483 research outputs found

    Aquatic macroinvertebrate responses to native and non-native predators

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    Non-native species can profoundly affect native ecosystems through trophic interactions with native species. Native prey may respond differently to non-native versus native predators since they lack prior experience. Here we investigate antipredator responses of two common freshwater macroinvertebrates, Gammarus pulex and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, to olfactory cues from three predators; sympatric native fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus), sympatric native crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes), and novel invasive crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). G. pulex responded differently to fish and crayfish; showing enhanced locomotion in response to fish, but a preference for the dark over the light in response to the crayfish. P. jenkinsi showed increased vertical migration in response to all three predator cues relative to controls. These different responses to fish and crayfish are hypothesised to reflect the predators’ differing predation types; benthic for crayfish and pelagic for fish. However, we found no difference in response to native versus invasive crayfish, indicating that prey naivetĂ© is unlikely to drive the impacts of invasive crayfish. The Predator Recognition Continuum Hypothesis proposes that benefits of generalisable predator recognition outweigh costs when predators are diverse. Generalised responses of prey as observed here will be adaptive in the presence of an invader, and may reduce novel predators’ potential impacts

    Study of Phase Reconstruction Techniques applied to Smith-Purcell Radiation Measurements

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    Measurements of coherent radiation at accelerators typically give the absolute value of the beam profile Fourier transform but not its phase. Phase reconstruction techniques such as Hilbert transform or Kramers Kronig reconstruction are used to recover such phase. We report a study of the performances of these methods and how to optimize the reconstructed profiles.Comment: Presented at IPAC'14 - THPME08

    IdentificaciĂłn de Alternaria botrytis (Preuss) Woudenberg y Crous

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    Reconstruction of longitudinal electrons bunch profiles at FACET, SLAC

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    Work supported by funding from Universite Paris Sud, program "Attractivite" and by the ANR under contract ANR-12-JS05-0003-01 - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/thpme093.pdfInternational audienceThe E-203 collaboration is testing a device on FACET at SLAC to measure the longitudinal profile of electron bunches using Smith-Purcell radiation [1]. At FACET the electron bunches have an energy of 20 GeV and a duration of a few hundred femtoseconds [2]. Smith-Purcell radiation is emitted when a charged particle passes close to the sur- face of a metallic grating. We have studied the stability of the measurement from pulse to pulse and the resolution of the measure depending on the number of gratings used

    Transient self-potential anomalies associated with recent lava flows at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (RĂ©union Island, Indian Ocean)

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    International audienceSelf-potential signals are sensitive to various phenomena including ground water flow (streaming potential), thermal gradients (thermoelectric potential), and potentially rapid fluid disruption associated with vaporization of water. We describe transient self-potential anomalies observed over recent (< 9 years) lava flows at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion Island, Indian Ocean). Repeated self-potential measurements are used to determine the decay of the self-potential signals with time since the emplacement of a set of lava flow. We performed a 9 km-long self-potential profile in February 2004 in the Grand BrĂ»lĂ© area. This profile was repeated in July–August 2006. The second repetition of this profile crossed eight lava flows emplaced between 1998 and 2005 during seven eruptions of Piton de la Fournaise volcano. The self-potential data show clear positive anomalies (up to 330 mV) and spatially correlated with the presence of recent lava flows. The amplitude of the self-potential anomalies decreases exponentially with the age of the lava flows with a relaxation time of not, vert, similar 44 months. We explain these anomalies by the shallow convection of meteoric water and the associated streaming potential distribution but we cannot exclude possible contributions from the thermoelectric effect and the rapid fluid disruption mechanism. This field case evidences for the first time transient self-potential signals associated with recent volcanic deposits. It can be also a shallow analogue to understand the variation of self-potential signals in active geothermal areas and transient self-potential signals associated with dike intrusion at larger depths. The empirical equation we proposed can also be used to diagnose the cooling of recent lava flow on shield volcanoes

    PrĂ©cautions empiriques et consensus Ă©pistĂ©mologique dans la comparaison europĂ©enne: Ă  propos d’une enquĂȘte qualitative sur la santĂ© et les activitĂ©s physiques dans des quartiers pauvres

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    Dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche sur les reprĂ©sentations et les usages sociaux de santĂ© et d’activitĂ© physique d’enfants et de leur famille, habitant des quartiers pauvres situĂ©s dans quatre pays europĂ©ens (France, Allemagne, Suisse et Italie), nous prĂ©sentons les conditions d’accĂšs aux donnĂ©es et de recueil du matĂ©riel, les divergences rencontrĂ©es et les outils de systĂ©matisation et de mise en cohĂ©rence utilisĂ©s dans ce protocole de recherche collective. Afin de permettre l’analyse interprĂ©tative comparĂ©e de ces Ă©tudes de cas, l’équipe a mis en place un arsenal de standardisation de la recherche dans une dĂ©marche collaborative. Nous proposons de discuter de l’articulation d’une vigilance interprĂ©tative, amarrĂ©e Ă  un comparatisme rĂ©flexif et relationnel contextualisĂ©

    Longitudinal Profile Monitor Using Smith-Purcell Radiation: Recent Results from the E-203 Collaboration

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    TUPC38 - Work supported by seed funding from the John Fell Fund, University of Oxford, Université Paris-Sud, program "Attractivité" and by the ANR under contract ANR-12-JS05-0003-01International audienceWe report on recent measurements made at FACET by the E-203 collaboration to test a longitudinal bunch profile monitor based on Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation. The capacity of this monitor to resolve sub-picosecond bunches will be shown as well as a comparison of profile reconstructed for different beam compression settings. We will also present recent electromagnetic simulations of the interactions between the beam and the grating as well as the expected resolution of such monitor. Comparison between Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation measurement and those made with other techniques will also be discussed. Finally future upgrades of the experiment and steps toward the construction of a single shot longitudinal profile monitor will be presented
