67 research outputs found

    Innovazione e rigenerazione delle direttrici di transumanza. Lineamenti per la costruzione di un'infrastruttura verde

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    Le infrastrutture verdi rappresentano l’evoluzione di “greenways” e “reti ecologiche”, con le quali condividono obiettivi di tutela per habitat e specie, propositi estetico-ricreativi e assetti spaziali interscalari. La parola “infrastrutture” sottolinea da un lato la prospettiva di lunga durata verso la quale sono impostate, dall’altro il ruolo strategico oggi riconosciuto alla pluralità di usi e funzioni sostenibili che sono destinate a ospitare. Tali prestazioni oggi sono identificabili all’interno delle differenti categorie di “servizi ecosistemici”, concetto sviluppato a partire dalla fine del secolo scorso per fornire una valutazione economica ai benefici ottenuti dal “capitale naturale” e dalle attività umane che ne garantiscono la conservazione. Obiettivo della ricerca è mettere in evidenza le numerose potenzialità espresse in questo senso dalla riattivazione della transumanza lungo le proprie direttrici storiche: il vasto e prezioso patrimonio materiale-immateriale da essa ereditato, l’eterogeneità dei paesaggi attraversati e il ruolo di “infrastruttura critica” pre-industriale rappresentato dall’economia laniera costituiscono per molti versi un modello ante-litteram di sostenibilità a cui rifarsi per la costruzione di sistemi multifunzionali integrati

    Transhumance heritage in the bioregional perspective

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    The worldwide dynamics of the last thirty years are outlining opaque scenarios and forcing contemporaries to search for a catharsis whose urgency can no longer be postponed: cultures, economies and ecological balances in their current state are in danger of collapsing at an unprecedented rate. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw from the past references capable of updating consolidated paradigms, rediscovering approaches oriented towards the long term aimed at maintaining the conditions that have allowed progress and well-being for a large part of our species. The millenary practice of transhumance, today relegated to marginal contexts, is one of these: the extensive breeding of livestock, conducted on foot over long distances in search of pastures, is an exemplary adaptation to the scarcity of resources provided by the natural succession of seasons. In contrast, the problems arising from industrialised forms of animal husbandry are highlighted by numerous studies. The regeneration of the vast material and immaterial heritage inherited from transhumance, on the other hand, can provide answers to environmental, ethical and social issues that afflict every continent today: an ante litteram model of sustainability that finds in bioregional planning a concrete prospect of re-actualisation

    Sistema de Información Geográfica tipológico para el conocimiento y la conservación del patrimonio construido: un caso de estudio en el sur de Italia

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    [EN] A typological GIS is a system designed to store, analyse, manage and visualize geo-referred data about the built environment. It allows interactive queries to explore spatial relationships between buildings, improving the knowledge of the built heritage at different scales. For example, by running space-typological analysis, it is possible to extract information about the most used typologies in the existing buildings at different levels, from the urban scale to the construction detail. This knowledge shows a great potential in building design applications and may provide support for a correct design in urban renovation projects aimed to keep the character of the considered area unchanged and preserve its cultural and historical value. This work presents the first phase implementation of the typological GIS of an historical city centre set north of Naples and shows some examples of possible GIS queries for typological investigation of built environment at different detail levels.[ES] Un SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica) tipológico, es un sistema diseñado para almacenar, analizar, gestionar y visualizar datos geo-referenciados sobre el entorno construido. Permite consultas interactivas para explorar las relaciones espaciales entre edificios mejorarando el conocimiento del patrimonio construido a diferentes escalas. Realizando un análisis espacio-tipológico, es posible extraer información de los edificios existentes sobre las tipologías más utilizadas a diferentes niveles, desde la escala urbana hasta el detalle constructivo. Este conocimiento, podría servir de apoyo para un correcto diseño en los proyectos de renovación urbana destinados a mantener inalterado el carácter de la zona considerada y preservar su valor cultural e histórico. Este trabajo presenta la primera fase de implementación del SIG tipológico de un centro histórico situado al norte de Nápoles, y muestra algunos ejemplos de posibles consultas del SIG para la investigación tipológica del entorno construido a diferentes niveles de detalle.This work has been developed within the SEND intra-university project, financed by the "V:ALERE 2019" funds (VAnviteLli pEr la RicErca) by the University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli". The field work was developed in the LABTECH (Laboratory of Architecture and Building TECHnologies) of University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", with the collaboration of many students. A warm thanks to them.Mollo, L.; Agliata, R.; Palmero Iglesias, LM.; Vigliotti, M. (2020). Typological GIS for knowledge and conservation of built heritage: a case of study in Southern Italy. Informes de la Construcción (Online). 72(559):1-7. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.73697S1772559Chen, Z., & Poon, C. C. (2017). Comparing the use of sewage sludge ash and glass powder in cement mortars. Environmental Technology, 38(11), 1390-1398.https://doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2016.123065

