345 research outputs found

    Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède): results of farming trials

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    In the last years in the United States, the demand of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) larger than the size usually produced for sport fishing purposes has increased. The growth phase is carried on in ponds, after having evaluated different strains (Williamson and Carmichael, 1990) using feeds for salmonids (Tidwell et al., 1996) supplemented with amino acids (Coyle et al., 2000). Also in Italy, the market currently requires largemouth bass of 300-500 g. This situation has induced one farmer to cooperate with our research centre and carried out trials to verify the possibility of rearing this fish, from the fingerling stage up to the size suitable for food, using the same farming techniques as those currently being applied in the United States (Davis and Lock, 1997)

    Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède): reproduction management and larval rearing in Italy

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    Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède) was originally present into the waters of the eastern United States of America, northern Mexico and southern Canada. This species can be distinguished from the other black basses by the fact that its mouth extends to and beyond the edge of the eye and the first and the second dorsal fins are almost separated by a deep dip and there are no scales on the soft rayed of the second dorsal fin

    Artroplastia total no cementada en la coxartrosis secundaria a displasia y luxación congenita de cadera

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    Se revisan 13 prótesis no cementadas implantadas en 12 paciente s que presentaban una coxartrosis secundaria a una displasia congénita de cadera. Los paciente s han sido seguidos más de 2 años de evolución. En todos los casos se utilizó la via de abordaje postero-lateral. Se implantó siempre la prótesis tipo PCA procediéndose en 7 casos a la realización, a nivel acetabular, de un alo o autoinjerto complementario. A nivel femoral se utilizaron 7 vástagos estándar, 3 medianos y 3 largos para facilitar la restauración del centro rotatorio original de la cadera. En los pacientes que presentaban una luxación importante se llevaron a cabo osteotomías de acortamiento a nivel subtrocantérico. Los pacientes han sido evaluados pre y post-operatoriamente tanto desde el punto de vista radiográfico como clínico. Desde el punto de vista clínico, se obtuvieron 8 resultados excelentes, 3 buenos, 1 discreto y 1 malo. Todos los pacientes estaban plenamente satisfechos con el resultado de la operación habiendo aumentado drásticamente su nivel de actividad. Solamente en un caso fue necesario practicar una intervención de revisión a los 4 años de la artroplastia primitiva, a causa de una grave osificación periprotésica. Solamente se tuvo una complicación intraoperatoria consistente en una fractura de la diálisis femoral.Thirteen non-cemented hips prostheses implanted in 12 patients with an osteoartritis secundar y to congenita l dislocation and dysplasi a of the hip wer e reviewed . Patients had a more than 2 years follow-up. The postero-lateral surgical approach was employed in all cases. On the acetabular side, we always used the PCA socket type. On the femoral side we implanted a PCA standard stem in 7 cases, mid stem in 3 cases and a long stem in 3. Acetabular bone autograft was added in 7 patients. In order to restore the original center of rotacion of the hip, in patients with a severe dislocation we perfomed also a shortening sub-trochanteric osteotomy; all the patients wer e evaluated pre and post-operatively with two separate forms. The first regarding the clinical evaluation, the second for radiographic assessment. All the patients were fully satisfied with the operation increasing dramatically their activity level. We obtained 8 excellent results, 3 good, 1 fair and 1 poor. One case required a revision for a severe heterotopic bone formation about 4 years after the first implant. We had a diaphyseal femoral fracture as the sole inly an intraoperative complication

    Investigation of Squaramide Catalysts in the Aldol Reaction En Route to Funapide

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    Funapide is a 3,3’-spirocyclic oxindole with promising analgesic activity. A reported pilot-plant scale synthesis of this chiral compound involves an asymmetric aldol reaction, catalyzed by a common bifunctional thiourea structure. In this work, we show that the swapping of the thiourea unit of the catalyst for a tailored squaramide group provides an equally active, but rewardingly more selective, catalyst for this aldol reaction (from 70.5 to 85 % ee). The reaction was studied first on a model oxindole compound. Then, the set of optimal conditions was applied to the target funapide intermediate. The applicability of these conditions seems limited to oxindoles bearing the 3-substituent of funapide. Exemplifying the characteristics of target-focused methodological development, this study highlights how a wide-range screening of catalysts and reaction conditions can provide non-negligible improvements in an industrially viable asymmetric transformation

    Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a combined screening approach to individuate pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis

