45 research outputs found

    Targeted lipidomics distinguishes patient subgroups in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD)

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    AbstractBackgroundDiverse research approaches support the concept that a clinical diagnosis of Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease (LOAD) does not distinguish between subpopulations with differing neuropathologies, including dementia patients with amyloid deposition and dementia patients without amyloid deposition but with cortical thinning. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is generally considered the prodromal phase for LOAD, however, while a number of studies have attempted to define plasma biomarkers for the conversion of MCI to LOAD, these studies have not taken into account the heterogeneity of patient cohorts within a clinical phenotype.MethodsStudies of MCI and LOAD in several laboratories have demonstrated decrements in ethanolamine plasmalogen levels in plasma and brain and increased levels of diacylglycerols in plasma and brain. To further extend these studies and to address the issue of heterogeneity in MCI and LOAD patient groups we investigated the levels of diacylglycerols and ethanolamine plasmalogens in larger cohorts of patients utilizing, high-resolution (0.2 to 2ppm mass error) mass spectrometry.ResultsFor the first time, our lipidomics data clearly stratify both MCI and LOAD subjects into 3 different patient cohorts within each clinical diagnosis. These include i) patients with lower circulating ethanolamine plasmalogen levels; ii) patients with augmented plasma diacylglycerol levels; and iii) patients with neither of these lipid alterations.ConclusionsThese represent the first serum biochemical data to stratify MCI and LOAD patients, advancing efforts to biochemically define patient heterogeneity in cognitive disorders.General significanceLipidomics offers a new approach for identifying biomarkers and biological targets in cognitive disorders

    Achievement of therapeutic target in subjects on statin treatment in clinical practice. Results of the STAR (Statins Target Assessment in Real practice) study

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    The primary aim of the STAR Study (Statins Target Assessment in Real practice) was to determine the LDLcholesterol reduction and to analyse patient’s and therapeutic factors associated to LDL-cholesterol target attainment in newly treated subjects with statins in an unselected population in clinical practice setting. Administrative databases (including pharmaceutical prescriptions and hospital admissions) and laboratory test databases (including LDL-cholesterol values) of five Local Health Units, distributed in Emilia Romagna, Toscana and Umbria, were linked. A retrospective cohort study was conducted and all subjects aged ≥18 years with a first prescription for statins (newly treated subjects) between January 1st, 2007 and June 30th, 2008 were included. All statin prescriptions over a 12 months follow-up period were considered and used to calculate adherence to treatment. Baseline and follow-up LDL-cholesterol, respectively, were defined according to the nearest determination to the first prescription for statins and to the end of the follow-up period. A total of 3.232 subjects was included, 1.516 males (47%) and 1.716 females (53%), with an average age equal to 65,9 ± 11,3 years. Among included subjects, 22,6% had a gap to LDL-cholesterol target <10%, 30,0% between 10 and 29%, 20,7% between 30 and 49%, and 26,7% ≥50%. Among those with a gap to target ≥50%, 30-49%, and 10-29%, respectively, LDLcholesterol target was attained by 7,1%, 41,8%, and 62,3% of subjects. LDL-cholesterol target attainment was associated to gap to target, adherence with treatment, and type of statin

    L’influence des relations familiales et sociales sur la consommation de médicaments psychotropes chez les personnes âgées

