418 research outputs found

    Організаційні та методичні аспекти навчання іноземних студентів

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    The article deals with language teaching methods and adaptation of foreign citizens, the teacher’s responsibility being to assess the student’s language level and abilities to gain further professional education in Ukraine.The assessment of degree of language skills traditionally is an uneasy problem for a teacher as it is assessed not only the set of the learnt words and rules, but level of formed communicative competence. The extremely important positive factor at foreign language learning is the confidence of foreigners at fact that they have qualitative final result that is in successful mastering of language and, as consequence, the future profession. Therefore, task of pre-professional training of foreign citizens is actualisation and systematization of conceptually-terminological frame in language of the future training. The main task of the teachers training profile disciplines to foreigners, is systematization of knowledge, received in their native countries, acquaintance with conceptually-terminological frame of their future profession either in the Ukrainian or the Russian languages. Subject training of foreign citizens frequently considerably differs from similar training of the Ukrainian entrants; it is possible to explain this by various approaches and requirements of the Ukrainian and foreign educational institutions.Considering scientists’ achievements, own experience concerning circumstances of successful language mastering by foreign students, we have isolated such psychological and pedagogical conditions: purposeful selection and structuring of the language teaching material contents according to cognitive students’ possibilities; regular and continuous motivation and stimulation of cognitive interest; realization of methods based on communicative and imitation-play approaches and directed on step-by-step foreign language masteringУ статті аналізується проблема професійної підготовки іноземних студентів, що навчаються у вищих навчальних закладах України. Подане нове розв’язання проблеми оцінювання комунікативної складової професійної компетентності майбутніх іноземних студентів у допрофесійній підготовці. Визначено стан сформованості комунікативної компетентності студентів-іноземців. Виділено організаційні складові, психологічні та педагогічні умови розвитку комунікативної складової професійної компетентності іноземних студенті

    An Effective Instructional Model for Teaching English Language Learners within the Mainstream Classroom

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    The purpose of this study was to determine an effective educational model for teaching language to English Language Learners as well as to determine effective instructional methods within the mainstream classroom. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Integrated Services Approach. This approach involved a classroom teacher, an English Language specialist, a Special Education teacher, and a reading interventionist. All four educators taught ten English Language Learners within a mainstream classroom. The ten English Language Learners were periodically assessed to determine academic growth and language acquisition level. Assessment data suggests that the Integrated Services Approach is an effective educational model for teaching language to English Language Learners

    Особливості іншомовної підготовки співробітників спеціальних відомств Німеччини (Features of foreign language training of staff special departments of Germany)

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    Дослідження німецького досвіду є важливим з погляду використання ефективних стратегій забезпечення якості іншомовної освіти в Україні. У статті описані особливості роботи центрів лінгвістичної підготовки для різних категорій військовослужбовців, функціонування перекладацької служби, розвитку іншомовної підготовки для потреб військовослужбовців та активної наукової діяльності. Іншомовна освіта реалізується за використання принципу комунікативного професійно-орієнтованого навчання. З цією метою використовуються різноманітні курси відповідно до стандартизованих профілів навчання та оцінки його результатів на іспитах. (The purpose of the article – reviewing and identify promising directions for improvement of professional foreign language training military personnel on the example of German language training. To solve complex tasks used the following methods: analysis, classification, generalization philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on foreign language education with a view to identifying priority areas of research. The investigation of German experience is important from the point of effective strategies using of general secondary education quality ensuring in Ukraine. We describe the features of the language training centers for different categories of military personnel, the peculiarities of translation services, providing foreign language training to the needs of partner countries and active research. Basic principles of standardized courses that integrate language and not language education German military personnel are: incorporation of professional and personal needs for learning; defining the objectives and content of training, combined with a narrow professional orientation needed to address professional and communicative tasks; minimizing training content in accordance with the identified communication needs of listeners; determine the range of professional and communicative skills and professional communication tasks related to user communication needs and specifics of the employees; use text as a medium of instruction; modeling authentic professional and communicative tasks in the process of professional and communicative skills; variability and flexible use of different methods of instruction; consideration of the creative potential of listeners. Scientific novelty lies in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of foreign military training, based on the system, synergetic, person-centered, axiological, integrative, cultural, interdisciplinary competence approach and interaction that involves the use of traditional, interactive and integrative learning methods as a means of implementing world trends to enhance learning and provides a tiered approach to mastering foreign languages, learning personalization and autonomy of listeners.


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    On a present day stage of development of musical pedagogics the problem of forming of vocal-choral skills in the  process of pupils’ education is the most actual. The vocal-choral singing takes a special place in the aesthetical and artistic pupils' upbringing


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    1п article importance vocal short-melodies in formation of singing ski Ils o f the child is considered; principles of selection of vocal exercises are allocated


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    The article deals with significance of pedagogical focus as an important component of future teachers ’ professional and pedagogical trainingУ статті обґрунтовується значущість педагогічної спрямованості як важливої складової професійно-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх педагогів


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    The article investigates the problem of transmitting generally accepted cultural values of the Ukrainian people and the specific character of its national word view. These two grounds are of primary importance and make an essential basis for upbringing personal qualities of a Ukrainian citizen for the further development of the national education

    Equine Tendinopathy Therapy Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The application of animal mesenchymal stem cells has been actively studied in veterinary medicine over the past decade. In horses, the use of stem cells is mainly aimed at the treatment and maintenance of the musculoskeletal system. This review summarizes the currently published data on the therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells in equine tendon injuries. Tendon lesions are the most common cause of horse limp. It has been demonstrated that the use of mesenchymal stem cells compared with traditional methods of treatment can significantly reduce the re-injury. Currently, there are a large number of stem cell application protocol versions. Many researchers have obtained positive clinical results in using a combination of mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich blood plasma. Studies have demonstrated the safety of using allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells as an alternative to autologous. This review shows that the application of mesenchymal stem cells for horse tendon regeneration is a perspective area in veterinary medicine