68 research outputs found

    KAP Study on Immunization of Children in a City of North India – A 30 Cluster Survey

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    Background: To determine the knowledge, attitude and practices about immunization among respondents of children aged 12-23 months.\ud Methods: A total of 510 respondents were interviewed in the urban slums of Lucknow district of India, using 30 cluster sampling technique from January 2005 to April 2005. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to elicit the information about the knowledge, attitude and practices of the respondents regarding immunization. \ud Results: Knowledge regarding the disease prevented, number of doses and correct age of administration of BCG was highest among all the categories of respondents. The paramedical worker was the main source of information to the respondents of completely (52.0%) and partially immunized (48.5%) children while community leaders for unimmunized children. Those availing private facilities were more completely immunized, as compared to the government facilities. 55.8% of those who took 20 minutes to reach the immunization site were completely immunized as compared to 64.1% of those who took more than 20 minutes.\ud Conclusion: Considering the incomplete knowledge, and inappropriate practices of the people, the policy makers and medical professionals require Herculean efforts to raise the knowledge and to break the old beliefs of the peopl

    Involvement in Subject Learning Scale (ISLS)

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    Since 1984, when the American Department of Education published a report on higher education entitled "Involvement in learning, realizing the potential of American higher education," many studies have been conducted on this subject pertaining mainly to academic involvement and, a wide-range concept of involvement in learning. It is proposed here to limit the scope of this concept to involvement in subject learning as an easier bounded concept. The Involvement in Subject Learning Scale (ISLS) was therefore constructed and validated and is presented here with its psychometric characteristics. This scale is proposed as an educational outcome measure for research purposes on the quality of instruction in higher education.Depuis 1984, alors que le département d'éducation américain publiait son rapport sur l'enseignement supérieur intitulé: "Involvement in learning, realizing the potential of American higher education," plusieurs études ont été réalisées sur ce sujet relié à l'engagement académique et surtout sur le vaste concept d'engagement dans les études. Les auteurs proposent ici de limiter la portée de ce concept à l'engagement par rapport à la matière, une réalité plus facile à circonscrire. Ils ont alors procédé à la construction de l'instrument de mesure de l'engagement par rapport à la matière et à sa validation. Ils présentent ici cet instrument avec ses propriétés psychométriques et le proposent comme mesure des extrants à des fins de recherche sur la qualité de la formation universitaire

    Моделирование электрической нагрузки в установившихся и переходных режимах

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    Исследованы возможности современных программных комплексов в части моделирования нагрузки в переходных режимах и влияние вида и параметров моделей нагрузки на результаты расчета динамической устойчивости генераторов энергосистем.The possibilities of modern software systems in terms of load modeling in transient modes and the influence of the type and parameters of load models on the results in calculating the dynamic stability of power system generators are studied

    A web-based software tool for participatory optimization of conservation practices in watersheds

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    WRESTORE (Watershed Restoration Using Spatio-Temporal Optimization of Resources) is a web-based, participatory planning tool that can be used to engage with watershed stakeholder communities, and involve them in using science-based, human-guided, interactive simulation–optimization methods for designing potential conservation practices on their landscape. The underlying optimization algorithms, process simulation models, and interfaces allow users to not only spatially optimize the locations and types of new conservation practices based on quantifiable goals estimated by the dynamic simulation models, but also to include their personal subjective and/or unquantifiable criteria in the location and design of these practices. In this paper, we describe the software, interfaces, and architecture of WRESTORE, provide scenarios for implementing the WRESTORE tool in a watershed community's planning process, and discuss considerations for future developments

    How We Choose One over Another: Predicting Trial-by-Trial Preference Decision

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    Preference formation is a complex problem as it is subjective, involves emotion, is led by implicit processes, and changes depending on the context even within the same individual. Thus, scientific attempts to predict preference are challenging, yet quite important for basic understanding of human decision making mechanisms, but prediction in a group-average sense has only a limited significance. In this study, we predicted preferential decisions on a trial by trial basis based on brain responses occurring before the individuals made their decisions explicit. Participants made a binary preference decision of approachability based on faces while their electrophysiological responses were recorded. An artificial neural network based pattern-classifier was used with time-frequency resolved patterns of a functional connectivity measure as features for the classifier. We were able to predict preference decisions with a mean accuracy of 74.3±2.79% at participant-independent level and of 91.4±3.8% at participant-dependent level. Further, we revealed a causal role of the first impression on final decision and demonstrated the temporal trajectory of preference decision formation

