106 research outputs found

    Islamic Law: The Sources

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    The historiography of the early development of Islamic law, the Sharia, is highly contentious both among Muslims and secular historians. In economic field, this takes the form of the growth of an ‘Islamic banking system’, which avoids giving and taking interest on loans, as is forbidden in the Sharia. The more established groups such as the Islamic State does, however, actually often adopt a classical fiqh discourse, perhaps to bolster their image as a ‘serious Islamic’. Any law that provides morality, justice and welfare, is ‘Sharia’ as far as they are concerned. The traditional dual system of a Sharia court and a sultan’s or state court reappeared, only the state courts were not mazalim following Sharia principles, but civil courts practising the new westernized or modernized laws. The traditional Muslim historiography of fiqh does not, however, focus particularly on this ‘practised’ caliphal law, but rather on the development of groups of religious scholars who were particularly concerned with the law.acceptedVersio

    Språkreformatoren Moltke Moe â eit hundreårsminne

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    I hefte 1â2012 av Maal og Minne hadde Dag Gundersen ein jubileumsartikkel om Knud Knudsen (ââ¬Åkjempende profetââ¬Â) i samband med 200-årsjubileet hans. Knudsen vart òg markert på andre måtar, og i 2013 stod Ivar Aasen for tur; jubileet hans vart utgangspunkt for eit heilt språkår. Dette er også ein jubileumsartikkel, men her festar vi merksemda på Moltke Moe, som var ein nøkkelperson når det gjaldt å sette Knudsens idear ut i livet, og som også stod sentralt i startfasen av Bymålslaget og Maal og Minne for drygt hundre år sidan. Moe var ikkje nokon kampens mann, som Knudsen, men heller den stillferdige og maurflittige slitaren. Grunnen til å dra han fram nett no er at han døydde den 15. desember 1913, berre 54 år gammal (dei to andre eg har nemnt, vart begge 83). Han var likevel så viktig i ein avgjerande fase av norsk skriftspråksutvikling at han fortener å komme fram i lyset ved dette høvet

    Om "etisk" tittelbruk i ordbøker

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    Problem kring ordutvalet i Norsk Ordbok

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    Norsk Ordbok (The Norwegian Dictionary) is a multi-volume dictionary of the Norwegian dialects and the Nynorsk written language. Three volumes have appeared until now, reaching into the letter g. In the paper, problems conceming lemma selection are discussed. Three main types of selection criteria are identified, namely structural, pragmatic and normative criteria. The main structural criterion is morphological status (simple words vs. derivates and compounds). The main pragmatic criteria are frequency, area of usage and age. The main normative criterion in this context derives from the purist tradition of Nynorsk, where words of Danish and (Low) German origin have been regarded as problematic. The different types of problematic words are discussed in turn, and some more specific selection criteria are tentatively suggested

    Ordbøker over norske bygdemål frå før 1814

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    Before 1814, Norway was part of the Danish realm, and the written standardlanguage was Danish, while the spoken dialects were Norwegian, derived from OldNorse and very different from Danish, not least in the vocabulary. There werepublished four Norwegian dialect dictionaries before 1814 (in 1646, 1749, 1780 and1802), most of them by clergymen who wanted to aid their Danish-speakingcolleagues in their understanding of local speech. They are discussed and comparedin this article together with two unpublished 18th century manuscripts which in sizeand quality deserve the name “dictionaries” (they have been published in the 20thcentury). All these dictionaries are “pre-scientific”, but a development is discerniblefrom a more encyclopedic type to a more purely lexicographic type. This may haveto do with a genre differentiation resulting from the development of morespecialized works on different aspects of Norwegian nature and society

    Den første norske tesaurus: Ivar Aasens Norsk Maalbunad

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    This article contains a discussion of the first onomasiological dictionaryfor Norwegian: Ivar Aasen’s Norsk Maalbunad (publishedposthumously in 1925). Aasen (1813–1896) was the founder of thedialect-based “Nynorsk” variety of Norwegian, and Norway’s firstadvanced dialectologist and lexicographer. Norsk Maalbunad was infact primarily intended by Aasen as an aid in his other lexicographicwork, and therefore not published by him (although completed in1876). Its model was Roget’s Thesaurus, but Aasen’s choice of wordsand their arrangement were taken from the world of Norwegian farmers,although he also coined abstract words for concepts not coveredin everyday popular speech at the time. The article analyses thestructure of Norsk Maalbunad and discusses some of the problemsAasen encountered in the development of an adequate modern vocabularyfor the new written language

    Etymologi på ein ny måte

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    Anmeldt værk:Yann de Caprona: Norsk etymologisk ordbok. Tematisk ordnet. Oslo: Kagge forlag 2013. 1920 sider. Pris: 599 NOK

    Tore Kristiansen og Nikolas Coupland (red.): Standard Languages and Language Standards in a Changing Europe

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    Dette er den første publikasjonen frå ei europeisk forskargruppe kring emnet ââ¬ÅStandard Language Ideology in Contemporary Europeââ¬Â, med akronymet SLICE. Boka er eigentleg ein rapport frå to arbeidsseminar i København i 2009 og består av to delar: Den største delen inneheld korte landrapportar om nye tendensar i standardspråksutviklinga i ulike språksamfunn (fjorten i alt), mens den siste delen inneheld fem lengre artiklar som belyser ulike teoretiske aspekt ved problemstillingane på eit empirisk grunnlag. Det heile blir innleidd av dei to bandredaktørane, som beskriv det teoretiske utgangspunktet for SLICE-prosjektet. Alle kapitla i boka er på engelsk

    Behandling av rettskrivingsvariasjon i norske ordbøker og ordlister

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    Spelling codification is a governmental responsibility in Norway, allocated to theNorwegian Language Council. The policy of rapprochement between the two officialwriting standards of Norwegian, Bokmål and Nynorsk, has led to several spellingreforms and an extensive body of optional forms. Partly these forms are consideredequal, partly they are grouped in two levels, a main form (or more) to be used inschool textbooks and public service, and an optional secondary form (or more)which may be used by pupils in schools and private persons generally. Thisoptionality applies to both the spelling of single words and whole morphologicalcategories, for instance in the choice between two or three genders in Bokmål andthe infinitive suffix in Nynorsk, which may be -a or -e. The most important tool forthe implementation of this official codification is word lists, produced by privatepublishers, but needing governmental approval (given by the Language Council) tobe allowed in the school system. These lists shall in principle contain all optionalforms. But many of these optional forms are rarely used in writing, while forms thatare not allowed in the official spelling, may have been accepted as standard forms bymany users. The article discusses the treatment of this optionality in three maindictionary types: spelling lists, monolingual definition dictionaries, and bilingualdictionaries