8 research outputs found

    MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in the prostates of male and female mongolian gerbils: effects of hormonal manipulation

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    TIMPs in the prostates of male and female gerbils and evaluated the effects of testosterone on the expression of these enzymes. Ventral prostates from male gerbils that were either intact or had been castrated for 7 or 21 days, along with prostates from female gerbils that were either intact or had been treated with testosterone for 7 or 21 days, were submitted to histological, stereological and immunohistochemical analyses. Stereology of prostatic components showed significant alterations of tissue compartments in the ventral male prostate after castration, especially after 21 days, with a significant increase in stroma. Administration of testosterone led to disorganization in the female prostate, with a significant increase in collagen fibers and smooth muscle cells after 21 days, along with the development of epithelial lesions such as PINs. MMP-2 increased after 21 days of castration in males; however, the TIMP-2 immunoreaction for this group was weak or absent. In females, the expression of MMP-2 appeared to decrease after 7 days of treatment with testosterone, but after 21 days, both epithelium and stroma showed a stronger reaction for MMP-2 than the controls. The expression of TIMP-2 in the treated females was similar to its expression in the castrated males. We conclude that the distribution of MMPs and TIMPs in both male and female prostates is altered by androgen manipulation, but the mechanism of stromal regulation appears to be distinct between genders because both the lack of T in castrated males and the excess levels of T in treated females lead to the same effect

    Hormonal Oscillations During The Estrous Cycle Influence The Morphophysiology Of The Gerbil (meriones Unguiculatus) Female Prostate (skene Paraurethral Glands).

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    The hormonal oscillations that occur during the female reproductive cycle influence the morphophysiology of several organs of the reproductive system. The female prostate is a functional organ sensitive to the action of steroidal hormones, but it is not known whether the hormonal oscillations that occur during the reproductive cycle can alter the biology of this gland. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the morphofunctional aspects of the female prostate during the gerbil estrous cycle. For this purpose, morphological, morphometric-stereological, serological, and immunocytochemical analyses were carried out. The results of the present study show that the hormonal oscillations that occurred during the estrous cycle altered both the structure and functionality of the gerbil female prostate. These alterations include increased prostatic growth and augmented secretory activity during the proestrus and estrus phases and a gradual decrease of the secretory activity and glandular development in the diestrus I and II phases. These cyclical oscillations appear to be determined by the hormonal peaks of estrogen in diestrus II and by the high levels of progesterone during estrus, since the androgen levels remained constant throughout the estrous cycle.791084-9

    Prepubertal exposure to bisphenol-A induces ERα upregulation and hyperplasia in adult gerbil female prostate

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    Prostate physiology is highly dependent on oestrogenic and androgenic homeostasis. Interferences in this equilibrium, especially in early periods of life, may disrupt the prostate and increase the susceptibility to the development of diseases with ageing. Taking this into account, and considering the increase of environmental chemicals with endocrine-disrupting potential such as bisphenol-A (BPA), this study aimed to evaluate the prostates of adult female gerbils exposed to BPA and BPA plus testosterone from pubertal to adult periods. Morphological, stereological and chemical analyses revealed that long-term BPA exposure, even in environmental dosages, increases the proliferative status of the prostate, increases the number of ERα-positive stromal cells and elicits the development of prostatic hyperplasia in adult female gerbils. Moreover, we also observed that the association with testosterone did not increase the proliferative status of the gland, which shows that low levels of BPA are enough to cause an oestrogenic disruption of the prostate in young adults. This evidence suggests that this oestrogenic endocrine disruptor may increase the susceptibility to prostatic disorders with ageing

    MMP-2 and MMP-9 localization and activity in the female prostate during estrous cycle

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    The gerbil female prostate undergoes morphological and physiological changes resulting from hormonal fluctuations that occur during the reproductive cycle. These repetitive cycles of glandular growth and regression are followed by an extensive reconstruction and remodeling of prostate stroma throughout the reproductive life of the female gerbil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect that the hormonal fluctuations of the reproductive cycle have on the stromal remodeling and the expression and activity of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and -9 in the adult female gerbil prostate. For this, serological, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical and biochemical methods were employed. The results showed that the major stromal alteration coincide with the peak of estradiol, which occurs in estrus, and with the peak of progesterone, occurring during diestrus II. MMP-2 and -9 presented a similar pattern of expression and activity during estrous cycle. The estrus was the phase of greater expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9. On the other hand, in DI and DII, the tissue expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9 was very weak. These results are important since they suggest the involvement of estradiol and progesterone in regulating the expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9 in adult gerbil female prostate. © 2011 Elsevier Inc