60 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en el ingreso de los productores de durazno en la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    [EN] Tungurahua province has conditions suitable for growing deciduous fruit trees such as peach (Prunus persica L). This research aimed to identify the main factors influencing the production of this fruit crop and their effect on farmers income. Surveys were carried out directly to peach farmers in seven counties of Tungurahua such as Ambato, Cevallos, Mocha, Patate, Pelileo, Píllaro and Tisaleo. The results indicated that the most relevant factors were: farmer age, sown area, fruit selection, reason for fruit growing, type of production and production issues.[ES] La provincia de Tungurahua posee condiciones adecuadas para cultivar frutales caducifolios como el durazno (Prunus persica L.). Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los principales factores que influyen en la producción e inciden en la generación de ingresos económicos al agricultor. En-cuestas fueron realizadas directamente a los productores de durazno en siete cantones de Tungurahua como son Ambato, Cevallos, Mocha, Patate, Pelileo, Píllaro y Tisaleo. Los resultados indicaron que los factores más relevantes fueron: edad del productor, superficie sembrada, selección de la fruta, razón para cultivar frutales, tipo de producción e inconvenientes de producción.Viera, W.; Viera, A.; Martínez, A.; Jácome, R.; Ayala, G.; Sotomayor, A.; Galarza, D.... (2018). Factors influencing peach farmer income in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 17(2):133-141. doi:10.7201/earn.2017.02.06SWORD13314117

    Diseño de un modelo de gestión empresarial para el fomento de la producción de frutales caducifolios en la provincia de Tungurahua

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    El modelo de gestión empresarial basado en la entrega de incentivos monetarios y no monetarios permitiría la recuperación de la diversidad de los cultivos caducifolios producidos en la Provincia del Tungurahua, mediante la participación voluntaria de los propietarios de la tierra, que abarca una superficie de 2.329 hectáreas de manzana y 1.335 hectáreas de peras preservando las tradiciones culturales de la zona y contribuyendo a sustitución de las importaciones de estas frutas, es decir, por un valor de alrededor US41milloneseneldeˊcimoan~odelprograma,debidoalaumentodelaproduccioˊnporelincrementodelasuperficiecultivada.Elmodelodegestioˊnconsideracomosupuestosprincipaleslavoluntadpolıˊticayladisponibilidadoportunadelosrecursoseconoˊmicosparalaentregaalosbeneficiarios.ElpresupuestodelprogramaalcanzarıˊalosUS 41 millones en el décimo año del programa, debido al aumento de la producción por el incremento de la superficie cultivada. El modelo de gestión considera como supuestos principales la voluntad política y la disponibilidad oportuna de los recursos económicos para la entrega a los beneficiarios. El presupuesto del programa alcanzaría los US 104 millones, conformado por los siguientes componentes: Difusión y Socialización, Incorporación de Tierras y Administración que representa cada uno el 1% del presupuesto, el componente Monitoreo alcanza el 19% y el componente de Incentivos el 79% del total presupuestado. Este último componente requería un monto de US82millones,losmismosqueserıˊancubiertosmediantelosaportesfiscalesyporlosrecursosentregadosporinstitucionescomoelBIDyCAF,constituidoenun20 82 millones, los mismos que serían cubiertos mediante los aportes fiscales y por los recursos entregados por instituciones como el BID y CAF, constituido en un 20% por el aporte del Estado y el 80% por instituciones con interés de apoyo a los fruticultores para incorporarse al Programa. Este modelo de gestión incorpora como cliente al mismo Estado con la gestión activa de los técnicos del MAGAP e INIAP, el cual adquirirá la fruta principalmente para atender las necesidades del Programa de Alimentación Escolar del Ministerio de Educación, y contribuye a la reducción de las importaciones por un valor de US 41 millones. Sin embargo, la situación económica actual del país limita el acceso a las líneas de financiamiento por lo que se recomiendo la aplicación del modelo en fases o a menor escala

