1,105 research outputs found

    Marine 5-thiohistidines as protective molecules from skin damage

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    Introduction Marine environment is a great source of bioactive molecules, whose biological properties and applications are often used especially to prevent skin diseases and aging caused by UVA­exposure. Ovothiols are methyl­5­thiohistidines from marine invertebrates, bacteria, and microalgae, which protect cells from environmental stressors. Recently, we have shown that, ovothiol, isolated from sea urchin eggs, exerts anti­inflammatory and antioxidant activities on human endothelial cells, and exhibits antifibrotic effect in an in vivo model of liver fibrosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Possible respiratory infection due to Aspergillus in workers from swineries and poultries

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    Introduction: Aspergillus is among a growing list of allergens that can aggravate asthmatic responses. Significant pulmonary pathology is associated with Aspergillus-induced allergic and asthmatic lung disease. Environments with high levels of exposure to fungi are found in animal production facilities like swineries and poultry which farmers are at increased risk of occupational respiratory diseases. Purpose: Seven Portuguese poultries and seven swineries were analyzed in order to estimate the prevalence, amount and distribution of Aspergillus species, as well as to evaluate the existence of clinical symptoms associated with asthma and other allergy diseases in these highly contaminated settings. Methods: A total of 83 air samples (through impaction method), 66 surface samples (swab sampling) and 28 samples of different material covering their floor were analyzed. Results: The collected fungal isolates (699) were distributed by 40 different genus, Aspergillus presented a prevalence of 17.6% (average) and regarding poultries only, its prevalence showed a higher value (22.7%). The most frequently isolated Aspergillus species were A. versicolor, A. flavus and A. fumigatus. In poultries, A. flavus presented the highest level of airborne spores (>2000 ufc/m3) whereas in swineries was A. versicolor, with a prevalence four times higher than the other referred species. Eighty workers of these settings were analyzed, with ages ranging from 17 to 93 years old. Seven of these workers were medical diagnosed with asthma and four of them reported the first attack after the age of 40 years old, which possibly could be related with their occupational exposure. A high prevalence of respiratory symptoms in professionals without asthma was observed, namely wheezing associated with dyspnea (23.8%) and dyspnea after strenuous activities (12.3%), suggesting an under diagnosed respiratory problem. Moreover, 32.5% of all the inquired workers refer an improvement of their respiratory ability during the resting days and holiday. Conclusions: Considering the strong association between fungal sensitization and severity of asthma and that Aspergillus species are one of the most important fungal agents causing sensitization of the individual, this study contributes to the knowledge of Aspergillus prevalence and distribution in Portuguese poultries and swineries. These data, together with data regarding determinations of specific IgE levels and monitorization of mycotoxin exposure using biomarkers will also help to understand how and which Aspergillus species can affect workers of these settings

    Clinical Dilemma in the Treatment of a Patient with Microangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia, Thrombocytopaenia and Severe Hypertension

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    While haemolytic uraemic syndrome in children is predominantly associated with Shiga toxin -producing Escherichia coli (typically 0157:H7), some cases occur without associated diarrhoea, or as the manifestation of an underlying disorder other than infection. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome is characterised by microangiopathic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and renal failure, on occasion accompanied by severe hypertension. Malignant hypertension is a syndrome that sometimes exhibits the same laboratory abnormalities as haemolytic uraemic syndrome as it may share the same pathological findings: thrombotic microangiopathy. As clinical features of both entities overlap, the distinction between them can be very difficult. However, differentiation is essential for the treatment decision, since early plasma exchange dramatically reduces mortality in haemolytic uraemic syndrome not associated with diarrhoea. An increasing number of genetic causes of this pathology have been described and may be very useful in differentiating it from thrombotic microangiopathy due to other aetiologies. Despite advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of haemolytic uraemic syndrome not associated with diarrhoea, the management often remains empirical. We describe a patient with simultaneous microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and severe hypertension managed in the acute period of illness with plasma exchange

