752 research outputs found

    Caracterización físico-mecánica y microscópica de áridos ligeros de cenizas volantes producidos en frío

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    This study presents the results of the different tests carried out on fly ash lightweight aggregates produced with three different kinds of binders: Lime, Portland cement and Pozzolan Portland cement. The elaboration process used for the aggregates consisted in an agglomeration system by agitation under cold bonded hardening conditions. The tests carried out were a physical characterization of the aggregates, the determination of mechanical properties with a crushing test and, finally, the study of the microstructure of the aggregates with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dispersive energy X ray (EDX). From the point of view of mechanical strength, the results indicate that the best kind of aggregate is the one made with a 5% Pozzolan Portland cement. This result was confirmed by the microstructure analysis, which shows that this kind of aggregate presents the highest hydration speed.El estudio presenta los resultados obtenidos de ensayos realizados sobre áridos ligeros de cenizas volantes fabricados con tres tipos de conglomerantes: cal, cemento Portland puro y cemento portland puzolánico. El proceso de fabricación empleado para la elaboración de los áridos consistió en un sistema de aglomeración por agitación bajo condiciones de endurecimiento enfrío. Los ensayos efectuados comprenden la caracterización física de los áridos, la determinación de las propiedades mecánicas por medio de un ensayo de trituración y, finalmente, el estudio de la microestructura de los áridos con técnicas de microscopía de barrido (SEM) y energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDX). Desde el punto de vista de resistencia mecánica los resultados indican que el mejor tipo de árido es el fabricado con un 5% de cemento portland puzolánico. Este resultado se confirma con el análisis de la microestructura que demuestra que este tipo de árido presenta la mayor velocidad de hidratación

    Análisis estadístico de los resultados de una investigación de los efectos de la influencia de la contaminación atmosférica sobre indicadores biológicos en escolares de sexo masculino

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    Con el objeto de buscar indicadores biológicos humanos de los efectos de la contaminación atmosférica se ha ejecutado un proyecto analítico exploratorio con poblaciones escolares en el centro de la ciudad de Santiago y en la comuna rural de María Pinto (Región Metropolitana). Se trabajó con 114 voluntarios escolares varones entre 10 y 14 años en el Instituto Nacional en Santiago y con un grupo de conrtol, similar, de 51 escolares en María Pinto. En sangre venosa y saliva obtenidas de estos voluntarios se hicieron determinaciones de variables inmunológicas, hematológicas y bioquímicas y medición de la actividad fagocítica del macrófago de sangre periférica. Se hicieron igualmente determinaciones antropométricas. Se determinó también factores de contaminación atmosférica por partículas en ambos lugares: se comprobó que la calidad de aire es significativamente diferente en ellos. Se resumen los resultados globales del proyecto y su análisis estadístico: se discuten tres metodologías alternativas que permitirían tomar en cuenta diferencias de estado nutricional entre ambas poblaciones que pudieran afectar los niveles de respuesta en las variables principales. Las concentraciones de imnunoglobulinas y los factores de complementos C3 y C4 no se muestran como indicadores biológicos efectivos de la contaminación por partículas en la atmósfera. Subsiste la posibilidad de que las variables: capacidad antioxidante del plasma, metahemoglobina, hematocrito, concentración de Fe en materia seca de sangre y otras puedan servir como tales indicadores. Las variaciones conjuntas del índice de fagocitosis y del % de killing evidencian un significativo stress oxidativo

    Efecto de la resistencia intrínseca del árido ligero en la resistencia a compresión y rigidez del hormigón ligero

