2,687 research outputs found

    Strain-induced enhancement of the thermoelectric power in thin films of hole-doped La2NiO4+δ

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    We propose a novel route for optimizing the thermoelectric power of a polaronic conductor, independent of its electronic conductivity. This mechanism is exemplified here in thin-films of La2NiO4+δ. Tensile stress induced by epitaxial growth on SrTiO3 doubles the thermoelectric power of ≈15 nm thick films relative to ≈90 nm films, while the electronic conductivity remains practically unchanged. Epitaxial strain influences the statistical contribution to the high temperature thermopower, but introduces a smaller correction to the electronic conductivity. This mechanism provides a new way for optimizing the high temperature thermoelectric performance of polaronic conductorsThis work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC StG-259082, 2DTHERMS), and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through the project MAT2010-16157, and a Ph.D. grant of the FPI program (J.M.V.-F.)S

    End-to-end optical music recognition for pianoform sheet music

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    End-to-end solutions have brought about significant advances in the field of Optical Music Recognition. These approaches directly provide the symbolic representation of a given image of a musical score. Despite this, several documents, such as pianoform musical scores, cannot yet benefit from these solutions since their structural complexity does not allow their effective transcription. This paper presents a neural method whose objective is to transcribe these musical scores in an end-to-end fashion. We also introduce the GrandStaff dataset, which contains 53,882 single-system piano scores in common western modern notation. The sources are encoded in both a standard digital music representation and its adaptation for current transcription technologies. The method proposed in this paper is trained and evaluated using this dataset. The results show that the approach presented is, for the first time, able to effectively transcribe pianoform notation in an end-to-end manner.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This paper is part of the MultiScore project (PID2020-118447RA-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The first author is supported by Grant ACIF/2021/356 from the “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana.

    Applications of Voltammetric Analysis to Wine Products

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    Wine contains polyphenols that are responsible for its quality. Moreover, phenolic compounds have antioxidant properties and benefits on human health. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was the first electrochemical method used for polyphenols characterization and determination of polyphenols content in wine products. Electrochemical behaviour of standard solutions of phenolic compounds has been investigated and evaluated the importance of the phenolic concentration and pH. The electrochemical parameters extracted from the voltammograms have been correlated with the antioxidant potential in wine products. In addition, CV allowed establishing differences in the antioxidant activity of wines with different addition of grape seeds. In winemaking by-products, different Ipa and Q500 values were found depending on the state of maturation of the grape pomace. On the other hand, the total flavonoids and phenolic acids contents were significantly correlated to the electrochemical parameters. Differences for the electrochemical parameters were found between by-products, being pomace and seeds which presented the greatest values of Q500. Simple regression analyses showed that voltammetric parameters are correlated to their values of lipid peroxidation inhibition by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances method. Our results open the possibility of CV as a promising technique to estimate the global antioxidant potential of wine products rich in phenolic compounds

    Influencia de los defectos geométricos en la superficie de contacto de un disipador de calor, orientado a la asignación de sus tolerancias de fabricación

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    Comunicación presentada en el XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en Elche en Noviembre de 2016.Las desviaciones de la geometría real en los componentes fabricados respecto de la geometría ideal tratada durante el diseño provocan la aparición de anomalías durante el funcionamiento de componentes ensamblados, siendo necesario limitar estas desviaciones mediante una apropiada síntesis de tolerancias (su especificación y la asignación de sus valores) de modo que se garantice la funcionalidad. Esta síntesis de tolerancias se deberá llevar a cabo efectuando un estudio detallado de cómo las desviaciones de fabricación afectan a la función, y asignando valores de las tolerancias atendiendo a criterios de capacidad y de costes de fabricación. Sin embargo, las relaciones entre el valor de las tolerancias y la calidad de funcionamiento no están siempre claras, por lo que las tolerancias se especifican asignando valores "habituales" o recomendados. Este proceder es frecuente y lleva a que se establezcan, con gran frecuencia, esquemas inconsistentes de tolerancias, que conducen a asignar valores para las tolerancias excesivamente estrechos. Como consecuencia de todo ello las piezas resultan caras y el propio funcionamiento del conjunto puede incluso no quedar garantizado. En este trabajo se analiza un sistema compuesto por un circuito integrado (CI) y un disipador de calor sobre él montado, estudiando cómo influyen los errores de fabricación presentes en la superficie del disipador en la capacidad de transmisión de calor en la zona de contacto entre CI y disipador, siendo el requisito funcional la transmisión de una cantidad de calor Q definida bajo unas condiciones de contorno ambientales. Como resultado se obtendrán las ecuaciones funcionales que ligan el RF con la tipología y magnitud de los errores, particularizado para el caso concreto de los defectos de rugosidad superficial en la superficie del CI

    Estudio de los factores de transmisión de la variabilidad dimensional en la fabricación de baldosas cerámicas

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    Comunicación presentada en el XXI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en Elche en Noviembre de 2016.Uno de los principales problemas en la fabricación de pavimento en la industria cerámica es la variabilidad dimensional tras la cocción del producto cerámico que ocasiona la clasificación del producto en diferentes calibres o calidades dimensionales. A pesar del conocimiento extenso del proceso de fabricación de las baldosas cerámicas, pocos son los trabajos que buscan analizar las interacciones entre las diferentes etapas del proceso para estimar la variación dimensional final del producto. Un análisis global del proceso permitiría realizar modificaciones de puntos de operación en ciertas etapas para minimizar la variabilidad, o estudiar en detalle las etapas críticas del proceso sobre las que implementar acciones de mejora. Este trabajo muestra un estudio del proceso global de fabricación de las baldosas cerámicas y la aplicación de la metodología Stream-of-Variation para el modelado de la propagación de errores entre las diferentes etapas del proceso.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Generalitat Valenciana en su programa de ayudas a proyectos de I+D para grupos emergentes convocatoria 2015, proyecto GV/2015/091

    Applying Automatic Translation for Optical Music Recognition’s Encoding Step

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    Optical music recognition is a research field whose efforts have been mainly focused, due to the difficulties involved in its processes, on document and image recognition. However, there is a final step after the recognition phase that has not been properly addressed or discussed, and which is relevant to obtaining a standard digital score from the recognition process: the step of encoding data into a standard file format. In this paper, we address this task by proposing and evaluating the feasibility of using machine translation techniques, using statistical approaches and neural systems, to automatically convert the results of graphical encoding recognition into a standard semantic format, which can be exported as a digital score. We also discuss the implications, challenges and details to be taken into account when applying machine translation techniques to music languages, which are very different from natural human languages. This needs to be addressed prior to performing experiments and has not been reported in previous works. We also describe and detail experimental results, and conclude that applying machine translation techniques is a suitable solution for this task, as they have proven to obtain robust results.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry HISPAMUS project TIN2017-86576-R, partially funded by the EU, and by the Generalitat Valenciana through project GV/2020/030

    Noise-tolerance feasibility for restricted-domain Information Retrieval systems

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    Information Retrieval systems normally have to work with rather heterogeneous sources, such as Web sites or documents from Optical Character Recognition tools. The correct conversion of these sources into flat text files is not a trivial task since noise may easily be introduced as a result of spelling or typeset errors. Interestingly, this is not a great drawback when the size of the corpus is sufficiently large, since redundancy helps to overcome noise problems. However, noise becomes a serious problem in restricted-domain Information Retrieval specially when the corpus is small and has little or no redundancy. This paper devises an approach which adds noise-tolerance to Information Retrieval systems. A set of experiments carried out in the agricultural domain proves the effectiveness of the approach presented
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