    Numerical solution of linear models in economics: The SP-DG model revisited

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    In general, complex and large dimensional models are needed to solve real economic problems. Due to these characteristics, there is either no analytical solution for them or they are not attainable. As a result, solutions can be only obtained through numerical methods. Thus, the growing importance of computers in Economics is not surprising. This paper focuses on an implementation of the SP-DG model, using Matlab,developed by the students as part of the Computational Economics course. We also discuss some of our teaching/learning experience within the course, given for the first time in the FEP Doctoral Programme in Economics.SP-DG Model, Output, Inflation, Numerical Simulation, Teaching of Economics

    Transducer electronic data sheets: anywhere, anytime, anyway

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    Transducer electronic data sheets (TEDS) are a key element of smart transducers because they support core features such as plug and play, self-calibration, and self-diagnostics. The ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-4 standard defines templates to describe the most common types of transducers and suggests the use of one-wire memories to store the corresponding data. In this paper we explore new ways to store and access TEDS tables, including near field communication (NFC) tags and QR codes. We also present a mobile TEDS parser, compatible with Android, that is capable of reading TEDS data from all supported mediums (one-wire memories, NFC tags, and QR codes) and decoding them as human-readable text. The idea is to make TEDS available in the easiest way possible. We also underline the need to extend the 21451-4 standard by adding support for frequency-time sensors. A new TEDS template is proposed, and filling examples are presented. The main novelties of the paper are (i) the proposal of new ways to store 21451-4 TEDS tables using NFC tags and QR codes; (ii) the release of new tools to access TEDS tables including a mobile parser; and (iii) the definition of a new TEDS template for frequency-time sensors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental (EIAs) consistem em uma série de procedimentos de coleta, análise, avaliação, estruturação, discussão, compartilhamento e formalização de dados e informações visando ao delineamento de um corpo de conhecimentos para a tomada de decisão com respeito a empreendimentos que impliquem significativa modificação do ambiente. Apesar da existência de procedimentos técnicos consagrados para a sua realização, são alvo de críticas por parte de especialistas, principalmente no que diz respeito à falta de integração entre membros de equipes que os elaboram e à limitação quanto à combinação de capacidades analíticas e sintéticas de seus integrantes. A capacidade de representação acurada do meio ambiente é uma questão implicada na fragilidade dos EIAs. O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma revisão de conceitos e exemplos relacionados às representações do conhecimento com auxílio de computador – visuais, contextuais e colaborativas, focando-se no modelo dos EIAs. Constata-se que a compreensão e a integração dos diversos modelos representacionais do conhecimento são fundamentais para a melhoria dos procedimentos de elaboração desses estudos.Palavras-chaves: Representação do conhecimento. Estudos de impacto ambiental (EIAs). Representações visual, contextual e colaborativa

    IoT-based systems for soil nutrients assessment in horticulture

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    Soil nutrients assessment has great importance in horticulture. Implementation of an information system for horticulture faces many challenges: (i) great spatial variability within farms (e.g., hilly topography); (ii) different soil properties (e.g., different water holding capacity, different content in sand, sit, clay, and soil organic matter, different pH, and different permeability) for different cultivated plants; (iii) different soil nutrient uptake by different cultivated plants; (iv) small size of monoculture; and (v) great variety of farm components, agroecological zone, and socio-economic factors. Advances in information and communication technologies enable creation of low cost, efficient information systems that would improve resources management and increase productivity and sustainability of horticultural farms. We present an information system based on different sensing capability, Internet of Things, and mobile application for horticultural farms. An overview on different techniques and technologies for soil fertility evaluation is also presented. The results obtained in a botanical garden that simulates the diversity of environment and plant diversity of a horticultural farm are discussed considering the challenges identified in the literature and field research. The study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the development of technologies that enable horticultural farmers to improve resources management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Multi-Cloud Warm-Absorber Model for NGC 4051

