111 research outputs found

    Medarbeiderdrevet Innovasjon i Eiendomsmeglerbransjen

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    Master's thesis in Change managementInnovasjon er avgjørende for bedrifters overlevelse både økonomisk og i henhold til konkurranse. Covid-19 påvirker sektorene i arbeidslivet ulikt, og i eiendomsmeglerbransjen i Norge ser det ut til å bli solgt flere boliger i år enn året før. Utfordringer knyttet til pandemien kombinert med stor konkurranse i markedet fordrer dermed innovative løsninger. I litteraturen argumenteres det da for at man bør benytte seg av ansattes kunnskap, og arbeide aktivt med medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon. En slik praksis vil ifølge teorien inkludere og motivere ansatte gjennom økt autonomi. Denne masteroppgaven i endringsledelse handler om medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon og autonomi i to eiendomsmeglerforetak. Oppgaven tar for seg innovasjon og faktorer som tilrettelegger for medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon og autonomi. Forskningen har blitt gjennomført med kvalitative intervju, der en tar for seg to avdelinger, én i hver bedrift. Videre har datamaterialet blitt analysert og diskutert opp mot oppgavens teori. Resultatene av forskningen viser at bedriftene har elementer som fremmer medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon og autonomi, og at bedriftene opererer ulikt som følge av deres organisasjonsoppbygging. Ved å analysere og drøfte datainnholdet to ganger kommer det frem indikasjoner i oppgavens funn som utfordrer litteraturen - meglerbransjen har generelt et stort fokus på salg, noe som påvirker mulighetene for medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon og autonomi. Altså vil ikke de teoretiske faktorene fremme medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon og autonomi alene, en må også ta høyde for kontekst. Funnet gir grobunn for å diskutere teoretisk implikasjon, men også forslag til videre forskning. Der oppgaven ønsker å generalisere funnet til videre innovasjonsforskning gjennom andre bransjer.submittedVersio

    Serum osteoprotegerin levels are related to height loss: The Tromsø Study

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    Severe loss of body height is often a consequence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand (RANKL) are cytokines essential for the regulation of bone resorption. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the OPG/RANKL system and height loss. A total of 4,435 inhabitants from the municipality of Tromsø, Norway (2,169 men and 2,266 women) were followed for 6 years. Baseline measurements included height, weight, bone mineral density, OPG, RANKL, serum parathyroid hormone and information about lifestyle, prevalent diseases and use of medication. Height was measured again at follow-up, and the loss of height was categorized into 4 groups: ≤1, 1.1–2, 2.1–3, >3 cm. We found increasing height loss with increasing baseline OPG levels in both men and women (P trend = 0.02 and 0.001, respectively), after adjustments for age and other confounders. However, when the women were stratified according to menopausal status and use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a significant relationship was present only among postmenopausal women not using HRT (P trend = 0.02). No relations between OPG and height loss were found in post-menopausal HRT-users and premenopausal women (P trend ≥0.39). We conclude that height loss is positively associated with OPG in men and in postmenopausal women not using HRT. No relationship was found between RANKL and height loss

    Serum osteoprotegerin and renal function in the general population: The Tromsø Study

