1,270 research outputs found

    Ontología, aleteiología y praxis

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    Cristianismo y opción por el «lógos».

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    La opcidn por la razdn es una de las caracterfsticas del cristianismo como religidn. En este sentido se distingue del atavismo de ottas teligiones. Se entienden tambidn otras cosas, como el valor que se concede a la analogfa en el conocimiento de Dios. Sin embargo, las relaciones entte la tazdn y la revelacidn cristiana, comportan una purificacidn de ambas partes. Diversos pensadores modetnos (Adorno, Horkheimer, Husserl, Heidegger) han sefialado que la nocidn moderna de razdn, necesita un purificacidn a la luz de las preguntas ultimas: otigen y destino del hombre, apertuta a la trascendencia, etc. En la misma lfnea se pronuncid recientemente Benedicto XVI

    Libertad como causa. Heidegger, Kant y el problema metafísico de la libertad

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    This paper discusses Heidegger’s criticism of Kant’s conception of freedom as a peculiar kind of cause. With his view of freedom Kant consummates the central tendencies of traditional ontology, ultimately arising from the Greek understanding of Being in terms of “constant presence”. But the causal view does not do justice to the deeper roots of freedom in the transcendence of Dasein

    Entrevista a Enrico Berti

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    In this interview E. Berti speaks about his early philosophical career, his rediscovery of Aristotle’s dialectics as based on common beliefs (the endoxa), the importance of Aristotle’s practical philosophy and his concept of the relation between ethics and politics. The modern notion of technique, which seems to have grown in importance in the last century, seems incapable of handling basic and essential metaphysical issues, and this is why we still need metaphysics today

    Designing a Belief Function-Based Accessibility Indicator to Improve Web Browsing for Disabled People

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    The purpose of this study is to provide an accessibility measure of web-pages, in order to draw disabled users to the pages that have been designed to be ac-cessible to them. Our approach is based on the theory of belief functions, using data which are supplied by reports produced by automatic web content assessors that test the validity of criteria defined by the WCAG 2.0 guidelines proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) organization. These tools detect errors with gradual degrees of certainty and their results do not always converge. For these reasons, to fuse information coming from the reports, we choose to use an information fusion framework which can take into account the uncertainty and imprecision of infor-mation as well as divergences between sources. Our accessibility indicator covers four categories of deficiencies. To validate the theoretical approach in this context, we propose an evaluation completed on a corpus of 100 most visited French news websites, and 2 evaluation tools. The results obtained illustrate the interest of our accessibility indicator

    Viabilité et persistance des spores de BACILLUS SPHAERICUS dans divers milieux aquatiques

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    Husserl y la fenomenología de la negación

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    Husserl develops a genetic approach that seeks to account for the origin of the logical-categorical forms starting from the corresponding pre-structures located at the level of sensitive receptivity. For such an approach, the explanation of the origin of the modalities of judgment, in general, and negation, in particular, poses peculiar challenges. This paper discusses how Husserl treats negation as a basic form of modality, both in the static approach of Ideen I and the genetic approach of Erfahrung und Urteil. Previously, in order to highlight the historical and systematic significance of the Husserlian conception, a general presentation of its immediate polemic context is offered, especially with reference to the opposition between psychologism and formalism, dominant in the German philosophy of logic of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.Husserl desarrolla un enfoque genético que busca dar cuenta del origen de las formas lógico-categoriales a partir de las correspondientes preestructuraciones situadas en el nivel de la receptividad sensible. Para un enfoque de ese tipo, la explicación del origen de las modalidades del juicio, en general, y la negación, en particular, plantea peculiares desafíos. El presente trabajo discute el modo en el que Husserl trata la negación, en tanto forma básica de la modalidad, tanto en el enfoque estático de Ideen I como en el enfoque genético de Erfahrung und Urteil. A fin de poner de relieve el al-cance histórico y sistemático de la concepción husserliana, se proporciona previamente una presentación general de su contexto polémico inmediato. Este viene dado por la oposición entre psicologismo y formalismo, dominante en la filosofía de la lógica alemana de fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX.Husserl develops a genetic approach that seeks to account for the origin of the logical-categorical forms starting from the corresponding pre-structures located at the level of sensitive receptivity. For such an approach, the explanation of the origin of the modalities of judgment, in general, and negation, in particular, poses peculiar challenges. This paper discusses how Husserl treats negation as a basic form of modality, both in the static approach of Ideen I and the genetic approach of Erfahrung und Urteil. Previously, in order to highlight the historical and systematic significance of the Husserlian conception, a general presentation of its immediate polemic context is offered, especially with reference to the opposition between psychologism and formalism, dominant in the German philosophy of logic of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century

    Identidad práctica e individualidad según Aristóteles

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    Starting from the contemporary notion of practical identity (C. Korsgaard, S. G. Cro well), a reconstruction of Aristotle’s conception concerning the identity and indivi duality of the subject of praxis is given. First, praxis is shown to be essentially self-referential. Then the role played by the capacity of a rational agent to understand his/her own life as a whole and by means of his/her openness to the future is discussed. Finally, attention is drawn to the constitutive function of habituation and ethos.Partiendo de la actual discusión en torno al concepto de identidad práctica (C. Kors gaard, S. G. Crowell), se ofrece una reconstrucción del modo en el cual Aristóteles con ci be la identidad y la individualidad del sujeto de praxis. En primer lugar, se considera el ca rác ter esencialmente au to rre ferencial de la praxis. A continuación, se aborda el pa pel que cum ple la orien ta ción a partir de una representación global de la pro pia vida y la aper tu ra al ho rizonte de futuro. Por úl ti mo, se discute la función cons titutiva de la ha bi tua li dad y del êthos