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    A multi-cloud model is presented which explains the soft X-ray excess in NGC 4051 and, consistently, the optical line spectrum and the SED of the continuum. The clouds are heated and ionized by the photoionizing flux from the active center and by shocks. Diffuse radiation, partly absorbed throughout the clouds, nicely fits the bump in the soft X-ray domain, while bremsstrahlung radiation from the gaseous clouds contribute to the fit of the continuum SED. Debris of high density fragmented clouds are necessary to explain the absorption oxygen throats observed at 0.87 keV and 0.74 keV. The debris are heated by shocks of about 200-300 km/s. Low velocity (100 km/s)-density (100 cm-3) clouds contribute to the line and continuum spectra, as well as high velocity (1000 km/s)-density (8000 cm-3) clouds which are revealed by the FWHM of the line profiles. The SED in the IR is explained by reradiation of dust, however, the dust-to-gas ratio is not particularly high. Radio emission is well fitted by synchrotron radiation created at the shock front by Fermi mechanism.Comment: 19 pages + 3 figures PostScrip

    Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis

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    A papilomatose respiratória recorrente da criança é uma doença rara, mas potencialmente ameaçadora da vida, e que atinge o trato respiratório com predilecção pela laringe e traqueia. É causada pelo papiloma-vírus humano (tipo 6 e 11). É uma das causas de rouquidão e obstrução da via aérea. É necessário um elevado grau de suspeição diagnóstica, tendo em conta as várias formas de apresentação. Apresenta-se o caso de uma criança de quatro anos de idade, com antecedentes de papilomatose laríngea, internada por obstrução respiratória alta grave e necessidade de traqueotomia de emergência. A tipagem viral realizada posteriormente revelou tratar-se do papilomavírus humano tipo 11 e 72. Nos catorze meses seguintes foi submetida a seis intervenções cirúrgicas, inicialmente por técnicas convencionais e laser de CO2, e de seguida utilizando o novo método de microdebridador e aplicação de cidofovir intralesional. Trata-se de um caso ilustrativo de doença extremamente agressiva, que pôs em risco a vida da criança e com óbvia repercussão na sua qualidade de vida. A papilomatose respiratória recorrente, embora rara, deve estar presente nos diagnósticos diferenciais de estridor na criança, de modo a prevenir o crescimento de papilomas e a consequente obstrução grave das vias aéreas

    Risk assessment of exposure to multiple mycotoxins in the Icelandic population

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    Background: The proliferation of mycotoxin-producing fungi in agricultural settings poses a challenge to human health and nutrition around the world. Mycotoxins contaminate food sources and their negative health outcomes include carcinogenic, nephrotoxic, and teratogenic effects. Potential risks are still poorly characterized and few studies assess exposure at an individual level. Thus, the goal of this study was to assess and characterize exposure risk to multiple mycotoxins in the Icelandic population. Methods: Urine samples and data on urinary mycotoxin biomarkers (deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and ochratoxin A) from a pool of 171 individuals living in Iceland between 2020 and 2021 were used to estimate external doses through reverse dosimetry. For risk characterization, Hazard Quotient (HQ) and Margin of Exposure (MoE) approaches were applied for deoxynivalenol zearalenone, and ochratoxin A, respectively. Results: The Icelandic population was revealed to be exposed to multiple mycotoxins. Mean levels of deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A were comparable to what have been reported in other European studies, while levels of zearalenone were considerably lower. Nevertheless, risk assessment revealed safe levels of exposure to deoxynivalenol and zearalenone (HQ < 1) but MoE based on a neoplastic endpoint to ochratoxin A indicated a possible health concern for all participants (MoE < 10000). Conclusions: Although there are some uncertainties associated with a human biomonitoring approach, the results of this study confirm that mycotoxins are a growing threat to public health in the European continent. Since countries with different latitudes already present comparable levels of exposure, this is especially concerning in a climate change scenario. Further studies both on exposure assessment and specific effects on human health are required to accurately assess risk and introduce preventive measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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