976 research outputs found

    Electron beam induced damage in PECVD Si3N4 and SiO2 films on InP

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    Phosphorus rich plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide films on n-type indium phosphide (InP) substrates were exposed to electron beam irradiation in the 5 to 40 keV range for the purpose of characterizing the damage induced in the dielectic. The electron beam exposure was on the range of 10(exp -7) to 10(exp -3) C/sq cm. The damage to the devices was characterized by capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements of the metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) capacitors. These results were compared to results obtained for radiation damage of thermal silicon dioxide on silicon (Si) MOS capacitors with similar exposures. The radiation induced damage in the PECVD silicon nitride films on InP was successfully annealed out in an hydrogen/nitrogen (H2/N2) ambient at 400 C for 15 min. The PECVD silicon dioxide films on InP had the least radiation damage, while the thermal silicon dioxide films on Si had the most radiation damage

    "Hold ut, hold fokus!" : Hvilke virkemidler kan en skoleleder bruke for å fremme et best mulig læringsmiljø?

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    Masteroppgave ledelse ORG917 - Universitetet i Agder 2017I Kristiansand har oppvekstsektoren valgt å sette i gang et omfattende prosjekt; FLIK (Forskningsbasert Læringsmiljøutvikling i Kristiansand kommune). Utfordringer med sprikende resultater både i barnehagesektoren og i skolen førte til den, til nå, største satsingen på læringsmiljøet i sektoren der 2600 ansatte er med. Prosjektet er inspirert av systemisk og kollektiv oppmerksomhet mot læringsmiljøutvikling med fokus på faktorer som opprettholder uønskede tilstander. Satsingen har resultert i tre effektmål; bedre faglige resultater, et inkluderende læringsmiljø uten mobbing, samt inkludering ved å redusere segregerende tiltak. Ved å jobbe systematisk over tid, ønsker sektoren å bygge opp en faglig kapasitet ut i fra kartleggingsdata. Gjennom “Capacity building” ønsker man å bygge kompetanse for å oppnå en felles lederpraksis. Gjennom en kvalitativ undersøkelse blant skoleledere er vi interessert i å finne ut hvorfor noen skoler tilsynelatende klarer å utnytte potensiale til sine elever på en bedre måte enn andre. Vi vil ha særskilt fokus på lederens bidrag til elevenes læring og utvikling, og til et godt læringsmiljø. Vi går inn i det teoretiske ledelses-feltet, forankrer begrepet skoleledelse og viser hvordan ulike virkemidler kan påvirke elevenes læringsutbytte. Vi vil ta utgangspunkt i forskningen til bl.a. Viviane Robinson med hovedvekt på hennes teori rundt dimensjoner og ferdigheter. Hovedfunn i oppgaven er de systematiske og strategiske disposisjoner skoleledere med gode resultater har, og fokuset lederne har på å “holde ut og holde kursen” i det videre arbeidet

    Tilpasset opplæring i et danningsperspektiv : Operasjonalisering av tilpasset opplæring, med fokus på overbevisning og overtalelse i læreres språklige formidling i klasserommet

