1,234 research outputs found

    An Algebraic Approach to Valued Constraint Satisfaction

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    [EN]We study the complexity of the valued CSP (VCSP, for short) over arbitrary templates, taking the general framework of integral bounded linearly order monoids as valuation structures. The class of problems considered here subsumes and generalizes the most common one in VCSP literature, since both monoidal and lattice conjunction operations are allowed in the formulation of constraints. Restricting to locally finite monoids, we introduce a notion of polymorphism that captures the pp-definability in the style of Geiger’s result. As a consequence, sufficient conditions for tractability of the classical CSP, related to the existence of certain polymorphisms, are shown to serve also for the valued case. Finally, we establish the dichotomy conjecture for the VCSP, modulo the dichotomy for classical CSP.The work was partly supported by the grant No. GA17-04630S of the Czech Science Foundation and partly by the long-term strategic development financing of the Institute of Computer Science (RVO:67985807).Peer reviewe

    On strongly standard complete fuzzy logics: MTLQMTL^Q_* and its expansions

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    Finding strongly standard complete axiomatizations for t-norm based fuzzy logics (i.e. complete for deductions with infinite sets of premises w.r.t. semantics on the real unit interval [0, 1]) is still an open problem in general, even though results are already available for some particular cases like some infinitary logics based on a continuous t-norm or certain expansions of Monoidal t-norm based logic (MTL) with rational constant symbols. In this paper we propose a new approach towards the problem of defining strongly standard complete for logics with rational constants in a simpler way. We present a method to obtain a Hilbert-Style axiomatization of the logic associated to an arbitrary standard MTL-algebra expanded with additional connectives whose interpretations on [0, 1] are functions with no jump-type discontinuities.Authors are grateful to anonymous reviewers and acknowledge partial support of the Mineco project TIN2012-39348-C02-01.Peer Reviewe

    Heritage and community centre in Matta Sur, Chile

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    [EN] The Matta Sur neighbourhood in Santiago acquired official protection for its heritage value in 2016. It is the largest protected area in the city and one of the few in which vernacular architecture, local lifestyles and community networks withstand the city's rapid urban development.  It has a regular urban structure of wide streets framed by continuous facades, which predominantly belong to one-storey homes, organised around a central courtyard. They are built combining burnt or raw masonry and wood and earth traditional building systems, which are now discontinued and often misunderstood, leading to poor interventions which deteriorate the quality of buildings and liveable spaces. The Heritage and Community Centre Project attends the need for comprehensive interventions to approach appropriate conservation of Matta Sur under these circumstances. This project aims, on one hand, to provide a suitable community space within the neighbourhood and, on the other, to set an example for appropriate intervention, management and maintenance of the vernacular constructions in the neighbourhood. All of the process is developed through community-based design and intervention, attending to the role of community organisations in Chile, which have been traditionally responsible for filling the gap between public policies and community wellbeing, particularly in urban contexts, through strong solidarity networks. Through a process of co-design and co-management, the project aims to refurbish a traditional house of the neighbourhood into a community centre in which various community initiatives converge and which allows for these solidarity networks to keep functioning in a contemporary context.Rivera Vidal, A.; Gomez Maestro, C. (2022). Heritage and community centre in Matta Sur, Chile. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1063-1069. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.145271063106

    The Complexity of 3-Valued Lukasiewicz Rules

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    It is known that determining the satisfiability of n-valued Łukasiewicz rules is NP-complete for n ≥ 4, as well as that it can be solved in time linear in the length of the formula in the Boolean case (when n = 2). However, the complexity for n = 3 is an open problem. In this paper we formally prove that the satisfiability problem for 3-valued Łukasiewicz rules is NP-complete. Moreover, we also prove that when the consequent of the rule has at most one element, the problem is polynomially solvable. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.Research partially supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya grant AGAUR 2014-SGR-118, and the Ministerio de Economía y Competividad projects AT CONSOLIDER CSD2007-0022, INGENIO 2010, CO-PRIVACY TIN2011-27076-C03-03, EDETRI TIN2012-39348-C02-01 and HeLo TIN2012-33042. The second author was supported by Mobility Grant PRX14/00195 of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeportePeer reviewe

