422 research outputs found

    As dificuldades de fundo do Mercosul

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    This article aims to briefly analyze, the recent movements that characterize the process of regional integration in South America, focusing on themes that comprised the current debate about the formation of Mercosur.O presente artigo busca analisar, sinteticamente, os recentes movimentos que caracterizam o processo de integração regional na América do Sul, enfocando nos temas que compuseram o debate atual acerca da formação do Mercosul

    A política como superação e ordenamento da violência pela negociação

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    Molecular mechanisms of alternative splicing regulation by antitumor drugs targeting U2 snRNP

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    RNA splicing is the process of removal of introns from pre-mRNAs. It is carried out by the spliceosome, composed of five small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Several small molecules with antitumor properties target SF3B1, a U2 snRNP component frequently mutated in cancer that helps U2 snRNP recruitment to branch point (BP) sequences required for splicing catalysis. Together with collaborators from the University of Barcelona, we describe a new drug variant with improved splicing inhibitory and antiproliferative activities, as well as the novel concept of drug-antisense oligonucleotide conjugates. We report that 3' splice site sensitivity to drugs is finely tuned by transcripts’ sequence content. We also show that different drug variants display both similarities and differences in alternative splicing modulation.ARN splicing consiste en la eliminación de intrones de moléculas de pre-mARN. Es llevado a cabo por el spliceosoma, compuesto por cinco ribonucleoproteínas nucleares pequeñas (snRNPs). Varios compuestos con propiedades antitumorales tienen como diana SF3B1, un componente de U2 snRNP frecuentemente mutado en cáncer que ayuda al reclutamiento de U2 snRNP a secuencias branch point (BP) necesarias para la catálisis. Junto a colaboradores de la Universidad de Barcelona, describimos una nueva variante de estos compuestos con mayor actividad de inhibición de splicing y anti-proliferativa, así como el nuevo concepto de conjugados fármaco-oligonucleótido. Observamos que la sensibilidad de los sitios 3' de splicing a estos compuestos está moduladas por la secuencia de los transcriptos. También mostramos que diferentes variantes de compuestos tienen actividades similares y diferentes en la modulación de distintos eventos de splicing alternativo

    Política externa de dentro para fora

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    Discutindo conceitos para uma escola brasileira de relações internacionais: um debate epistemológico - Audrey Alejandro e as formulações de Amado Cervo

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    Este artigo parte de uma proposta de resenha do livro Western Dominance in International Relations? The Internationalisation of IR in Brazil and India, escrito por Audrey Alejandro. Nosso objetivo é discutir suas ideias sobre a possibilidade da internacionalização da produção do conhecimento das ciências sociais do Sul Global, particularmente da teoria de Relações Internacionais (RI), não ser condicionada pelo domínio Ocidental. Paradoxalmente, para ela, a reprodução dos discursos críticos e anti-eurocêntricos reforçam a própria teorização eurocêntrica que vem sendo criticada. Nesse sentido, a contribuição intelectual de Amado Cervo sobre a relação entre conceitos e teorias no ensino das relações internacionais no Brasil colabora para dialogar com o paradoxo levantado por Alejandro. Neste artigo, colocamos o debate de ambos os autores em perspectiva analítica e comparativa. Se para Alejandro, a ideia de uma teoria brasileira (e indiana) não é explícita, ao mesmo tempo sugere existirem elementos importantes para sua existência. De acordo com a interpretação de Amado Cervo, concluímos que teoria tem uso instrumental, mas isso não elimina a necessidade de fundar teorias explicativas, diferentemente do que ele sugere. Ao mesmo tempo, reconhecemos a importância dos conceitos formados a partir da história cognitiva. No que se refere a uma teoria brasileira de RI, afirmamos que a resposta de Alejandro seria intermediária, não há um corpo teórico pleno, mas há bons fundamentos para avançar.This article starts from a review proposal of the book “Western Dominance in International Relations? The Internationalisation of IR in Brazil and India”, written by Audrey Alejandro. The aim of this article is to discuss some ideas related to the possibility of the internationalisation of the Social Sciences of the Global South knowledge. We focus on IR theory and the fact that it would not be conditioned by Western dominance. Paradoxically, for her, the reproduction of critical and anti-Eurocentric discourses reinforces the very Eurocentric theorization that has been criticized. In this sense, Amado Cervo's intellectual contribution on the relations between concepts and theories in the teaching of IR in Brazil can help to reflect on   the paradox raised by Alejandro. In this article, we put the debate of both authors in an analytical and comparative perspective. According to Alejandro, the idea of a Brazilian (and Indian) theory is not explicit, but she also suggests that there are important basis for its developments. According to Amado Cervo's interpretation, we conclude that theory has instrumental use, but this does not eliminate the need to develop explanatory theories, differently from what he suggests. At the same time, we recognize the importance of concepts originating from cognitive history. Regarding a Brazilian theory of IR, we consider that Alejandro's answer is a middle way. There is not a full theoretical design, but there are good backgrounds to progress