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    Mastergradsoppgave i tilpasset opplæring, Avdelig for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2008Norsk: Tilpasset opplæring skal være et bærende element i den norske skolen, i henhold til styringsdokumentene fra Kunnskapsdepartementet. Begrepet tilpasset opplæring er imidlertid tvetydig definert i departementets føringer hva gjelder innhold, og hvordan det skal utføres i praksis. I denne avhandlingen argumenteres det for at tilpasset opplæring i et danningsperspektiv, handler om opplæring som fremmer autonomi, evne til refleksjon over seg selv i sin kontekst. I Kunnskapsløftet (KUD 2006) er det imidlertid et noe ensidig fokus på kompetanse og ferdigheter elevene skal tilegne seg. Om dette medfører at danningsperspektivet i opplæringen svekkes, problematiseres i denne avhandlingen. Tema for avhandlingen er: Tilpasset opplæring i et danningsperspektiv: Operasjonalisering av tilpasset opplæring, med fokus på overbevisning og overtalelse i læreres språklige formidling i klasserommet. Målet er å operasjonalisere tilpasset opplæring, som et metodisk verktøy for senere bruk i den praktiske pedagogiske konteksten gjennom 1) innhentet empiri av læreres bruk av overbevisning og overtalelse i sin språklige formidling i klasserommet, 2) en syntese av Skjervheim og Vygotskijs teorier og 3) styringsdokumentenes føringer. Vygotskijs teori om læring og utvikling har stor anerkjennelse i pedagogikken. Sammen med Hans Skjervheims teori om verbal påvirkning skapes den teoretiske syntesen. Syntesen, sammen med empiriske funn, er grunnlaget for utvikling av indikatorer på tilpasset opplæring i et danningsperspektiv. Bevisst eller ubevisst står lærere hver dag overfor valg av strategi i sin språklige formidling til elevene, valg som har implikasjoner for hvordan tilpasset opplæring praktiseres i klasserommet. Jeg har innhentet empiri fra to læreres språklige formidling. Indikatorene jeg har utviklet som operasjonaliserer tilpasset opplæring i et danningsperspektiv er disse: • Spørsmål/utropsformuleringer • Spørsmål/svar-sekvenser • Lærermonolog • Gjentakelse/utdyping • Korrigering • Ros/oppmuntring • Bruk av kontekstuell støtte • Overbevisende/overtalende holdninger. For at tilpasset opplæring skal kunne operativt realiseres i et danningsperspektiv, argumenterer denne avhandlingen for at en overbevisende holdning både hos lærer og i planverket, må ligge til grunn.English: Adaptive education is considered one of the pillars of the education given in Norwegian schools. Adaptive education is a political constructed term, with blur definitions of how it is to be interpreted and performed, in pedagogical practice. The focus of this Master is Adaptive education in the perspective of Bildung. Bildung denotes both educative interplay and the reflection of this interplay. The main objective of this Master is to create indicators of Adaptive education, for later use in pedagogical practice, through 1) persuasion and conviction in teachers verbal communication to the students, 2) synthesizing Vygotskij´s and Skjervheim´s theories and 3) Governmental strategies for Education

    The Wandering Exponent of a One-Dimensional Directed Polymer in a Random Potential with Finite Correlation Radius

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    We consider a one-dimensional directed polymer in a random potential which is characterized by the Gaussian statistics with the finite size local correlations. It is shown that the well-known Kardar's solution obtained originally for a directed polymer with delta-correlated random potential can be applied for the description of the present system only in the high-temperature limit. For the low temperature limit we have obtained the new solution which is described by the one-step replica symmetry breaking. For the mean square deviation of the directed polymer of the linear size L it provides the usual scaling L2zL^{2z} with the wandering exponent z = 2/3 and the temperature-independent prefactor.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Critical behavior of the pure and random-bond two-dimensional triangular Ising ferromagnet

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    We investigate the effects of quenched bond randomness on the critical properties of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model embedded in a triangular lattice. The system is studied in both the pure and disordered versions by the same efficient two-stage Wang-Landau method. In the first part of our study we present the finite-size scaling behavior of the pure model, for which we calculate the critical amplitude of the specific heat's logarithmic expansion. For the disordered system, the numerical data and the relevant detailed finite-size scaling analysis along the lines of the two well-known scenarios - logarithmic corrections versus weak universality - strongly support the field-theoretically predicted scenario of logarithmic corrections. A particular interest is paid to the sample-to-sample fluctuations of the random model and their scaling behavior that are used as a successful alternative approach to criticality.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, slightly revised version as accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Self-averaging in the random 2D Ising ferromagnet