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    The following article: Vik, A., Brodin, E.E., Mathiesen, E.B., Brox, J., Jørgensen, L., Njølstad, I., ... Hansen, J.-B. (2017). Serum osteoprotegerin and renal function in the general population: The Tromsø Study. Clinical Kidney Journal, 10(1), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.1093/ckj/sfw095, has been accepted for publication in Clinical Kidney Journal Published by Oxford University Press. Source at https://doi.org/10.1093/ckj/sfw095. Published manuscript version, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.Background: Serum osteoprotegerin (OPG) is elevated in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and increases with decreasing renal function. However, there are limited data regarding the association between OPG and renal function in the general population. The aim of the present study was to explore the relation between serum OPG and renal function in subjects recruited from the general population. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 6689 participants recruited from the general population in Tromsø, Norway. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equations. OPG was modelled both as a continuous and categorical variable. General linear models and linear regression with adjustment for possible confounders were used to study the association between OPG and eGFR. Analyses were stratified by the median age, as serum OPG and age displayed a significant interaction on eGFR. Results: In participants ≤62.2 years with normal renal function (eGFR ≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2) eGFR increased by 0.35 mL/min/1.73 m2 (95% CI 0.13–0.56) per 1 standard deviation (SD) increase in serum OPG after multiple adjustment. In participants older than the median age with impaired renal function (eGFR 2), eGFR decreased by 1.54 (95% CI −2.06 to −1.01) per 1 SD increase in serum OPG. Conclusions: OPG was associated with an increased eGFR in younger subjects with normal renal function and with a decreased eGFR in older subjects with reduced renal function. Our findings imply that the association between OPG and eGFR varies with age and renal function

    Predicting the use of antibiotics after initial symptomatic treatment of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection:analyses performed after a randomised controlled trial

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    Objective To predict antibiotic use after initial treatment with ibuprofen using data from a randomised controlled trial comparing ibuprofen to pivmecillinam in the treatment of women with symptoms of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI). Setting 16 sites in a primary care setting in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Participants Data from 181 non-pregnant women aged 18–60 presenting with symptoms of uncomplicated UTI, initially treated with ibuprofen. Methods Using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator logistic regression model, we conducted analyses to see if baseline information could help us predict which women could be treated with ibuprofen without risking treatment failure and which women should be recommended antibiotics. Results Of the 143 women included in the final analysis, 77 (53.8%) recovered without antibiotics and 66 (46.2 %) were subsequently prescribed antibiotics. In the unadjusted binary logistic regression, the number of days with symptoms before inclusion (<3 days) and feeling moderately unwell or worse (≥4 on a scale of 0–6) were significant predictors for subsequent antibiotic use. In the adjusted model, no predictors were significantly associated with subsequent antibiotic use. The area under the curve of the final model was 0.66 (95% CI: 0.57 to 0.74). Conclusion We did not find any baseline information that significantly predicted the use of antibiotic treatment. Identifying women who need antibiotic treatment to manage their uncomplicated UTI is still challenging. Larger data sets are needed to develop models that are more accurat

    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells show reduced scavenger function and downregulation of Fc gamma receptor IIB, yet maintain a preserved fenestration the Glmp gt/gt mouse model of slowly progressing liver fibrosis

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    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) are fenestrated endothelial cells with a unique, high endocytic clearance capacity for blood-borne waste macromolecules and colloids. This LSEC scavenger function has been insufficiently characterized in liver disease. The Glmpgt/gt mouse lacks expression of a subunit of the MFSD1/GLMP lysosomal membrane protein transporter complex, is born normal, but soon develops chronic, mild hepatocyte injury, leading to slowly progressing periportal liver fibrosis, and splenomegaly. This study examined how LSEC scavenger function and morphology are affected in the Glmpgt/gt model. FITC-labelled formaldehyde-treated serum albumin (FITC-FSA), a model ligand for LSEC scavenger receptors was administered intravenously into Glmpgt/gt mice, aged 4 months (peak of liver inflammation), 9–10 month, and age-matched Glmpwt/wt mice. Organs were harvested for light and electron microscopy, quantitative image analysis of ligand uptake, collagen accumulation, LSEC ultrastructure, and endocytosis receptor expression (also examined by qPCR and western blot). In both age groups, the Glmpgt/gt mice showed multifocal liver injury and fibrosis. The uptake of FITC-FSA in LSECs was significantly reduced in Glmpgt/gt compared to wild-type mice. Expression of LSEC receptors stabilin-1 (Stab1), and mannose receptor (Mcr1) was almost similar in liver of Glmpgt/gt mice and agematched controls. At the same time, immunostaining revealed differences in the stabilin-1 expression pattern in sinusoids and accumulation of stabilin-1-positive macrophages in Glmpgt/gt liver. FcγRIIb (Fcgr2b), which mediates LSEC endocytosis of soluble immune complexes was widely and significantly downregulated in Glmpgt/gt liver. Despite increased collagen in space of Disse, LSECs of Glmpgt/gt mice showed well-preserved fenestrae organized in sieve plates but the frequency of holes >400 nm in diameter was increased, especially in areas with hepatocyte damage. In both genotypes, FITC-FSA also distributed to endothelial cells of spleen and bone marrow sinusoids, suggesting that these locations may function as possible compensatory sites of clearance of blood-borne scavenger receptor ligands in liver fibrosis

