103 research outputs found

    En kvantitativ analyse av ungdomsskole elevers bevissthet og erkjennelse av det Ă„ mobbe andre : Effekten av filmen ”Luddes” pĂ„virkning pĂ„ elevenes egenoppfatning av Ă„ vĂŠre en mobber

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    Master's thesis in Special educationUtgangspunkt og tema for denne oppgaven har vÊrt Ä se pÄ elevers bevissthet eller erkjennelse rundt det Ä mobbe andre. Det finnes mye forskning pÄ mobbing nÄr det gjelder kjÞnnsforskjeller, omfang og konsekvenser. Denne forskningen, sammen med forskning pÄ barns aggresjonsnivÄ, danner det teoretiske utgangspunktet for oppgaven. Den overordnede hensikten med undersÞkelsen var Ä se pÄ om det Ä vise elevene en sterk mobbefilm, «Ludde», hadde en effekt pÄ elevenes erkjennelse eller bevissthet rundt det Ä mobbe andre. Effekten blir vurdert for bÄde jenter og gutter. For Ä undersÞke effekten av filmen, har studien en kvantitativ empirisk tilnÊrming og er gjennomfÞrt som eksperimentelt design. En spÞrreundersÞkelse pÄ et utvalg bestÄende av 110 elever ble gjennomfÞrt ved en utvalgt skole i distriktet. Utvalget ble delt i to grupper hvorav en fungerte som eksperimentgruppe og den andre som kontrollgruppe. Svarene fra undersÞkelsen er studiens datamateriale og danner utgangspunkt for de statistiske analysene. Deskriptiv statistikk beskriver gjennomsnitt, standardavvik og antall respondenter, mens resultatene fra variansanalysene fremstiller en sammenligning fra flere gruppegjennomsnitt samtidig. Analysene danner utgangspunkt for den videre drÞftingen. Funnene indikerer at filmen tilsynelatende har liten eller ingen effekt vurdert ut fra forskjeller i resultat mellom de to gruppene. Ved Ä utforske analysene nÊrmere, ser vi likevel en tendens til at det er forskjeller pÄ guttenes og jentenes svar innad i de to gruppene. Tendensen viser at guttene i eksperimentgruppa i langt stÞrre grad enn jentene rapporterer at de mobber andre, mens jentene i kontrollgruppa derimot rapporterer om betraktelig mer mobbing enn guttene. Verdt Ä merke seg er ogsÄ at nÄr det gjelder guttene og jentenes totale innrapportering om det Ä mobbe andre, sÄ er gjennomsnittsverdiene kun marginalt forskjellige. AltsÄ totalt sett rapporterer guttene og jentene noksÄ likt at de mobber andre. Dette blir i oppgaven diskutert opp mot annen forskning pÄ feltet som ganske entydig viser at gutter i langt stÞrre grad enn jenter sier de mobber andre. Gjennomsnittsverdiene til jentene og guttene er i denne undersÞkelsen i tillegg betraktelig lavere enn i andre sammenlignbare undersÞkelser. Disse funnene blir drÞftet i oppgavens diskusjonsdel

    Hyperemesis gravidarum in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway – a validity study

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    BACKGROUND: Valid registration of medical information is essential for the quality of registry-based research. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is characterized by severe nausea and vomiting, weight loss and electrolyte imbalance starting before 22nd gestational week. Given the fact that HG is a generally understudied disease which might have short- and long- term health consequences for mother and child, it is of importance to know whether potential misclassification bias influences the results of future studies. We therefore assessed the validity of the HG-registration in the in Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN) using hospital records. METHODS: The sample comprised all women registered in MBRN with HG and who delivered at UllevÄl and Akershus hospitals in 1.1.-31.3.1970, 1.4.-30.6.1986, 1.7.-30.9.1997 and 1.10.-31.12.2001. A random sample of 10 women per HG case, without HG according to MBRN, but who delivered during the same time periods at the same hospitals was also collected. The final sample included 551 women. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) were estimated using strict and less strict diagnostic criteria of HG, indicating severe and mild HG, respectively. Hospital journals were used as gold standard. RESULTS: Using less strict diagnostic criteria of HG, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were 83.9% (95% CI: 67.4-92.9), 96.0% (95% CI: 93.9-97.3), 55.3% (95% CI: 41.2-68.6) and 99.0% (95% CI: 97.7-99.6), respectively. For strict diagnostic criteria, being hospitalised due to HG the corresponding values were 64% (95% CI: 38.8-87.2), 92% (95% CI: 90.2-94.6), 18.6% (95% CI: 10.2-31.9) and 99.0% (95% CI: 97.7-99.6). CONCLUSIONS: The results from our study are comparable to previous research on disease registration in MBRN, and show that MBRN can be considered valid for mild HG but not for severe HG

