2,399 research outputs found

    Maternal depression and school-age mental health

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    CONTEXTO: A depressão materna tem sido apontada como uma condição pouco favorecedora ao desenvolvimento infantil, mostrando-se associada a dificuldades emocionais e comportamentais. OBJETIVOS: Identificar e analisar na literatura indexada artigos que abordem o impacto da depressão materna para as crianças em idade escolar. MÉTODOS: Procedeu-se à pesquisa nos indexadores Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, Index Psi, Psyc Info, considerando a produção dos últimos cinco anos (2002-2007). Foram identificados e analisados 30 artigos empíricos. RESULTADOS: Observou-se distribuição semelhante quanto aos delineamentos longitudinais e transversais, características das amostras e formas de avaliação. As coletas de dados foram realizadas em contextos diversos com uma variedade de recursos e informantes. Depressão materna associou-se a dificuldades apresentadas pelas crianças, tais como problemas comportamentais, sintomas depressivos, prejuízos cognitivos e sociais, independentemente do momento de primeira exposição à depressão materna e dos delineamentos adotados, sendo o prejuízo potencializado na presença de comorbidades psiquiátricas. CONCLUSÕES: A depressão materna configurou-se como fator de risco ao desenvolvimento infantil, com impacto negativo para as crianças em idade escolar. Do ponto de vista da saúde mental, considera-se relevante maior atenção às crianças que convivem com tal condição, visando à detecção precoce das eventuais dificuldades como forma de instrumentar práticas preventivas.BACKGROUND: Maternal depression has been identified as a possibly harmful condition for child development, showing to be associated with emotional and behavioral difficulties. OBJECTIVES: To identify and analyze articles in the indexed literature addressing the impact of maternal depression for school-age children. METHODS: The procedure was made via the electronic databases Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, Index Psi, and Psyc Info, considering the production of the last five years (2002-2007). Thirty empirical articles were identified and analyzed. RESULTS: In the overall analysis, there was a similar distribution regarding the studies' design, characteristics of the samples and forms of assessment. Data collections were performed in different contexts with a variety of resources and informants. Maternal depression was linked to difficulties faced by children such as behavioral problems, depressive symptoms, and cognitive and social impairments, regardless of the time of first exposure to maternal depression and designs adopted. Such impairments were intensified by the presence of comorbidities. DISCUSSION: Maternal depression was configured as a risk factor for child development with a negative impact on school-age children. In terms of mental health, greater attention to children living side by side with this condition seems to be relevant, aimed at the early detection of any difficulties as a way to implement preventive practices

    A poetica da aquarela

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    Orientadores: Jose Roberto Teixeira Leite e Julio Plaza GonzalesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: A técnica da aquarela é analisada tendo-se como parâmetro a pintura sumi-e, a aguada oriental, possuidora de três princípios essenciais, o "simples", a "natureza" e o "simbólico", os quais são relacionados com as categorias fenomenológicas de Peirce, a "primeiridade", a "secundidade" e a "terceiridade". A metodologia e a estética que permeiam o trabalho são de cunho semiótico ressaltando-se aí a noção de ícone, essencial à definição do objeto estético. Coincidentemente esta noção está presente na estética oriental e se manifesta na pintura sumi-e, a arte mais representativa do extremo-oriente. A aquarela resulta mais singular comparada com a pintura sumi-e, de caráter mais universal, podendo enriquecer-se numa interação com esta. Por meio da análise das aquarelas realizadas pela autora, estabelece-se uma circularidade entre a parte teórica e a prática, instaurando-se uma poéticaRésumé: La technique de l'aquarelle est analysée ayant comme paramêtre Ia peinture sumi-e, lavis oriental, qui possede trois principes essentiels, le "simple", Ia "nature" et lê "symbolique"qui sont en rapport avec les catégories phénoménologiques de Peirce 'la primarité", a "secondarité" et la "tertiairité". La méthodologie et l' esthétique présentent dans ce travail ont un caractere sémiotique mettant en relief Ia notion de I'icone, essentiel à Ia définition de l'objet esthétique. Par une coincindence, cette notion se trouve aussi dans I'esthétique orientale et se manifeste dans Ia peinture sumi-e, I'art le plus représentatif de l'Extrême-Orient. L' aquarelle devient davantage singuliere quand elle est comparée à Ia peinture sumi-e, de caractere plus universel, et peut s'enrichir dans une interaction avec celle-ci. À travers d'une analyse des aquarelles réalisées par l'auteur, on établit un cercle entre Ia partie, théorique et Ia pratique, qui crée une poétiqueMestradoMestre em Artes Plástica

    Metotrexato : ciclo das pentoses e stres oxidativo

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    Orientadora: Dr.ª Maria Benigna M. de OliveiraCoorientador: Dr. Annibal de P. CampelloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímic

    Development of an antisense-mediated exon skipping therapeutic strategy to correct a frequent causing mutation in Mucolipidosis II