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    The study of Structural Lightweight Concrete (SLC), which is a material generally composed of cement, water and lightweight aggregate, has been mainly focused on developing particular cases. Then, the main objective of this research was to generalise the knowledge of this type of material. Particularly, the effect of replacing conventional coarse aggregate by lightweight aggregate on mechanical properties of concrete was studied. SLC may be conceived as a two -phase material. The first phase, composed of cement, water and siliceous natural sand, is called the "resistant phase", and contributes to the structural strength. The second phase is the lightweight phase, comprised of coarse lightweight aggregate, and it is meant to decrease the concrete density. In this way it would be possible to describe the mechanical behaviour of concrete, based on lightweight aggregate and the cement mortar parameters. The obtained results allow for the proposition of relationships between mechanical properties of SLC (such as compressive strength and modulus of elasticity) and the constituent materials properties and amount. At the same time, an easily measured index representing the structural capability of lightweight aggregate is also proposed, this index allows to estimate the potential mechanical properties of concrete which could be obtained by using a particular aggregate.El estudio del Hormigón Ligero Estructural (HLE), material compuesto generalmente por cemento, agua y árido ligero, ha estado enfocado principalmente al desarrollo de casos particulares. Por lo anterior, el objetivo principal de esta investigación fue generalizar el conocimiento sobre este material. En particular, la meta de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto que tiene el reemplazo de árido convencional por un árido ligero, en las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón. El modelo aplicado conceptualiza al HLE como un material de dos fases, una denominada "soportante", constituida por pasta de cemento más arena normal y otra "ligera", formada por árido grueso ligero. La primera aporta la resistencia estructural y la segunda disminuye la densidad del hormigón. De esta forma sería posible describir el comportamiento mecánico del hormigón en función de parámetros del árido ligero y del mortero de cemento. A partir de los resultados se proponen relaciones entre las propiedades mecánicas del HLE (resistencia a compresión y rigidez) y las propiedades y cantidad de los materiales constituyentes. Asimismo, se propone un índice para caracterizar la capacidad estructural del árido ligero, que es de fácil medición y permite estimar las propiedades mecánicas potenciales del hormigón que se podrían obtener con el uso de un árido determinado

    La esterificación de ácido oleico en policosanoles aumenta su biodisponibilidad y el efecto hipocolesterolémico en ratas

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    Policosanol comprises a mixture of long-chain aliphatic alcohols from sugarcane wax. More than 50 studies indicate that policosanol decreases serum cholesterol, while others failed to reproduce this effect. The objective of this investigation was to assess the bioavailability of esterified policosanol and non-esterified policosanol (NEP), in relation to their hypocholesterolemic effects. Sprague Dawley rats were given a daily oral dose of 100 mg/kg of NEP, 117 mg kg–1 of butyric acid esterified policosanol (BAEP), or 164 mg kg–1 of oleic acid esterified policosanol (OAEP). Policosanol absorption was evaluated in plasma between 0 and 3 hours after ingestion. To assess changes in total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDLcholesterol and triacylglycerols in plasma and liver 3-hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG- CoA red) phosphorylation, the rats were supplemented with nonesterified or esterified policosanol for 5 weeks. The results indicate that policosanol absorption was significantly greater in OAEP-treated rats than in those subjected to NEP or BAEP administration. OAEP significantly reduced plasma total and LDL-cholesterol in rats, in addition to a 5.6-fold increase (P < 0.05) in the hepatic content of phosphorylated HMG-CoA red over the control values. In conclusion, esterification of policosanol with oleic acid enhances policosanol bioavailability, and significantly improves the serum lipid profile in normocholesterolemic rats in association with the inactivation of HMG-CoA red controlling cholesterogenesis.Los Policosanoles están formados por una mezcla de alcoholes alifáticos de cadena larga y se obtienen de las ceras de la caña de azúcar. Más de cincuenta estudios indican que los policosanoles reducen el colesterol sérico, mientras que otros no logran reproducir este efecto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la biodisponibilidad de policosanoles esterificados y no esterificados (NEP), en relación con sus efectos hipocolesterolémicos. Para ello, a ratas Sprague Dawley se les administró una dosis oral diaria de 100 mg kg–1 de NEP, 117 mg kg–1 de policosanoles esterificados con ácido butírico (BAEP), ó 164 mg kg–1 de policosanoles esterificados con ácido oleico (OAEP). La absorción de los policosanoles se evaluó en el plasma entre 0 y 3 horas después de la ingestión. Para evaluar los cambios en el colesterol total, colesterol-LDL, colesterol-HDL y triglicéridos en el plasma y en la fosforilación de la hígado 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril coenzima A reductasa (HMG-CoA red), la ingesta de las ratas fue suplementada con policosanoles no esterificados o esterificados durante 5 semanas. Los resultados indicaron que la absorción de los policosanoles fue significativamente mayor en las ratas tratadas con los OAEP que en las sometidas a los NEP o las que se les administró BAEP. Los OAEP redujeron significativamente el colesterol plasmático total y el colesterol- LDL de las ratas, además de aumentar 5.6 veces (P < 0,05) sobre los valores control, en el contenido hepático de la HMG-CoA fosforilada red. En conclusión, la esterificación de policosanoles con ácido oleico aumenta la biodisponibilidad de los policosanoles, y mejora significativamente el perfil de lípidos séricos en ratas normocolesterolémicos en asociación con la inactivación de la colesterogénesis control HMG-CoA red

