164 research outputs found

    A Smart Approach to Harvest Date Forecasting

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    The concept of grape ripeness depends not only on the degree of enrichment of the chemical compounds in the grape and the volume of the berries, but also on the possible production purposes. The different types of maturation in individual cases are not sufficient for the decision on the harvest date. Taken together, however, they define oenological maturation times and help to harvest them. However, there are no consistent studies that correlate the chemical parameters obtained from must analysis and oenological maturation due to the nonlinearity of these two types of variables. Therefore, this work seeks to create a self-explanatory model that allows for the prediction of ideal harvest time, based on eneological parameters related to practices in new developments in knowledge acquisition and management in relational databases

    A Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cyber Security Risk in Healthcare Facilities

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    Over the last decades a number of guidelines have been proposed for best practices, frameworks, and cyber risk assessment in present computational environments. In order to improve cyber security vulnerability, in this work it is proposed and characterized a feasible methodology for problem solving that allows for the evaluation of cyber security in terms of an estimation of its entropic state, i.e., a predictive evaluation of its risk and vulnerabilities, or in other words, the cyber security level of such ecosystem. The analysis and development of such a model is based on a line of logical formalisms for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, consistent with an Artificial Neural Networks approach to computing, a model that considers the cause behind the action

    Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance

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    System analyses deal with interrelationships between different variables that keep the system in balance. In many analysis of complex thinking, a system is viewed as a complex unit in which the ‘whole’ is not reduced to the ‘sum’ of its parts; the system becomes an ambiguous item because it consists of several entities that interact with unforeseen results or, in other words, it is situated at a transdisciplinary level, it is impossible for an area to have a complete reading of its complexity. It was also mentioned that the concept of the open system best describes complexity by stating that ‘the laws of the organization are not equilibrium, but an imbalance that is restored or compensated for by stabilized dynamics’. This idea originated from the field of thermodynamics and the second law, in which the imbalance that it maintains allows the system for an apparent balance. This fragile steady state has something of a paradox, since the structures remain the same, but their constituents are changeable. The concept of open system undoes the door to a theory of evolution that can only derive from the interactions between a system and its ecosystem. Within this systemic approach, the focus of the analysis takes into account the ambiguity, multidisciplinary and complexity associated with system adjustment, i.e. it is intended to qualify an employee job based on their experience and knowledge as a measure of their impact on the organization performance

    An entropic approach to technology enable learning and social computing

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    Understanding one's own behavior is challenging in itself; understanding a group of different individuals and the many relationships between these individuals is even more complex. Imagine the amazing complexity of a large system made up of thousands of individuals and hundreds of groups, with countless relationships between those individuals and groups. However, despite this difficulty, organizations must be managed. Indeed, ultimately the organization's work is done by people, individually or collectively, alone or in combination with technology. Therefore, organizational behavior management is the central task of management work-it involves understanding the behavior patterns of individuals, groups, and organizations, predicting what behavioral reactions will be elicited by various managerial actions and finally applying this understanding. Undeniably, society's work is often done by organizations, and the role of management is to make organizations do that work. Without it, our entire society would quickly stop operating. Not only would the products you have come to know and love swiftly to evaporate from store shelves; food itself would suddenly become scarce, having drastic effects on huge numbers of people. To this end, the term Technology-Enhanced Learning is used to support workers' learning about technology; the gap between what is understood to be satisfactory and the current level of knowledge of the workforce is addressed by a Logic-programming-based Social Computing Framework entitled An Entropic Approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, which relies on computational structures built on Artificial Neural Networks and Cases-based Thinking, as well as predictions and/or assessments, to empower the level of knowledge of the employees, here in technology, later in other areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety of early physical therapy intervention after acute myocardial infarction

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    INTRODUCTION: Physical therapy during phase I of cardiac rehabilitation (CPT) can be started 12 to 24 hours after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), however, it is common to extend the bed rest due to fear of patient?s instability. OBJECTIVES: To assess the hemodynamic and autonomic responses to post-AMI patients when subjected to first day of phase I protocol of CPT, as well as their safety. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 51 patients with first uncomplicated AMI, 55 ± 11 years, 76% men. The patients were subjected to first day protocol phase I CPT, on average, 24 hours after AMI. The Instantaneous heart rate (HR) and RR interval were acquired by HR monitor (Polar?S810i) and blood pressure (BP) checked by auscultation. HR variability was analyzed in the time (RMSSD and RMSM-Ri in ms) and frequency domains. Power spectral density was expressed in absolute (ms²/Hz) and normalized (nu) units for the bands of low (LF) and high frequencies (HF) and as LF/HF ratio. RESULTS: The RMSSD, HF and HFnu have reduced performance of the exercises in relation to rest and post-exercise (p < 0.05), LFnu and LF/HF ratio increased (p < 0.05). HR and systolic BP showed an increase during the execution of the exercises in relation to rest (p < 0.05). There were no any signs and/or symptoms of exercise intolerance. CONCLUSION: The exercise was effective, because it caused changes hemodynamic and autonomic modulation in these patients, without causing any medical complications.INTRODUÇÃO: A fisioterapia na fase I da reabilitação cardiovascular (FTCV) pode ser iniciada de 12 a 24 horas após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), no entanto, é comum o repouso prolongado no leito em razão do receio de instabilização do paciente. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as respostas autonômicas e hemodinâmicas de pacientes pós-IAM submetidos ao primeiro dia de protocolo de FTCV fase I, bem como sua segurança. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 51 pacientes com primeiro IAM não complicado, 55 ± 11 anos, 76% homens. Foram submetidos ao primeiro dia do protocolo de FTCV fase I, em média 24 horas pós-IAM. A frequência cardíaca (FC) instantânea e os intervalos R-R do ECG foram captados pelo monitor de FC (Polar®S810i) e a pressão arterial (PA) aferida pelo método auscultatório. A variabilidade da FC foi analisada nos domínios do tempo (RMSSD e RMSM dos iR-R em ms) e da frequência. A densidade espectral de potência foi expressa em unidades absolutas (ms²/Hz) e normalizada (un) para as bandas de baixa (BF) e alta frequência (AF) e pela razão BF/AF. RESULTADOS: O índice RMSSD, a AF e a AFun apresentaram redução na execução dos exercícios em relação ao repouso pré e pós-exercício (p < 0,05), a BFun e a razão BF/AF aumentaram (p < 0,05). A FC e a PA sistólica apresentaram aumento durante a execução dos exercícios em relação ao repouso (p < 0,05). Não foi observado qualquer sinal e/ou sintoma de intolerância ao esforço. CONCLUSÕES: O exercício realizado foi eficaz, pois promoveu alterações hemodinâmicas e na modulação autonômica nesses pacientes, sem ocasionar qualquer intercorrência clínica.153163Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Autonomic dysfunction in COVID-19 patients receiving mechanical ventilation: A cross-sectional study