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    Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs) are a group of rare inherited diseases caused by the malfunction of the lysosomal system, resulting in the accumulation of undegraded substrates inside the lysosomes and leading to severe and progressive pathology. Among them is Mucolipidosis II (ML II), one of most severe LSDs, which is caused by the total or near total deficiency of the GlcNAc-phosphotransferase, a key enzyme for the correct trafficking of lysosomal hydrolases to the lysosome. GlcNAc-phosphotransferase is a multimeric enzyme and is encoded by two genes: GNPTAB and GNPTG. One of the most frequent ML II causal mutations is a dinucleotide deletion on exon 19 of the GNPTAB gene that disrupts the reading frame and prevents the production of an active GlcNAc-phosphotransferase, which in turn impairs the proper targeting of lysosomal enzymes. Despite broad understanding of the molecular causes behind this and other LSDs, the same progress has not been observed in the development of new therapies, with current treatments still mostly symptomatic and presenting several limitations. Therefore, alternative options should be investigated in order to provide patients and families with better healthcare and more promising therapies. One possibility is the modulation of splicing by antisense oligonucleotides (AOs) with the purpose of altering the splicing pattern, the mature mRNA and ultimately the final protein product. Acknowledging this, the present study intends to design and develop a RNA-based therapeutic agent through the use of AOs capable of inducing the skipping of exon 19 of the GNPTAB gene and consequently circumvent the effects of the most common ML II causal mutation. The approach is presently ongoing and different 2’O-Methyl AOs were designed and synthesized to target the GNPTAB exon 19 and promote its skipping. We have already succeeded in inducing the skipping of exon 19 in control and ML II patient fibroblasts. At biochemical level, 48 hours following transfection, enzyme activity suffered a small increase in patients fibroblasts for all enzymes tested, even if the results are still much lower than the observed for healthy controls. In conclusion, this work constitutes a proof of principle for correcting in vitro the defects caused by a frequent ML II mutation with antisense therapy. Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the project PTDC /BBB-BMD/6301/2014 (SPLICETHER) financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Portugal.This work is supported by the project PTDC /BBB-BMD/6301/2014 (SPLICETHER) financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Portugal.N/

    Use of an antisense-mediated exon skipping approach as a therapeutic option for a common Mucolipidosis type II causing mutation

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    Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs) are a group of rare inherited diseases caused by the malfunction of the lysosomal system, resulting in the accumulation of undegraded substrates inside the lysosomes and leading to severe and progressive pathology. Among them is ML II, one of most severe LSDs, which is caused by the total or near total deficiency of the GlcNAc-phosphotransferase, a key in enzyme for the correct trafficking of lysosomal hydrolases to the lysosome. GlcNAc-phosphotransferase is a multimeric enzyme and is encoded by two genes: GNPTAB and GNPTG. One of the most frequent ML II causal mutations is a dinucleotide deletion on exon 19 of the GNPTAB gene that disrupts the reading frame and prevents the production of an active GlcNAc-phosphotransferase, which in turn impairs the proper targeting of lysosomal enzymes. Despite broad understanding of the molecular causes behind this and other LSDs, the same progress has not been observed in the development of new therapies, with current treatments still mostly symptomatic and presenting several limitations. Therefore, alternative options should be investigated in order to provide patients and families with better healthcare and more promising therapies. One possibility is the modulation of splicing by antisense oligonucleotides with the purpose of altering the splicing pattern, the mature mRNA and ultimately the final protein product. Acknowledging this, the present study intends to design and develop a RNA-based therapeutic agent through the use of antisense oligonucleotides capable of inducing the skipping of exon 19 of the GNPTAB gene and consequently circumvent the effects the most common ML II causal mutation. The approach is presently ongoing and different 2’O-Methyl AOs were designed and synthesized to target the GNPTAB exon 19 and promote its skipping. We have already succeed in inducing the skipping of exon 19 in control and ML II patient cell lines and we are now evaluating the effects of this therapeutic approach at biochemical levels.FCT (PTDC/BBB-BMD/6301/2014 (SPLICETHER), Application of splicing approaches to exploit alternative therapies for Lysosomal Storage Diseases: in vitro and in vivo studies)N/

    Eating habits and intake of macro-and micronutrients among adolescents in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP)

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    Objective: to know the intake of macro and micronutrients among a group of adolescents in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP). Methods: observational study in which it is observed the intake and eating habits of adolescents, through the food frequency questionnaire validated for adolescents and the food record of 3 days. Results: the participants were 130 adolescents, of whom 81 (62.3%) were female and 49 (37.6%) male, with a mean age 196.8 ± 11 months. Food items with the highest intake were rice, beans, candies, bread, sugar and milk. The percentage of energy from macronutrients were 56.4% for the group of carbohydrate, 15.3% protein and 28.3% lipid. Regarding minerals, it was observed a low intake than the recommended for calcium, adequate intake of iron and zinc and, notably, excessive sodium intake. Conclusions: The results showed that adolescents consume a large amount of simple sugars, saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol and sodium, which, in excess, can cause harm to the health of individuals in full stage of development. Therefore, the evident need to implement food education programs targeted to adolescents and their families, in order to change consumer’s habits, specially the reduction of sodium present in processed foods as well as those prepared in restaurants, decrease of sugar consumption and increase of eating vegetables and foods with calcium

