400 research outputs found

    Shear Friction Capacity of Corrugated Pipe Connection in Precast Footings

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    Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES) are being more widely used, as they can significantly reduce on-site construction time impacting traffic. The main concerns when using PBES are the final assembly of the elements to achieve the monolithic behavior of the structure. The currently recommend connection detail between the precast pile cap and precast pile is a pocket connection, which relies on the bearing strength between the end of the pile and pile cap and the shear friction capacity between the cast in place (CIP) plug and the precast cap. Current code expressions for shear friction include components for cohesion or aggregate interlock and a contribution from steel crossing the interface or a clamping force, but were developed primarily on the basis of shear friction tests with steel crossing the interface. In pocket connections there is no steel crossing the shear friction interface meaning that the shear friction failure is controlled by the cohesion and interlock of the CIP concrete to precast concrete or surrounding material. An experimental investigation was conducted on thirty-seven small-scale specimens and eight large-scale specimens to explore experimentally the behavior of this interface and the effect of different variables like reinforcement configuration around the pocket, type of pipe used to make the pocket, and surface preparation of the interface. Three principal conclusions were made (1) all specimens simulating pocket connections had a shear friction failure at the interface, (2) having a corrugated interface and 1/4-inch roughness in the interface led to higher capacity and (3) equation found on AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for ABC led to conservative results and it is recommended to estimate the shear friction capacity in pocket connections. Findings, current code performance, and design recommendations from the numerical and experimental work are presented in this dissertation

    Letter to the Editor regarding the article “Porphyria cutanea tarda: A novel mutation” by Patil R et al. in doi:10.1016/j.phoj.2016.04.001

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    O setor agroexportador brasileiro no contexto da integração Mercosul/UE1

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    From the prospect of implementation of the Mercosul/UE agreement, which should allow the strengthening of the trade between the two blocks, we analyzed the possible gains in two alternative scenarios of integration using a Partial Equilibrium Model for the estimation of trade creation and trade deviation in the Brazilian Agricultural Export Sector. The results for the two levels of tariff reduction confirmed the expectations that the integration Mercosul/UE would provide significant commercial gains for the Brazilian agribusiness. In addition, the estimates of trade creation were for most of the simulations superior to those of trade deviation, confirming the productive efficiency and competitiveness of the Brazilian Agricultural Export Sector in the world economy.Mercosul/UE integration, partial equilibrium, trade creation and trade deviation, International Relations/Trade, Q17,

    Eight propositions towards new possibilities of studying organizing and organizations

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the subordination of administrative theories based on market relations, which leads us to a single model of organization, namely the enterprise. This is a theoretical essay which presents eight proposals in order to contribute to management education and research that can promote knowledge building and encourage the acknowledgement of other ways of organizing, while also respecting the historical creation of different contexts. We seek to systematize the criticism from important authors of the social sciences in Brazil, to help create other options for theorizing in management studies

    As subjetividades contemporaneas sob o signo do consumo - os ideiais narcisicos na publicidade da TV : produção e consumo

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    Orientador: Elisa Angotti KossovitchTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoDoutorad

    Radiometric Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring of Partial Discharge Sources in Electrical Substations

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    A wireless sensor network (WSN) with the potential to monitor and locate partial discharge (PD) in high-voltage electricity substations using only received signal strength (RSS) is proposed. The advantages of an RSS-based operating principle over more traditional methods (e.g., time-of-arrival and time-difference-of-arrival) are described. Laboratory measurements of PD that emulate the operation of a PD WSN are presented. The hardware architecture of a prototype PD WSN is described and the particular challenges of an RSS-based location approach in an environment with an unknown, and spatially varying, path-loss index are discussed. It is concluded that an RSS-based PD WSN is a plausible solution for the monitoring of insulation integrity in electricity substations

    Influence of Environmental Factors on the Presence and Severity of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

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    Objective: To assess the association between environmental factors during pregnancy and early childhood with the presence and severity of Molar Incisor Hipomineralization (MIH). Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 120 patients between 7 and 14 years of age. MIH was evaluated according to EAPD criteria. Data collected included the child’s medical history and the mother’s health. Chi-square and logistic regression were performed to determine any statistical evidence of the environmental factors, with the significance level set at 5%. Results: The participants were divided into groups with MIH (n=60) and without MIH (n=60), with average ages of 9.9 (±1.9) and 9.7 (±1.7) years, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between intercurrences during pregnancy (OR=3.55; IC95%=1.35-10.57) and medication taken by the child (OR=3.01; IC95%=1.74-8.42) and the presence of MIH. In addition, other variables were also associated with the MIH (p≤0.05). However, there was no association with variables and degree of MIH severity (p>0.05). Conclusion: The use of medications in childhood and complications during pregnancy can be association to the presence of MIH. However, these factors do not interaction to MIH severity

    Shear Friction Capacity of Corrugated Pipe Connection in Precast Footings

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    BDV29 977-39Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES) are being more widely used, as they can significantly reduce on-site construction time impacting traffic. The main concerns when using PBES are the final assembly of the elements, type of connection between them, and tolerance to allow for field fit up. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) currently recommends a pocket connection detail between precast pile caps and precast piles, which relies primarily on the shear friction capacity between the cast in place (CIP) plug and the precast cap. Current code expressions for shear friction include components for cohesion or aggregate interlock and a contribution from steel crossing the interface or a clamping force but were developed primarily on the basis of shear friction tests with steel crossing the interface. In the connection proposed by FDOT, there is no steel crossing the shear friction interface meaning that the shear friction failure in this connection is controlled by the cohesion and interlock of the CIP concrete to precast concrete or surrounding material. An experimental investigation was conducted on 37 small-scale specimens and eight large-scale specimens to investigate the behavior of this interface and the effect of different variables including reinforcement configuration around the pocket, type of pipe used to make the pocket, and surface preparation of the interface. Findings, current code performance, and design recommendations from the experimental work are summarized

