7 research outputs found

    Review of quantitative and functional lung imaging evidence of vaping-related lung injury

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    IntroductionThe pulmonary effects of e-cigarette use (or vaping) became a healthcare concern in 2019, following the rapid increase of e-cigarette-related or vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI) in young people, which resulted in the critical care admission of thousands of teenagers and young adults. Pulmonary functional imaging is well-positioned to provide information about the acute and chronic effects of vaping. We generated a systematic review to retrieve relevant imaging studies that describe the acute and chronic imaging findings that underly vaping-related lung structure-function abnormalities.MethodsA systematic review was undertaken on June 13th, 2023 using PubMed to search for published manuscripts using the following criteria: [(“Vaping” OR “e-cigarette” OR “EVALI”) AND (“MRI” OR “CT” OR “Imaging”)]. We included only studies involving human participants, vaping/e-cigarette use, and MRI, CT and/or PET.ResultsThe search identified 445 manuscripts, of which 110 (668 unique participants) specifically mentioned MRI, PET or CT imaging in cases or retrospective case series of patients who vaped. This included 105 manuscripts specific to CT (626 participants), three manuscripts which mainly used MRI (23 participants), and two manuscripts which described PET findings (20 participants). Most studies were conducted in North America (n = 90), with the remaining studies conducted in Europe (n = 15), Asia (n = 4) and South America (n = 1). The vast majority of publications described case studies (n = 93) and a few described larger retrospective or prospective studies (n = 17). In e-cigarette users and patients with EVALI, key CT findings included ground-glass opacities, consolidations and subpleural sparing, MRI revealed abnormal ventilation, perfusion and ventilation/perfusion matching, while PET showed evidence of pulmonary inflammation.Discussion and conclusionPulmonary structural and functional imaging abnormalities were common in patients with EVALI and in e-cigarette users with or without respiratory symptoms, which suggests that functional MRI may be helpful in the investigation of the pulmonary health effects associated with e-cigarette use

    Virus discovery by deep sequencing and assembly of virus-derived small silencing RNAs

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    In response to infection, invertebrates process replicating viral RNA genomes into siRNAs of discrete sizes to guide virus clearance by RNA interference. Here, we show that viral siRNAs sequenced from fruit fly, mosquito, and nematode cells were all overlapping in sequence, suggesting a possibility of using siRNAs for viral genome assembly and virus discovery. To test this idea, we examined contigs assembled from published small RNA libraries and discovered five previously undescribed viruses from cultured Drosophila cells and adult mosquitoes, including three with a positive-strand RNA genome and two with a dsRNA genome. Notably, four of the identified viruses exhibited only low sequence similarities to known viruses, such that none could be assigned into an existing virus genus. We also report detection of virus-derived PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in Drosophila melanogaster that have not been previously described in any other host species and demonstrate viral genome assembly from viral piRNAs in the absence of viral siRNAs. Thus, this study provides a powerful culture-independent approach for virus discovery in invertebrates by assembling viral genomes directly from host immune response products without prior virus enrichment or amplification. We propose that invertebrate viruses discovered by this approach may include previously undescribed human and vertebrate viral pathogens that are transmitted by arthropod vectors