    Dessí e la Sardegna

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    It is a Sardinia out of time, on the threshold of history, the one emerging from the pages of Giuseppe Dessí’s novels and short stories. But it is also a living Sardinia, full of the contradictions occurring in the landscape and in the vicissitudes of men. The profound relationship which bound Dessí to his land, nourishing his fiction, non-fiction and intellectual works, stands out noticeably in the correspondence collected in this volume. The unpublished letters, found in four different Italian archives, were transcribed and duly annotated by Giulio Vannucci. They tell about the birth and composition of a 1951 special issue of Pietro Calamandrei’s «Il Ponte» dedicated to Sardinia, and reconstruct the genesis of the splendid anthology «Scoperta della Sardegna», issued in 1965 by Alberto Vigevani's publisher «Il Polifilo». In those two extraordinary books, the writer left the narrating voice to others for once. Within them, he built a different choral story of the island not only through the words of friends, but also through those of scholars, historians, politicians and many more. In the case of «Il Ponte», Dessí put himself at Calamandrei’s service to find suitable collaborators and talk about post World War Two Sardinia, while choosing researchers who could trace a new and original guide for the cultural discovery of the island for «Il Polifilo». The correspondence goes over all of this, but also over culture in the Sixties and the dialogues and intellectual tensions accompanying Dessí in the writing of two works which, thanks to their anthropological and social acuity, still tell the modern reader of a 'vital home' that was his

    An overview of domestic aspects in US climate policy

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    The article shows how domestic aspects influence the United States national and international climate policy. To accomplish the task, the authors analyzes the discussions when Bill Clinton was ruling the country, a time during which global discussions were forwarded. The paper recalls the debate in the Bush administration and the growing polarization since Barack Obama took office.55SI8810

    A política subordinada de Bolsonaro a Trump (2019-2020): Estudos de casos - Embraer, Alcântara, RDT&E e Vistos

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como as posições do governo Jair Bolsonaro frente à Administração Donald Trump geraram resultados negativos para o Brasil, levando a um maior isolamento internacional. Nossa hipótese é que o alinhamento trouxe consequências que comprometem o desenvolvimento do país. Para essa análise, foram selecionados os seguintes estudos de caso: (1) A fracassada compra da Embraer pela Boeing; (2) O Acordo de Salvaguardas Tecnológicas (AST) de Alcântara e (3) O Acordo de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento, Teste e Avaliação (RDTE); (4) A Isenção de Vistos aos Norte-Americanos. Os três primeiros sinalizam que abdicar do desenvolvimento tecnológico tolhe capacidade decisória para a formulação de política econômica. O quarto se refere a tema propriamente diplomático. A metodologia utilizada é qualitativa, com apoio em fontes primárias governamentais e privadas e materiais jornalísticos conjunturais