    A transformação do especialista em líder: um estudo de caso em empresa de telecomunicações

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    Promover especialistas em líderes sem o devido preparo pode ser visto como uma prática aceitável dentro das organizações. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar como e por quais motivos os técnicos especialistas de uma empresa de telecomunicações alcançaram a posição de líderes e se eles complementaram sua formação após serem promovidos, alinhando habilidades técnicas e de liderança. Foram consideradas três premissas: (1) os especialistas almejavam a carreira gerencial como planejamento de carreira, (2) os especialistas viam a promoção a líder como uma possibilidade de aumentar salários e ter uma posição de destaque e (3) se havia um trabalho de melhoria contínua dos gestores da organização pesquisada, identificando talentos e desenvolvendo-os antes e depois de assumirem a função de liderança. O referencial teórico descreve o profissional especialista na área tecnologia da informação (TI) e a liderança contemporânea. A pesquisa adotou o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, com abordagem exploratória e procedimento metodológico qualitativo, baseado em entrevistas estruturadas com questionário de questões abertas e fechadas. Do resultado obtido, quase a totalidade dos entrevistados desejavam não mais seguir a carreira puramente técnica, porém poucos se estruturaram academicamente com antecedência à primeira oportunidade oferecida para gerenciar pessoas, embora detivessem características e os traços de liderança. A promoção se dava mais pelo reconhecimento do desempenho técnico. Os líderes tinham características próprias para o exercício da liderança, entretanto faltava desenvolvimento de outras e eles esperavam, de alguma maneira, que a organização os orientasse e fizesse um balanço periódico de suas realizações

    El trabajo de hombres y mujeres en el turismo rural en São José dos Ausentes : lo “liviano” y lo “pesado”

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as relações de trabalho na atividade turística no meio rural de São José dos Ausentes. As mudanças produtivas ocorridas no meio rural por meio da diversificação das culturas agrícolas e da inserção de atividades não agrícolas no espaço rural têm permitido um novo debate sobre o desenvolvimento rural. Novas formas de uso do espaço rural estão postas e com elas novas formas de organização da vida familiar, cuja divisão do trabalho é uma das esferas mais afetadas. A proximidade entre as tarefas realizadas no ambiente doméstico com a atividade produtiva turismo rural permite que homens e mulheres desenvolvam e reestruturem suas funções dentro da unidade familiar. Porém, não se sabe se estas mudanças permitem transformações na divisão sexual do trabalho e se isto possibilita repensar as estruturas de gênero no meio rural. Para compreender essa teia de relações, foi preciso refletir sobre as relações internas à família, como a organização das tarefas diárias, o sistema produtivo e a participação de cada membro nas decisões que envolvem o grupo familiar. Para isso pesquisaramse sete famílias pluriativas e seis famílias agrícolas no meio rural do município de São José dos Ausentes, RS. De forma geral, pode-se sinalizar para uma reprodução da forma tradicional da divisão sexual do trabalho nas famílias rurais pesquisadas, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao trabalho feminino no momento em que velhas práticas são reafirmadas pelo turismo.This work studies work relations in tourism activity in the rural environment of São José dos Ausentes. The production changes that have occurred in the rural environment, through the diversification of agricultural crops and the insertion of non-agricultural activities in the rural space, have led to a new debate on rural development. New forms of use of the rural space are proposed, and with them, new forms of organization of Family life, with the division of labor being one of the spheres most affected. The close association between tasks carried out in the domestic environment and the production activity of rural tourism enables men and women to develop and restructure their functions within the family unit. However, it is not known whether these changes lead to transformations in the division of labor between the sexes, and whether enable a rethinking of gender structures in the rural environment. To understand this web of relationships, it was necessary to reflect on the relationships within the family, such as the organization of daily tasks, the production system, and the participation of each member in decisions involving the family group. For this, seven pluriactive families and six agricultural families were researched, in the rural environment of the municipality of São José dos Ausentes, RS. In general, it was found that the traditional division of labor between the sexes is reproduced in the families researched, particularly when it comes to women’s work, at the time when the old practices are reaffirmed by tourism.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las relaciones de trabajo en la actividad turística en el medio rural de São José dos Ausentes. Los cambios productivos ocurridos en el medio rural por medio de la diversificación de las culturas agrícolas y de la incorporación de actividades no agrícolas en el espacio rural han posibilitado un nuevo debate sobre el desarrollo rural. Se plantean nuevas formas de uso del espacio rural y con ellas nuevas formas de organización de la vida familiar, donde la división del trabajo es una de las esferas más afectadas. La proximidad entre las tareas realizadas en el ambiente doméstico con la actividad productiva del turismo rural permite que hombres y mujeres desarrollen y reestructuren sus funciones dentro de la unidad familiar. Sin embargo, no se sabe si estos cambios permiten transformaciones en la división por sexo del trabajo y si esto posibilita repensar las estructuras de género en el medio rural. Para comprender ese enmarañado de relaciones fue preciso reflexionar sobre las relaciones internas de la familia, como la organización de las tareas diarias, el sistema productivo y la participación de cada miembro en las decisiones que involucran al grupo familiar. Para ello se estudiaron siete familias pluriactivas y seis familias agrícolas en el medio rural del municipio de São José dos Ausentes, RS. De modo general, se pudo observar una reproducción de la forma tradicional de la división por sexo del trabajo en las familias rurales investigadas, sobre todo en lo que respecta al trabajo femenino en un momento en el que las viejas prácticas son reafirmadas por el turismo