    Determinant aspects of the deciduous fruit production in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    The province of Tungurahua is well known for the production of deciduous fruit trees in Ecuador, however, its production is impacted by some issues that affect productivity. The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a diagnosis of the production system of deciduous fruit trees in 6 locations in Tungurahua province. Surveys were carried out to obtain information on 117 production units (farms). A regression model was used to determine the relationship between the variables and their incidence in the production system. The results showed that peach (Prunus persica) is the fruit crop with highest yield (16.19 t ha-1), followed by apple (Malus domestica) (13.36 t ha-1) and pear (Pyrus communis) (13.15 t ha-1). Apple cultivars Emilia and Golden Delicious, cv. Uvilla of pear and Conservero Amarillo of peach were the most cultivated in Tungurahua. The main factors that influenced the farmer income were: Land area used for cultivation, reason for growing fruit trees, age of the producer, fruit selection and type of production. It is necessary to advocate to expand the cultivated land area of these fruit crops in order to satisfy local demand and compete with imports of these fruits

    Market Study of Meat Processing Industry in Manabí, Ecuador

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    A meat market study was conducted in Bolivar canton, as part of this research. The population included in the study (380 persons) was taken from the total number of inhabitants of the canton (37 262). A number of questions were made about the meat market system in the city of Calceta and other areas in Bolivar canton. Supply analysis made to several other similar products available in the area explained the behavior through time. Also included in the study were national meat processing plants that sell cured meat cuts and other meat products, in general. The chain study concluded that 96 % of meat consumers preferred fresh beef from butcheries and traditional markets, though with an increasing perception to consume safer cuts with less supermarket packing. They were also more prone to buy up to 1.8 kg/week of trademark fresh beef, sausages and smoked meat. It revealed a higher inclination to develop a local university industry offering standard processed and meat products, reducing health risks due to wrong production practices at the local slaughterhouse

    Proyecto de Implementación de ASEMANTTO Empresa de Servicios de Mantenimiento Total .

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    La presente investigación es un documento donde se recopila la información necesaria para llevar a cabo la implementación de una empresa de servicios de mantenimiento, se topan tópicos administrativos y técnicos que servirán para el desarrollo de diferentes aplicaciones. Se realizo el estudio de mercado para determinar la oferta demanda y precio, el estudio técnico y de ingeniería el cual nos da la mejor ubicación de la empresa, el estudio administrativo legal para constituirle a ASEMANTTO S.A. como una sociedad anónima, el estudio financiero y evaluación del proyecto para ver si es factible el mismo y por último el estudio ambiental para determinar los impactos, efectos y mitigaciones. Al observar el presente documento se obtendrán valiosa información del mercado en la ciudades de Ambato y Riobamba, de la real demanda de los servicios de mantenimiento en el sector, pudiendo ayudar en la toma de decisiones, además de investigar en el mundo de los emprendedores como y cuáles son los puntos que se deben investigar antes de la implementación de una empresa de servicios. En la realización del proyecto se alcanzó los objetivos planteados que son de gran utilidad para la implementación de ASEMANTTO S.A por lo que podemos decir que el presente proyecto es factible ya que tenemos una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) de 30,21 % y una relación beneficio costo de 2,66 es decir que por cada dólar invertido tenemos 1,66 dólares.ASEMANTTO Enterprise has been implemented for Total Maintenance Services to contribute to the maintenance development in the industry of Riobamba and Ambato. Its demand, supply, price and competence were analyzed on the basis of the questionnaire in the principal industries of the above cities to determine the project feasibility. The market study was carried out to set the supply, demand and price; the technical study and engineering which determine the best enterprise location, the legal administrative study to constitute ASEMANTTO S.A. as an anonymous society, the finance study and the project evaluation to determine its feasibility, and, finally, the environmental study to determine the impacts, effects and mitigations. In the project elaboration the proposed objectives were obtained; these are of great utility for the implementation of ASEMANTTO S.A. this is why it can be said that the present project is feasible as there is a an Internal Return Rate (TIR) of 30.21% and a benefit-cost relationship of 2.66 i.e. for each invested dollar 1.66 USD is obtained. Upon observing the present document valuable information of the market will be obtained in the cities of Riobamba and Ambato, of the real demand of the maintenance services in the sector, helping decision making, investigating the entrepreneurs world, how and which the points are to be investigated before the implementation of a service enterpris

    Descripción y comparación de la dependencia al celular en adolescentes en tiempo de pandemia

