429 research outputs found

    Calculation of SAR and Measurement of Temperature Change of Human Head Due To The Mobile Phone Waves At Frequencies 900 MHz and 1800 MHz

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    Today, cell phone technology is an integral part of everyday life and its use is not only restricted to voice conversations but also conveying news, high resolution pictures and internet. As the number of mobile phone usage increased exponentially nowadays, issues related to the electromagnetic radiation produce by mobile phone is becoming a big concern in the society. Mobile phone produced electromagnetic waves  and when placed near the ear skull, will produce electromagnetic radiation so called thermal effect. The transfer of electromagnetic field to the body producing thermal effect leads to heating of body tissue at specific rate. This effect is differ depending on the period of time the mobile phone being used  and type of mobile phone. This paper discussed on the result of thermal distribution generated by handheld mobile phone towards human head via collection of image from thermal imaging camera. The analysis is conducted  in an anechoic chamber with average of 45 minutes talking hour with two different types of mobile phone, internal and external antenna serving different radio frequency range, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz . The results showed an increased of heat especially at the place near the ear skull after 45 minutes of operation. When comparing both different types of mobile phone, mobile phone with external antenna produce more heat compared to mobile phone with internal antenna. Key words: Electromagnetic Radiation of  900 MHz and 1800 MHz Frequencies , Handheld Device, Thermal Effect, Non Thermal Effec

    On the orbits of some metabelian groups

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    In this study, the orbits of non abelian metabelian groups of order 26, 28 and 30 are found using conjugation action. The non abelian metabelian groups considered in this study are some dihedral groups D₁₃, D₁₄ and D₁₅ as well as the semidirect products D₇ × Z₂, D₅ × Z₃ and D₃ × Z₅. In order to obtain the orbit, the set of all pairs of commuting elements of the groups of size two is found. The results obtained from the orbits are then applied into an extension of commutativity degree which is the probability that an element of the groups fixes a set. Finally, the generalized conjugacy class graph is constructed and its chromatic number and clique number are also found.Publisher's Versio

    Metric dimension of line graph of the subdivision of the graphs of convex polytopes

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    The metric generator for the simple connected graph Γ is the set of vertices Y ⊆ V(Γ) with the property that every pair of vertices u, v(u 6= v) ∈ V are determined (or resolved) by some vertex of Y. The minimum possible cardinality of this metric generator is called the metric dimension of Γ, denoted by dim(Γ)or β(Γ). In this article, we determine the exact metric dimension and some other properties of the line graph of the subdivision graph of the graph of convex polytope Dn (exists in the literature).Publisher's Versio

    On the metric dimension of a class of planar graphs

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    Let H = (V, E) be a non-trivial connected graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A set of ordered vertices Rm from V (H) is said to be a resolving set for H if each vertex of H is uniquely determined by its vector of distances to the vertices of Rm. The number of vertices in a smallest resolving set is called the metric dimension of H. In this article, we study the metric dimension for a rotationally symmetric family of planar graphs, each of which is shown to have an independent minimum resolving set of cardinality three.Publisher's Versio

    PCA based components selection criteria for computationally efficient Physical Layer Key Generation (PLKG) system

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    Data security is one of the prime concerns in wireless networks. PLKG has been emerging as an attractive alternative to traditional cryptographic techniques. PLKG is more computationally efficient than cryptography. Moreover, PLKG using Principal component analysis (PCA) as pre-processing may further save computations. This paper proposes three mechanisms to select components of PCA which are based on Information content, Mean and Histfit. Bit Disagreement Rate (BDR) is compared for each mechanism. Histfit based method is found to be best. Since only two components are supposed to be processed for key generation, it is computationally efficient/ power efficient too