    The Holocene Evolution of the Volturno Coastal Plain (Northern Campania, Southern Italy): Implications for the Understanding of Subsidence Patterns

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    In the Mediterranean area, several alluvial coastal plains, developed after the Holocene transgression, are affected by subsidence. The Volturno alluvial‐coastal plain, along the eastern Tyrrhenian Sea (southern Italy) is characterized by subsidence rates determined through InSAR data analysis and ranging between 0 and <−20 mm/yr in an area of about 750 kmq across the Volturno River. Inside this area, the pattern of subsidence shows sites with apparently anomalous localized subsidence. To understand the driving mechanisms of this process, a lithostratigraphic reconstruction was provided focusing on the spatial distribution of the horizons considered weak by a geotechnical point of view; then, the subsidence map was overlain spatially with geological data in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. The spatial analysis highlighted the major ground deformation occurring within the outer boundary of the incised paleo‐valley, corresponding to the Holocene alluvial/transitional filling that overlies a compaction‐free Pleistocene basement. Inside this general trend, differential compaction was detected corresponding to the thick occurrence of clay and peat deposits, suggesting that the subsidence rate registered in the plain are due in part to the consolidation of primary settlements of soft and compressible soils that characterize the subsoil of these areas, and in large part to the secondary consolidation settlements

    Coral Patch and Ormonde seamounts as a product of the Madeira hotspot, Eastern Atlantic Ocean

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    New detailed swath bathymetry and bottom samples from Coral Patch and Ormonde seamounts provide constraints on the emplacement of the Madeira hotspot in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Swath bathymetric data document that Coral Patch is a composite structure, made up of at least nine distinct volcanic centres. Lithified pelagic carbonates infilling fissures in lava blocks constrain a minimal age for the volcanism in the Early Miocene and represent the first documentation of Coral Patch acting as an offshore terrigenous-starved seamount. At Coral Patch, as already observed at the Ormonde seamount, volcanism was emplaced on top of a pre-existing relief resulting from the regional tectonic compressive regime

    How the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Patients’ Hospital Admission and Care in the Vascular Surgery Divisions of the Southern Regions of the Italian Peninsula

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    Background: To investigate the effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the vasculopathic population. Methods: The Divisions of Vascular Surgery of the southern Italian peninsula joined this multicenter retrospective study. Each received a 13-point questionnaire investigating the hospitalization rate of vascular patients in the first 11 months of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the preceding 11 months. Results: 27 out of 29 Centers were enrolled. April-December 2020 (7092 patients) vs. 2019 (9161 patients): post-EVAR surveillance, hospitalization for Rutherford category 3 peripheral arterial disease, and asymptomatic carotid stenosis revascularization significantly decreased (1484 (16.2%) vs. 1014 (14.3%), p = 0.0009; 1401 (15.29%) vs. 959 (13.52%), p = 0.0006; and 1558 (17.01%) vs. 934 (13.17%), p < 0.0001, respectively), while admissions for revascularization or major amputations for chronic limb-threatening ischemia and urgent revascularization for symptomatic carotid stenosis significantly increased (1204 (16.98%) vs. 1245 (13.59%), p < 0.0001; 355 (5.01%) vs. 358 (3.91%), p = 0.0007; and 153 (2.16%) vs. 140 (1.53%), p = 0.0009, respectively). Conclusions: The suspension of elective procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant reduction in post-EVAR surveillance, and in the hospitalization of asymptomatic carotid stenosis revascularization and Rutherford 3 peripheral arterial disease. Consequentially, we observed a significant increase in admissions for urgent revascularization for symptomatic carotid stenosis, as well as for revascularization or major amputations for chronic limb-threatening ischemia

    Land use and landscape pattern changes driven by land reclamation in a coastal area: the case of Volturno delta plain, Campania Region, southern Italy