    Characterizing the Genetic Overlap Between Psychiatric Disorders and Sleep-Related Phenotypes

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    Background: A range of sleep disturbances are commonly experienced by patients with psychiatric disorders, and genome-wide genetic analyses have shown some significant genetic correlations between these traits. Here, we applied novel statistical genetic methodologies to better characterize the potential shared genetic architecture between sleep-related phenotypes and psychiatric disorders. Methods: Using the MiXeR method, which can estimate polygenic overlap beyond genetic correlation, the shared genetic architecture between major psychiatric disorders (bipolar disorder [N = 51,710], depression [N = 480,359], and schizophrenia [N = 77,096]) and sleep-related phenotypes (chronotype [N = 449,734], insomnia [N = 386,533] and sleep duration [N = 446,118]) were quantified on the basis of genetic summary statistics. Furthermore, the conditional/conjunctional false discovery rate framework was used to identify specific shared loci between these phenotypes, for which positional and functional annotation were conducted with FUMA. Results: Extensive genetic overlap between the sleep-related phenotypes and bipolar disorder (63%–77%), depression (76%–79%), and schizophrenia (64%–79%) was identified, with moderate levels of congruence between most investigated traits (47%–58%). Specific shared loci were identified for all bivariate analyses, and a subset of 70 credible genes were mapped to these shared loci. Conclusions: The current results provide evidence for substantial polygenic overlap between psychiatric disorders and sleep-related phenotypes, beyond genetic correlation (|rg| = 0.02 to 0.42). Moderate congruency within the shared genetic components suggests a complex genetic relationship and potential subgroups with higher or lower genetic concordance. This work provides new insights and understanding of the shared genetic etiology of sleep-related phenotypes and psychiatric disorders and highlights new opportunities and avenues for future investigation.publishedVersio

    Synthesis of 13 (R)-Hyd roxy-7Z,10Z,13R,14E,16Z,19Z Docosapentaenoic Acid (13R-HDPA) and Its Biosynthetic Conversion to the 13-Series Resolvins

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    Specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators are biosynthesized during the resolution phase of acute inflammation from n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Recently, the isolation and identification of the four novel mediators denoted 13-series resolvins, namely, RvT1 (1), RvT2 (2), RvT3 (3) and RvT4 (4), were reported, which showed potent bioactions characteristic for specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators. Herein, based on results from LC/MS-MS metabololipidomics and the stereoselective synthesis of 13(R)-hydroxy-7Z,10Z,13R,14E,16Z,19Z docosapentaenoic acid (13R-HDPA, 5), we provide direct evidence that the four novel mediators 1−4 are all biosynthesized from the pivotal intermediate 5. The UV and LC/MS-MS results from synthetic 13R-HDPA (5) matched those from endogenously and biosynthetically produced material obtained from in vivo infectious exudates, endothelial cells, and human recombinant COX-2 enzyme. Stereochemically pure 5 was obtained with the use of a chiral pool starting material that installed the configuration at the C-13 atom as R. Two stereoselective Z-Wittig reactions and two Z-selective reductions of internal alkynes afforded the geometrically pure alkene moieties in 5. Incubation of 5 with isolated human neutrophils gave all four RvTs. The results presented herein provide new knowledge on the biosynthetic pathways and the enzymatic origin of RvTs 1−4