    Hospital admission for hyperemesis gravidarum: a nationwide study of occurrence, reoccurrence and risk factors among 8.2 million pregnancies

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    STUDY QUESTION: What are the maternal risk factors for hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) hospital admission, readmission and reoccurrence in a following pregnancy? SUMMARY ANSWER: Young age, less socioeconomic deprivation, nulliparity, Asian or Black ethnicity, female fetus, multiple pregnancy, history of HG in a previous pregnancy, thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction, hypercholesterolemia and Type 1 diabetes are all risk factors for HG. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Women with Black or Asian ethnicity, of young age, carrying multiple babies or singleton females, with Type 1 diabetes or with a history of HG were previously reported to be at higher risk of developing HG; however, most evidence is from small studies. Little is known about associations with other comorbidities and there is controversy over other risk factors such as parity. Estimates of HG prevalence vary and there is a little understanding of the risks of HG readmission in a current pregnancy and reoccurrence rates in subsequent pregnancies, all of which are needed for planning measures to reduce onset or worsening of the condition. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: We performed a population-based cohort study of pregnancies ending in live births and stillbirths using prospectively recorded secondary care records (Hospital Episode Statistics) from England. We analysed those computerized and anonymized clinical records from over 5.3 million women who had one or more pregnancies between 1997 and 2012. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: We obtained 8 215 538 pregnancies from 5 329 101 women of reproductive age, with a total of 186 800 HG admissions occurring during 121 885 pregnancies. Multivariate logistic regression with generalized estimating equations was employed to estimate odds ratios (aOR) to assess sociodemographic, pregnancy and comorbidity risk factors for HG onset, HG readmission within a pregnancy and reoccurrence in a subsequent pregnancy. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Being younger, from a less socioeconomically deprived status, of Asian or Black ethnicity, carrying a female fetus or having a multiple pregnancy all significantly increased HG and readmission risk but only ethnicity increased reoccurrence. Comorbidities most strongly associated with HG were parathyroid dysfunction (aOR = 3.83, 95% confidence interval 2.28–6.44), hypercholesterolemia (aOR = 2.54, 1.88–3.44), Type 1 diabetes (aOR = 1.95, 1.82–2.09), and thyroid dysfunction (aOR = 1.85, 1.74–1.96). History of HG was the strongest independent risk factor (aOR = 4.74, 4.46–5.05). Women with higher parity had a lower risk of HG compared with nulliparous women (aOR = 0.90, 0.89–0.91), which was not explained by women with HG curtailing further pregnancies. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: Although this represents the largest population-based study worldwide on the topic, the results could have been biased by residual and unmeasured confounding considering that some potential important risk factors such as smoking, BMI or prenatal care could not be measured with these data. Underestimation of non-routinely screened comorbidities such as hypercholesterolemia or thyroid dysfunction could also be a cause of selection bias. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: The estimated prevalence of 1.5% from our study was similar to the average prevalence reported in the literature and the representativeness of our data has been validated by comparison to national statistics. Also the prevalence of comorbidities was mostly similar to other studies estimating these in the UK and other developed countries. Women with Black or Asian ethnicity, of young age, carrying multiple babies or singleton females, with Type 1 diabetes or with history of HG were confirmed to be at higher risk of HG with an unprecedented higher statistical power. We showed for the first time that socioeconomic status interacts with maternal age, that hypercholesterolemia is a potential risk factor for HG and that carrying multiple females increases risk of hyperemesis compared with multiple males. We also provided robust evidence for the association of parity with HG. Earlier recognition and management of symptoms via gynaecology day-case units or general practitioner services can inform prevention and control of consequent hospital admissions. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): The work was founded by The Rosetrees Trust and the Stoneygate Trust. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. C.N.-P. reports personal fees from Sanofi Aventis, Warner Chilcott, Leo Pharma, UCB and Falk, outside the submitted work and she is one of the co-developers of the RCOG Green Top Guideline on HG; all other authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest