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    Cell phone dependence is known as the need to have access to a mobile device in a certain situation, this appears more frequently in adolescents due to the transition period they are going through. Having access to a cell phone allows a wide connection to social networks, the Internet or video games that can generate addiction and various psychological problems. A descriptive and comparative cross-sectional investigation was carried out, for which a sample of 204 adolescents was obtained, where 44.1% were women and 55.9% men, with an average age of 15.46 years; the Chóliz Mobile Dependency test (TDM) is used. The results obtained indicate a significant difference in the level of cell phone dependence for the GS (30.30) was significantly different than the GP (21.43) (t(190)= -4.55, p<0.01). The effect size is moderate (Cohen's d=0.637). It is verified that the GS have medium and high levels of dependence on the cell phone, this indicates the longer time they spend using the cell phone.La dependencia del celular se conoce como la necesidad de tener acceso a un dispositivo móvil en una determina situación, esto aparece con mayor frecuencia en los adolescentes debido a la época de transición que están pasando. El tener acceso a un celular permite una conexión amplia a redes sociales, internet o video juegos que pueden generar una adicción y varios problemas psicológicos. Se llevó a cabo una investigación descriptiva y comparativa, de corte transversal, para lo cual se utilizó una muestra de 204 adolescentes en donde el 44.1% fueron mujeres y el 55.9% hombres, con una media de 15,46 años; se utiliza la prueba de Dependencia al Móvil de Chóliz (TDM). Los resultados obtenidos indican una diferencia significativa del nivel de dependencia al celular para el GS (30.30) fue significativamente distinta que el GP (21.43) (t(190)= -4.55, p<0,01). El tamaño del efecto es moderado (d de Cohen=0.637). Se comprueba que el GS tienen niveles medios y altos de dependencia al celular esto indica el mayor tiempo que le dan al uso del celular

    Algarroba Effects on Behavior and Dairy Production of Grazing Cows II. Rainy Season.

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    The influence of arborization with algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) on behavior and dairy production of grazing cows was evaluated. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures per arborization treatment were used (low arborization, with 1-7 trees/ha; mid-arborization, with 12-16 trees/ha; and high arborization, with 20-27 trees/ha). Activities were observed every ten minutes during the mornings and afternoons. The number of animals, and each animal´s activity time was recorded. The dairy production data were collected and compared through a randomized design with six repetitions (ANOVA). Significant differences were observed (P < 0.05) to more arborization in grazing (155-173 min), and the monthly values observed were similar. In fields with low arborization, the cows ate less grass, whereas fields with mid and high arborization, the cows grazed longer, and produced more milk (11.2 and 12.59 kg/c/day)

    Effect of Algarroba on Grazing Cow Behavior and Milk Production. I. Dry Season.

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    The effect of algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) arborization on grazing cow behavior and milk production was assessed. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures were used per arborization treatment (low arborization, 1-7 trees/ha; mid arborization, 12-16 trees/ha; high arborization, 20-27 trees/ha). Rational grazing was performed. The grass rested for 21-28 days, and sprinklers were used for irrigation. The animalsʼ activity time and the number of animals were registered. Milk production values were compared using ANOVA, following a randomized design with six replicas. No significant differences were observed in the morning grazing (118-203 min), but there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the afternoon, in favor of more arborization (103-125 min), whereas in lands with mid and high arborization, cows ruminated longer, with higher water consumption and milk production, and values between 11.85-13.76 kg/v/day

    Fodder, Nitrogen, and Energy Balances in Grasslands with Algarroba Trees (Prosopis juliflora (S.W.) DC.) under Dairy Cow Grazing

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of algarroba (Prosopis juliflora (S.W.) DC.) on fodder, nitrogen and energy contents in Ecuadoran dairy farm grasslands. The study was made at ESPAM bovine facility, 15 meters above sea level, in Manabí, 00º49’23’’, south latitude, and 80º11’01” west longitude, with 962.4 mm of annual precipitation, between September 2011 and December 2014. The stocking rate was 1.09 LU/ha. The areas were populated with 1-4 algarroba trees/ha by 2011, and 8-35 trees/ha, in 2014. Fodder, nitrogen, and energy balances depended on the arborization degree. As a result, 52 t of DM were estimated in 2014, in comparison to the 21 t produced in 2011. Nitrogen was higher with increased arborization between 2011 (60.9 kg/ha), greater nutrient intake from external sources, and 2014 (39.3 kg/ha), with less use of supplements and mineral fertilizers, and greater N2 contribution by arborization. The energy values were higher in 2014, with an increase in algarroba population/ha. The rise in trees/ha in 2014 favored forage yields, with improved N2 and energy efficiency, which was linked to the benefits acquired by the grassland, the contribution of nitrogen to the ecosystem, and the reduction in feed and fertilizer consumption, which led to energy savings