657 research outputs found

    The Reception of Droit de Suite in International Law: Diagnosis and Remedy

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    Droit de suite, the right for artists to receive an interest in each resale of their original artworks, commemorates one century of existence this year but remains highly hypothetical for many artists worldwide. This article addresses the reasons for this situation and proposes possible solutions by using a comparative law approach. An analysis of international (Berne Convention) and national regulations (Australia and Brazil) shows that the lack of universality and operationality of the resale royalty right is a consequence of choices made by the Berne Union in 1948. Mainly, the absence of obligation for Member States to implement it and the broad margin left to them that fosters the multiplication of national peculiarities. An amendment of article 14ter of the Berne Convention seems necessary. The World Intellectual Property Organization-WIPO may refer to national and regional experiences, as well as existing researches, to speed up the pace of the current discussions on the topic and ensure that artists finally benefit in a homogeneous way from a right to the value created around their work

    Butylétains dans les eaux du fjord du Saguenay (Canada) : menace pour l’écosystème d’un milieu semi-fermé ?

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    Dans le cadre de travaux sur le comportement des composés des butylétains dans les milieux côtiers froids, des échantillons d’eau, de matière particulaire en suspension et de seston (phyto- et zooplancton) ont été prélevés à huit (8) stations le long du fjord du Saguenay (Canada) et dans la baie des Ha! Ha! en mai 2001. Les concentrations en butylétains totaux (MBT + DBT + TBT) étaient significativement plus élevées en surface (26 à 206 ng Sn L-1) que dans les échantillons de fond (7 à 30 ng Sn L-1). Les niveaux trouvés à l’embouchure du fjord étaient deux fois plus élevés que ceux observés dans son axe principal et cinq fois plus élevés que ceux dans la baie des Ha! Ha! dont les concentrations variaient de 40 à 55 ng Sn L-1 avec les plus élevées à proximité de Port‑Alfred. Le tributylétain (TBT) est toujours le composé minoritaire, que ce soit dans les eaux de surface (de 1 à 5 %) ou dans la couche d’eau profonde (5 à 24 %). Le dibutylétain (DBT) domine dans les deux masses d’eau avec des proportions d’environ 85 % pour la surface et de 34 à 90 % au fond. Le monobutylétain (MBT) est présent dans toute la colonne d’eau avec des pourcentages fluctuant de 4 à 15 % dans les eaux de surface et de 2 à 46 % dans les eaux profondes. Les butylétains sont également présents dans tous les échantillons de seston. En surface, les concentrations des métabolites (DBT + MBT) sont plus élevées (25 à 59 ng Sn g-1) que celles du TBT (10 et 20 ng Sn g-1). Dans la couche de fond, le TBT est majoritaire dans le seston avec des concentrations similaires entre les stations d’environ 30 ng Sn g-1. Les facteurs de bioconcentration obtenus à partir des données du seston confirment que les niveaux de TBT dans l’eau sont suffisants pour induire une bioaccumulation par étape au sein de la chaîne alimentaire. Enfin, les concentrations en TBT dans la colonne d’eau semblent bien au-dessus du niveau susceptible de perturber l’écosystème en causant des effets chroniques sur la reproduction de plusieurs organismes ou en affaiblissant leurs systèmes immunitaires.In order to understand the fate of butyltin compounds in cold coastal ecosystems, samples of water, suspended particulate matter and seston (phyto- and zoo-plankton) were taken in the Saguenay Fjord, a deep and narrow glacial valley filled with seawater from the St. Lawrence Estuary (Canada) and used as a navigation channel to reach an upstream industrial area. On one hand, this study was designed to evaluate the butyltin contamination level of waters of the Fjord. On the other hand, the samples were used to better understand the behaviour of tributyltin (TBT) and its breakdown products (dibutyltin (DBT), monobutyltin (MBT)) in the water column and its associated ecosystem. In addition, this study enabled us to establish if concentrations found in the Fjord may represent a toxic threat for the biota.The water sampling was carried out at eight stations and various depths along the Saguenay Fjord and in the Baie des Ha! Ha! in May 2001. During this same expedition, samples of seston were also collected at 5 and 70 m depth for the same stations. Butyltins were extracted according to a well defined protocol and quantified by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) on an Ion Trap GC/MS operated in single ion monitoring (SIM) mode. In the water column, concentrations of total butyltins (MBT + DBT + TBT) were significantly higher in surface samples (26 to 206 ng Sn L-1) than in deep samples (7 to 30 ng Sn L-1). The levels found at the mouth of the Fjord were two times higher than those observed along its main axis and five times higher than those in the Baie des Ha! Ha! where concentrations varied from 40 to 55 ng Sn L-1 with the highest values observed near Port Alfred. Tributyltin (TBT) was always a minor component in water surface (from 1 to 5%) as well as in the deep water layer (5 to 24%). Dibutyltin (DBT) dominated in the two water masses with proportions of approximately 85% for surface and from 34 to 90% at the bottom. Monobutyltin (MBT) was present in all waters, contributions fluctuating from 4 to 15% in surface water and from 2 to 46% in deep water. Butyltin compounds were also present in all seston samples. In the surface layer, concentrations of metabolites (DBT + MBT) were higher (25 to 59 ng Sn g-1) than TBT itself (10 to 20 ng Sn g-1). However, TBT dominated in the deep samples (70 m depth) with similar concentrations among stations of approximately 30 ng Sn g‑1.This study presented the first evidence of the widespread butyltin contamination of Saguenay Fjord with levels typically reported for contaminated coastal areas. The shipping traffic was considered as the main source of continuous butyltin inputs, essentially TBT, but industrial activities located along the St. Lawrence Estuary were also suspected of generating the release of significant quantities of DBT, and thus contributing to the total reservoir of butyltins. The particular oceanographic conditions of the Saguenay Fjord (tidal cycles, strong stratification of water column) were responsible for the variation of concentrations among stations but also among depths. In addition, results observed in this study (high bioconcentration factors) confirmed the affinity of TBT for particulate matter compared to its metabolite, DBT. The chemical properties of TBT (low solubility, high water-sediment and water-octanol partition coefficients) are such that the processes of sorption and bioaccumulation in organisms are favoured. Bioconcentration factors calculated from seston data confirmed that the levels of TBT in water were sufficient to induce a stepwise bioaccumulation throughout the food chain. Consequently, suspended particular matter and organisms were the two compartments responsible for the TBT elimination from the water column to sediment. On the other hand, because of its higher solubility and a lower water-sediment partition coefficient, DBT was the major compound in the dissolved phase and its behaviour was influenced by hydrographic conditions. Lastly, TBT concentrations in the water column seemed well above the level likely to disturb the ecosystem by causing chronic effects on the reproduction of several organisms or by disturbing their immune systems