    On modal expansions of left-continuous t-norm logics

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    The authors have been suported by the MINECO project TIN2012-39348-C02-01. Vidal has also been supported by the FWF/GACR project I1897-N25.Peer reviewe

    Processo composicional e reflexão : do primeiro passo ao aço

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    Este trabalho de conclusão de curso em música popular trata da reflexão composicional, adentrando aspectos técnicos, formas e estruturas, análise harmônica e melódica. Da mesma forma, tratarei de aspectos intrínsecos que me levaram à composição destas canções. Terei ainda como produto final um álbum onde registrarei a performance de três canções autorais e um arranjo.This undergraduate thesis in popular music deals with compositional reflection, including technical aspects, forms and structures, harmonic and melodic analysis. In the same way, I will talk about intrinsic aspects that led me to composition of these songs.I will also have an album as the final product in which I will record the performance of these songs

    "Mas como é essa história?": experiências narradas por mulheres sobre infância(s) na ditadura militar brasileira

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Florianópolis, 2022.A presente pesquisa se propõe a pensar a infância como experiência, narrada por mulheres que vivenciaram o período histórico da ditadura brasileira na condição de criança. Para isso, foram realizados encontros com três mulheres que se tornaram sujeitos da pesquisa, sendo elas: Ângela Telma Lucena Imperatrice, Sônia Maria Haas e Sônia Sissy Kelly. A metodologia da conversa - compreendida como uma maneira não diretiva e não hierárquica de realizar uma pesquisa - foi utilizada como forma de aproximação e lugar de escuta para as experiências narradas pelas mulheres. (tiago ribeiro; rafael de souza; carmen sampaio, 2018). Ao que diz respeito à infância, esta é perspectivada a partir dos Estudos da Infância, por meio do qual é pensada para além do seu sujeito mais óbvio, a criança. Usualmente, quando ouvimos a palavra infância, somos lançados instantaneamente à imagem da criança. Na leitura da sociedade ocidental, habitualmente, os conceitos de criança e infância são confundidos. Isso porque a construção daquilo que se compreende ser a infância está atrelada a uma ideia de etapa cronológica da vida e, portanto, muito próximo da criança. (KOHAN, 2007). A infância com a qual essa investigação se fundamenta se compõe a partir do tempo aión: ?é a infância como intensidade, um situar-se intensivo no mundo; um sair sempre do ?seu? lugar e se situar em outros lugares, desconhecidos, inusitados, inesperados.? (KOHAN, 2007, p.95), compreendida a partir de um tempo de duração não passível de ser numerado e não sequencial, trata-se da infância como experiência passível de ser narrada que se circunscreve na micropolítica, nos acontecimentos e rompimentos da história. É tomando a infância, a experiência e a história que se intenta buscar o encontro com experiências da infância de mulheres adultas que viveram o regime militar na condição de crianças. Que infâncias são narradas por essas mulheres? Quais histórias suas vozes inscrevem? Considerando que eram crianças em determinado contexto, suas experiências cabem num lugar de vítimas somente? Que tempo de infância é narrado por elas? No decorrer do estudo, a etnografia se apresenta como um meio que se harmoniza com a proposta da investigação. A etnografia ocupa um lugar de interlocução entre os Estudos da Infância e a Antropologia para pensar a pesquisa, situada no campo da Infância e Educação. A perspectiva compreendida a situa para além de uma ferramenta metodológica, mas no sentido apontado por James Clifford (2016, p.152) que trata ?a própria etnografia como uma performance urdida por histórias poderosas?, alegórica ?tanto ao nível de seu conteúdo (aquilo que diz sobre as culturas e suas histórias), quanto de sua forma (aquilo que é implicado por seu modo textual). Deste modo, diz respeito a uma ética de ser e estar em pesquisa e, sobretudo, uma atenção constante acerca dos modos como se fala e escreve sobre o Outro e sua cultura, é tomada, portanto, como uma epistemologia. Aliada a perspectiva etnográfica a interseccionalidade (AKOTIRENTE, 2019) é utilizada como uma ferramenta de análise das narrativas das mulheres sujeitos da pesquisa, visto que estar em pesquisa etnográfica com as experiências da infância em um contexto de violências requer uma atenção sobre os marcadores sociais que atravessam essa experiência, buscando romper com os modos coloniais, universalizantes e homogeneizadores pelos quais buscamos conhecer o Outro e, consequentemente, a nós mesmos. Ainda, implica uma atenção sobre as escolhas dos recortes na construção do campo que