168 research outputs found

    A comparative SEM- EDX Analysis of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method

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    Introduction: Swayamagni Rasa is the herbo-mineral preparation were in, self generated heat transforms particle size from Loha Churna into Bhasma form. The present trend of preparation of Bhasma is by Putapaka method by using cow dung cakes. Here the Niragni method of Loha Marana was carried out along with the Putapaka method to Analyse the Physico-chemical changes, and are been compared with respect to its Pharmaceutical and Analytical parameters. Methods and Materials: Swayamagni Rasa was prepared according to the reference of Rasa Chintamani, other methods adopted were Shodhana of Parada, Shodhana of Ghandaka, Preparation of Dwiguna Kajjali, Samanya Shodhana, Vishesha Shodhana, Preparation of Swayamagni Loha Bhasma by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method. Physico-chemical Analysis and Instrumental analysis was done for the samples of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method. Results: The Physico-chemical analysis of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi and Putapaka method gave significant result. SEM-EDX of Swayamagni Rasa by Dhanyarashi, Putapaka method showed the weight and atomic percentage of elements present and its particle size. Conclusion: The samples of Swayamagni Loha Bhasma by Dhanyarashi Method and one sample of Putapaka method passed the classical Bhasma Pareeksha, that is Rekha purnatha,Varithara, Nishchandratwa and Unama. Also, elemental analysis of all these four samples of Swayamagni Rasa and sample of Putapaka shows reduction in the particle size ranging with in nanometer scale. The Niragni method of preparation of loha Bhasma pharmaceutically and Analytically showed the equivalent results. Further it can be taken up for Animal, Clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy

    SEM EDX Analysis of Swayamagni Loha Bhasma

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    Rasashastra is a special branch of Ayurveda where in different Herbs, Mineral and Metals are used in various formulations.These metals and minerals are subjected for different purification methods to make it suitable for internal administration. The Marana is the procedure in which the purified metals or minerals are further triturated with specific drugs and subjected to heat (Puta). For various Herbs, Metals and Minerals the applications of Puta is essential to reduce the particle size for its better absorption in the body. Swayamagni Rasa is the herbo-mineral preparation were in, self generated heat transforms the particle size from Loha Churna into Bhasma form. In this study Iron fillings where used to prepare the Bhasma by subjecting it to Samanya and Vishesha Shodana and later on doing the procedure of Marana according to Rasachintamani. During the process of Shodana care has to be taken while heating the iron fillings throughout the procedure and measured quantity of liquid media for quenching has to be maintained for doing Shodana in bulk. During the process Iron fillings tend to flush over the face during each Nirvapa which has to be dealt with precaution. Thereafter analysis of the Swayamagni Rasa was analysed using SEM-EDX. It was observed that the percentage of Oxygen content in Loha Bhasma increased there by stating it to be in Oxide form and The particle size ranges around 173.3 nanometre scale which proves it being in its minutest form

    Unmanned Surface Vehicles for Freighters

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    The purpose of this project is to study the technological and commercial feasibility of robotic control systems for freighters, and to develop a miniature proof of concept based on the findings. The research portion of the project involved a detailed technological and financial viability analysis of Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) technology for freight shipping, especially for inland waterways. The prototype-engineering portion of the project resulted in a proof of concept control system based on an open-source platform, which controls a miniature Unmanned Surface Vehicle prototype. The prototype is a 1.3-meter long twin-hulled catamaran, which navigates autonomously to ferry a miniature payload using differential thrust from two motors that are powered by two deep-cycle marine batteries. These undertakings have led to a comprehensive solution to enable zero emission inland freight shipping using mass-manufactured swarms of semi-autonomous, 100 DWT, low-draft, multi-hulled, solar ships that carry intermodal cargo containers

    PREMIUM twelve-month follow-up trial: Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness dataset from the Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) RCT

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    The Program for Effective Mental Health Interventions in Under-Resourced Health Systems (PREMIUM) sought to develop and assess scalable psychological treatments that are culturally appropriate, affordable, and feasible for delivery by non-specialist health workers and apply these treatments to the two leading mental health disorders: moderately severe to severe depression (the Healthy Activity Program [HAP]) and harmful drinking (Counselling for Alcohol Problems [CAP]). The data collection contains records of adult male Primary Health Centres (PHC) attenders (one patient per row) recruited in the trials site between 28th October 2013 and the 30th July 2015, and followed-up for outcome assessments until 30th September 2016. It encompasses enrolment, treatment process (including therapy quality), clinical/other outcome data, and cost-effectiveness data. Only variables relevant for the analysis of our twelve-month follow-up are presented. The CAP dataset is made available on request, in accordance with ethical constraints outlined in the participant consent agreement. To obtain access, interested parties must complete a data request form or email [email protected] outlining the purpose for which they intend to use the dataset and agree to sign a licence agreement confirming that they will protect participant confidentiality