    Pharmacokinetics of intravenous and subcutaneous cefovecin in alpacas

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of cefovecin after intravenous and subcutaneous dose of 8 mg/kg to alpacas. Bacterial infections requiring long‐term antibiotic therapy such as neonatal bacteremia, pneumonia, peritonitis, dental, and uterine infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in this species. However, few antimicrobials have been evaluated and proven to have favorable pharmacokinetics for therapeutic use. Most antimicrobials that are currently used require daily injections for many days. Cefovecin is a long‐acting cephalosporin that is formulated for subcutaneous administration, and its long‐elimination half‐life allows for 14‐day dosing intervals in dogs and cats. The properties of cefovecin may be advantageous for medical treatment of camelids due to its broad spectrum, route of administration, and long duration of activity. Pharmacokinetic evaluation of antimicrobial drugs in camelids is essential for the proper treatment and prevention of bacterial disease, and to minimize development of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains due to inadequate antibiotic concentrations. Cefovecin mean half‐life, volume of distribution at steady‐state, and clearance after intravenous administration were 10.3 h, 86 mL/kg, and 7.07 mL·h/kg. The bioavailability was 143%, while half‐life, Cmax, and Tmax were 16.9 h, 108 μg/mL, and 2.8 h following subcutaneous administration. In the absence of additional microbial susceptibility data for alpaca pathogens, the current cefovecin dosage regimen prescribed for dogs (8 mg/kg SC every 14 days) may need to be optimized for the treatment of infections in this species

    Impact on clinical practice of the preoperative screening of Covid-19 infection In surgical oncological patients. Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background In the oncological patient, an COVID-19-Infection, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, a surgical procedure may carry a higher postoperative morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to describe the impact on clinical practice of sequential preoperative screening for COVID-19-infection in deciding whether to proceed or postpone surgery. Methods Prospective, cohort study, based on consecutive patients’ candidates for an oncological surgical intervention. Sequential preoperative screening for COVID-19-infection: two-time medical history (telematic and face-to-face), PCR and chest CT, 48 h before of surgical intervention. COVID-19-infection was considered positive if the patient had a suggestive medical history and/or PCR-positive and/or CT of pneumonia. Results Between April 15th and May 4th, 2020, 179 patients were studied, 97 were male (54%), mean (sd) age 66.7 (13,6). Sequential preoperative screening was performed within 48 h before to surgical intervention. The prevalence of preoperative COVID-19-infection was 4.5%, 95%CI:2.3–8.6% (8 patients). Of the operated patients (171), all had a negative medical history, PCR and chest CT. The complications was 14.8% (I-II) and 2.5% (III-IV). There was no mortality. The hospital stay was 3.1 (sd 2.7) days. In the 8 patients with COVID-19-infection, the medical history was suggestive in all of them, 7 presented PCR-positive and 5 had a chest CT suggestive of pneumonia. The surgical intervention was postponed between 15 and 21 days. Conclusion Preoperative screening for COVID-19-infection using medical history and PCR helped the surgeon to decide whether to go ahead or postpone surgery in oncological patients. The chest CT may be useful in unclear cases

    Desarrollo de mezclas de hormigón poroso para pavimentos urbanos permeables

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    The present study aimed to analyze the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of a series of roller-compacted, laboratory porous concrete mixtures. The mix design variables examined were the actual void ratio in the hardened concrete and the water/cement ratio. From these results the better dosages from the mechanical and hydraulical behaviour point of view were determined. One of the designs developed was found to exhibit excellent hydraulic capacity and 20% greater strength than the mixtures recommended in the literature. Moreover, concrete with an actual void ratio of only 14% was observed to meet permeability requirements. Maximum flexural strength of concretes with different w/c ratios was achieved with a cement paste content of 250 l/m3. Relationships were found between the void ratio and both 28-day concrete permeability and flexural strength. Finally, the doses exhibiting the best mechanical and hydraulic performance were identified.El trabajo realizado en este estudio consistió en analizar el comportamiento de diferentes dosificaciones de mezclas de hormigón poroso, fabricadas en laboratorio y compactadas con rodillo pesado para simular las condiciones de terreno. Las variables consideradas para el diseño de las mezclas fueron el porcentaje real de huecos en el hormigón endurecido y la razón agua/cemento. A partir de estos resultados se determinaron las dosificaciones que presentan mejor comportamiento desde el punto de vista mecánico e hidráulico. Los resultados muestran que existe una dosificación de hormigón poroso, distinta a las encontradas actualmente en la literatura internacional, que permite obtener resistencias hasta 20% más altas, manteniendo todavía una excelente capacidad hidráulica. Se determinó que una permeabilidad suficiente se puede obtener con un porcentaje real de huecos de 14%, y que agregar pasta de cemento en una proporción de 250 l/m3 permite maximizar la resistencia a flexotracción de hormigones que utilizan diferentes razones a/c. Se encontraron relaciones entre el porcentaje de huecos y la permeabilidad del material, y entre el porcentaje de huecos y la resistencia a flexotracción a 28 días