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    Objectives The DETECT algorithm has been developed to identify SSc patients at risk for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) yielding high sensitivity but low specificity, and positive predictive value. We tested whether cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) could improve the performance of the DETECT screening strategy. Methods Consecutive SSc patients over a 30-month period were screened with the DETECT algorithm and positive subjects were referred for CPET before the execution of right-heart catheterization. The predictive performance of CPET on top of DETECT was evaluated and internally validated via bootstrap replicates. Results Out of 314 patients, 96 satisfied the DETECT application criteria and 54 were positive. PAH was ascertained in 17 (31.5%) and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension in 23 (42.6%) patients. Within CPET variables, the slope of the minute ventilation to carbon dioxide production relationship (VE/VCO2 slope) had the best performance to predict PAH at right-heart catheterization [median (interquartile range) of specificity 0.778 (0.714\u20130.846), positive predictive value 0.636 (0.556\u20130.750)]; exploratory analysis on pre-capillary yielded a specificity of 0.714 (0.636\u20130.8) and positive predictive value of 0.714 (0.636\u20130.8). Conclusion In association with the DETECT algorithm, CPET may be considered as a useful tool in the workup of SSc-related pulmonary hypertension. The sequential determination of the VE/VCO2 slope in DETECT-positive subjects may reduce the number of unnecessary invasive procedures without any loss in the capability to capture PAH. This strategy had also a remarkable performance in highlighting the presence of pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension

    Analysis of Cometary Dust Impact Residues in the Aluminum Foil Craters of Stardust

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    In January 2006, the sample return capsule from NASA s Stardust spacecraft successfully returned to Earth after its seven year mission to comet Wild-2. While the principal capture medium for comet dust was low-density graded silica aerogel, the 1100 series aluminum foil (approximately 100 m thick) which wrapped around the T6064 aluminum frame of the sample tray assembly (STA) contains micro-craters that constitute an additional repository for Wild-2 dust. Previous studies of similar craters on spacecraft surfaces, e.g. the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), have shown that impactor material can be preserved for elemental and mineralogical characterization, although the quantity of impact residue in Stardust craters far exceeds previous missions. The degree of shock-induced alteration experienced by the Wild-2 particles impacting on foil will generally be greater than for those captured in the low-density aerogel. However, even some of the residues found in LDEF craters showed not only survival of crystalline silicates but even their solar flare tracks, which are extremely fragile structures and anneal at around 600 C. Laboratory hypervelocity experiments, using analogues of Wild-2 particles accelerated into flight-grade foils under conditions close to those of the actual encounter, showed retention of abundant projectile residues at the Stardust encounter velocity of 6.1 km/s. During the preliminary examination (PE) of the returned foils, using optical and electron microscopy studies, a diverse range in size and morphologies of micro-craters was identified. In this abstract we consider the state of residue preservation in a diverse range of craters with respect to their elemental composition and inferred mineralogy of the original projectiles

    Activating Killer Immunoglobulin Receptors and HLA-C: A successful combination providing HIV-1 control

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    Several studies demonstrated a relevant role of polymorphisms located within the HLA-B and -C loci and the Killer Immunoglobulin Receptors (KIRs) 3DL1 and 3DS1 in controlling HIV-1 replication. KIRs are regulatory receptors expressed at the surface of NK and CD8+ T-cells that specifically bind HLA-A and -B alleles belonging to the Bw4 supratype and all the -C alleles expressing the C1 or C2 supratype. We here disclose a novel signature associated with the Elite Controller but not with the long-term nonprogressor status concerning 2DS activating KIRs and HLA-C2 alleles insensitive to miRNA148a regulation. Overall, our findings support a crucial role of NK cells in the control of HIV-1 viremia

    Adjuvant vaginal interventional radiotherapy in early-stage non-endometrioid carcinoma of corpus uteri: a systematic review

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    Purpose: This systematic review focused on rare histological types of corpus uteri malignancy, including uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS), uterine clear cell carcinoma (UCCC), and uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC), and it is proposed to assist with clinical decision-making. Adjuvant treatment decisions must be made based on available evidences. We mainly investigated the role of vaginal interventional radiotherapy (VIRt) in UCS, UCCC, and UPSC managements. Material and methods: A systematic research using PubMed and Cochrane library was conducted to identify full articles evaluating the efficacy of VIRt in early-stage UPSC, UCCC, and UCS. A search in ClinicalTrials.gov was performed in order to detect ongoing or recently completed trials as well as in PROSPERO for ongoing or recently completed systematic reviews. Survival outcomes and toxicity rates were obtained. Results: All studies were retrospective. For UCS, the number of evaluated patients was 432. The 2- to 5-year aver- age local control (LC) was 91% (range, 74.2-96%), disease-free survival (DFS) 88% (range, 82-94%), overall survival (OS) 79% (range, 53.8-84.3%), the average 5-year cancer-specific survival (CSS) was 70% (range, 70-94%), and G3-G4 toxicity was 0%. For UCCC, the number of investigated patients was 335 (UCCC – 124, mixed – 211), with an average 5-year LC of 100%, DFS of 83% (range, 82-90%), OS of 93% (range, 83-100%), and G3-G4 toxicity of 0%. For UPSC, the number of examined patients was 1,092 (UPSC – 866, mixed – 226). The average 5-year LC was 97% (range, 87.1-100%), DFS 84% (range, 74.7-95.6%), OS 93% (range, 71.9-100%), CSS 89% (range, 78.9-94%), and G3-G4 toxicity was 0%. Conclusions: These data suggest that in adequately selected early-stage UPSC and UCCC patients, VIRt alone may be suitable in women who underwent surgical staging and received adjuvant chemotherapy. In early-stage UCS, a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach has to be planned, considering high-rate of pelvic and distant relapses