    PREMIUM twelve-month follow-up trial: Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness dataset from the Healthy Activity Program (HAP) RCT

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    The Program for Effective Mental Health Interventions in Under-Resourced Health Systems (PREMIUM) sought to develop and assess scalable psychological treatments that are culturally appropriate, affordable, and feasible for delivery by non-specialist health workers and apply these treatments to the two leading mental health disorders: moderately severe to severe depression (the Healthy Activity Program [HAP]) and harmful drinking (Counselling for Alcohol Problems [CAP]). This data collection contains records of adult male/female Primary Health Centres (PHC) attenders (one patient per row) recruited in the trials site between October 28th 2013 and July 30th 2015, and followed-up for outcome assessments until September 30th 2016. It encompasses enrolment, treatment process (including therapy quality), cost-effectiveness, and clinical/other outcome data. Only variables relevant for the analysis of our twelve-month follow-up are presented. The HAP dataset is made available on request, in accordance with ethical constraints outlined in the participant consent agreement. To obtain access, interested parties must complete a data request form or email [email protected] outlining the purpose for which they intend to use the dataset and agree to sign a licence agreement confirming that they will protect participant confidentiality


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    Bhasmas are the most frequently used medicines in the field of Ayurveda as it tends to act fast when compared to other modes of medication. It works on the principle of nanoparticle assimilation, which provides higher bioavailability due its higher surface area and lesser particle size. This invention was made back in ancient days, which proves that during those ages there were faster methods of medical aids for a disease proving to be fatal. Abhraka is one of the main drugs used in Ayurveda mainly in the form of a Bhasma. It is abundantly used in single / compound forms for diseases like Cold, Cough, Diabetes, Anemia, asthma, etc. For a Bhasma to act significantly without side-effects it has to be properly rendered to purifactory procedures and Incineration at optimum temperature. This article basically deals with Samanya Shodana, Dhanyabhraka nirmana and Marana of Abhraka followed by its analysis by SEM-EDX which proved that There was reduction in some of the elements present in the drug after giving successive putas, till the formation of a Bhasma.The atomic percentage of Oxygen increased when bhasma was formed, hence suggesting it to be in oxide form. There was absence of heavy metals after giving puta according to the classical reference. Microscopic images of the Churna and Bhasma could be analysed and the Particle size of bhasma could be analysed which was 580.2 nm

    Atraumatic Restorative Treatment: Review and a Case Report

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    Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART), which was introduced as field trials, have gained popularity among clinicians for their ease, minimal use of instrumentation and hence can be done in remote areas with little or no resources and can be used in patients with special needs, anxious and apprehensive patients in the dental setting. The present paper presents a case of modified ART (ARTm) with full patient satisfaction after a 3 month follow up, with a review of the same and the differences between ART and ARTm

    ICP-OES Analysis of Samanya and Vishesha Shodhita Loha

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    Rasashastra is a science which deals with metals and minerals and their therapeutic effects. These can cause hazardous effects if not purified. Purificatory procedures can be generally classified into two, namely – Samanya Shodhana and Vishesha Shodhana. In this study, reference from Rasatarangini was adopted for Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana of Loha. The Analysis of Raw sample of iron, Samanya Shoditha Loha and Vishesha shoditha Loha was done to analyse the difference physically and chemically by ICP-OES method. The discussions are made on the Shodhana procedures and results obtained with giving probable reasons. From Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana of Loha it is evident that the particle size was reducing drastically after each procedure making it more brittle and fine. There were many changes observed from the raw sample of Loha to the Vishesha shodhita Loha physically and analytically. Thus we can adopt Samanya Shodhana, Vishesha Shodhana or together depending on the requirement

    Advances in Stereoconvergent Catalysis from 2005 to 2015: Transition-Metal-Mediated Stereoablative Reactions, Dynamic Kinetic Resolutions, and Dynamic Kinetic Asymmetric Transformations

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    Stereoconvergent catalysis is an important subset of asymmetric synthesis that encompasses stereoablative transformations, dynamic kinetic resolutions, and dynamic kinetic asymmetric transformations. Initially, only enzymes were known to catalyze dynamic kinetic processes, but recently various synthetic catalysts have been developed. This Review summarizes major advances in nonenzymatic, transition-metal-promoted dynamic asymmetric transformations reported between 2005 and 2015

    Advances in Stereoconvergent Catalysis from 2005 to 2015: Transition-Metal-Mediated Stereoablative Reactions, Dynamic Kinetic Resolutions, and Dynamic Kinetic Asymmetric Transformations

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    Stereoconvergent catalysis is an important subset of asymmetric synthesis that encompasses stereoablative transformations, dynamic kinetic resolutions, and dynamic kinetic asymmetric transformations. Initially, only enzymes were known to catalyze dynamic kinetic processes, but recently various synthetic catalysts have been developed. This Review summarizes major advances in nonenzymatic, transition-metal-promoted dynamic asymmetric transformations reported between 2005 and 2015
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