hace una mirada a la indagación desde la perspectiva de la psicología cognitiva y se presenta una de las varias unidades didácticas con enfoque indagatorio que hemos diseñamos, para la enseñanza de las ciencias a estudiantes de educación primaria

    Maternal behaviour and welfare of the domestic and wild rabbit doe and its litter

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    The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), in addition to its faunal interest in the western Mediterranean, is a relevant species which in several European countries is the basis of a meat-oriented, industrial livestock subsector, while in many developing countries rabbits are raised under alternative systems aimed at income integration and food security. In addition to meat production, other productive orientations exist that generate a variety of rabbit production systems. This paper reviews the ethology of maternal behaviour of the breeding doe and her litter, including its endocrine regulation, both in wild animal and in industrial and alternative farming systems, and its relation to management factors, productivity and performance as well as the welfare of the species. It also discusses the implications of the regulations concerning animal welfare on housing, management and satisfaction of behavioural needs of breeding does and their litters, which in some countries tend to provide more space and environmental enrichment in cages

    Efecto de la vitamina e en la alimentación del pavo en la acumulación tisular y estabilidad oxidativa.

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    El presente trabajo pretende evaluar la efectividad de las formas naturales de vitamina E en la acumulación tisular de tocoferol, así como en la estabilidad oxidativa in vivo y postmortem. El único factor de diferenciación fue el tipo de vitamina E (natural vs sintética) y concentración (Baja: 40 ppm y alta: 120 ppm) en el pienso. Adicionalmente se produjo un grupo control sin vitamina E añadida en el pienso. Se ha observado una relación dosisrespuesta lineal en la concentración de tocoferol en el plasma de los pavos, así como una tendencia (P=0.139) hacia una mayor concentración en los animales que recibieron la vitamina E en forma natural.. Existe una relación entre la concentración de tocoferol y de Metamioglobina en el músculo en el día 9 de almacenamiento refrigerado, evidenciándose una mayor efectividad de la forma natural. Se ha observado una menor concentración de ácidos grasos saturados en el grupo control y el de bajo nivel de suplementación. Asimismo, existe una tendencia hacia una menor concentración d estos ácidos grasos en los animales que reciben la forma natural de vitamina E (P=0,0658)

    Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits

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    [EN] In recent decades, concern about rabbit welfare and sustainability has increased. The housing system is a very important factor for animal welfare. However, information about how different available housing types for female rabbits affect their health status is scarce, but this is an important factor for their welfare. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the health status of female rabbits in five common housing systems: three different single-housing systems with distinct available surfaces and heights; a single-housing system with a platform; a collective system. Female rabbits in the collective and platform cages had greater cortisol concentrations in hair than those in the single-housing system with no platform. Haptoglobin concentrations and kit mortality rates during lactation were greater for the collective-cage female rabbits. The collective group had more culled females and more lesions than in the other groups. The main reasons for culling in all the groups were reproduction problems and presence of abscesses, and the collective group of females was the most affected. In conclusion, it appears that keeping females together in collective systems negatively affects their health status and welfare, while single-housing systems imply lower kit mortality rates during lactation and cortisol concentrations, and fewer lesions in female rabbits.This study was supported by the INIA-INTERCUN Project (CUN2014-00001-00-00) and by Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (INDI16/07, INDI17/07, INDI18/08). Grants for Sara Perez Fuentes, Asuncion Munoz Silvestre and Elena Moreno Grua from Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, and also for Sara Perez Fuentes from Generalitat Valenciana and FSE (ACIF/2016/085), and for Elena Moreno Grua from Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/02708) are also gratefully acknowledged.Pérez-Fuentes, S.; Muñoz-Silvestre, A.; Moreno Grua, E.; Martinez-Paredes, E.; Viana, D.; Selva, L.; Villagrá, A.... (2020). Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits. Animal. 14(6):1270-1277. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119003379S12701277146Archetti I, Tittarelli C, Cerioli M, Brivio R, Grilli G and Lavazza A 2008. Serum chemistry and hematology values in commercial rabbits: preliminary data from industrial farms in northern Italy. In Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10–13 June 2008, Verone, Italy, pp. 1147–1152.Argente, M.-J., García, M. de la L., Birlanga, V., & Muelas, R. (2014). Relationship between cortisol and acute phase protein concentrations in female rabbits. The Veterinary Journal, 202(1), 172-175. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.07.020Cervera C, Martínez-Paredes E, Machado L and Villagrá A 2017. Producción de conejas en sistemas de alojamiento individual o colectivo en semigrupo. In Proceedings of the XLII Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU, 11–12 May 2017, Murcia, Spain, pp. 107–110.Dal Bosco, A., Mugnai, C., Martino, M., Szendrő, Z., Mattioli, S., Cambiotti, V., … Castellini, C. (2019). Housing Rabbit Does in a Combi System with Removable Walls: Effect on Behaviour and Reproductive Performance. Animals, 9(8), 528. doi:10.3390/ani9080528Dalle Zotte, A., Princz, Z., Matics, Z., Gerencsér, Z., Metzger, S., & Szendrő, Z. (2009). Rabbit preference for cages and pens with or without mirrors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 116(2-4), 273-278. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2008.08.011Machado L, Cervera C, Martínez-Paredes E, Paragliola F and Cano C 2016. Comportamiento y manejo de conejas en sistemas de cría colectiva. In Proceedings of the XLI Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU, 12–13 May 2016, Hondarribia, Spain, pp. 134–137.Maertens L and Buijs S 2016. Impact of housing system (cage vs. part-time housing) and floor type on rabbit doe welfare. In Proceedings of the 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15–18 June 2016, Qingdao, China, pp. 707–710.Marai, I. F. ., Habeeb, A. A. ., & Gad, A. . (2002). Rabbits’ productive, reproductive and physiological performance traits as affected by heat stress: a review. Livestock Production Science, 78(2), 71-90. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(02)00091-xMarcato PS and Rosmini R 1986. Mammary glands. In Pathology of the rabbit and hare (eds. PS Marcato and R Rosmini ), pp. 179–186. Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, Italy.Masthoff, T., & Hoy, S. (2019). Investigations on the Influence of Floor Design on Dirtiness and Foot Pad Lesions in Growing Rabbits. Animals, 9(6), 354. doi:10.3390/ani9060354Mugnai, C., Dal Bosco, A., & Castellini, C. (2009). Effect of different rearing systems and pre-kindling handling on behaviour and performance of rabbit does. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118(1-2), 91-100. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2009.02.007Petersen, H. H., Nielsen, J. P., & Heegaard, P. M. H. (2004). Application of acute phase protein measurements in veterinary clinical chemistry. Veterinary Research, 35(2), 163-187. doi:10.1051/vetres:2004002Rödel, H. G., Starkloff, A., Bautista, A., Friedrich, A.-C., & Von Holst, D. (2008). Infanticide and Maternal Offspring Defence in European Rabbits under Natural Breeding Conditions. Ethology, 114(1), 22-31. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2007.01447.xRödel, H. G., Starkloff, A., Seltmann, M. W., Prager, G., & von Holst, D. (2009). Causes and predictors of nest mortality in a European rabbit population. Mammalian Biology, 74(3), 198-209. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2008.04.003Rommers, J. M., Boiti, C., De Jong, I., & Brecchia, G. (2006). Performance and behaviour of rabbit does in a group-housing system with natural mating or artificial insemination. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 46(6), 677-687. doi:10.1051/rnd:2006038Rommers, J., & De Greef, K. H. (2018). Are combi parks just as useful as regular parks for fatteners for part-time group housing of rabbit does? World Rabbit Science, 26(4), 299. doi:10.4995/wrs.2018.9587Rosell J and De La Fuente L 2008. Health and body condition of rabbit does on commercial farms. In Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10–13 June 2008, Verone, Italy, pp. 1065–1069.Rosell, J., & de la Fuente, L. (2013). Assessing Ulcerative Pododermatitis of Breeding Rabbits. Animals, 3(2), 318-326. doi:10.3390/ani3020318Sánchez, J. P., de la Fuente, L. F., & Rosell, J. M. (2012). Health and body condition of lactating females on rabbit farms1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(7), 2353-2361. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4065Segura, P., Martinez, J., Peris, B., Selva, L., Viana, D., Penades, J. R., & Corpa, J. M. (2007). Staphylococcal infections in rabbit does on two industrial farms. Veterinary Record, 160(25), 869-872. doi:10.1136/vr.160.25.869Siemsen DW, Malachowa N, Schepetkin IA, Whitney AR, Kirpotina LN, Lei B, DeLeo FR and Quinn MT 2014. Neutrophil isolation from nonhuman species. In Neutrophil methods and protocols (eds. MT Quinn and FR De Leo ), pp. 19–37. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USASzendrő, Z., & McNitt, J. I. (2012). Housing of rabbit does: Group and individual systems: A review. Livestock Science, 150(1-3), 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2012.09.017Szendrő, Z., Mikó, A., Odermatt, M., Gerencsér, Z., Radnai, I., Dezséry, B., … Matics, Z. (2013). Comparison of performance and welfare of single-caged and group-housed rabbit does. Animal, 7(3), 463-468. doi:10.1017/s1751731112001760Szendrő, Z., Trocino, A., Hoy, S., Xiccato, G., Villagrá, A., & Maertens, L. (2019). A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does. World Rabbit Science, 27(1), 1. doi:10.4995/wrs.2019.10599Tallo-Parra, O., Manteca, X., Sabes-Alsina, M., Carbajal, A., & Lopez-Bejar, M. (2015). Hair cortisol detection in dairy cattle by using EIA: protocol validation and correlation with faecal cortisol metabolites. Animal, 9(6), 1059-1064. doi:10.1017/s1751731115000294Viana, D., Selva, L., Segura, P., Penadés, J. R., & Corpa, J. M. (2007). Genotypic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from rabbit lesions. Veterinary Microbiology, 121(3-4), 288-298. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2006.12.003Zomeño, C., Birolo, M., Gratta, F., Zuffellato, A., Xiccato, G., & Trocino, A. (2018). Effects of group housing system, pen floor type, and lactation management on performance and behaviour in rabbit does. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 203, 55-63. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2018.03.00