    Preparation of Apamarga Pratisaraneeya Kshara and its Physico-chemical Analysis

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    Introduction: Kshara is described in Anuyantras and Anushastras according to Acharya Sushruta. It is considered to be Pradhana among Shashtra and Anushashtra because of its Chedana, Bhedana, Lekhana property, as well as it is said to be Tridoshaghna and used for the special procedures. Pratisaraneya Kshara is been indicated externally for various disorders such as Arsha, Bhagandara, Kilasa. Materials and Methods: Pratisaraneeya Kshara with the drug Apamarga is prepared as per Acharya Sushruta’s description with 12 kg of Apamarga Panchanga. Results: Physico-chemical analysis: iron as Fe - 0.043%, sodium- 0.63%, potassium - 9.19%, ph value - 13.88, acid insoluble ash - 9.69%, loss on drying at 110 degree c - 64.24%, total ash - 47.03%, colour - white. Discussion: Physicochemical analysis shows ph value as alkaline, amount of insoluble ash, iron, sodium and potassium. Conclusion: The method of preparation of Pratisaraneeya Kshara holds good even for today’s era and can be considerd as standard protocol for Teekshana Pratisaraneeya Apamarga Kshara

    Synthesis, structural characterization and biological properties of cyclometalated iridium(iii) complexes containing 1,2,5]-thiadiazolo-3,4-f]-1,10]-phenanthroline

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    Two cationic iridium(iii) complexes, Ir(ppy)(2)((tdzp))](+)(1) and Ir(bhq)(2)((tdzp))](+)(2) {ppy = 2-phenylpyridine, bhq = benzoh]quinoline, tdzp = 1,2,5]-thiadiazolo-3,4-f]-1,10]-phenanthroline}, have been synthesized and structurally characterized. The molecular structures of the iridium complexes have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray structure determination. Extensive hydrogen bonding between lattice water molecules, solvated methanol, and chloride anions is observed in the crystal structure of complex1, which leads to the formation of 1D polymeric cyclic hybrid water-chloride-methanol clusters. The complexes show different photophysical properties in different solvents. The experimental photo-physical properties of the synthesized iridium(iii) complexes match well with the theoretically calculated results obtained by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) studies. The HOMO of complexes1and2is restricted on the iridium and cyclometalated aromatic ligands, while the LUMO, LUMO+1, and LUMO+2 are primarily restricted on the polypyridyl tdzp ligand. The interaction of the complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) was investigated by absorption titration and emission titration experiments. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity and cellular localization properties of these complexes towards HeLa cells have been investigated

    Y-27632 enhances differentiation of blastocyst like cystic human embryoid bodies to endocrinologically active trophoblast cells on a biomimetic platform

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    Trophoblast differentiation and formation of the placenta are important events linked to post-implantation embryonic development. Models mimicking the biology of trophoblast differentiation in a post-implantation maternal microenvironment are needed for understanding disorders like placental-ischemia or for applications in drug-screening, and would help in overcoming the ethical impasse on using human embryos for such research. Here we attempt to create such a model by using embryoid bodies (EBs) and a biomimetic platform composed of a bilayer of fibronectin and gelatin on top of low-melting agarose. Using this model we test the hypothesis that cystic-EBs (day 30) that resemble blastocysts morphologically, are better sources as compared to noncytic EBs (day 10), for functional trophoblast differentiation; and that the Rho kinases inhibitor Y27632 can enhance this differentiation. Non/cytic EBs with/out Y27632 were grown on this platform for 28 days, and screened from secretion and expression of trophoblast and other lineage markers using ECLIA, RT-PCR, and Immunofluorescence. All EBs attached on this surface and rapidly proliferated into hCG and progesterone (P2) secreting functional trophoblast cells. However, the cells derived from cytic-EBs and cytic-EBs+ Y27632 showed the maximum secretion of these hormones and expressed IGF2, supporting our hypothesis. Also Y27632 reduced extraembryonic endoderm and trophoblast lineage differentiation from early noncystic-EBs, whereas, it specifically enhanced the induction of trophoblast and multinucleated syncitiotrophoblast differentiation from late cystic-EBs. In vivo trophoblast differentiation can be replicated in fibronectin based biomaterials, using cytic-EBs and by maneuvering the Rho-ROCK pathways. Response of EBs to a compound may vary temporally, and determination of their right stage is crucial for applications in directed-differentiation or drug-screening