    Transporte aéreo e Direito Transnacional: da convergência à uniformidade

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    Esse trabalho tentará demonstrar que desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial, sob vários aspectos, o direito do transporte aéreo tem se emancipado do direito nacional, desenvolvendo-se normas e padrões transnacionais, de aplicação uniforme sem consideração aos territórios. Analisaremos três exemplos sucessivamente, em um crescendo no que concerne o grau de independência da norma em relação ao Estado. A primeira parte será dedicada à Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional e ao seu papel central e ativo na regulação do transporte aéreo internacional. Veremos que os padrões e diretrizes produzidos desde então pela Organização têm se distanciado dos Estados para formar um conjunto técnico autônomo. Em seguida, analisaremos a Convenção da Cidade do Cabo de 2001 sobre garantias internacionais sobre equipamentos móveis, que criou um arsenal internacional para proteção dos credores titulares de garantias, no intuito de afastar o assunto da interferência dos Estados na constituição e execução de garantias internacionais. A terceira e última parte versará sobre o papel da International Air Transport Association – IATA na regulação e organização do tráfego aéreo internacional. Associação privada que representa as companhias aéreas internacionais, a IATA elabora e emite normas e padrões seguidos pelo setor inteiro

    Troppo poca DP in Italia

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    Biomolecular electrostatics with the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation

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    4openopenFOGOLARI F.; ZUCCATO P.; ESPOSITO G.; VIGLINO PFogolari, Federico; Zuccato, P.; Esposito, Gennaro; Viglino, Paol

    Effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on the maturation of metabolism in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes

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    Myocardial metabolism shifts during the perinatal period from predominant utilization of glucose towards oxidation of fatty acids. Expression of enzymes of the fatty acid oxidation (FAO) pathway is under the control of the nuclear receptor/transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) plays an important role in the post-natal growth and differentiation of the heart. We determined the influence of IGF-I on the maturation of myocardial metabolism. In neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, expression of the FAO enzymes MCAD and M-CPT I was induced by treatment with the specific PPARα agonist WY-14643. Concomitant treatment with IGF-I enhanced the expression of both FAO enzymes. By comparison, treatment with FGF-2, which is required for myocyte differentiation of cardiac precursors, did not increase WY-14643-induced expression of FAO enzymes. Despite stimulation of FAO enzyme expression, IGF-I did not further enhance WY-14643-stimulated palmitate oxidation. In contrast, IGF-I relieved WY-14643-mediated inhibition of glucose uptake and promoted storage of fatty acids into cellular neutral lipids. In conclusion, IGF-I promotes a more mature pattern of FAO gene expression but, because of insulin-like metabolic effects, does not concomitantly enhance oxidation of fatty acid

    Studio di un Sistema di Gestione Ambientale per l'ottenimento della certificazione UNI EN ISO 14001:2004

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    Alla luce della crescente attenzione che gli strumenti volontari in campo ambientale stanno raccogliendo in tutto il mondo e in modo particolare in Europa, TM.P. S.p.A. – TERMOMECCANICA POMPE di La Spezia ha deciso di attivare il processo finalizzato all’ottenimento della certificazione ISO 14001 in quanto, quest’ultima ritenuta dalla direzione aziendale una scelta di rilevante importanza strategica per l’azienda. Il lavoro da me svolto in TM.P. S.p.A., oggetto della mia tesi, è nato dall’occasione che si è presentata di poter collaborare con l’azienda stessa ai fini dell’ottenimento di tale certificazione, il cui processo di attuazione è stato caratterizzato dalla macro sequenza, come sotto specificato: - Analisi Ambientale Iniziale: primo passo verso la certificazione ambientale finalizzata all’attivazione di un sistema di gestione ambientale ed alla comprensione delle caratteristiche dei processi, fase propedeutica ai fini dell’individuazione di indicatori che consentano di tenere sotto controllo le prestazioni ambientali dell’azienda con particolare attenzione agli aspetti/impatti ambientali specifici (rifiuti, emissioni atmosferiche, reflui industriali/assimilabili a civili, rumore, servomezzi in riferimento ai consumi in generale) - Politica Ambientale: strumento atto a sancire l’impegno dell’azienda a favore della tutela ambientale, del rispetto della legislazione vigente in materia, del miglioramento continuo, dei principi generali cui tale impegno si ispira e le conseguenti decisioni strategiche - Pianificazione: individuazione degli obiettivi, dei traguardi, dei programmi ed infine dei risultati ambientali desiderati tenendo conto delle condizioni iniziali, della politica ambientale, delle prescrizioni legislative, delle risorse disponibili, delle alternative tecnologiche, dei punti di vista delle parti interessate e dell’impegno al miglioramento continuo - Manuale di Gestione Ambientale: documento generale di gestione con le relative procedure, istruzioni operative ed eventuali linee guida - Verifica finalizzata a garantire il mantenimento dell’efficacia del sistema di gestione ambiental

    Surveillance des intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires aux urgences par capnographie (présentation d une analyse intermédiaire)