    Evolving Trends in Orthodontics: Clear Aligner Therapy, Bio-mechanical Principles, and Custom Attachments

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    Orthodontic treatment has evolved significantly in recent years, with a growing emphasis on meeting patients' aesthetic demands. Using a series of custom-made plastic aligners, clear aligner therapy has gained popularity for treating mild to moderate malocclusions. This article traces the history of clear aligners, from their initial concept in the 1940s to the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing in the 1990s, exemplified by Align Technology's Invisalign system. While clear aligners offer advantages but have limitations, including their suitability for complex cases, patient compliance requirements, and cost considerations. The bio mechanical principles underlying clear aligner therapy are explored, focusing on two mechanisms: shape moulding, where aligners gradually adjust tooth positions, and using auxiliary elements to improve forecast accuracy. Custom attachments have emerged as a promising innovation to optimize tooth movements, approaching the precision achieved with traditional fixed appliance


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    Ascorbic acid commonly known as Vitamin C and it is water soluble vitamin having Antioxidant characteristics, abound in nature and highly labile.it is very important Vitamin for biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine and neurotransmitters. Some plants and animals synthesised this Vitamin but human, apes and some other are not able to synthesis this Vitamin due to lack of Gulonolactone oxidase enzyme. So, this Vitamin is supplemented by outer source like fruit, vegetable and synthetic pharmaceutical products. The current US recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for Ascorbic acid is 100-120 mg/day. Ascorbic acid has many biochemical functions like Antioxidant, Anti-antherogenic, Anti-carcinogenic, immunodulator and its preventing cold. It’s also associated with reduction of incidence of cancer, immunity, blood pressure, drug metabolism and urinary hydroxyproline excretion, tissue regeneration. Mainly it shows effective result in gastric cancer. Ascorbic acid decreases the death risk. Now day, This Vitamin is used in nutraceutical in human biology and health. Keywords: Ascorbic acid, Gulonolactone oxidase, antiantherogenic

    User Modeling And Personalized Optimization For Stakeholder-Driven Watershed Design

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    We have developed a web-based, interactive, watershed planning system called WRESTORE (Watershed Restoration Using Spatio-Temporal Optimization of Resources) (http://wrestore.iupui.edu) that allows stake-holder communities to participate in a democratic, collaborative form of optimization process for designing best management practices (BMPs) on their landscape, while also optimizing based on subjective, qualitative landowners’ criteria beyond the usual socio-economic, physical, and ecological criteria. This system utilizes multiple advanced computational approaches including the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) hydrologic model for watershed simulations, interactive genetic algorithms and reinforcement-based machine learning algorithms for search and optimization, and deep learning artificial neural networks for user modeling, within an encompassing human-computer interaction framework. A substantial user study of the WRESTORE system was conducted recently involving multiple real stakeholders varying from consultants, government officials, watershed alliance members, etc., with the objective of gaining insight about WRESTORE’s usability and utility. In particular focus was the user modeling component that develops a computational model of a user’s preferences and criteria, based on real-time user-provided ratings for a subset of possible designs (similar to the idea of user profiling commonly done for Information Filtering Systems). The user model constructed based on the real user’s personalized feedbacks can then be used to influence the automated search for and optimization of BMP alternatives in WRESTORE. In this paper, we describe the overall WRESTORE system architecture, the methods developed for user modeling for interactive optimization, and the experimental set-up as well as results with real user studies. These results clearly demonstrate that development of user models for such personalized, interactive optimization is both feasible and valuable for developing community-based computational water sustainability solutions

    Validation de l'inventaire de la situation d'apprentissage

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    Bhushan Vidya. Validation de l'inventaire de la situation d'apprentissage. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 31 n°332, 1977. pp. 52-58