364 research outputs found

    Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2009, Thematic Report 32: : Harbours and Shipping

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    Evaluation of the Wadden Sea Particularly sensitive Sea Area. On behalf of the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat.

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    The purpose of this document is to present the high level outcomes for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Wadden Sea PSSA, seven years after its designation by the IMO. Key changes with regard to IMO and EU shipping policy are identified and described, followed by a review of ‘expert’ opinion focused on the issues relating to PSSAs. The development of an evaluative framework and the resulting findings are introduced and discussed in context. Using existing data against this evaluative framework we conclude that six key elements require action in order to fully describe the efficacy of the designation, and our recommendations to address these concerns are presented.<br/

    Frequency dependence of electrical conductivity and dielectric constant of UO2

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    The dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of single crystal and polycrystalline UO2 are found to be frequency dependent. The dielectric constant measured at low frequencies is anomalously large at room temperature but decreases to a limiting value (~25) below about 130 K. A knee observed in the temperature dependence of the conductivity of polycrystalline UO2 corresponds to a process having an activation energy of 0.15 eV

    PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR: Studi Deskriptif Pada Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Bandung

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    Media sosial dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu media untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran, dimana tujuannya untuk mengetahui lebih banyak dan mendalam tentang materi pelajaran saja akan tetapi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik, karena motivasi belajar peserta didik memiliki peranan penting terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik. Kondisi awal peserta didik kelas XI di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Bandung yaitu peserta didik tidak memiliki motivasi belajar yang dapat meningkatkan keinginan untuk belajar disekolah. Pada saat disekolah, peserta didik tidak mempunyai motivasi belajar yang tinggi karena pada saat proses pembelajaran metode pembelajaran yang guru berikan kurang menyenangkan, masih banyak guru yang menggunakan metode konvensional (ceramah) yang memberikan kesan membosankan pada peserta didik. Selain itu, peserta didik tidak menyukai mata pelajaran atau guru yang mengajarnya, peserta didik tidak mengikuti pembelajaran tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan media sosial terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 78 peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tertutup. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini pertama, tingkat penggunaan media sosial pada peserta didik berada pada tingkat sedang. Kedua, tingkat motivasi belajar peserta didik berada pada tingkat sedang. Ketiga, pengaruh penggunaan media sosial terhadap motivasi belajar diperoleh hasil determinasi sebesar 40%, termasuk dalam kategori hubungan yang kuat. Sedangkan nilai yang diperoleh adalah positif, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan yang terjadi antara kedua variabel adalah searah.---------- Social media is being used for learning process, whose purpose to find out more about the subject of learning but it is also hoped to increase learning motivation for students, because their motivation on learning has role important on the result of their learning process. The first condition of students at class XI in SMAN 2 Bandung which is they do not have motivation to increase their will of learning in the school, students have no high motivation on learning because when the process of learning is started, learning method which is taught by the teachers is not interested thing for students, most of teachers who teach by conventional method bore the students. Besides, the students do not like the teachers of the subject of learning which is being taught so that the students do not follow the subject. The purpose of this study is to find out how big impact of using social media on their motivation of learning. The sample of this study is about 78 students. This study is descriptive with quantitative approach, the data is collected through closed questionnair. The result of this study, first is using social media on students is in medium level. Second, the level of learning motivation on students is also medium level. Third, the effect of using social media on learning motivation is about 40% obtained by the result of determination values including hard relation. The value is positively obtained, it shows that relation among two variables is directed

    Boys’ boarding school management: understanding the choice criteria of parents

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    The South African secondary boarding school sector has become more competitive as schools attempt to attract and retain pupils. Management of such schools must not only address the educational and boarding needs of pupils, but also apply appropriate management and marketing principles to compete effectively with boarding schools throughout the country and beyond. Customers base their choices of products and services on their perceptions of various offerings available, evaluated according to selection criteria they deem to be important. Marketing theory uses the term “positioning” to describe the process of constructing the place that a product occupies in the customer’s mind relative to competing products. For schools in this sector to position themselves appropriately, they first need to determine the criteria parents use to evaluate one school against another. This study set out to determine these criteria. A sample of 169 parents and old boys, chosen using the database of a particular boys’ boarding school in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, were sent questionnaires. Quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the most important criteria. The top two criteria were found to be a safe environment and competent staff.Keywords: boarding school choice, boys’ secondary schools, choice criteria, competition amongst schools, perceptual mapping, positioning, school management, school selectio

    Disparate goals, progressive ideals? Professional biographies of planners in the UK and their ideas of ‘mission’

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    In this paper, we utilise data from biographical interviews to examine the values held by UK planners and whether and how they promote progressive planning ideals in their everyday work, often despite countertendencies in planning systems and organisational priorities. Our research concurs with the idea of a mildly progressive, yet conservative, positioning: in Hillier’s (2002) terms, some planners are ‘on a mission’ but these missions vary from common-good orientations, a desire to do ‘better’ planning in a putative public interest, to more justice-based commitments to certain progressive ‘causes’ such as particular publics, cultural heritage, special places, or the environment

    The Effect of Return on Assets, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, and Debt to Equity Ratio on Stock Prices

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact that ROA, CR, TATO, and DER have on the stock prices of oil and gas companies that are listed on the IDX between the years 2015 and 2022. In 2022, the stock prices of eleven oil and gas businesses that were included on the IDX fell. Those who suffered the most were Akra and Apexindo Pratama Duta. In spite of the fact that AKRA's ROA increase from 4.83% to 9.12% in 2021–2022, the company's shares fell. Between the years 2015 and 2022, the prices of petroleum and natural gas stocks on the IDX were impacted by carbon reduction (CR), taxation (TATO), and demand-to-recovery (DTR strategies). Some researchers, including Kasmir and Sumarsan, discovered that ROA increases stock prices whereas DER decreases them. There is a comparison made between mining stock prices, ROA, ROE, NPM, and DER. The abstract of the Indonesian oil and gas stock price demonstrates how the success of a company's finances influences market prices. A non-random selection of six organizations was made for the study based on certain criteria. Balance sheets, income statements, equity statements, and cash flow statements that have been audited are evaluated using descriptive and verification statistical analysis. It would appear that the ROA T-statistic of X1 does not have any effect whatsoever on the values of stocks. When it comes to the most important T-statistic, the value 422 is lower than the confidence level of 95%. X2 represents the current ratio, X3 represents the total asset turnover, and X4 represents the debt to equity ratio. All three of these ratios are related to stock values. This is due to the fact that their T-statistics are increased in comparison to the primary T-statistic

    Reflections on Deploying Community-Driven Visualisations for Public Engagement in Urban Planning

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    Publicly available visualisations play an increasing role in enabling wider audiences to contribute to debates to shape place futures. In this article, we unpack such contributions to consider the conceptualisation, actualisation and deployment of these visualisations as separate entities that each require development and reflection. In doing so we draw on our experiences of using two public engagement tools that utilise visualisations of residents’ comments. Through this we explore the limitations of visualisations in public engagement designed to support differing levels of debate and their abilities to support abstract topics and geographic associations. We discuss how visualisations alone do not produce actions and how they need to be rooted in wider conversations about a place to lead to insights and action. The article calls for the linking of visualisations for place meaning and place action at different stages of much broader public engagement projects to unlock the potentials present in them in the mediatisation of built environment outcomes