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can damage cardiac tissue by increasing troponin levels and inducing arrhythmias, myocarditis, and acute coronary syndrome. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the impact of COVID-19 on cardiac autonomic control in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: This cross-sectional analytical study of ICU patients of both sexes receiving mechanical ventilation was conducted in a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Patients were divided into COVID-19-positive (COVID(+)) and COVID-19-negative (COVID(-)) groups. Clinical data were collected and heart rate variability (HRV) records obtained using a heart rate monitor. RESULTS: The study sample comprised 82 subjects: 36 (44%) in the COVID(-) group (58.3% female; median age, 64.5 years) and 46 (56%) in the COVID(+) group (39.1% females; median age, 57.5 years). The HRV indices were lower than the reference values. An intergroup comparison identified no statistically significant differences in the mean normal-to-normal (NN) interval, standard deviation of the NN interval, or root mean square of successive differences in NN intervals. The COVID(+) group had an increased low frequency (P = 0.05), reduced high frequency (P = 0.045), and increased low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio (P = 0.048). There was a weak positive correlation between LF/HF and length of stay in the COVID(+) group. CONCLUSION: Patients who received mechanical ventilation had lower overall HRV indices. COVID(+) patients who received mechanical ventilation had lower vagal HRV components. These findings likely indicate clinical applicability, as autonomic control impairments are associated with a greater risk of cardiac death

    Avanço tecnológico da cirúrgia refrativa nos distúrbios refracionais

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    As falhas refrativas da visão são decorrentes de alterações no tamanho do olho ou no formato da córnea ou cristalino, assim os raios de luz não conseguem ser focados na retina, levando a uma alteração da imagem. E para enxergar nitidamente o ser humano depende da refração, e para corrigir as imperfeições que não deixa esse fenômeno acontecer usa-se as cirurgias refrativas, que são um dos principais avanços tecnológicos desejados pela maioria da população que possui necessidade de usar óculos ou lentes de contato, o objetivo principal do estudo é abordar os benefícios das cirurgias refrativas para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes acometidos por distúrbios refrativos diversos. Assim realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo e Google acadêmico. Foram empregados trabalhos dos últimos 5 anos, e selecionados 17 referências relacionados ao tema. Sendo assim, temos como conclusão que Lasik e Prk são as mais conhecidas técnicas para corrigir os erros refrativos de miopia, hipermetropia, astigmatismo e presbiopia, apesar de serem consideradas seguras podem gerar alguma complicação no pós-operatório que deve ser comunicada previamente a todos os pacientes. Portanto, é imprescindível analisar cada caso clínico de acordo com suas peculiaridades no pré-operatório e com a atuação da equipe multidisciplinar, realizar uma investigação oftalmológica específica sobre esse assunto para direcionar mais benefícios para os indivíduos

    Safety of early physical therapy intervention after acute myocardial infarction

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A fisioterapia na fase I da reabilitação cardiovascular (FTCV) pode ser iniciada de 12 a 24 horas após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), no entanto, é comum o repouso prolongado no leito em razão do receio de instabilização do paciente. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as respostas autonômicas e hemodinâmicas de pacientes pós-IAM submetidos ao primeiro dia de protocolo de FTCV fase I, bem como sua segurança. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 51 pacientes com primeiro IAM não complicado, 55 ± 11 anos, 76% homens. Foram submetidos ao primeiro dia do protocolo de FTCV fase I, em média 24 horas pós-IAM. A frequência cardíaca (FC) instantânea e os intervalos R-R do ECG foram captados pelo monitor de FC (Polar®S810i) e a pressão arterial (PA) aferida pelo método auscultatório. A variabilidade da FC foi analisada nos domínios do tempo (RMSSD e RMSM dos iR-R em ms) e da frequência. A densidade espectral de potência foi expressa em unidades absolutas (ms²/Hz) e normalizada (un) para as bandas de baixa (BF) e alta frequência (AF) e pela razão BF/AF. RESULTADOS: O índice RMSSD, a AF e a AFun apresentaram redução na execução dos exercícios em relação ao repouso pré e pós-exercício (p < 0,05), a BFun e a razão BF/AF aumentaram (p < 0,05). A FC e a PA sistólica apresentaram aumento durante a execução dos exercícios em relação ao repouso (p < 0,05). Não foi observado qualquer sinal e/ou sintoma de intolerância ao esforço. CONCLUSÕES: O exercício realizado foi eficaz, pois promoveu alterações hemodinâmicas e na modulação autonômica nesses pacientes, sem ocasionar qualquer intercorrência clínica