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    The paper provides documentary evidence of the direct impacts on the coastal setting in the northern Campania (southern Italy) region, crossed by the Volturno River, that have led to dramatic alterations of alluvial channels, floodplain and the deltaic environment, aside from the coastline retreat following four centuries of land reclamation. The Volturno delta plain is characterized by an outer delta formed mainly by beach ridges, and an inner plain containing several depressions of drained marsh regions. Until the beginning of the last century, this area was the site of swamps and ponds bearing a high incidence of malaria. Historical analysis coupled with a cartographic restitution in a geographic information system environment has produced documentary evidence of the geomorphological evolution of the coastal sector and has allowed the reconstruction of relevant landscape and hydrographic changes since the end of the seventeenth century, when - during the Spanish vice-kingdom - it was subjected to major land reclamation. The availability of reclaimed lands along the coastal alluvial plain promoted the development of agriculture and farming, as well as a strong coastal urbanization. As a consequence, a landscape fragmentation increased significantly between the 1960s and the 1990s; built-up land area increased as well, overgrowing to the sea. An overall reduction in high-quality ecosystems (humid coastal setting, lacustrine/marshy back-dune area and beach-dune system) is recorded, resulting in biodiversity loss and a dramatic reduction in environmental quality. The outcomes of this research will be beneficial to society for better decision-making over these coastal area applications, in a sustainable manner, especially in these countries that are still experiencing land reclamation

    Campania Grey Tuff and anthropogenic tuff cavites in the Southern metropolitan area of Caserta (Southern Italy).

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    The Late Quaternary geological evolution of the northern Campania Plain was affected by the volcanic activity of the Phle-grean Field. The geological features of the Campania Grey Tuff (CGT, ~39 Ky), deposited on the whole Campania Plain, were recon-structed along a transect from the northern boundary of the metropolitan area of Naples up to Caserta. Since the tuff has good mechani-cal properties, it was involved since historical times in an extensive mining activity, from which a very dense network of quarries and underground cavities was inherited, strongly related to the lithofacies distribution. We provided a first geological underground database of the metropolitan area of Caserta, north of Naples, and analyzed the hazard aspects related to the mining activities

    Le cavità nel sottosuolo del territorio di Sant’Arpino (Caserta, Campania): catalogazione in ambiente GIS

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    all’estrazione del tufo vulcanico. Nel 1999 il Comune ha realizzato un primo censimento di alcune cavità raccogliendo dati e planimetrie delle stesse. Si vuole qui presentare la realizzazione di un Sistema Informativo Territoriale che miri ad informatizzare le informazioni preesistenti implementate con nuovi rilievi speditivi 3D georeferenziati, al fine di disporre di uno strumento conoscitivo aggiornato. La necessità deriva dal fatto che negli anni la continuità del sistema caveale è stata spesso interrotta (a) da cedimenti nelle volte, soprattutto in corrispondenza di condotti verticali, per effetto delle mutate condizioni di stabilità che hanno determinato fenomeni di dissesto (anthropogenic sinkhole), (b) per occlusione con detriti o (c) da pareti divisorie erette in corrispondenza di cambi di proprietà in superficie. Un siffatto strumento di gestione dei dati oltre a migliorare la conoscenza, la documentazione e il recupero di importanti testimonianze, che, diversamente, rischierebbero di scomparire, rappresenta un sistema efficiente di prevenzione del rischio idrogeologico.In the subsoil of the historic center of Sant’Arpino, in the Campania Plain, there is a wide network of quarries and cavities linked to the extraction of volcanic tuff. In 1999 the Municipality carried out a first register concerning the occurrence of cavities, accompanied by planimetric information of the same. Aim of the present work is to design a GIS project to manage all the existing information by implementing them with georeferenced 3D surveys, in order to have an updated management tool. The need derives from the fact that over the years the continuity of the cavity system has often been interrupted (I) by collapse of the roof, above all in correspondence of vertical access point excavated in poorly lithified or loose deposits (anthropogenic sinkhole), (II) by occlusion with debris or (III) by division with walls erected to separate the property. The new dataset allowed the update of the density map of the cavities and represents an important management tool for the evaluation of the hydrogeological risks and the areas prone to the formation of anthropogenic sinkholes

    The role of the geological model in the analysis of land subsidence: a key lecture from the Volturno River alluvial plain (southern Italy)

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    The present study focused on the relationships between subsidence and geological and geotechnical features of the Volturno River alluvial and coastal plain (northern Campania, Italy). Subsidence rates were determined through InSAR data analysis. A lithostratigraphic reconstruction was provided for the Holocene succession that overlay a continuous, thick, volcaniclastic unit (Campania Grey Tuff) deposited 39 ka B.P. The digital surface model carried out for this unit showed a palaeovalley morphology, allowing the reconstruction of the palaeodrainage network and a better modeling of the stratigraphic architecture of the post-CGT deposits. The subsidence map was overlain spatially with geological data. In the whole plain, the major ground deformations affect the sedimentary piles filling the palaeovalley engraved in the volcanic compaction-free basement. Inside the general subsidence trend, differential compaction was detected within these deposits corresponding to the occurrence of clay and peat of different thicknesses, suggesting that the subsidence rates are due in part to the primary consolidation and in large part to the secondary consolidation