é objetivado neste estudo a partir do ?reconhecimento e a aceitação da diferença? (ACHUTTI, 2004, p.94), contida no estabelecimento de vínculo real com os sujeitos da pesquisa. Assim, o estudo produzido com a infância e com as mulheres, sujeitos da pesquisa, dá visibilidade para outras infâncias que se inscrevem fora da normatividade e da institucionalidade, infâncias soterradas pela história linear oficial e que inscrevem modos de resistência e existência perante um regime autoritário e violento. A infância narrada enquanto tempo, lança luz sobre histórias individuais, inscritas em marcadores como: classe, gênero, raça, geração e expõe o processo de apagamento e silenciamento de sujeitos e da própria infância.Abstract: The present research proposes to bring out childhood as an experience, narrated by women who experienced the historical period of the Brazilian dictatorship as a child. For this, meetings were held with three women who became the research subjects: Ângela Telma Lucena Imperatrice, Sônia Maria Haas and Sônia Sissy Kelly. The conversation methodology ? held hereby as a non-directive and non-hierarchical way of carrying out standard researches ? was used as a way of approaching and listening to these experiences narrated by the women themselves. (ribeiro; souza; sampaio, 2018). Regarding childhood, this is the perspective of Childhood Studies, through which it is through beyond its most obvius subject, the child. Naturally, as we hear the word childhood, we are instantly thrown into the image of a child. Among the readings of Western society, the concepts of child and childhood are usually confused. This is because the construction of what is understood to be childhood is linked to an idea of a chronological stage of life and, therefore, very close to the child. (KOHAN, 2007). The childhood on which this investigation is based upon is composed fron Aion perspective of time: ?it is childhood as intensity, situating oneself intensively in the world; always leaving ?his own? place and locating himself among unknown, unusual, unexpected other places.? (KOHAN, 2007, p.95), understood from a time that cannot be numbered an not sequential, it is about childhood as an experience that can be narrated that is circunscribed in micropolitics, in the events and disruptions of history. It is by taking childhood, experience and history that we try to find the encounter with the childhood experiences of adult women who lived under the military regime as children. What childhoods narrated by these women? What stories do their voices inscribe? Considering that they were children in a certain context, do their experiences fit in a place of victims only? Whats childhood time is narrated by them? In the course of the study, ethnography present itself as a means that hamonizes with the research proposal. Ethnography occupies a place of dialogue between Childhood Studies and Antrhopology to think about research, located in the field of Childhood and Education. The perspectiva understood places it beyond a methodological tool, but in the sense pointed out by James Clifford (2016, p. 152) who trets ?ethnography itself as a performance woven by powerful stories?, allegorical ?both in terms of its content (what it says about cultures and their histories), and about their form (what is implied by their textual mode). In this way, it concerns an ethics of being and being in research and, above, all a constant attention to the ways in which the Other and its culture are spoken and written, it is taken, therefore, as an epistemology. Combined with the etnographic perspective, intersectionality (AKOTIRENTE, 2019) is used as a tool for analyzing the narratives of the women, subjects of this summary, since being in ethnographic research with childhood experiences in a context of violence requires attention to the social markers that cross this experience, seeking to break with the colonial, universalizing and homogenizing ways in which we seek to know the Other and, consequently, ourselves. Still, it implies an attention on the choices of the cuts in the construction of the field thar is objectified in this study from the ?recognition and aceppetance of the diference? (ACHUTTI, 2004, p.94), contained in the estabilishment of a real bond with the subjects of the search. Thus, the study produced with childhood and women, research subjects, gives visibility to other childhoods that are inscribed outside normativity and institucionality, childhoods buried by the official linear history and that inscribe modes of resistence and existence in the face of authoritarian and violent regime. Childhood narrated as time sheds light on individual stories, inscribed in markers such as: class, gender, race, generation and exposes the process of erasure and silencing of subjects and childhood itself