2,066 research outputs found

    Stable strong Fenchel and Lagrange duality for evenly convex optimization problems

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    By means of a conjugation scheme based on generalized convex conjugation theory instead of Fenchel conjugation, we build an alternative dual problem, using the perturbational approach, for a general optimization one defined on a separated locally convex topological space. Conditions guaranteeing strong duality for primal problems which are perturbed by continuous linear functionals and their respective dual problems, which is named stable strong duality, are established. In these conditions, the fact that the perturbation function is evenly convex will play a fundamental role. Stable strong duality will also be studied in particular for Fenchel and Lagrange primal–dual problems, obtaining a characterization for Fenchel case.This research was partially supported by MINECO of Spain and FEDER of EU, [grant numberMIM2014-59179-C2-1-P]; Conselleria de la Educacion de la Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, Pre-doc Program Vali+d, DOCV 6791/07.06.2012, [grant number ACIF-2013-156]

    Analyzing peptides and proteins by mass spectrometry: principles and applications in proteomics

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32166The study of proteins has been a key element in biomedicine and biotechnology because of their important role in cell functions or enzymatic activity. Cells are the basic unit of living organisms, which are governed by a vast range of chemical reactions. These chemical reactions must be highly regulated in order to achieve homeostasis. Proteins are polymeric molecules that have taken on the evolutionary process the role, along with other factors, of control these chemical reactions. Learning how proteins interact and control their up and down regulations can teach us how living cells regulate their functions, as well as the cause of certain anomalies that occur in different diseases where proteins are involved. Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical widely used technique to study the protein content inside the cells as a biomarker point, which describes dysfunctions in diseases and increases knowledge of how proteins are working. All the methodologies involved in these descriptions are integrated in the field called Proteomics

    E′-Convex Sets and Functions: Properties and Characterizations

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    The main properties of evenly convex sets and functions have been deeply studied by different authors, and a duality theory for evenly convex optimization problems has been well developed as well. In this theory, the notion of e′-convexity appears as a necessary requirement for obtaining important results in strong and stable strong duality. This fact has motivated the authors to study possible properties of this kind of convexity in sets and functions, which is closely connected to even convexity

    On Subdifferentials Via a Generalized Conjugation Scheme: An Application to DC Problems and Optimality Conditions

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    This paper studies properties of a subdifferential defined using a generalized conjugation scheme. We relate this subdifferential together with the domain of an appropriate conjugate function and the ε-directional derivative. In addition, we also present necessary conditions for ε-optimality and global optimality in optimization problems involving the difference of two convex functions. These conditions will be written via this generalized notion of subdifferential studied in the first sections of the paper.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Research partially supported by MICIIN of Spain and ERDF of EU, Grant PGC2018 097960-B-C22

    New duality results for evenly convex optimization problems

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    We present new results on optimization problems where the involved functions are evenly convex. By means of a generalized conjugation scheme and the perturbation theory introduced by Rockafellar, we propose an alternative dual problem for a general optimization one defined on a separated locally convex topological space. Sufficient conditions for converse and total duality involving the even convexity of the perturbation function and c-subdifferentials are given. Formulae for the c-subdifferential and biconjugate of the objective function of a general optimization problem are provided, too. We also characterize the total duality by means of the saddle-point theory for a notion of Lagrangian adapted to the considered framework.Research partially supported by MINECO of Spain and ERDF of EU, Grant MTM2014-59179-C2-1-P, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Project M-2045, and German Research Foundation (DFG), Project GR3367/4-1

    A comparison of alternative c-conjugate dual problems in infinite convex optimization

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    In this work, we obtain a Fenchel–Lagrange dual problem for an infinite dimensional optimization primal one, via perturbational approach and using a conjugation scheme called c-conjugation instead of classical Fenchel conjugation. This scheme is based on the generalized convex conjugation theory. We analyse some inequalities between the optimal values of Fenchel, Lagrange and Fenchel–Lagrange dual problems and we establish sufficient conditions under which they are equal. Examples where such inequalities are strictly fulfilled are provided. Finally, we study the relations between the optimal solutions and the solvability of the three mentioned dual problems.This research was partially supported by MINECO of Spain and ERDF of EU [grant number MTM2014-59179-C2-1-P]; Consellería de la Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, Pre-doc Program Vali+d, DOCV 6791/07.06.2012 [grant number ACIF-2013-156]

    Development of a questionnaire to assess patient satisfaction with allergen-specific immunotherapy in adults: item generation, item reduction, and preliminary validation