    Eating habits and practice of physical activity among eutrophic and overweight adolescents

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the eating habits and physical activity of adolescents enrolled in two public schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP). METHODS: A case-control study was conducted to analyze the eating habits and practice of physical activity of a group of overweight adolescents and of a eutrophic control group matched for sex and age. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ short version) and a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire were applied and a 3-day food record was obtained. The nutritive value of the foods consumed was calculated with the Virtual Nutri® software. Body fat was estimated using the equations of Slaughter et al. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and by the Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Fifty-one (44.7%) overweight and 63 (55.2%) eutrophic adolescents were studied. Mean BMI was 29.5 for the overweight group and 21.0 for the eutrophic group, and percent body fat was 49.4 and 29.1, respectively (p<0.01-ANOVA). The daily calorie intake of the eutrophic adolescents consisted of 56.7% carbohydrates, 15.4% proteins and 27.9% lipids and the intake of the overweight group was 52.7%, 17.1% and 30.2%, respectively. In the eutrophic group, 28.6% were considered to be very active and 60.3% active and in the overweight group these values were 23.5% and 70.6%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Information about the eating and physical activity habits of adolescents is of fundamental importance for subsidizing individual and community actions. Although adolescents report apparently adequate physical activity and calorie consumption, health professional should be aware of the high rates of overweight and obesity detected in this age range

    Hábitos e consumo alimentar entre adolescentes eutróficos e com excesso de peso

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    Objetivo: Avaliar os hábitos e o consumo alimentar de adolescentes matriculados em duas escolas públicas da região oeste da cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP). Método: Estudo tipo casocontrole que analisou o consumo alimentar de adolescentes eutróficos e com excesso de peso, pareados por idade e sexo, utilizando questionários de frequência alimentar e registro alimentar de 3 dias, comparados com o Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira e analisados peloSoftware Virtual Nutri. Resultados: a média de idade dos 130 adolescentes estudados foi 196,8 meses. As médias de IMC e de porcentagem de gordura corporal foram de 29,5 e 49,4% e 21,0 e 29,1% para os grupos de excesso de peso e eutróficos, respectivamente (p < 0,01). Entre os eutróficos a média de ingestão diária foi 1915,5 calorias, enquanto os adolescentes com excesso de peso ingeriram 1761,8 calorias. A maioria dos adolescentes realizou as três refeições principais: café da manhã (86%), almoço (98,9%) e jantar (96,8%). Para os adolescentes eutróficos os percentuais médios de energia consumidos foram de 56,7% para carboidratos, 15,4% para proteínas, e 27,9% para lipídeos, enquanto que o grupo com excesso de peso consumiu 52,7%, 17,1% e 30,2%, respectivamente. Conclusões: o hábito alimentar dos adolescentes vem sendo modificado, com o consumo cada vez maior de alimentos com pequena contribuição nutricional e que podem trazer grandes prejuízos à saúde, daí a necessidade da atuação dos profissionaisda saúde no sentido de orientar e sensibilizá-los para a importância de medidas que contribuam para a adoção de um estilo de vida saudável.Objective: to know the food intake of eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Methods: casecontrol study that analyzed the food intake and habits of adolescents with normal weight and overweight, matched for age and sex, using a food frequency questionnaire and food diaries for 3 days, compared with the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population and analyzed by the software Virtual Nutri. Results: Mean body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat were 29.5 and 49.4 for the overweight  group and 21.0% and 29.1% for the normal group, respectively (p < 0.01). Among normal individuals the average daily intake of calories was 1915.5 while overweight adolescents consumed 1761.8 calories. Most adolescents ate the three main meals: breakfast (86%), lunch (98,9%) and dinner (96.8%). For eutrophic teenagers the average percentage of energy consumed was 56.7% for carbohydrates, 154% for proteins and 27.9% for lipids, while the overweight group consumed 52.7%, 17.1% and 30.2%, respectively. Conclusions: the study showed that both groups of adolescents consume the same types and similar amounts of foods, except when considering the group of cereals, roots and tubers whose consumption was higher among eutrophic adolescents (p < 0.01)

    Desenvolvimento afetivo - o processo de aprendizagem e o atraso escolar

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    In this article we present some considerations about being left behind in school, with an analysis of the multiple internal and external factors involved in this, and with emphasis on learning as an indicator of the process of affective development and functioning of children. Being left behind in school is one of the major complaints of parents who look for psychology services for their children.O presente artigo apresenta algumas considerações sobre o atraso escolar, abordando a multiplicidade de fatores internos e externos envolvidos neste, destacando a aprendizagem como um indicador do processo de desenvolvimento e funcionamento afetivo das crianças. O atraso escolar caracteriza-se como uma das principais queixas dos pais que procuram os serviços de psicologia para o atendimento de crianças
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