    Efecto del número de tomas y el gluconato cálcico en el comportamiento de terneras de recría. Resultados preliminares

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    En producción ganadera, uno de los mayores retos es optimizar el bienestar animal. En el caso de las terneras, en las primeras etapas de su vida, son muy susceptibles al estrés. Además, un correcto crecimiento durante estas etapas tiene un gran impacto en el desarrollo y capacidad productiva en el futuro (Kaske et al., 2010). Hay muchos factores de estrés, pero destaca fundamentalmente el programa de alimentación en la lactancia. En este caso, lo más importante es reducir lo máximo posible la sensación de hambre. Otro factor a tener en cuenta es la socialización entre las terneras, ya que a mayor socialización, presentan menor estrés (Hulbert y Moisá, 2016). Así, el objetivo general es desarrollar nuevas estrategias de alimentación y socialización en la fase peri-destete de terneras con aptitud lechera para optimizar su bienestar animal y futura productividad

    Thomas-Fermi Calculation of the Interlayer Force in Graphite

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    A model of a graphite crystal is proposed in which planar layers of positive charge are considered instead of the point charges of nuclei. The interlayer electronic density is calculated integrating both the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac equations. From these densities, the total energy of the electrons is calculated including corrections for inhomogeneity in the form of Weizsäcker and Kirzhnits. The influence of the different corrections is studied with the result that the best method is to calculate the density from the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac equation and to take into account the inhomogeneity corrections in the form of Kirzhnits