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    Journal Article;BACKGROUND Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) is a treatment capable of modifying the natural course of allergy, so ensuring good adherence to SIT is fundamental. Up until now there has not existed an instrument specifically developed to measure patient satisfaction with SIT, although its assessment could help us to comprehend better and improve treatment adherence and effectiveness. The aim of this study was to develop an instrument to measure adult patient satisfaction with SIT. METHODS Items were generated from a literature review, focus groups with allergic adult patients undergoing SIT, and a meeting with experts. Potential items were administered to allergic patients undergoing SIT in an observational, cross-sectional, multicenter study. Item reduction was based on quantitative and qualitative criteria. A preliminary assessment of feasibility, reliability, and validity of the retained items was performed. RESULTS An initial pool of 70 items was administered to 257 patients undergoing SIT. Fifty-four items were eliminated resulting in a provisional instrument with 16 items. Factor analysis yielded four factors that were identified as perceived efficacy, activities and environment, cost-benefit balance, and overall satisfaction, explaining 74.8% of variance. Ceiling and floor effects were negligible for overall score. Overall score was associated with the type and intensity of symptoms. CONCLUSION This is the first attempt to develop a satisfaction with SIT measure from the perspective of the allergic patient, and evidence has been found in favor of its reliability and validity.Ye

    Putting people first: a multidimensional approach to health socioeconomic determinants

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    Person Centered Healthcare aims for the involvement of patients to provide quality healthcare services based on committed healthcare professionals. This paradigm implies shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and patients involving various aspects of the patient-healthcare relation. The present work focuses on the importance of analysing healthcare services distribution considering communities’ specificities. To develop appropriate healthcare solutions that fit people needs, public health policies should be designed in a manner that involves health stakeholders, experts and the civil society. The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development proposes the Sustainable Development Goal 3 in order to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” which is in alignment with the Person Centered Healthcare aims. The present work proposes a tailored made index SEHVI – Socioeconomic Health Vulnerability Index – applied to Portuguese mainland population. In the scope of the principle of patient-centered healthcare services, SEHVI aggregates seven health outcomes indicators – mortality variables – and twenty-eight health determinants indicators: healthcare resources, social protection, education, water and sanitation, employment and income, air pollution, waste, land use, housing, social participation and safety variables. Data was collected from official statistical databases – INE, PORDATA and APA – and disaggregated at the municipal scale, allowing a diagnose of people’s needs and specificities at a local level. Years 2009, 2015 and 2018 were chosen to evaluate population health status. The country national score was used as the benchmark enabling the identification of vulnerable communities. The majority (72 %) of the mainland population experiences more vulnerable health conditions than the country’s average. SEHVI scores reveal a deterioration of health determinants in the period of study. Populations’ socioeconomic and environmental conditions play an important role in health outcomes, stressing the need to provide adequate healthcare services in the context of a centered healthcare approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of self and peer assessment in Higher Education

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    Self-assessment and peer assignment have clear advantages for the training of responsible, critical, and reflective professionals. In recent years, self and peer evaluation have also been shown to be even more effective than lecturer evaluation when we assure anonymity through online platforms learning tools. Therefore, self and peer assessments are to become a core aspect of student-centred evaluation processes in Higher Education. In the present work, we compare the formative evaluation from the lecturer with the self and peer assessments through a virtual learning environment. The subject of study if formed by assessments prepared by students in a first-year course in a Social Sciences degree at the Universidade de Vigo, Spain. We find a strong concordance between peer assessment and lecturer assignment, and a moderate agreement between self-assessment and lecturer assignment. These results show that students perform well as peer evaluators, with peer assignment being a procedure with high validity and reliability.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. ECO2017-82241-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2019/34Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2016/04

    V Jornades EducaciĂł i Arxius. Patrimoni documental i centres educatius

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    V Jornades Educació i Arxius. Patrimoni documental i centres educatius, Barcelona, 23 d'octubre de 2015Des del 2002, any en què vam organitzar les I Jornades Educació i Arxius, arxivers i docents hem anat avançant en la reflexió conjunta sobre temes didàctics vinculats a la utilització dels documents d’arxiu com a font de la recerca. És per això que, amb la voluntat de continuar caminant junts i de dissenyar línies de col·laboració noves, celebrem les V Jornades, amb les quals ens proposem: - Fomentar el coneixement del patrimoni cultural a partir de les fonts d’arxiu. - Impulsar l’ús dels arxius escolars com a recurs didàctic. - Reflexionar i aportar elements tècnics per a la gestió dels arxius dels centres educatius. Les Jornades han estat obertes a la participació tant del professorat dels ensenyaments primari i secundari com de professionals de l’arxivística amb interès en aquest àmbit
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