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    We study sample-to-sample fluctuations in a critical two-dimensional Ising model with quenched random ferromagnetic couplings. Using replica calculations in the renormalization group framework we derive explicit expressions for the probability distribution function of the critical internal energy and for the specific heat fluctuations. It is shown that the disorder distribution of internal energies is Gaussian, and the typical sample-to-sample fluctuations as well as the average value scale with the system size LL like Llnln(L)\sim L \ln\ln(L). In contrast, the specific heat is shown to be self-averaging with a distribution function that tends to a δ\delta-peak in the thermodynamic limit LL \to \infty. While previously a lack of self-averaging was found for the free energy, we here obtain results for quantities that are directly measurable in simulations, and implications for measurements in the actual lattice system are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, accepted versio

    Scaling Relations for Logarithmic Corrections

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    Multiplicative logarithmic corrections to scaling are frequently encountered in the critical behavior of certain statistical-mechanical systems. Here, a Lee-Yang zero approach is used to systematically analyse the exponents of such logarithms and to propose scaling relations between them. These proposed relations are then confronted with a variety of results from the literature.Comment: 4 page

    Effect of a free healthy school meal on fruit, vegetables and unhealthy snacks intake in Norwegian 10-to 12-year-old children

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    Background Norwegian children have a lower intake of fruit, vegetables, and a higher intake of unhealthy snacks compared to dietary guidelines. Such dietary inadequacies may be detrimental for their current and future health. Schools are favorable settings to establish healthy eating practices. Still, no school meal arrangement is provided in Norway, and most children typically bring packed lunches from home. The aim of this study was to investigate whether serving a free healthy school meal for one year resulted in a higher intake of fruit and vegetables and a lower intake of unhealthy snacks in total among 10-12-year-olds in Norway.MethodsThe School Meal Project in Southern Norway was a non-randomized trial in two elementary schools in rural areas in the school year 2014/2015. The study sample consisted of 10- to 12-year-old children; an intervention group (N=55) and a control group (N=109) resulting in a total of 164 school children at baseline. A food frequency questionnaire was completed by the children at baseline, at five months follow-up and after one year to assess fruit, vegetable, and snacks intake. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess intervention effects on overall intake of fruit and vegetables and unhealthy snacks.ResultsServing of a free healthy school meal for one year was associated with a higher weekly intake of vegetables on sandwiches in the intervention group compared to the control group, adjusted for baseline intake (B: 1.11 (95% CI: .38, 1.85)) at the end of the intervention. No other significant intervention effects were found for the remaining fruit and vegetables measures. Serving of a free healthy school meal was not associated with a lower weekly intake of unhealthy snacks (i.e. potato chips, candy, sugar sweetened beverages) in the intervention group compared to the control group.ConclusionsA free healthy school meal was associated with a higher weekly intake of vegetables on sandwiches but did not significantly change any other investigated dietary behaviors. However, given the inadequate intake of vegetables among children and that even moderate improvements have public health relevance, a free healthy school meal for all school children could be beneficial.Trial registrationISRCTN61703361.Date of registration: December 3rd, 2018.Retrospectively registered

    SPARC-like 1 Regulates the Terminal Phase of Radial Glia-Guided Migration in the Cerebral Cortex

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    Differential adhesion between migrating neurons and transient radial glial fibers enables the deployment of neurons into appropriate layers in the developing cerebral cortex. The identity of radial glial signals that regulate the termination of migration remains unclear. Here, we identified a radial glial surface antigen, SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)-like 1, distributed predominantly in radial glial fibers passing through the upper strata of the cortical plate (CP) where neurons end their migration. Neuronal migration and adhesion assays indicate that SPARC-like 1 functions to terminate neuronal migration by reducing the adhesivity of neurons at the top of the CP. Cortical neurons fail to achieve appropriate positions in the absence of SPARC-like 1 function in vivo. Together, these data suggest that antiadhesive signaling via SPARC-like 1 on radial glial cell surfaces may enable neurons to recognize the end of migration in the developing cerebral cortex