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    Les psychotropes occupent le deuxième rang dans la consommation de médicaments chez les personnes âgées. L'objectif de cette étude est de vérifier un modèle explicatif de la consommation de psychotropes dans cette population. Notre principale hypothèse est que la qualité des relations qu'entretient une personne âgée avec autrui, et particulièrement avec ses enfants, a une influence directe sur son bien-être psychologique, lequel a une influence directe sur la non-consommation de psychotropes. Une enquête a été réalisée auprès d'un échantillon de 500 personnes âgées de 65 à 84 ans, vivant à domicile. Au cours des trois mois précédant l'entrevue, 31,8 % des répondants ont consommé des psychotropes. Les données empiriques n'ayant pas permis de vérifier le modèle théorique retenu, des analyses multivariées ont conduit à l'élaboration d'un modèle explicatif de la consommation qui met en évidence que le bien-être psychologique et la santé sont les meilleurs prédicteurs de cette consommation. Un bien-être psychologique élevé diminue la consommation alors qu'un mauvais état de santé l'augmente. Les relations sociales influencent directement le bien-être psychologique alors que les relations familiales ont un effet de moindre importance. Le modèle explicatif proposé explique 13 % du phénomène de la consommation de psychotropes chez les personnes âgées.Psychotropic drugs are the second most commonly used medication by Quebec's elderly. The objective of this study is to test a theoretical model of psychotropic drug use in the elderly. The principal hypothesis is that the quality of relationships the elderly person has with others, particularly with his or her children, has a direct influence on his or her psychological well-being, which, in turn, directly affects the consumption of psychotropic agents. A survey was conducted on a sample of 500 elderly people, aged 65-84 years, living at home. 31.8% of the respondents used psychotropic drugs during the three-month period preceding the interview. Path analysis led to the elaboration of a modified model for the consumption of psychotropic drugs by the elderly which indicates that the best predictors of consumption are both the psychological well-being and the state of health of the individual. More elevated is the psychological well-being, less is the consumption of psychotropic drugs, whereas poor health condition increases it. The quality of an individual's social relationships has a direct influence on his or her psychological well-being, whereas family relationships are of lesser importance. Our model accounts for 13% of the predictors of psychotropic consumption by the elderly

    Familial hypercholesterolemia: The Italian Atherosclerosis Society Network (LIPIGEN)

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Primary dyslipidemias are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal levels of circulating lipoproteins. Among them, familial hypercholesterolemia is the most common lipid disorder that predisposes for premature cardiovascular disease. We set up an Italian nationwide network aimed at facilitating the clinical and genetic diagnosis of genetic dyslipidemias named LIPIGEN (LIpid TransPort Disorders Italian GEnetic Network). METHODS: Observational, multicenter, retrospective and prospective study involving about 40 Italian clinical centers. Genetic testing of the appropriate candidate genes at one of six molecular diagnostic laboratories serving as nationwide DNA diagnostic centers. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: From 2012 to October 2016, available biochemical and clinical information of 3480 subjects with familial hypercholesterolemia identified according to the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network (DLCN) score were included in the database and genetic analysis was performed in 97.8% of subjects, with a mutation detection rate of 92.0% in patients with DLCN score 656. The establishment of the LIPIGEN network will have important effects on clinical management and it will improve the overall identification and treatment of primary dyslipidemias in Italy

    Iperchilomicronemia: Patologia negletta dagli internisti?

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    Le iperchilomicronemie (cioe` le ipertrigliceridemie caratterizzate da un aumento dei chilomicroni, lipoproteine prodotte dall’intestino per veicolare i lipidi dietetici) rappresentano una causa non frequente di ipertrigliceridemia, ma sicuramente rilevante per i problemi clinici sottostanti

    Hyperchylomicronemia: a neglected disease?

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    Hyperchylomicronemia: a neglected disease?

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    The benefit and risk of testosterone replacement therapy in older men: effects on lipid metabolism

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    Over the last decades, testosterone replacement therapy for middle-aged and older men has been gaining increasing and widespread attention and popularity. Although several benefits of testosterone replacement therapy are well established, including but not limited to improvement in libido, body composition, and bone density, concerns for multiple potential adverse effects remain. In particular, concerns are frequently raised regarding the possibility that testosterone replacement therapy may increase the risks of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease as consequence of a potential detrimental effect of testosterone on cardiovascular risk factors. This mini-review will present and discuss the current knowledge on the relationship between testosterone replacement therapy and change in lipid fractions in older men