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    Introduction : La sévérité des intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires (IMV) est difficilement prévisible, environ 5% des patients admis aux urgences sont transférés en réanimation. La capnographie non invasive (EtCO2) permet d identifier les complications respiratoires lors de la sédation aux urgences et pourrait être utile à la surveillance des patients présentant une IMV. Méthodes : Nous avons évalué, de façon prospective et en aveugle, les performances prédictives de la mesure de l EtCO2 pour la détection des complications précoces chez les patients admis aux urgences pour IMV. Nous présentons une analyse intermédiaire de cette étude. Résultats : Du 20/04/2012 au 20/02/2013, 104 patients ont été inclus dont 94 avec des mesures analysables. La concordance entre EtCO2 et PaCO2 montrait un biais moyen de -2,7 mmHg et des limites d agrément entre -11,8 mmHg et +6,5 mmHg. Quinze patients ont présenté au moins une complication. Une EtCO2>= 50mmHg permettait de prédire la survenue d une complication avec une sensibilité de 46.6% [IC95%: 22,3 ; 72,8] et une spécificité de 75.9 % [IC95%: 64.8 ; 84.6], une valeur prédictive positive de 0,27 [IC95% : 0,19 ; 0,38] et une valeur prédictive négative de 0,88 [IC95% : 0,78 ; 0,94]. L aire sous la courbe ROC (AUC) de l EtCO2 maximale au cours des 30 premières minutes d hospitalisation était de 0,74 [IC95% : 0,62;0,86]. La mesure de l EtCO2 n était pas plus performante que le score de Glasgow initial (AUC : 0,76 [IC95%: 0,61;0,91]). Conclusion : D après ces résultats intermédiaires, la mesure continue de l EtCO2 seule ne permet pas de prédire de façon satisfaisante les complications précoces des patients admis aux urgences pour IMV.Introduction: The severity of drug self-poisoning patients can be difficult to assess, and approximately 5% of patients who are admitted to the emergency department (ED) are secondarily transferred to intensive care unit (ICU). Non-invasive capnography (EtCO2) can identify respiratory complications during procedural sedation in the ED and could be useful in the monitoring of poisoned patients. Methods: This prospective and blind study was conducted in a single ED to evaluate the predictive values of EtCO2 measurements for the detection of complications in adult drug self-poisoning patients. Here we report the preliminary results of this study. Results: From 20/04/2012 to 20/02/2013, 104 patients were enrolled including 94 patients with measurable EtCO2. The correlation between EtCO2 and PaCO2 showed an estimated bias of -2,7 mmHg and limits of agreement between -11.8 mmHg and 6.5 mmHg. 15 patients exhibited at least one complication. EtCO2>=50mmHg predicted the occurrence of a complication with a sensitivity of 46.6% [95% CI: 22.3, 72.8] and a specificity of 75.9% [95% CI: 64.8, 84.6], which lead to a positive predictive value of 0.27 [95% CI: 0.19, 0.38] and a negative predictive value of 0.88 [95% CI: 0.78, 0.94]. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) of the highest EtCO2 during the first 30 minutes of hospitalization was 0.74 [95% CI: 0.620, 0.864]. Glasgow Coma Scale at admission was as powerful as EtCO2 to detect complications (AUC: 0.76 [95% CI: 0.61, 0.91]). Conclusion: According to these preliminary results, the monitoring of EtCO2 alone cannot adequately predict early complications in self-poisoned patients referred to the ED.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Scoring predictive models using a reduced representation of proteins: model and energy definition

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    BACKGROUND: Reduced representations of proteins have been playing a keyrole in the study of protein folding. Many such models are available, with different representation detail. Although the usefulness of many such models for structural bioinformatics applications has been demonstrated in recent years, there are few intermediate resolution models endowed with an energy model capable, for instance, of detecting native or native-like structures among decoy sets. The aim of the present work is to provide a discrete empirical potential for a reduced protein model termed here PC2CA, because it employs a PseudoCovalent structure with only 2 Centers of interactions per Amino acid, suitable for protein model quality assessment. RESULTS: All protein structures in the set top500H have been converted in reduced form. The distribution of pseudobonds, pseudoangle, pseudodihedrals and distances between centers of interactions have been converted into potentials of mean force. A suitable reference distribution has been defined for non-bonded interactions which takes into account excluded volume effects and protein finite size. The correlation between adjacent main chain pseudodihedrals has been converted in an additional energetic term which is able to account for cooperative effects in secondary structure elements. Local energy surface exploration is performed in order to increase the robustness of the energy function. CONCLUSION: The model and the energy definition proposed have been tested on all the multiple decoys' sets in the Decoys'R'us database. The energetic model is able to recognize, for almost all sets, native-like structures (RMSD less than 2.0 Ã…). These results and those obtained in the blind CASP7 quality assessment experiment suggest that the model compares well with scoring potentials with finer granularity and could be useful for fast exploration of conformational space. Parameters are available at the url:
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