    Shift Work and Lifestyle factors: A 6-year follow-Up Study Among Nurses

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    Objectives: To evaluate different work schedules, short rest time between shifts (quick returns), and night shift exposure for their possible adverse effects on different lifestyle factors in a 6-year follow-up study. Methods: Data stemmed from “The Survey of Shiftwork, Sleep and Health,” a cohort study of Norwegian nurses started in 2008/9. The data analyzed in this sub-cohort of SUSSH were from 2008/9 to 2015 and consisted of 1,371 nurses. The lifestyle factors were: Exercise (≄1 h/week, <1 h/week), caffeine consumption (units/day), smoking (prevalence and cigarettes/day), and alcohol consumption (AUDIT-C score). We divided the nurses into four groups: (1) day workers, (2) night workers, (3) nurses who changed toward, and (4) nurses who changed away from a schedule containing night shifts. Furthermore, average number of yearly night shifts (NN), and average number of quick returns (QR) were calculated. Paired t-tests, McNemar tests, and logistic regression analyses were used in the analyses. Results: We found a significant increase in caffeine consumption across all work schedule groups and a decline in smoking prevalence for day workers and night workers at follow-up. Analyses did not show any significant differences between groups when analyzing (1) different work schedules, (2) different exposures to QR, (3) different exposures to NN on the respective lifestyle factor trajectories. Conclusion: We found no significant differences between the different work schedule groups or concerning different exposures to QR or NN when evaluating these lifestyle factor trajectories. This challenges the notion that shift work has an adverse impact on lifestyle factors.publishedVersio

    Offspring sex and parental health and mortality

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    Increased mortality has been observed in mothers and fathers with male offspring but little is known regarding specific diseases. In a register linkage we linked women born 1925–1954 having survived to age 50 (n = 661,031) to offspring and fathers (n = 691,124). Three approaches were used: 1) number of total boy and girl offspring, 2) sex of the first and second offspring and 3) proportion of boys to total number of offspring. A sub-cohort (n = 50,736 mothers, n = 44,794 fathers) from survey data was analysed for risk factors. Mothers had increased risk of total and cardiovascular mortality that was consistent across approaches: cardiovascular mortality of 1.07 (95% CI: 1.03–1.11) per boy (approach 2), 1.04 (1.01–1.07) if the first offspring was a boy, and 1.06 (1.01–1.10) if the first two offspring were boys (approach 3). We found that sex of offspring was not associated with total or cardiovascular mortality in fathers. For other diseases or risk factors no robust associations were seen in mothers or fathers. Increased cardiovascular risk in mothers having male offspring suggests a maternal disease specific mechanism. The lack of consistent associations on measured risk factors could suggest other biological pathways than those studied play a role in generating this additional cardiovascular risk

    Differences in rates and odds for emergency caesarean section in six Palestinian hospitals: A population-based birth cohort study

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    Objective To assess the differences in rates and odds for emergency caesarean section among singleton pregnancies in six governmental Palestinian hospitals. Design A prospective population-based birth cohort study. Setting Obstetric departments in six governmental Palestinian hospitals. Participants 32 321 women scheduled to deliver vaginally from 1 March 2015 until 29 February 2016. Methods To assess differences in sociodemographic and antenatal obstetric characteristics by hospital, χ2 test, analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied. Logistic regression was used to estimate differences in odds for emergency caesarean section, and ORs with 95% CIs were assessed. Main outcome measures The primary outcome was the adjusted ORs of emergency caesarean section among singleton pregnancies for five Palestinian hospitals as compared with the reference (Hospital 1). Results The prevalence of emergency caesarean section varied across hospitals, ranging from 5.8% to 22.6% among primiparous women and between 4.8% and 13.1% among parous women. Compared with the reference hospital, the ORs for emergency caesarean section were increased in all other hospitals, crude ORs ranging from 1.95 (95% CI 1.42 to 2.67) to 4.75 (95% CI 3.49 to 6.46) among primiparous women. For parous women, these differences were less pronounced, crude ORs ranging from 1.37 (95% CI 1.13 to 1.67) to 2.99 (95% CI 2.44 to 3.65). After adjustment for potential confounders, the ORs were reduced but still statistically significant, except for one hospital among parous women. Conclusion Substantial differences in odds for emergency caesarean section between the six Palestinian governmental hospitals were observed. These could not be explained by the studied sociodemographic or antenatal obstetric characteristics.publishedVersio

    O ensino da biologia numa perspectiva por pesquisa : contributos de uma investigação preliminar no ensino secundårio

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    De entre as vĂĄrias perspectivas para o Ensino das CiĂȘncias, o "ensino por pesquisa" (EPP) tem sido aquela que, nos Ășltimos tempos, reĂșne consenso alargado em relação Ă s suas potencialidades na construção de conhecimentos, contribuindo positivamente para a formação pessoal e social dos alunos. Neste estudo, de carĂĄcter preliminar, pretende-se fazer uma anĂĄlise ao desenvolvimento, por parte de alunos do ensino secundĂĄrio, de conhecimentos conceptuais, processuais e atitudinais, em todos os momentos do EPP. Uma primeira anĂĄlise aos dados recolhidos faz emergir alguns indicadores que apontam para a eficĂĄcia de uma estratĂ©gia de ensino e de aprendizagem baseada na perspectiva de EPP