    Protective effects of eicosapentaenoic acid plus hydroxytyrosol supplementation against white adipose tissue abnormalities in mice fed a high-fat diet

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    Objective: Obesity induced by high-fat diet (HFD) elicits white adipose tissue dysfunction. In this study, we have hypothesized that the metabolic modulator eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) combined with the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol (HT) attenuates HFD-induced white adipose tissue (WAT) alterations. Methods: C57BL/6J mice were administered with a HFD (60% fat, 20% protein, 20% carbohydrates) or control diet (CD; 10% fat, 20% protein, 70% carbohydrates), with or without EPA (50 mg/kg/day), HT (5 mg/kg/day), or both for 12 weeks. Determinations in WAT include morphological parameters, EPA and docosahexaenoic acid content in phospholipids (gas chromatography), lipogenesis, oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation markers, and gene expression and activities of transcription factors, such as sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ), nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) (p65 subunit) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) (quantitative polymerase chain reaction and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay). Results: HFD led to WAT hypertrophy in relation to PPAR-γ downregulation. WAT metabolic dysfunction was characterized by upregulation of lipogenic SREBP-1c system, mitochondrial energy metabolism depression, loss of the antioxidant Nrf2 signaling with OS enhancement, n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids depletion and activation of the pro-inflammatory NF-κB system. EPA and HT co-supplementation diminished HFD-dependent effects additively, reaching values close or similar to controls. Conclusion: Data presented strengthen the importance of combined protocols such as EPA plus HT to attenuate metabolic-inflammatory states triggered by obesity

    Analysis of the structure, configuration, and sizing of Cu and Cu oxide nanoparticles generated by fs laser ablation of solid target in liquids

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    We report on the analysis of structure, configuration, and sizing of Cu and Cu oxide nanoparticles (Nps) produced by femtosecond (fs) laser ablation of solid copper target in liquids. Laser pulse energy ranged between 500 µJ and 50 µJ. Water and acetone were used to produce the colloidal suspensions. The study was performed through optical extinction spectroscopy using Mie theory to fit the full experimental spectra, considering free and bound electrons size dependent contributions to the metal dielectric function. Raman spectroscopy and AFM technique were also used to characterize the sample. Considering the possible oxidation of copper during the fabrication process, two species (Cu and Cu2O) arranged in two structures (bare core or core-shell) and in two configuration types (Cu-Cu2O or Cu2O-Cu) were considered for the fitting depending on the laser pulse energy and the surrounding media. For water at high energy, it can be observed that a Cu-Cu2O configuration fits the experimental spectra of the colloidal suspension, while for decreasingenergy and below a certain threshold, a Cu2O-Cu configuration needs to be included for theoptimum fit. Both species coexist for energies below 170 µJ for water. On the other hand, for acetone at high energy, optimum fit of the full spectrum suggests the presence a bimodal Cu-Cu2O core-shell Nps distribution while for decreasing energy and below a 70 µJ threshold energy value, Cu2O-Cu core-shell Nps must be included, together with the former configuration, for the fit of the full spectrum. We discuss possible reasons for the changes in the structural configuration of the core-shell Nps.Fil: Schinca, Daniel Carlos. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.exactas. Instituto de Fisica de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Videla, Fabian Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Opticas (i); ArgentinaFil: Fernández van Raap, Marcela Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ingenieria; ArgentinaFil: Scaffardi, Lucia Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Opticas (i); ArgentinaFil: Santillán, Jesica María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Opticas (i); Argentin

    SMEDL: Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Monitoring

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    Two major approaches have emerged in runtime verification, based on synchronous and asynchronous monitoring. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages and is applicable in different situations. In this paper, we explore a hybrid approach, where low-level properties are checked synchronously, while higher-level ones are checked asynchronously. We present a tool for constructing and deploying monitors based on an architecture specification. Monitor logic and patterns of communication between monitors are specified in a language SMEDL. The language and the tool are illustrated using a case study of a robotic simulator